Title: HTML ???
1 HTML ???
Wen-Nung Tsai Ref http//www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/jg
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8What is an HTML File?
- Web pages (??) is simply an HTML file.
- HTML file is Essentially a text file, containing
small markup tags. - Markup tags tell the Web browser how to read and
display the page. - An HTML file can be created using a simple text
editor or FrontPage, .
- HTML HyperText Markup Language
- HTML are the instructions that tell a browser how
to lay out the information (text, images, etc) in
the browser window ( ????) - It is made up of tags an opening tag lthtmlgt and
a closing tag lt/htmlgt with the content that the
tag is applied to, in between them.
10????-HTML ??????
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt????lt/titlegt
lt/headgt ltbodygt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
? lthtmlgt ??
? lt/htmlgt ??
11- HTML??ltHTMLgtlt/HTMLgt
- ????????HTML?????HTML??.
- HEAD??ltHEADgtlt/HEADgt
- ????HTML??????????,?????.
- ????ltTITLEgtlt/TITLEgt
- ??????HTML???????,??????????????
- ???.
- ????ltBODY ?? gtlt/BODYgt
- ??
12HTML Elements
- Headings, Font Sizes, Color
- Comments
- Backgrounds
- Links and hyperlinks
- E-mail
- Pictures
- Lists
- Tables, Frames,
13Some HTML tags
- lthtmlgtlt/htmlgt - The start and closing tags of an
html document - ltheadgtlt/headgt - found at the beginning of an html
document, will contain information such as the
title, meta tags (content, keywords), css and
javascript information. - ltbodygtlt/bodygt - the bulk of your webpage
information is found between these two tags - lttablegtlt/tablegt - For tables, you also need the
row and column tags (you can also add a
border in the opening table tag) - lttrgtlt/trgt row
- lttdgtlt/tdgt column (the column tags are contained
within the row tags) - For example lttablegt lttrgt lttdgtlt/tdgtlttdgtlt/tdgtlt/trgtlt/
tablegt will produce a table with one row, two
columns - ltfontgtlt/fontgt - applies font type and size to
text - ltbgtlt/bgt - bold
- ltigtlt/igt - italicize
- lta hrefgtlt/agt - hyperlink
- ltpgtlt/pgt - paragraph
- ltbrgt line break
- ??HTML?????????????,?????
- lt???? ???????gt??lt/????gt
- ??? lt??gt ? lt/??gt ????????????????
- ?????????,????????????,?????????????????????
- lt????/gt
- Internet
- ???????????,?????????????????,???????????????60?
?????????????,???????????????????! - WWW(World Wide Web)?????
- ?????????,????????,WWW?????Internet???????,??????
??????????! - HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language.???????)
- ??HomePage???,????????
- Hypertext ???
- ??????????????????????,???????????????,?????????
????????????,???????????,????????????????? - ?????,HTML????????????????????
- ,?????????????????????
- Hyperlink ???
- ??????,???????????????????,??? ??,???????????????
???????????????????? - HomePage ??HTML??,????????????????????????????????
?????????????? - Browser ???(IE?Netscape)
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transmission Protocol.???????)
- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
- ?????????,???????????????????????????????????Hin
et,Seednet??. - FTP (File Transfer Protocol)TCP/IP
?????????????????? - TCP/IP
- ????/??????(Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol)???Internet????????????
- URL(Uniform Resource Locator)
- ?WWW????,??????URL??????Uniform Resource Locator
?????????????? URL???????,?????????????,??????????
?,?????//????????? - scheme//host.domainport/path/filenam
- ???????URL???http//www.csie.nctu.edu.twgopher
- ????????
- ?????Word?Excel?PowerPoint
- ?????????
- ?HTMLabc?HotDog
- ???????????
- ?MicroSoft FrontPage?Macromedia Dreamwaver
- WWW World Wide Web
- URL Uniform Resource Locator
- HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- Hyperlinks and Links
- Web Browser
- Web Server, Application Server
- http//w3c.org
21(No Transcript)
22The World Wide Web (WWW)
- Originated at the Conseil Européen pour la
Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). - Uses a browser (?? IE?Netscape) program to access
Web documents called Web pages and to display the
hypertext (including text, pictures, etc.) in the
Web pages. - Uses HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) to write
Web pages.
23WWW ?
- The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is an
information-sharing model that is built on top of
the Internet. The Web uses HTTP, only one of the
languages spoken over the Internet, to transmit
data and receive data from an Application Server.
The Netizen uses browsers, such as Internet
Explorer or Netscape, to access Web documents
called Web pages that are linked to each other
via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain
graphics, sounds, text and video.
24WWW-related Events
Date Event
03/1989 WWW project was originated by Timothy Berners-Lee
11/1990 A revised version of project by NeXT computer
03/1991 Release of WWW for testing
09/1993 Release of 1st version of Marc Andreessens Mosaic by NCSA
10/1993 gt 500 known HTTP servers in operation
10/1994 gt 10,000 know HTTP servers in operation
25Head??????? big5 ??
- ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetbig5"gt
ltcentergt?????lt/centergt lth1gt?????lt/h1gt????lth2gt
28?????? tag
- ltfont sizen color??gt?? lt/fontgt
- ltbrgt?? new Line
- ltpgt????
- ltpregt ?????????,
- ????
- lt/pregt
- lt bgt???lt/bgt
- ??ltsupgt??lt/supgt??ltsubgt??lt/subgt??
29???? ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltCENTERgt ltFONT SIZE"7"
COLOR"FF0000"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE"7"
COLOR"00FF00"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE"7"
COLOR"0000FF"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE"7"
COLOR"000000"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt lt/CENTERgt lt/BODYgt lt
30???? ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltCENTERgt ltFONT
SIZE"1"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE
"2"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE "3"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt
ltFONT SIZE "4"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE
"5"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt ltFONT SIZE "6"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt
ltFONT SIZE "7"gt???lt/FONTgtltBRgt lt/CENTERgt lt/BODYgt
31???? ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltCENTERgt ltFONT
SIZE"6"gt ???ltBRgt ltBgt???lt/BgtltBRgt ltIgt???lt/IgtltBRgt ltU
gt???lt/UgtltBRgt lt/FONTgt lt/CENTERgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
ltHR ALIGN"left" WIDTH60 SIZE3gtlthr width50
size5 align"right"gtlt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
- ltP ALIGN LEFTgt????????...????????..
???????????????? (???) lt/Pgt - ltP ALIGN CENTERgt????????...????????..????????
lt/Pgt - ltP ALIGN RIGHTgt???????? ...????????..????????
34???? lthtmlgt ltbodygt lt!-- ????? --gt ltPgt??lt/Pgt ltCENTE
Rgt????lt/CENTERgt ltpgtnbsp????????????ltBRgtltBR
gt???? lt/pgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
36(No Transcript)
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41?? (comments)
- ?C???? /??/
- ?C???? // ??
- HTML?? lt!-- ?? --gt
- ????????????????,??????????????
- ?? lthr sizeXX widthXX alignXXgt
42???? lt gt "
- lt ???????gt ???????amp
?????quot ?????? - nbsp ?????
- lta href"URL"gt?????lt/agt
- lta hrefhttp//www.nctu.edu.tw target_blank
- alignbottom gt??lt/agt
- ltA href "mailtotsaiwn_at_csie.nctu.edu.tw "gt
- ltimg src "??/????" alt "????????? ??"
- width?? height?? border"????"gt
- lta nameAnchorsgt Links within a page
44???? ltHTMLgt ltheadgt lttitlegt????lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltBO
DYgt ltimg src"http//www.sinica.edu.tw/nick/image
s/000.gif"gt??I lt/imggt ltbrgt ltimg
srcimages/001.gif alt????? width90
height20gt??II lt/imggt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
45(No Transcript)
46Music and Sound
- ltbgsound src"together.mid" LOOPINFINITE gt
- ltembed src"together.mid" LOOPtruegt.
DTH??????????,HEIGHT????????,?????????,?? WIDTH2
SE,??????PLAY????????)? LOOPTRUE?????????,LOOP2?
47??? ???(Table)
- ltbody background"??/????"gt
- lttable bordern bgcolorpinkgtltcaptiongt????lt/capt
iongtltTRgtltTHgt???lt/THgtltTHgt???lt/THgtlt/TRgt - lttrgtlttdgt????lt/tdgtlttdgt????lt/tdgtlt/trgtlttrgtlttdgt????lt/
- ltTABLEgt????
- ltTABLE BORDERgt????????ltCAPTIONgt????
- ltTHgt??????
- ltTRgt????
- ltTDgt????????
- lt/tablegt????
49???? ltHTMLgt ltheadgt lttitlegt????lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltBO
DYgt ltTABLE BORDER5gtltTRgtltTHgt???lt/THgtltTHgt???lt/THgtlt
lt/TDgtltTDgt???lt/TDgtlt/TRgtlt/TABLEgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
50Tables again
- lttablegt lt/tablegt defines a table
- lttrgt lt/trgt - Table row
- lttdgt lt/tdgt - Table column
- lttable bordergt
- lttrgt lt!-- start a table row --gt
- lttd colspan3gt If you have two ltTRgt
tags - in your table, you will have two rows in
your table. lt/tdgt - lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtIf you have three lttdgt tagslt/tdgt
- lttdgtin a row, you will havelt/tdgt
- lttdgtthree cells in the row.lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
51Hover Button
lta href"content.htm" onMouseOver'document.haha.s
S/images/button2.gif" ' onMouseOutdocument.haha.s
S/images/button1.gif"gt ltimg namehaha src
mages/button1.gif" border0gt lt/agt
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgt????lt/TITLEgt
- ltmeta http-equiv"refresh" content"5urlhttp//w
ww.cwb.gov.tw/"gt - lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ?????????????????????????????
- ??????,??!
- lta href"http//www.cwb.gov.tw/"gthttp//www.cwb.go
v.tw/lt/agt - lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt?????lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt
" border0gt ltFONT color0bcdefgt?????????!lt/FONTgtlt
ygt lt/htmlgt
54(No Transcript)
- ????
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegt?????lt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltscript language"JavaScript"gt
- lt!--
- document.write("????? " document.lastModified)
- //--gt
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
56(No Transcript)
57 58??????? (1/2)
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltscript language"JavaScript"gt
- lt!--
- if (document.all)
- //To add more stars simply add more colours in
below array!! - coloursnew Array('0000E1','E6EAD5','DDFF78','
FF2828','C675EC','FFD350','B9A03A') - //Alter nothing below!!
- amountcolours.length
- YgetDelay0,XgetDelay0,Ydelay0,Xdelay0,step0.2
,currStep0,my0,mx0 - document.write('ltdiv id"ie" style"positionabsol
utetop0left0"gtltdiv style"positionrelative"gt
') - for (i0 i lt amount i)
- document.write('ltdiv id"iestars"
- document.write('lt/divgtlt/divgt')
- ini1
- gstep1
- function iMouse()
- myevent.ymxevent.x
- document.onmousemoveiMouse
- function dim()
- ini-gstep
- dtsetTimeout('dim()',10)
- if (ini lt 2)
- clearTimeout(dt)
- glow()
- function glow()
- inigstep
59??????? (2/2)
- function stars()
- ie.style.topdocument.body.scrollTop
- for (i0 i lt amount i)
- var layeriestarsi.style
- layer.filter'glow(color'coloursi',
strength'ini')' - layer.top Ydelay100Math.sin((5Math.sin((currS
.cos((currStepi25)/10) - layer.leftXdelay180Math.cos((5Math.sin((currS
.cos((currStepi25)/10) -
- currStepstep
- function delay()
- Ydelay YgetDelay(my-YgetDelay)1/20
- Xdelay XgetDelay(mx-XgetDelay)1/20
- stars()
- setTimeout('delay()',10)
- delay()
- glow()
- //--gt
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
60????- Frame
61Frame test 1
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtFrame???? test 1lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt
- ltFRAMESET COLS"120,"gt
- ltFRAME SRC"http//www.sinica.edu.tw/" gt
- ltFRAMESET ROWS"100,"gt
- ltFRAME SRC"http//www.pchome.com.tw"gt
- ltFRAME SRC"http//www.yam.com"gt
- ltBODYgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
62Frame test2 --????
- ??????
- ????
- 1.?ltheadgtlt/headgt??????
- ltstylegt
- atext-decorationnone
- lt/stylegt
- 2.?ltbodygtlt/bodygt??????
- lta style"text-decoration none"
64????-CSS?? (cont)
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtCSS??lt/titlegt
- ltstylegt
- atext-decorationnone
- lt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lta style"text-decoration none"
- href"http//www.sinica.edu.tw"gt?????lt/agt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
65????- FORM
66?? Browsers ? View Source??
- One of the most important thing is to look at the
source of a file. - Explorer View Source
- Netscape View Page Source
- Helps to learn HTML
- Get new ideas from other guys Web pages..?
67Some Acronyms ???
- WWW World Wide Web
- URL Uniform Resource Locator
- HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- FTP File Transfer Protocol
- BBS Bulletin Board System
68Tools to build a Web Page
- You can just use NOTE PAD
- Write some bunch of code in a HTML file
- Or you can use WYSIWYG (pronounced "wiz-ee-wig",
means What You See Is What You Get) editors. - Netscape Composer
- Microsoft Front Page
- Dreamweaver MX
- Hundreds of other Editors available on the
Internet the Cyber spaces ?
69HTML editor? DreamWeaver? FrontPage?
- Why do I need to know HTML when I have an html
editor? - An HTML editor will work fine for what you want
to do 99 of time, but there are little quirks
to the GUI interface that will cause your webpage
to look slightly different than what you
intended. But if you know some html you can look
at the code of the html document and make
simple adjustments. - So, why dont you just write in HTML all the
time? - Why dont you walk to Taipei from hsinchu instead
of drive? Because it takes too long! - Except for the occasional code tweak, you will
design a website infinity faster in an HTML
editor and with less errors. - I cant type more than a line or two before I
will mistype or misspell something. If you do
this in your code, the webpage will not work
and/or will not look the way you intended. - Trouble shooting a large page of code is tedious
and difficult.
70The Internet versus the Web
THE INTERNET The Internet is a collection of
interconnected networks.
THE WEB The Web is a system that provides
access to documents formatted in hypertext that
uses languages such as HTML or XML.
Slide 5 of 30
71????(Advanced Topics)
- JavaScripts (?? JavaScript ?? Java)
- Structure Query Language
72ISP Internet Service Providers
- ISPs offer
- Linking consumers and businesses to Internet
- Payment system for online purchases
- Monitoring and maintaining a customers Web site
- Network management and system integration
- Backbone access services for other ISPs
- ?? 56K ??
- ?????? ????KKMAN????????
- http//www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/network/ADSL-9211.htm
- ? ? http//www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/network/
- ???? ADSL ??
74 HTML ???
- ????
- http//www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/tsaiwn/course/introcs
/ - http//gogle.com/