Integrated Marketing Communications Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan


Why high gas price effects may be ... larger athletic events & races Guerilla Marketing ... 2.4 Public Relations Sponsorships for bike races Participate in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Integrated Marketing Communications
Presented by
  • Professor Wertaliks
  • Marketing Mavens
  • Anna Mandaleris- the one with all the time in the
  • Katie Butz- the one who knows what you want
  • Tom Crichton- the man with the plan
  • Gracie Nelson- the great communicator
  • Kaitlyn Rackens- the marketing master

opening their eyes to your business
Table of Contents
  • G4 Marketing
  • Who is FFR?
  • Executive Summary
  • 2.0 Corporate and Brand Strategies
  • 2.1 Corporate Image Strategy
  • 2.2 Brand Development Strategy
  • 2.3 Brand Positioning Strategy
  • 2.4 Public Relations
  • 2.5 Digital/Social Marketing
  • 3.0 Promotional Opportunities Analysis
  • 3.1 Communications Market Analysis
  • 3.2 Competitors
  • 3.3 Opportunities
  • 3.4 Target Market
  • 3.5 Customers
  • 3.6 Distribution Strategy
  • 4.0 Integrated Marketing Communications
  • 4.1 Communications Objectives
  • 4.2 Communications Budget
  • 4.3 Agency Selection
  • 4.4 IMC Evaluation
  • 5.0 Integrated Marketing Communication Objective
  • 5.1 Objective One Budget
  • 5.2 Advertising
  • 5.3 Media Plan
  • 5.4 Consumer Promotions DIGITAL
  • 5.5 Database Management
  • 5.6 Sponsorship, Cause-Related, and Green
    Marketing Programs
  • 5.7 Alternative Marketing Programs

Table of Contents
  • 6.0 Integrated Marketing Communication Objective
  • 6.1 Objective Two Budget
  • 6.2 Advertising
  • 6.3 Media Plan
  • 6.4 Trade Promotions
  • 6.5 Database Management
  • 7.0 Integrated Marketing Communications Objective
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices
  • Client Contacts
  • References

Who is
  • Mission
  • G4 Marketing is committed to our clients,
    through consistency and creativity, to provide
    quality marketing strategies and brand management
    ideas to grow and establish their businesses in
    the marketplace.
  • Slogan
  • Opening their eyes to your business
  • Vision
  • Applying professional marketing tactics in an
    effort to strengthen our clients businesses and
    and help them become industry leaders.

Who is FFR?
  • Creators of an alternative to fossil fuel-powered
  • Created a recumbent trike
  • FFR has developed pedal and pedal-electric
    recumbent trikes that offer the consumer a new,
    effective form of transportation as well as
  • Their innovative products are an up-and-coming
    leader in a developing industry
  • FFRs recumbent trikes offer a more cost
    effective way for consumers to go about their
    daily lives
  • No gas needed
  • Strictly electric
  • Vision
  • To be the Apple of the recumbent vehicle industry
  • Slogan
  • Motion Reborn

Executive Summary
  • Client
  • FFR Trikes product recumbent pedal and
    pedal-assist electric trikes
  • Target Markets
  • Adults ages 30-65 middle-upper class bike
    culture appreciation 3 categories
  • Green Crowd interested in sustainability and
    alternative energy
  • Fitness Enthusiasts interested in exercising and
    maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Adventurers looking for new ways to be active
  • Creative Objective
  • Through various marketing efforts directly to
    consumers and through distribution channels, we
    aim to help FFR reach its vision of Becoming the
    Apple of the recumbent industry. We will
    establish brand awareness (as well as industry
    awareness), spark interest and drive consumers
    purchase actions utilizing advertising tools and
    channels that are equally as unique as the

2.0 Corporate and Brand Strategy
"The only thing that's worse than being blind, is
having sight but no vision. -Helen Keller
2.1 Corporate Image StrategyCreate a brand that
comes across as
Trend Setter
2.1 Corporate Image StrategyUsing these methods
Building Curiosity
Social Media
2.2 Brand Development Strategy
  • Sponsorships
  • Alternative transportation conventions
  • Demonstrations to generate buzz about FFR
  • Participate in races across country
  • Talk to local bike shops
  • Ultimate Goals
  • Grow current shop in Asheville, NC
  • Expand to west coast
  • Create viable supplement to car
  • Increase awareness about alternative
  • Market FFR at the beach during summer

2. 3 Brand Positioning Strategy
  • We want FFR trikes to hold its very own spot in
    the consumers mind as
  • An innovative twist on current transportation
  • A supplement for cars (not a replacement)
  • A different way to get from place A to place B
  • Having health benefits
  • Great way to stay fit
  • Ease on back for older consumers
  • A cheap way to commute (.12 for 30-50 miles of
  • A way to be a positive influence during the
    fuel/energy crisis

2.4 Public Relations
  • Sponsorships for bike races
  • Participate in conventions- alternative
    transportation conventions
  • News paper articles and green inserts
  • Recumbent bike forums
  • Optimize search engines (i.e. Google)
  • Guerilla marketing
  • Trike trailering advertisement around town
  • Free test drive events (similar to Chevys Ride
    and Drive)
  • Loan to big athletes/local community influencers
    to ride around
  • Bumper stickers

2.5 Digital/Social Media
  • Revamp website
  • include testimonials and reviews
  • Have blog feature where owners can log in, share
    experiences, voice complaints and ideas for
    innovation, and log miles traveled
  • Include an incentive to ride program where every
    X miles equals one point towards gifts and FFR
  • Participate in more forums
  • Have larger presence on pre-established websites
  • Create Twitter account keep other social media
    up to date
  • Announce special offers and deals to friends and
  • Add more videos to YouTube
  • Create their own channel and generate subscribers
  • Show trike being used for a variety of different
    functions including recreation, exercise,
    sustainability, convenience
  • Google

3.0 Promotions Opportunity Analysis
  • This is the process of identifying target
    audience(s) for the offering. To be successful in
    the promotions opportunity analysis, the marketer
    must ensure that the appropriate decisions about
    resources (firms environmental assessment) and
    target audiences needs/wants/aspirations are
    well understood/appreciated.
  • Objectives
  • Determine which promotional opportunities exist
    for the firm
  • Identify the characteristics of each target

Blankson, 2011
3.1 Communications Market Analysis
  • Conduct a communication market analysis.
  • The process of identifying the firms strengths,
    weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using a
    SWOT analysis.
  • There are five components
  • competitive analysis
  • opportunity analysis
  • target audience/market analysis
  • positioning analysis.

Blankson, 2011
3.2 Competitors
  • Primary Competition Recumbent vehicle
    manufacturers (Yes, they exist!both human
    powered and electric)
  • Just shy of 70 manufacturers both national and
    international with over 200 models of recumbent
    bikes and trikes available
  • This link provides an alphabetical list of
    recumbent manufacturers http//www.recumbentbicy
  • Secondary Competition motorized trikes, gas and
    electric scooters, mopeds, hybrid vehicles, car
    share/ride share programsbasically any other
    mode of transportation one would buy in addition
    to a car
  • A recumbent trike is not capable of performing
    like a car, so it is
  • important to note that our goal is not to replace
  • Therefore, cars are not our competition.

3.3 Opportunities
  • We carry only the finest pedal and
    pedal-electric recumbent, along with high-quality
    parts for the do it yourselfer. Because whether
    you want to pedal farther and faster than ever
    before, or you want to ride a cutting-edge
    pedal-electric performance machine as your
    daily-driver, we want to help you get there.
    Fast, Far, Recumbent.

-Chance to be a leader in an emerging industry
set standards -Entering human powered vehicles
(HPV) races -QR Codes to establish
awareness -Potential to educate people of
cost-efficiency and sustainability -Riding
across country -Member forum
-Green companies are trending -Fitness
revolution -Engage consumers through Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube and website -Bike for a
Cause -Expand distribution to various bike
dealers -Speed of a car. Convenience of a bike.
3.3.1 A Fuel Impacted Economy
  • "In 2008 we spent 12 months with gas above 3,"
    and that resulted in notable changes in consumer
    spending choices, says David Portalatin of NPD
    Group. "Nearly half reduced their gas consumption
    by consolidated shopping trips, 29 cancelled or
    modified vacations, 25 found alternatives to
    driving. (Coombs, 2011)
  • For the average American who drives about 15,000
    miles a year and uses roughly 750 gallons of gas
    annually, that dollar increase per gallon has
    eaten about a 750 hole into the household budget
    per car. (Coombs, 2011)
  • When the price of a good like personal vehicular
    transport increases (in this case due to the
    price of an input required in private cars,
    gasoline), the demand for a substitute good will
    increase. In the case of bicycles, evidence
    indicates that just such a change in demand is
    already underway in America today Bicycle shops
    across the country are reporting strong sales so
    far this year, and more people are bringing in
    bikes that have been idled for years, he said.
    People are riding bicycles a lot more often, and
    its due to a mixture of things but escalating
    gas prices is one of them, said Bill Nesper,
    spokesman for the Washington. D.C.-based League
    of American Bicyclists. Were seeing a spike in
    the number of calls were getting from people
    wanting tips on bicycle commuting, he said.
    (Welker, 2008)

3.4 Target Markets
  • Green Crowd
  • People concerned with leaving less of a footprint
    of the environment
  • Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Those who run, bike /or hit the gym regularly
  • Adventurers
  • Always motivated by chance to be or do something
    different, something new, something fun.

3.4.1 Target Market
For the Green Crowd, FFR is the sustainable
supplement to the car that gets you from point A
to point B without harming the natural
environment because their pedal and electric
pedal-assist trikes use absolutely no fuel.
3.4.2 Target Market
For the fitness enthusiast, FFR is the new, fun
and exciting form of exercise that helps you stay
fit and healthy by engaging your legs in pedaling
while taking it easy on your back.
3.4.3 Target Market
For the adventurer, FFR is the go-to form of
recumbent trike entertainment thats fun, fast
and exciting to ride because it is a different
and trendy way to enjoy the great outdoors.
3.5 Customers
  • FFRs objective is to reach an untapped market in
    the early stages of development.
  • The FFR trike is a new, innovative product that
    has the opportunity to expand to multiple markets
  • Current Customers
  • Middle-upper class
  • Established people and looking for alternative to
    riding up-right bikes
  • Males and Females
  • 30-65 years of age
  • Potential Customers
  • Males and Females
  • Ages 30-65
  • Outdoorsy crowd
  • Interested in sustainability and alternative
  • Health conscious
  • West Coast Market
  • Large disposable income
  • Retiree-age former bicyclists
  • Competitions Customers
  • Males and Females
  • Ages 30
  • Outdoorsy crowd
  • West Coast Market
  • People with large disposable income
  • Fitness enthusiasts

3.5.1 The FFR Owner
  • Fun. Adventurous. Innovative. Sustainable. Loves
  • and appreciates nature. Active lifestyle. Enjoys
  • outdoor activities. Wants to go farther faster.
  • Appreciates convenience. Likes to be seen. Likes
  • to get away. Healthy. Responsible. Not Reckless.
  • Happy. Financially comfortable. Likes to treat
  • himself/herself. Trendsetter. Athletic.
    Understands and appreciates bike culture.

3.6 Distribution Strategy
  • Alternative energy and vehicle conventions
  • Newspaper inserts and articles
  • Endorsements
  • Sponsorships
  • Word-of-mouth
  • Bike dealers across country
  • Online Forums
  • Green marketing efforts
  • Interesting promotional items FFR calendar,
    sustainable shopping bags, water bottles, First
    aid kits, frisbees, flashlights, etc.

4.0 Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is the
    coordination and integration of a companys
    marketing communication tools into a program that
    maximizes the impact on consumers at a minimal
    cost. IMC is a process for managing customer
    relationships that drive brand value primarily
    through communication efforts.

4.1 Communication Objectives
  • -Need to reach customers in order to Develop
    Brand Awareness for FFR
  • -Increase Category Demand in order to help FFR
    reach and capture an untapped market in its early
    stages of development
  • -Have to Change Customer Beliefs and Attitudes so
    that they rethink what the vehicle can be
  • It is also imperative to distinguish between a
    childs tricycle and an FFR trike
  • -And eventually we want to Build Customer Traffic
    and Enhance Purchase Actions

4.2 Communication Budget
I know that half of my advertising budget is
wasted, but Im not sure which half. -Lord
Leverhulme, the founder of Unilever
  • FFR Trikes is a new company trying to establish
    themselves and gain recognition in their
    industry. We feel that the best advertising
    budget for them at this point in time is to spend
    what they can afford (currently 2000) and to
    utilize a pulsating schedule of advertising.

4.2 Communication Budget
  • Wheres the going?
  • Direct to consumer marketing strategies
  • Flyers, Brochures, Business Cards 300
  • ebusiness cards (FREE app _at_
  • T-shirts 200
  • Given to consumers post-purchase, tees are a
    great way to generate Word of Mouth advertising
  • Website enhancement FREE with help of student
  • Include interactive section with members only
    login and blog space to log miles traveled and
    discuss innovation ideas which will foster an FFR
  • Social media advertisements via Facebook and
    Twitter approx 250 but FREE in some cases
  • Random, fun guerilla marketing 100
  • has a list of random (excellent)
    things you can get for 5
  • Promotional marketing 500
  • Make appearances at events with display trike(s)
    and info booth Start an interest listserv pass
    out promotional items
  • Local Community Outreach 200
  • Sponsoring /or participating in local events to
    establish presence in and gain support from the
  • Distribution channel marketing strategies
  • Newspaper articles 150
  • Has been a free source of marketing in the past
    and helped generate Word of Mouth advertising
  • Ads in special interest magazines 300

4.3.1 Funding
  • As a young, start-up company, FFRs budget for
    advertising is currently low. However, there are
    many fundraising opportunities that need to be
    considered to generate some extra cash.
  • Company founders can take advantage of their
    position as students by getting the university
    involved articles in school newspaper and school
    website explaining company and providing link to
  • Add Donate Now button to website
  • Organize cash-o-las at popular local restaurants
    and invite friends, classmates, professors, etc.
  • Sell pizza /or baked goods outside of popular
    bars late night
  • Enter entrepreneurial competitions
  • There is a lot of free money up for grabs out
    there. With the right idea and business plan, you
    can impress any investor and earn thousands of
    dollars for your company. Some of these
    competitions are even held here at Virginia Tech
    and are worth investigating.
  • Send letters to friends, family, local
    businesses explain what youre doing and ask for
    monetary support
  • If this sounds too easy, its because it is that
    easy. Some of the most powerful words put
    together are I need help. People love the
    chance to feel good about themselves by helping
    someone else. And hey, youll never get what you
    dont ask for.

4.3 Agency Selection
Market Connections is a full-service advertising
and public relations agency conveniently located
in Asheville, NC. This agency radiates and
thrives on creativity, which is very important
for a product so unique as a FFR trike. Their
mission in any advertising campaign is to link
you with your customer as directly as possible.
They will put their remarkably versatile set of
skills to work for you, creating a unique
approach and achieving solid results. Simple.
Bold. Concise. Direct. And wholly unforgettable.
4.3 Agency Selection
Also located in Asheville, NC, The Brite Agency
is a full service advertising agency with a fun
and fresh take on communications solutions. As
one of the areas creative powerhouses, The Brite
Agency offers a wide range of services addressing
all of your creative needs with a personalized
4.3 Agency Selection
Asheville Creative gives you all of the benefits
of a traditional advertising agency with none of
the drawbacks. We don't require long-term
contracts or contingency fees. You don't pay for
costly overhead or unneeded staff. We tailor the
right team for each client, to suit your needs,
not ours. Most important, the breadth and depth
of our marketing experience goes far beyond what
you'll find in a traditional agency.
This is a smaller agency, consisting of only 14
creative and marketing professionals. They are
sure to provide a lot of personalized attention
the first consultation is FREE!
4.4 IMC Evaluation
  • Current Evaluation
  • FFR is competing in an industry that is still
    developing. Therefore, the goal of their initial
    advertising and marketing campaigns should be to
    increase awareness through any and all means
  • Present Recommendations
  • If it aint broke, dont fix it
  • In the past, FFR has gained recognition (for
    FREE!) appearing in Ashevilles local newspaper.
    They also have videos on Youtube which show off
    the eccentric design and motion of their trikes.
    These videos combined with their facebook page
    are a great (and FREE!) way to enhance interest
    and generate Word of Mouth advertising, which is
    key to FFRs marketing campaign. In fact, WOM
    advertising generated from local newspaper ads,
    online efforts and current customers is the cause
    propelling all sales thus far. FFR should
    continue to keep their social media efforts
    up-to-date and to take advantage of free
    advertising opportunities in their local
  • What else can FFR do now?
  • It is important for FFR to establish their brand
    by investing in literature such as brochures,
    flyers, and business cardsall of which need to
    possess the same brand logo, slogan, and
    corporate colors that are representative of FFR.
    These materials should be kept on hand for the
    older and less technologically saavy consumer,
    however, FFR should also utilize ebusiness cards
    to capture todays new consumerthe technology
    immersed, social media thriving blogger. These
    ebusiness cards and other green marketing
    techniques will support FFRs image as a
    sustainable, alternative energy company. T-shirts
    would also be a great investment for FFR. They
    should give them to customers and prominent
    community figures in order to capture some
    attention and generate more WOM. Promotional
    marketing can also be a very effective tool for
    FFR at this point as long as they choose the
    right venues and promotional items.

4.4 IMC Evaluation
  • Future Recommendations
  • Once FFR becomes more established they should
    place ads in special interest magazines.
  • They should also add an interactive section to
    their website so that their consumers will have
    the opportunity to blog on their site (a FREE
    source of WOM advertising and innovative ideas).
  • Once enough capital is secured, FFR should
    consider lending out a few trikes to big time and
    local athletes and influencers to drive around
    town, generating buzz and sparking interest.
  • FFR should enter HPV (human powered vehicle)
    races. These occur sporadically in different
    cities across the country. They are not well
    known to the general public at this point, but
    they races are big news for recumbent (bent)
    enthusiasts and manufacturers. Getting involved
    and performing well at events like these will
    help FFR get noticed by their target market (and
    itd be FUN!)

5.0 Integrated Marketing Communication Objective
  • Direct Consumer

5.1 Objective One Budget
5.2 Advertising
  • Goals
  • Build brand image and develop awareness
  • Encourage product purchase
  • Message theme
  • Speed of a car. Convenience of a bike. Fast, Far,
  • Constraints
  • Budget

5.2 Advertising
  • Product Attribute
  • Highlight quality
  • Electric, pedal-assist
  • Use or Application
  • Alternative transportation
  • Exercise
  • entertainment/adventure
  • Consumer Benefit
  • Helps you stay fit and healthy
  • Fun and entertaining
  • Cost-effective

5.2 Advertising
  • Leverage Points
  • Electric recumbent option
  • Great for older people who may get tired of
    pedaling or younger people that want to feel the
    thrill of speed
  • Sustainable product
  • Appeals
  • Rational
  • Emotional
  • Executional Frameworks
  • Slice-of-Life
  • Demonstration

5.3 Media Plan
Media Form When to Utilize
WOM social media ALWAYS present
Flyers, brochures direct mail Heavier in summer and during holiday season. Always send thank you card and follow-up survey to customers that purchase trikes
Tshirts ALWAYS
Promotions and Events Should be utilized as often as possible
Signage and banners Use at every event and open house
Newspaper Ads Use free ads and articles as often as possible. For purchased ads, concentrate more on spring summer (exercise seasons) and holidays
Special Interest Magazine Ads As often as financially viable. Special concentration during holidays and times surrounding larger athletic events races
Guerilla Marketing/Buzz Advertising ALWAYS
Sponsorships ALWAYS
5.4 Consumer Promotions- DIGITAL
5.5 Database Management
  • Online Data Collection
  • Number of engaged FFR customers with login IDs
    blogging on website
  • Number of blogs on website and number of miles
  • Facebook likes and fans
  • Twitter followers
  • Hits and subscribers on YouTube
  • Number of interested consumers on email listserv
  • Hard Data Collection
  • Inventory (trikes and parts)
  • Merchandise (Tshirts and promotional items)
  • Results from post-purchase survey

5.6 Sponsorship, Cause-Related, and Green
Marketing Programs
  • Sponsorships
  • One of FFRs goals is to have more of a presence
    in their local community in Asheville. Sponsoring
    local events and individuals/teams will help them
    make progress towards this goal.
  • Ideas sponsoring 5k races, ads in local school
    yearbooks, sponsoring local businesses such as
    popular restaurants in return for advertisements
    on menus, getting involved with city council
  • Cause-Related Marketing
  • Involvement in philanthropic events, such as Race
    for the Cure, or any other philanthropy that
    aligns with the values shared by FFR, its owners,
    and its customers, will help FFR gain recognition
    and also position FFR as a company that gives
    back. This is a very powerful positioning tool
    when trying to attract consumers. There are a
    large amount of philanthropies native to
    Asheville, NC http//
  • Green Marketing
  • As a sustainable, alternative energy company, FFR
    must align its marketing efforts with these
    values. Ebusiness cards, sustainable FFR shopping
    bags and various green promotional items, as well
    as green tweets and facebook status reminders
    will be used to support these efforts. Down the
    road, a recycling event may be organized.

5.7 Alternative Marketing Programs

Bumper stickers
Ride trike around with advertisement and QR code
attached to back
Word of Mouth
Loan trikes to influencial cyclists and have them
ride around
Test ride events
6.0 Integrated Marketing Communication Objective
  • Distribution Channel

6.1 Objective Two Budget
  • Electronic
  • Facebook Twitter
  • YouTube
  • FFR website
  • Traditional
  • Newspaper articles
  • Special interest magazines
  • Local news
  • Word of Mouth
  • Buzz marketing and community involvement

6.2 Advertising
6.3 Media Plan
Media Form When to Utilize
Social media Constantly
Newspapers Use to promote community events and open houses 2 weeks in advance
Magazines Special interest magazine ads should be used before a large biking/racing event and also used according to certain trending events relative to FFR, such as alternative energy trends and break-throughs, exercise trends, recreation trends.
News shows Utilize when able. Will be beneficial if used before community events and open house.
Email/Newsletters Monthly or bimonthly
FFR website Constantly
6.4 Trade Promotions
  • At this given moment, it is too early in the game
  • to consider this type of marketing however, this
  • is DEFINITELY something FFR needs to do in the
  • future once enough capital is secured and
  • enough trikes are designed and constructed.

6.5 Database Management
  • Online Data Collection
  • Track feedback posted by customers on company
  • Track online purchases
  • Track facebook comments and twitter mentions and
    assess them for company feedback
  • Hard Data collection
  • Track and keep copies of newspaper articles and
    special interest magazine ads featuring FFR
  • Keep list of community sponsorships and event

7.0 Integrated Marketing Communications Objective
  • Business-to-Business

7.0 Integrated Marketing Communications Objective
  • As of now, we are not going to focus on the B to
  • B side of this business. FFR is underdeveloped as
  • a company and is not able to produce mass
  • quantities of trikes to sell to other businesses.
  • Once FFR has its feet on the ground, B to B sales
  • are absolutely in their future and has the
  • potential to grow the business.

  • Based on our evaluation of FFR trikes, we
  • recommend the following

Appendix Table of Contents
  • Competitor information
  • Transportation information
  • Suggested customer feedback survey
  • Just for fun ?

Competitor Information
The Recumbent Blog This blog has archives dating
back to 2005 of stories and information on what
is going on in the recumbent bike world. Under
the section titled For Newbies they have a
glossary of terms, why ride recumbent, and
recumbent bike types. There is a list of
alternative blogs and European blogs discussing
recumbent bikes if users want access to more
information. The website also offers all of the
recumbent bike clubs and Advocacy groups where
members can join and interact. There is a list of
Recumbent manufacturers and dealers. I believe
it would be beneficial for FFR to reach out to
this blog that is connected and embedded in the
recumbent bike community to help promote their
product. (Mackenzie, 2005)
Competitor Information
Williams, 2011
Competitor Information
Williams, 2011
Transportation Information
This map shows where people are focused more on
public transportation and where they rely more on
individual transportation. We feel that focusing
on areas where people drive cars more is a better
area to focus, because they are the ones that
feel the gas prices most. Congestion costs 87.2
billion dollars a year, so it seems relevant to
use a low-cost way to travel. (Ramos, 2008)
Transportation Information
This shows that using an electric bike greatly
reduces the amount of CO2 outputs which may
attract environmentally conscious people.
Just for Fun ?
Go somewhere differently. FFR Trikes
Just for fun ?
Something FUN Something NEW Something
FFR Trikes
Just for Fun ?
  • Trike
  • Trike
  • Trike
  • Trike
  • Trike

Tri it.
Customer Survey
We believe it would be very helpful for FFR to
give this survey to each of their customers
post-purchase to gain some information and
insight about their product and company
Client Contact 1 Initial Greeting
  • Email between Anna Mandaleris of G4 Marketing and
    FFRs Christian and Erin on 10/10/2011

On 10/10/11 1104 AM, ""
ltahhhhnna_at_vt.edugt wrote Hi Christian Erin! We
are G4 marketing and are very excited to begin
working with you. Unfortunately because of
complications with our original client, we're
getting a late start however, we are confident
that we will be able to learn about your business
and help you grow. Currently, our first
checkpoint for Professor Wertalik is due this
Thursday, so we really need to get the fire lit.
We are having an in-class group work day tomorrow
at 400pm in Pamplin 32. Would either of you be
able to come by to meet with us during that time
tomorrow? Please let us know if that works for
you. If not, we can get another time worked out.
Thank you! -Anna Mandaleris G4 Marketing
Hey Anna, Erin and I will both be able to make it
to your class meeting tomorrow. I am super
excited to meet all you guys! I will see you all
tomorrow. -Christian Probst
Client Contact 2
  • Face to face meeting on 10/11/2011 _at_ 4pm
  • Meeting Attendees Christian and Erin of FFR
    Anna, Tom, Gracie, Katie, and Kaitlyn of G4
  • Points Discussed
  • Company Background and History
  • Christian created this company with three of his
    friends. They are all interested in the outdoors,
    being active and putting motors on things ? One
    member of the team studying alternative energy
    had the idea to make the trikes electric
    pedal-assist. FFR trikes was born. Christian and
    his fellow co-founders continually research ways
    to improve their models.
  • Current company image vs desired company image
  • They feel the word trike brings about the wrong
    image in the average consumers mind. Their
    products are certainly not made for children.
    Also, this is a green product, but they did not
    want a fully green image.
  • Past and current modes of advertising
  • Only Word of Mouth advertising thus far. FFR does
    have an active website where customers can
    purchase trikes. They have a facebook page but do
    not regularly update it. They currently have some
    videos of their trikes posted on YouTube.

Client Contact 2
  • Points discussed
  • Company goals
  • FFR would like to have more of a presence in
    their local community in Asheville, NC. Theyd
    like to expand their shop in Asheville and
    eventually capture market share along the whole
    east coast before spreading to the west coast.
    Company founders are current college students
    that would like to grow this company into a
    stable career.
  • Current marketing budget
  • Conveniently for all of us at G4, FFRs marketing
    budget happens to be 2000, which aligns
    perfectly with the limit set by Professor
  • Next Steps
  • G4 gained a better understanding of the FFR
    company and its founders but still needs to
    understand the public perception of the brand and
    the industry, industry competitors, FFRs target
    markets, and FFRs USP. Another meeting needs to
    be set soon.

Client Contact
  • On 10/31/11 742 PM, ""
    ltahhhhnna_at_vt.edugt wrote
  • Hi Christian!
  • My group and I are hoping you can be available
    for another meeting soon. We are
  • meeting during our class period in Pamplin 32 at
    400pm this Thursday. If you and Erin
  • could come chat with us again- even just for a
    little while- it would really help us out.
  • Let me know if you're available, and if not,
    we'll work on scheduling a better meeting
  • time. Thank you!!
  • -Anna Mandaleris
  • G4 marketing

Yeah I can come in on Thursday. I will see you
then. -Christian
Client Contact 3
  • Face to face meeting on 11/3/2011 _at_ 4pm
  • Meeting Attendees Christian of FFR Anna, Tom,
    Gracie, Katie, and Kaitlyn of G4 Marketing
  • Points Discussed
  • Agency preferences
  • No preferences other than location. FFRs
    business is headquartered in Asheville, NC so an
    agency in the area would be best.
  • Trike details
  • Charges quicker than a laptop computer. Easy to
    move and store. Very efficient in all aspects.
    Each trike has digital reader that lets you know
    miles traveled as well as amount of remaining
    charge. Ability to carry items on trike with
    attachment. Can travel on main roads. Can travel
    on fire roads. Not meant for off-roading or rough
  • Company name
  • F-F-R or ffffffffffffrrrrrrr? Company established
    as F-F-R.
  • Brand image
  • Unique, edgy, innovative, healthy, convenient

Client Contact 3
  • Points Discussed
  • Current Brand Awareness
  • FFR has been featured in articles in the local
    newspaper in Asheville (for free!) and gained
    recognition that way. They also held a grand
    opening open house at their shop in Asheville.
  • Current Customers
  • FFR has sold some trikes already through their
    website. Customers found out about their product
    by searching the internet and by word of mouth
  • Customers have been ages 35-55 who are already
    aware of the recumbent bike/trike industry. They
    are people with interest in bike culture and
    outdoor activities. Middle-upper class adults
    with a large amount of disposable income.
    (currently there is no form of a payment plan in
    place for FFR trikes)
  • Product Benefits
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable, easy on your back,
    exercise, convenience, money saver, fun and
  • Next Steps
  • We feel like we still havent grasped a well
    enough understanding of the product in order to
    capture its USP and niche. Another meeting needs
    to be set up. Wed like to physically see and
    assess an FFR trike.

Client Contact 4
  • Face to face meeting on 11/6/2011 _at_ 330pm
  • Meeting Attendees Christian of FFR Anna of G4
  • Points Discussed
  • Trike capabilities
  • Can reach speed of up to 60mph. Can drive on the
    highway, but isnt the safest option because the
    trike is so low to the ground. Heel
    shiftswitches the trike chain to a different
    level allowing for different pedaling force.
  • Trike design
  • One wheel in the back, two wheels in the front.
    Designed for stability. Able to add storage
    attachment if rider needs to bring items along.
    Digital reader placed directly in front of rider
    so he/she is aware of mileage and charge. Sleek
    and much smaller and lower to the ground than
    than we expected.
  • Trike operation
  • Simple to operate. Pedal with legs outstretched
    in front. Steer with arms and brake with hand
    brake. Is a workout for the legs when using pedal
    only (not electric option), but does not take
    much arm strength to operate. Easy to master.

Client Contact 4
  • Points Discussed
  • Safety
  • No safety regulations exist for this vehicle. No
    license, registration, or insurance is required
    for operation. Helmets are absolutely necessary.
    The trike design does not incorporate a seatbelt.
    Christian informed us that it would be immensely
    more dangerous for there to be a seatbelt in
    place because in case of an accident, a seatbelt
    would restrict the ability to break free from the
  • Innovation
  • Currently developing solar powered trike model
    and designing brakes for both hands so rider can
    turn more efficiently and control speed of turns.
    Christian said they come up with new innovative
    ideas every 6-12 months.
  • This is what sparked G4s decision to revamp
    FFRs vision statement, focusing on innovation.
  • Demonstration
  • Anna had the opportunity to watch Christian ride
    the trike and also got to sit in it herself.
    Observed the sound of the trike as well as the
    comfort level and perspective of the rider. Sound
    was much different than expected (a bike chain
    spinning very fast sounded more like a buzzing
    sound than an engine rev)

Client Contact 4
  • Overall effectiveness of meeting
  • This client contact was by far the most important
    of all. It was the first time a G4 marketer
    physically encountered the product and assessed
    it as a consumer. This meeting really allowed us
    to zone in on the important attributes and
    benefits of the product, helping us to identify
    the correct target markets and product niche,
    areas with which we were struggling. FFRs
    Christian made a statement that put FFRs product
    into focus for us This trike has the speed of
    a car but the convenience of a bike. Without
    this meeting and that statement, our marketing
    assessment of FFR would be far less effective.
  • Next Steps
  • G4 went back to the drawing board to incorporate
    this new information and new insights into their
    marketing plan.

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