Title: ???t?a ?pt???? ???? ??
1???t?a ?pt???? ???? ??µ?? ??a ???????????
?p??es?e? p??sßas?? se ?t???a d?µ?s???
2e?????????? ?p??es?e?
- ????p?st? ?a? ??a???? s??des? st? ??te??et (?p??
t? ??e?t???? ?e?µa, ??? ?p?? ? t??ef?????
s??d???e??) - ?????? ta??t?te? µetaß?ßas?? ded?µ???? 10 - 100
f???? ta??te?? s?µßat???? s??des?? (dial-up),
?e????? ????? ded?µ????, p??? ??????? ap????s?,
always-on e?a??et??? ße?t??µ??? pa?a??????t?ta
?a? eµpe???a ???s??) - ???at?t?ta st??µ?a?a? ????? ?a? ap?st????
???ta??? e????a? ?????? a????s??, p???s???
Multimedia pe??e??µ???? (e????a?????e?µe??)
µe t? s?µµet??? t?? ???st? (d?ad?ast???
?e?t?????a, ß??pe? a?t? p?? ???e? ?s? ???e? ???
e?p?µp?). - Ft???? ??????????? ?p??es?e? e??a? p???p??es?
??a t?? pa???? p????µ???? ?p??es??? ep??????????
?a? ?a?da?a ße?t??s? t?? s??s?? µeta??
???t???p???t?-ep??e???se?? eHealth,
eGovernment, eLearning, eBusiness - ?a????st??? s?µas?a t?? ??????????? ?p??es???
st?? a??pt??? t?? ?t? ße?t??s? t??
a?ta????st???? ??s?? t?? ???a? (?a? ?e????te?a
eEurope2005, ??S?, )
3?? e?????????? ?p??es?e? apa?t??? a?t?st???e?
- ??? s?µe?a ??????????? ?p??es?e? d?at??eta? st??
????p? ?????? µ?s? ?f?st?µe??? ?p?d?µ?? - ??????a ?a??d?a t??ef???a?-?e???????a DSL (s?ed??
se ??? t?? ??) - ??s??µata t??e?pt??? ???t?a (CableTV-??????/???a?d
?a 90 d?e?sd?s?) - µp????? ?a??te?a ?a pa?????ta? µ?s? ????
?p?d?µ?? - ?pt???? ??e? ????? ta??t?ta ap????s? -
p???t?ta - ???µa??s?µ?t?ta - ????t? 3?? Ge???? (3G mobile phones)
(d?a?es?µ?t?ta) on-line pa?t?? - Sta?e?? ?s??µata ???t?a (Fixed Wireless)
e?e????a s??des?? - ????f????? S?st?µata (Satelite) te??st?a
??????/ d?sp??s?te? pe?????? - ?e????t??? a?????a µe t? µ??t??? a??pt????
??????????? ?p?d?µ?? ?a s???p?????? d??f??e?
te???????e? s?µp????µat???t?ta - ?? ??????????? ?p??es?e? p?? pa?????ta? µ?s? t??
?f?st?µe??? ?p?d?µ??, ??a ?a µp???s??? ?a
?a?????? t?? a????e? s?µa?t???? a???µ?? ???st??
p??pe? ?a ?p?st??????ta? ap? ?e?t???? d??t??
(d??t?? ???µ?? Backbone) ? d?as??de?µe?a
pe??fe?e?a?? p??? ?????? ????t???t?ta? ?a?
ta??t?ta? - ? ?ate????? ??s? d??t?a ?pt???? ????p??sßas?
xDSL, FTTH µe data enabled backbone and converged
edge (???st??/bit)
4???t?a??? te???????e? s??t?µ? ep?s??p?s?
- sta t?p??? d??t?a
- sta d??t?a p??sßas??
- st? d??t?? ???µ??
- ??a d?as??des? µe ???a d??t?a
- ???????G??? ???????
- st?at????? ?pt??? a????t? d??t?a, DSL, Ethernet,
IPv6, 802.11x, MPLS, VPNs, WLAN, 3G, Cat5
cabling, VLANs, VoIP, - e?e???t???/a?ad??µe?a Public Ethernet (IEEE
802.3ah EFM), MPLS TE VPNs, CoS, WiMAX... - µetaßat??? ATM, Frame Relay,
5??t??p???t??? d??t?a te???????e? p??sßas??
6?fa?µ???? ?pt???? µ?t??p???t???? d??t??? storage
consolidation, disaster recovery
xWDM, optical switch
xWDM, optical switch
7- ? e?e??? s?µµet??? t?? t?p???? a?t?d?????s?? st??
d?µ??????a ??d?te??? ßas???? ?p?d?µ??
??e?t??????? ep?????????? ???eta? p?a?µat???t?ta
µe t?? p??s???s? 93 ??a t?? ???pt???
s?µp????µat???? ?p?d?µ?? se ????te?? a?apt??µ??e?
pe?????? t?? e???????? ep????te?a?.
8- µe ß?s? ?a? t?? p??t?se?? t?? ?e?µ????
st?at?????? ??a t?? e????????? p??sßas?, ? ???
?t? p??????se st?? p??s???s? p??? t??? ??µ??? t??
???a? ??a t?? d?µ??????a d??t??? ?pt???? ????
(??t??p???t??? d??t?a) ??a t? d?as??des? ???? t??
ßas???? s?µe??? d?µ?s??? e?d?af????t?? se ???e
??µ? µeta?? t??? ?a? µe t?? ?p?????sa ?p?d?µ?
?pt???? ???? se e????? ep?ped?.
9- ???µat?d?t?s? ????? ??a t?? ?atas?e??
??t??p???t???? ??????????? ???t??? ?pt???? ????
se ??µ??? p?? p?????? s???e???µ??a ???t???a ?a?
ß??s???ta? se ????te?? e????µ??e? pe??????. ?a
??d?te?a d??t?a ?pt???? ????, d??t?a??? ?p?d?µ??
?pe?-?????? ta??t?t?? ?a? a?t?st????? ?????,
e?d?af????t?? ?a? ??????µ???? a??a? µe t??
d?a?????µe?? p????f???a d?asfa?????? t??
epe?tas?µ?t?ta, ???µ???s? ?a? ß??s?µ?t?ta t??
?p?d?µ?? ?a? ?p??es??? ??a t??????st?? 20 ?????a.
10eEurope 2005, An information society for all
- p??ß??peta? ? e???????s? asfa??? ?p??es???,
efa?µ???? ?a? pe??e??µ???? p?? ßas????ta? se
e????? d?a??s?µe? e?????????? ?p?d?µ??. ? d??s?
s?µß???e? a??µa st?? ep?te??? e?d???te??? st????
?p?? - ?????????? p??sßas? ??a ??? t?? ??µ?s?a ??????s?
µ???? t? 2005. - ???s??s? t?? e?????????? p??sßas?? µe ?µfas? st??
????te?? p????µ????e? pe??????. - ??sa???? µ???? t? 2005 p????f???a??? d??t???
µeta?? s?µe??? ??e?a? µe e????????? p??sßas?. - ??a ta s???e?a ?a? ta pa?ep?st?µ?a, ?a??? ?a?
µ??se?a, ß?ß??????e?, a??e?a ?t?, p??pe? ?a ?????
e????????? p??sßas? µ???? t? 2005
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13?s??µata t?p??? d??t?a WLAN
14?s??µata d?µ?s?a? p??sßas??
Public Hotspots
distance 20 75m
Access Point
throughput 5-6 Mbps
11 5.5 2 1 Mbps
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
10 15 users per AP
Public Wireless Internet Access
15????t? 3?? Ge????
e??e?a ??????
ep?d?se?? t?p???? d??t???
Wideband Cellular
p??s?p??? d??t??s? (a?t? ?a??d???)
Mbps (ta??t?ta µet?d?s??)
Access technologyTDM/TDMA (ATM) Radio
capacity37.5 Mbit/s up and downlink per sector
carrier 28 MHz Modulation schemeC-QPSK Channel
spacing28 MHz ?????? 30 ??µ.
17????f?????? s??d?se?? IP
- ? µ??ad??? te???????a
- ?at?????? ??a
- ap?µ???µ??e? ?e???af???
- pe?????? t?? ???a?
- e???????? d???f????
- (µe ?a????a ??a t? d?µ?s??)
- ADSL µ???? 2?bps
- ??a ????a???? ?a?
- µ????µesa?e? ep??.
- µ???? 5??µ. ap? t?
- ???t?? ???, f???e?
- e????????? p??sßas?
- µ?s? t?? ???????? ?a??d??? ???,
- a??? µe a?aß??µ?s? se s?s?e??? (DSLAM, DSL CPE)
19IP - Ethernet pa?ta??? pa???
- s?ed?? se ????? t??? ?p?????st?? ????a??? ???s??
- st? 95 t?? t?p???? d??t???
- d???µasµ??? ???µ? ?a? sta?e?? te???????a
- e??a? ? afet???a ?a? ? ?at????? s?ed?? ????
t?? ????s?? IP - ??e? t? µ????te?? ???? t?µ??/ap?d?s??
- ?a? pa???sµ?a ep????t?s?
- ?S????? ?e????se sa? L2 protocol ap? t? Xerox
sta 10Mbps µ???a??µe?a, p?t??e sta 100?bps ?a?
t??a 1Gbps ?d? se p??s?t?? t?µ?? (ep?t???stat?
st? 10GE MAN WAN phy ?d? ?a??pte? 40km)
20?fa?µ???? ?a? ta??t?te? µet?d?s??
Ethernet over fiber
Multichannel TV
High SpeedInternet
Video telephony
Interactive games
MP3 audio
Internet access
Internet access
Bitrate (bps)
21??e? ?e???????e? ?ata??t??? ?p?d?as?
- ta??tat? a??pt??? ??? s?????s? ?
- a?at??p?? sta ??????µ??? µ??t??a a??pt????
- ?a????st??? sta ????????? µ??t??a ??????s??
(s?µµet???, s????? ?a? ?s???µ?a p???t??)
SOURCE BCR Sept, 2000 by Peter Sevcik,
NetForecast, Waltham, MA
22???a?? ??a ep??e???µat??? µ??t??a
??????? ?p?d?µ??
???????S (Dark Fiber, ?, ??d?te?? d?as??des?)
?e??f??e?e? ???a??sµ?? ?????? Of??e?a?
?????? (µeta????, ???µ?? p??sßas?, ???d???? -
??????? ???t???
??????? ?p??es???
?????S??S - ???????????
??????? ?p??es???
23??????S?O!stelios_at_grnet.gr??ast????t?te? ?a?
ap?te??sµata ?p?st?µ?????? ?p?t??p?? d?a??s?µa
d?µ?s?ahttp//www.broad-band.gr ?e?µe??
St?at???????p?st????t??? ?e?µe?a a????s?
?at?stas?? se ???a?d?a - S???d?a ep?t?p??
ep?s???e?? ??af???? st?? ?µ?de? ???as?a? ?????
24Ethernet µe????? ap?st?se??
25???ß???e?? ??a efa?µ????
- Internet Browsing Music downloads
- e-Banking
- e-Commerce
- Lower Price Voice
- Multiple Line
- Interactive TV
- Unified Messaging
- e-Learning
Residential users
Internet Browsing
- Unified Messaging
- Directory services
- e-Learning
- LAN/WAN Interconnect
- Home working
- Leased line replacement
- B2B e-Commerce
Lower Price Voice
Multiple Line
- Video Telephony
- ASP services
B2B e-Commerce
Source AT Kearney Analysis, 2001
26?fa?µ???? ?a? te???????e? p??sßas??
??t??? - ???f??t?
????t?ta ?et?d?s??
SMS, E-mail w/out attachment E-mail with
attachments Banking Remote purchasing Cyber
learning Tele working Tele-médecine On demand
audio services Video on demand DTV
Source http//www.plannedapproach.com/community/
Files Image-TV
?a?a?t???st???? ?e???????e?
????st? e???? ????? a?? ???st?
GSM GPRS UMTS copper wire ADSL WiFi,
R-LAN Satellite Power Line Coaxial Optical Fiber
Throughput prior sharing
27p?e??e?t?µata - µe???e?t?µata- s?et??? ??st??
Access Technology Access Medium Speed / Applications Investment Advantages Disadvantages
3G mobile Radio frequencies Up to 2Mbt/s in a stationary manner. Most suitable for high speed data services (Fast internet access, information sharing, ) Expensive. Right to use relevant radio frequencies awarded to few operators. Wide coverage area Provides connectivity in motion Relatively slow (or even delayed) deployment
WLAN Radio frequencies Deployed systems deliver 11 Mbit/s New systems deliver 54 Mbit/s Suitable for high speed data service (Fast internet access, information sharing) Low cost equipment, no high fees for use of spectrum. Needs backhaul capacity to link to the Internet. Easy and relatively inexpensive to deploy. Light regulatory requirements. Could potentially be used to by-pass the last mile bottleneck. Short range. Bandwidth is shared among the users at the access point. Need for backhaul capacity.
FWA Radio frequencies Bandwidth available based on distance. Suitable for high speed data services (Fast internet access, information sharing, ) Relatively inexpensive (also depends on the cost of the frequency license) fast to deploy well adapted for business parks, campus networks. Relatively inexpensive way to bypass the last mile. Long distance e.g. for rural areas Generally needs a line-of-sight (weather conditions can degrade the service)
Satellite Radio frequencies Average 1028 kb/s down-stream and 128 kb/s upstream Suitable for high speed data services (Fast internet access, information sharing, ) High upfront investment to operators as it requires launch of satellites otherwise, reuse of available satellite capacities. Needs a satellite dish installation at end-user premises. Easy to deploy in remote / sparsely populated areas and difficult to access areas Good complement to other terrestrial infrastructure deployments (e.g. access to backbone, or return channel services) Higher cost of end user equipment Could need another infrastructure to provide upstream services Propagation delays can affect service quality
28p?e??e?t?µata - µe???e?t?µata- s?et??? ??st??
Optical fibre Optical fibre Unlimited Suitable for all type of services including High quality video services and bandwidth intensive interactive services or bandwidth intensive real-time applications Civil works are expensive and take time. Virtually unlimited bandwidth, future proof New rollout techniques are lowering up front costs (e.g. reuse of existing infrastructure ducts e.g. water, gas, sewage) Bringing fibre to the end user can be very expensive depending on the civil engineering costs.
Current ADSL Existing copper lines Distance dependent but in most of the cases 1.5 Mb/s downstream and 256 kb/s upstream Suitable for high speed data services (Fast internet access, information sharing,) Limited as it reuses the exiting copper infrastructure Very attractive as it is an evolutionary approach for the existing infrastructure. Rapidly improving modem techniques keep speed and performance on the rise. End user must be within 5 km from the closest switch. Higher bandwidth would require upgrade of the current backhaul infrastructure
Power Line Communi-cations Existing Power Lines Distance is below one km without re -amplification. Very high speed (up to 50MBits) Limitations Outdoor to go over voltage transformers Emerging technology to equip existing buildings with no easy alternative cabling Limitations outdoor (distances, fading of signal) Regulatory issues pending in several countries
Cable TV systems Upgraded CATV access Shared 27Mb/s downstream and 2 Mb/s upstream for data services Digital TV broadcast, Suitable for high speed data services (Fast internet access, information sharing) Upgrade of the infrastructure costly. TV services use the same infrastructure Re-usage of some part of the existing infrastructure, e.g. the last mile Upgrade of the infrastructure is a costly exercise The bandwidth in the last drop is shared among the users
29t? µ????? e??a? ????t?
30?p??es?e?, 3G, Wi-Fi
31??e???eta? ?p?st????? ??a a??de???
32???aµ??? t?? ??????????? a?????
33? s?µas?a t?? e?????????t?ta? d?e????
- ?? e?e???e?? a?aµ??eta? ?a ?a????st??? d?e????
ap? - t??? t??ep????????a???? ???a??sµ???
- pa?????? pe??e??µ????
- ?a? ap? t?? ap???s? p?? ?a ????? ?? ??e?
?p??es?e? ?a? ?? efa?µ???? st??? te??????
???ste?. - ???pt??? µe a????? ???µ???
- ??aµ??eta? ?a ?epe?ast??? ta p??ß??µata ?a? ?a
d?µ?????????? ??a ep??e???µat??? µ??t??a - ? d?aµ??f?s? t?? ???? t?p??? st?? ??e?t?????e?
ep????????e? µ??? ap? t?? d???µe?? t?? a????? de?
??e? ep?f??e? µ???? s?µe?a ta ep???µ?t?
ap?te??sµata - ?p??s?a s??t???sµ?? ?a? e?e??sµ?t?? ??a
epe?d?se?? ?a? d?µ??????a ??t?s?? p??sp??e?e?
?a afe?e? ? a??pt??? e?????????? ?p??es???
ap???e?st??? st?? d???µe?? t?? a?????, de?
ap?d?sa? ??a??p???t??? ap?te??sµata.
34? ???????? ??a?µat???t?ta
- s??d?asµ?? e??e??? ?a?a?t???st???? t?? t?p????
a????? ???e??? s?ßa??? a?ta????sµ?? st??
t??ep????????e? (e?t?? ????t??) de? ep?t??p???
t?? ta?e?a a??pt??? t?? e?????????? p??sßas??, se
s?????s? µe ?.?. ?a? ??S? - a?t? ??? d??a?????e? ?µ?? t? ?t? ? ????da e??a? ?
µ??? ???a st?? ????p? (15) ?p?? ? e??p??s?
????????, always-on ?a? ft???? Internet e??a?
???t? st? 0 - ?t? e?s???s? t??µ???? ?a? f???d????, a???
ta?t?????a ?ea??st???? ?a? µe ?µes? d??at?t?ta
???p???s??, st???? - de? ?a ?p???e? ? apa?t??µe?? e??p??s? t??
s?et???? ?p?d?µ?? ?a? ?p??es??? ??t? ap? t?
??at??? s?st?µa ep??e???µat???? p??t?p?? ?a?
p?a?t???? - ?s? ?? e?????????? ?p?d?µ?? p??sßas? sta d??t?a
ep????????a?, a?t?µet?p??eta? ?? pa?ap????? t??
a????? t??ef?????? ?p??es???.
35?? ??sµa t?? e?????????t?ta?
??p??? d??t?a ?ta???e?-?ata?a??t??
??t??p???t??? d??t?a
IP d??t?a ISP
?pt??? d??t?a