Family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Family

Passage A
Directions Listen to the following passage and try to fill in the blanks with the missing words.

  • Things I Learned From Dad

Intimate Moment Till Eternity Family Time

Happy Smile Mark Twain Mother Teresa
Directions Listen to the following passage and
try to fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Click here to listen
  • A family begins with two people. Love deepens
    and grows between a couple and soon a wedding
    1)___ , the beginnings of a family. Children are
    born, growing and 2)__   with every passing year.
    When grown  up, they, too, fall in love and
    marry. The 3) of creating a family begins
    again, adding generations to the family. A day
    in the life of a family is 4)   work and school,
    errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we
    can find children 5)   sharing the events of
    their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time 6)
    working together and playing together. Reading to
    the children, 7)   songs, doing homework
    together, and playing games are some 8)   that
    take place during family time. A television 9)  
    may be what each family member needs to 10)   and
    enjoy some quiet time together. Strong family
    relationships are developed by spending quality
    time together.

  • 1. takes place 2. maturing
  • 3. process 4. excitedly
  • 5. filled with
  • 6.for
  • 7. singing 8. activities
  • 9. show 10 relax

Lead-in Questions
  • 1. What effect does growing up in a love-filled
    home have on children?.

2. Do you think parents should enforce their
will on their children?
3. Will words of encouragement from parents
have a lifelong influence on their children?
(Click the button below to go to each part.)
Related Information
  • WNBAs New York Liberty
  • Rebecca Lobo
  • Richard Branson
  • The Virgin Group of Companies
  • Alabama
  • Congress
  • The House of Representatives
  • John Lewis

WNBAs New York Liberty
New York LibertyLogo
  • WNBA Womens National Basketball Association
  • The Official Site of WNBA http//

Rebecca Lobo
  • Lobo is one of the most accomplished basketball
    players, both personally and professionally.
  • She is a star forward with the WNBAs New York
    Liberty basketball team. She was voted as a
    member of the first-ever WNBA Eastern Conference
    All-Star Team in 1999, and was named to the
    All-WNBA Second Team in 1997.
  • She loves to write and co-wrote a daughter-mother
    autobiography called The Home Team, about the
    special relationship she has with her mother,
    RuthAnn, and about RuthAnns battle with breast

Richard Branson
  • Led by founder, chairman, and owner Sir Richard
    Branson, Virgin Group has more than 200
    entertainment, media, and travel companies around
    the world.
  • Its largest moneymaker is Virgin Atlantic
    Airways, second-largest airline in the UK behind
    British Airways. Virgin's other interests include
    retailing (music, videos, and computer games),
    airships, beverages, cosmetics, clothing,
    financial services, health clubs, Internet
    services, mobile phone services, passenger
    trains, publishing, record labels, tour
    operations, and TV production.

Alabama Highway
Alabama Hills
State Official Site http//
  • Alabama is a state in the East South Central
    United States. It is one of the principal states
    of the South and is often referred to as the
    Heart of Dixie. The state capital, Montgomery is
    popularly known as the Cradle of the Confederacy.

  • Congress is the legislative branch of the federal
    government. It is the law-making and the supreme
    legislative body of the nation. It is made up of
    two houses the Senate and the House of

The U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives has 435 voting
    members plus a nonvoting representative from
    Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia
    respectively. The members of the House are called
    representatives of congressmen. Representatives
    are elected by the voters from the geographic
    area within each state.

John Lewis
  • John Lewis has been a United States Congressman
  • representing the Fifth District in Georgia since
  • One of the acknowledged heroes of the American
  • Rights Movement, Mr. Lewis began with the
    Nashville Student Movement,
  • was president of the Student Nonviolent
    Coordinating Committee (SNCC),
  • a Freedom Rider and among the leaders of the 1963
    March on Washington.

  • New words

Things I Learned From Dad
  • Three successful people reveal how fathers
    shape their destiny.
  • Rebecca Lobo Be Loving
  • 1. I knew even when I was very young just
    how much my mom and dad loved each other.
    Whenever one of them went out, they kissed each
    other good-bye. My brother, sister and I thought
    this was gross! But when I get married, I can
    only hope that I will have found someone who
    loves me as much as Dad loves Mom. Because there
    was always so much love in the family, I grew up
    with an incredible security blanket.

  • reveal a mystery secret
  • ??????
  • Drunkenness reveal what soberness conceal. 
  • ??????
  • He did not reveal his identity. 
  • ??????????

Notes to the Text
  • 1. My brother, sister and I thought this was
    gross! (para. 1)

My brother, sister, and I thought this (kissing
in public) was disgusting!
Notes to the Text
  • 2. Because there was always so much love in the
    family, I grew up with an incredible security
    blanket. (para. 1)

Because there was so much love in the family, I
grew up feeling very safe and secure.
  • ????????????????????
  • ????????? ??????,????????????????,??????,???

  • 2. Mom battled breast cancer when I was in
    college. Despite his worry, Dad was a pillar of
    strength for us and especially for her. After her
    mastectomy, she decided against the added trauma
    of breast-reconstruction surgery. Mom told me
    that in their entire marriage Dad never suggested
    that she even change her hairstyle. Instead he
    has always told her how beautiful she is. And
    thats why she thinks fighting cancer wasnt as
    hard as it could have been. She knew that no
    matter what, Dad and his love would be there.
  •   Rebecca Lobo, a former College Player of the
    Year, plays basketball for the WNBAs New York

Notes to the Text
  • 3. Despite his worry, Dad was a pillar of
    strength for us and especially for her. (para. 2)

Despite worrying about Mom, Dad was the backbone
of the family, and this encouraged all of us,
especially Mom..
  • ?????,???????????????????,?????????,????????????

  • Richard Branson Encourage
  • 3. My sisters and I grew up in a little village
    in England. Our father was a struggling lawyer,
    but I always knew he was special. He never
    criticized, but used praise to bring out our
    best. He'd say, If you pour water on flowers,
    they flourish. If you dont give them water, they

Notes to the Text
  • 4. He never criticized, but used praise to bring
    out our best.(para. 3)

He never found faults in us, but encouraged us to
do our best.
bring out ones best
  • Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a
    man's best qualities. 
  • ??????????????????  
  • The family crisis really bring out the best in
  • ?????????,??????????
  • ?????????????????.
  • You bring out the best in me.
  • Your expertise and dedication will bring out the
    best of everyone on your staff. 
  • ??????????????????,??????????

  • ????????
  • ?????????????????????????,???????,??????????????

  • 4. I remember as a child I said something unkind
    about somebody, and my father said, Any time you
    say something unpleasant about somebody else,
    its a reflection of you. He explained that if I
    looked for the best in people, I would get the
    best in return. I've tried to follow this
    principle in running my company.

Notes to the Text
  • 6. Any time you say something unpleasant about
    somebody else, it's a reflection of you

When you speak unkindly about another, you make
yourself look bad.
In return
  • We gave up our seats on the plane and in return
    received several hundred dollars and seats on the
    next plane out .
  • ?????????????,??????????????????????
  • we get many benefits in return for our taxes
  • ????????????????

  • ?????????,???????????,????,??????,?????????????

  • 5. Dad's also always been very understanding.
    At 15, I started a magazine. It was taking up a
    great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my
    school gave me a choice stay in school or leave
    to work on my magazine.

take up ??,??????
  • .Take up a point 
  • ???????
  • Take up a tea habit. 
  • ????????
  • Take up gardening, golf, yoga 
  • ???????????????

  • ??????????15???,???????,???????,??????????????

  • 6. I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me
    from my decision, as any good father would. When
    he realized I had made up my mind, he said,
    Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to
    go into law. And I've always regretted it. I
    wanted to be an archeologist, but I didnt pursue
    my dream. You know what you want. Go fulfill that

Sway ???, ??? ???? ??
  • Branches sway gentlyin the wind. 
  • ?????????
  • sway the minds of men
  • ????
  • His splendid speech swayed thousands of votes.
  • ?????????????????

  • ???????????,?????????,?????????,??,???,?23????,??

  • 7. As it turned out, my little publication went
    on to become Student, a national magazine for
    young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two
    children, and Id like to think we are bringing
    them up in the same way Dad raised me.
      Richard Branson is chairman of the Virgin
    Group of Companies, which owns Virgin Atlantic
    Airways, Virgin Entertainment and Virgin Cola.

As it turned out,.
  • .As it turned out, he netted 40,000 in profit as
    a result of the transactions. 
  • ????????????4??????
  • 6.I didn't need my umbrella, as it turned out, ie
    because it didn't rain. 
  • ?????????,????(????)?
  • ??????????
  • As it has turned out, there was no need to worry. 

  • ???????????,??????,?????????????????????,?

  • John Lewis Have Hope
  • 8. As a young boy, I used to complain about
    having to get up so early to work on our farm in
    Troy, Ala. One day my father took me aside and
    said, Son, we have to do this in order to make
    things better. Hang in there and things will
    improve. 9. Dad was an optimist by nature,
    and he instilled in me this concept of hope about
    the future. He also taught us that we couldnt
    just be concerned about our own circumstances. We
    also had to be concerned about others.

Hang in
  • Hang in there, it's gonna happen. 
  • ????,?????.(?????)
  • Hang in there! It'll soon be over! 
  • No matter how long it take, just hang in there. 
  • Hang in there old buddy the worst is yet to
    come.  ????,??,?????????!

by nature through inherent nature
  • He is timid by nature. 
  • ??????
  • ??????
  • She is proud by nature. 
  • She likes overcare by nature. 
  • ??????????

  • To instill courage or life into animate. 
  • ??????????????
  • ?????????????????????
  • It is not very easy to instill in the minds of
    young children the idea that they must love
  • These policies instill strong feeling of loyalty
    in P G employees. 
  • ???????????????????????????
  • They instill in you the legacy of Confucianism,
    especially the values of hierarchy and hard
  • ?????????????,??????????????

be concerned about
  • You should not be too much concerned about saving
  • ??????????
  • ???????????????
  • Everyone should be concerned about the future of
    his nation. 
  • he should be more concerned about the Party and
    the masses than about any private person, and
    more concerned about others than about himself. 
  • ?????????????,????????????

  • ???,????????????,???????????????????,?????????
  • ??????,???????,??????????????????????,????????,?

  • 10. I saw my father always giving and always
    sharing. We didnt have that much to share or to
    give, but he had faith that things would work
    outeven under tremendously difficult conditions.
    There was a lot of fear back then in Alabama.
    Segregation was very rigid. Water fountains for
    us were marked Colored, and we could only walk
    on one side of the street. But somehow he
    survived under these circumstances without
    becoming bitter, angry or hateful.
  • 11. My father passed away in 1977. But if he had
    lived to see my election to Congress he would
    have been very proud and happy. I'd like to
    believe that he's looking down and watching me
  •   John Lewis represents Georgias 5th District in
    the U.S. House of Representatives.

Work out
  • solve or find out by reasoning or
  • to work out a sum
  • Can you work out the puzzle? 
  • ?????????
  • We can work it out. 
  • ???????????
  • 2. to devise or formulate
  • Work out a plan.  ????
  • prove satisfactory or effective
  • did your plan work out?

  • 4. to happen as specified
  • Things'll work out OK. 
  • ????????
  • Things will work themselves out. 
  • ??????????
  • How will things work out? 
  • ??????????
  • take part in physical exercise, as in
  • Do you often work out?  ?????????

  • ???,???????,??????????????,???????????,?????,???
  • 1977?,????????????,??????????,????????,?????????
    ,????,?????????? ????????????????????????????

Summary of the Text
  • Three successful people talk about their
    dads. Rebecca Lobo, a pro basketball player, says
    her dad showed great love within the family,
    especially for her mom who needed support in
    fighting breast cancer. Richard Branson, a
    business tycoon, says his dad encouraged him to
    always be optimistic and never speak unkindly of

Summary of the Text
  • When he left school to start a new magazine
    his dad was very supportive. John Lewis, a member
    of the U.S. Congress, grew up on a farm in
    Alabama. The family worked hard under difficult
    social conditions, but John's dad assured him
    that the situation for black people would
    improve. He was always hopeful and generous
    despite his poor circumstances. All three of
    these people learned a great deal from their dads.

  • 1. optimist 2. reconstruction
  • 3. sway 4. principles
  • 5. gross 6. fulfilled
  • 7. elections 8. surgery
  • 9. pillar 10. rigid

  • 1. brought out her best
  • 2. turn out
  • out
  • 4. Hang in there
  • 5. by nature

  • 1. hateful   
  • 2. criticizes   
  •  3.Congress   
  •  4. cancer    
  • 5. tremendously

  • 1. ?????????,??????????????????(could have done)
  • He did not regret what he had said but felt that
    he could have expressed it differently.
  • 2.??????12?14??????????,????????????(will have
  • Wed better wait till 14 December. David will
    have had his exam by then, so hell be able to go
    on holiday with us.

  • 3. ?????????,????????(work on)
  • Hes working on a new project which has to be
    finished by the end of the year.
  • 4.?????????????,????,?????????????(in return)
  • They are letting us use their lab, and in return,
    we are sharing with them the results of our

  • 5.?????,??????????????????????(take up)
  • Such things as making and answering telephone
    calls take up most of the secretarys time.

  • 1 Despite his illness, he is a pillar of strength
    for our company and especially for the sales
  • 2 She never feared difficulties, because she knew
    that no matter what, her parents concern and
    love would be there.

  • Tom decided to drop out of school, and Mr. Wilson
    tried to sway him from his decision, as any
    responsible teacher would.
  • 4 As it turned out, the Chinese Womens
    Volleyball Team went on to win one gold medal
    after another, an exciting event for the whole
  • 5 Hang in there and your goal will certainly be

Thank You
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