Title: Omni Wheels
1Omni Wheels
- All four of them seemed to be made the same, as
though there were a wheel within a wheel. When
they moved, they went in any one of their four
directions without veering as they moved - Ezekiel 910-11
2Omni Wheel 16 x 11
3Omni Wheel 16 x 11 Soft 2 diameter, Self-lube
bearing, 7/8 tread,wt cap 75,1/4 axel, 63/64
hub,.1 wt,1.66 per wheel
4Omni Wheel Solid 16 x 12 2 diameter, plain
bearing, 13/16 tread,wt cap 90,1/4 axel,1 5/16
hub, 1.13 per wheel
5Omni-Wheel 16 Fillet 3 Hub(Weitht 1.252 1.6
6Omni-Wheel 16 Fillet 2 Hub(Weitht 1.252 1.6
7Omni-Wheel 16 Fillet Holey 2 Hub(Weight .92
1.6 .12623.65)
8Omni-Wheel 16 Fillet Holey 2 Hub(Weight .852
1.6 .12623.55)
9Omni-Wheel 16 Fillet Spokes 2 Hub(Weight
.8212 1.6 .12623.5)
10Omni Wheel 8 x 7.25 Pairs
11Omni-Wheel 8 Fillet Holes 2 Hubs(Weight 4.288
1.6 2.1223)
12Omni-Wheel 8 Fillet 3 Hubs(Weight 4.338 1.6
13Omni-Wheel 8 Fillet 2 Hubs(Weight 4.338 1.6
14Omni-Wheel 8 Fillet 2 Hubs(Weight 4.338 1.6
15Wide Omni-Pairs 8
16Wide Pairs 6
17Roller Blade Spirals
18Roller Blade Cross Pair
20Telescoping Booms
- Ladders or tubes with nylon bearings
- Roped or cables
- Two, three, and four stages
- Ropes in parallel or series
- Pneumatics (cascading 2 pistons)
- Threaded rod.
21Telescoping Booms
- Bearings
- Stops
- Needs to move both up and down
- How do we measure position?