Implementing equality, diversity and rights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementing equality, diversity and rights


Implementing equality, diversity and rights Formal Policies Consider legislation relating to rights and inclusion; UNCRC, Human Rights Act 1998 EYFS Care Value Base ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Implementing equality, diversity and rights

Implementing equality, diversity and rights
Formal Policies
  • Consider legislation relating to rights and
    inclusion UNCRC, Human Rights Act 1998
  • EYFS
  • Care Value Base
  • Consider how each of these relates to equality
    and inclusion and what affect they have on the

Organisational policies
  • Consider the policies you would put into place as
    a result of legislation
  • Equal opps
  • Inclusion
  • Anti-discrimination

How do these relate to the organisation of a
  • Staff recruitment what would you consider or
  • Development and training what would you ensure
    that you provide for staff and how?
  • Identify and remove barriers e.g. attitudes,
    language, mobility, discrimination, lack of
    information, environmental. How would you
    tackle these?
  • Confidentiality
  • Provision that meets equal opps and inclusion
  • Communication with parents, staff and others

How do these relate to the organisation of a
  • Partnerships with parents/legal guardian how
    would you ensure you had positive relationships?
    How would you share information? How would you
    value the parental role and diversity?

Role of the individual
  • Personal awareness how do you do this? How and
    why would you challenge your own beliefs?
  • Use of language
  • Role-modelling
  • Applying CVB
  • Inclusive practice differentiation, equipment,
    seeking views of children and family, addressing
    individual needs, adhering to UNCRC etc.
  • Confidentiality

  • Task 4 p5, p6 d2.
  • You are going to open a new playgroup in the
    local Childrens Centre. This playgroup will
    offer sessional care to children between the ages
    of 2-3 years from the local community. The
    community has a very diverse mix of families from
    different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Describe the type of practices you are going to
    put in place to ensure you promote equality of
    opportunity, inclusion and rights to everybody
    who will use the service (p5).
  • You may want to consider Formal policies on
    equality and rights, organisational policies,
    working practices in childrens services, active
    promotion of equality and individual rights,
    communication Partnerships with parents/legal
  • How will you expect your childcare practitioners
    to promote inclusion in their own practice (p6).
  • Analyse why this must be part of a practitioners
    role (d2).
  • You may want to consider Application of care
    value base, Inclusive practice in communication,
    care routines, play working with children in the
    context of the UN Convention on the Rights of the
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