Title: If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
1If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
2If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
27 would be women
3If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 15 would be under 30 years of age
74 would be between 30 and 50 years old 11
would be over 50
4If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
62 would be people of color.
5If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 49 would be injecting drug users.
In 2002, Needle exchange programs were cut by 21.
6If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- Infection among Latinos, women and injecting drug
users is nearly twice the
national rates.
7If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 30 people would not know
- they were HIV positive.
8If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 7 people would be resistant to all HIV drug
14 would be resistant to one or more HIV
9If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 55 would rely on Medicaid for health insurance.
10If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- In 2002, the following medical benefits were
eliminated for the very poor - Eye care,
- Home health care,
- Medical transportation,
- Psychological services ( non-state funded )
11If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
42 would not be receiving regular HIV care.
12If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- Since 1995, the number of people living with AIDS
in CT has grown by over 5,500.
13If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- During the same time period, no new state dollars
have been added to the states prevention or care
14If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- The estimated lifetime cost of care and treatment
for one HIV person 195,000.
The average cost to prevent one HIV infection
15If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 18/day per person
- provides AIDS housing and support
It costs up to 1,500/day for Hospitalization.
16If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- 30 would be homeless at some
- point during their illness.
Over 1,200 men, women and children received
housing and support in 2002.
17If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- AIDS is not a death sentence
- unless you are homeless.
Housing is health care.
18If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- More state funding is needed.
- Prevention education
- Clean needles
- Care, and
- Housing.
19If only 100 people in CT had HIV/AIDS
- For more information contact
- Shawn Lang, Assistant Director
- CT AIDS Residence Coalition
- 860.761.6699
- shawnlang_at_ctaidshousing.org