Metallurgy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Electroforming : The process of electrolysis is used to plate a metal on a conducting surface e.g. silver and copper plated dies. Cooling of molten metal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Metallurgy

  • Dr. Waseem Bahjat Mushtaha
  • Specialized in prosthodontics

1) Metal
  • Metal is the pure state are used much more in
    dentistry than in most other arts or industries.
    The pure metals that are commonly used in
    dentistry are gold and platinum, silver and
    copper titanium.

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Properties of metals
  • 1) Metals are elements that ionize positively in
  • 2) They are solids at room temperature (except Hg
    and gallium which are liquids and H2 which is a
    gaseous metal).
  • Luster due to reflection of light waves by the
    free electrons and most of them are silvery in
    color (except that, copper is red and gold is

  • 4) All metals conduct heat and electricity
    because they have free electrons.
  • 5) All metals have high strength, high hardness,
    and high melting temperature due to the metallic
  • 6) They are malleable (can be hammered into
    sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires).
  • 7) Give a metallic ring when they are struck.
  • 8) All metals have high density which is related
    to the atomic weight and to the type of lattice
    structure that determines how closely the atoms
    are packed.

Shaping of metals
  • 1) Casting cast metal this is performed by
    melting the metal and shaping it in a mould. In
    dentistry a molten metal is poured into a mould
    made from a wax pattern embedded in an investment

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  • 2) Cold working (wrought metals)
  • Metal can be hammered into sheets or pulled
    through dies to form wires at room temp. most
    dental appliances are cast structures, however
    orthodontic wires and clasps of partial dentures
    are wrought metals.

  • 3) Sintering (powder metallurgy)
  • A metal powder can be pressed to produce an
    object. The product of this method is weak as
    there is little adhesion between the particles.
    The strength of the formed object can be improved
    by pressing and heating it in a non oxidizing
    atmosphere below the melting point of the metal
    to agglomerate the particles and improve
    adhesion. Amalgam tablets are made by sintering

  • 4) Electroforming
  • The process of electrolysis is used to plate a
    metal on a conducting surface e.g. silver and
    copper plated dies.

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Cooling of molten metal
  • A
  • C
  • D
  • Temp B

  • F
  • Time

  • If a metal is melted and then allowed to cool,
    and if its temperature during cooling, and if its
    temperature during cooling is plotted as a
    function of the time, the following figure
    results. As can be noted in the figure the
    temperature decreases regularly from A to B. An
    increase in temperature then occurs to C at that
    time the temperature becomes constant until the
    time indicated by D (C-D is the horizontal or
    plateau portion of the curve). After D the
    temperature decrease to room temperature at E.

  • The temperature T, as indicated by the horizontal
    or plateau portion of the curve at C-D, is the
    freezing or melting point.
  • N.B. 1) During this time C-D the metal is
    solidifying and there is evolution of latent heat
    of fusion which compensates for the heat loss.
  • 2) The initial cooling to B is called super
    cooling which is due to solidification and the
    release of the latent heat of fusion.

Mechanism of crystallization
  • Solidification starts at special centers called
    nuclei of crystallization. Some of these nuclei
    may be impurities which exist even in a pure
    metal. Growth of crystals form nuclei occurs in
    three dimensions (up down, anteroposteriorly
    and right to left) in the form of dendrites or
    branched structures (treelike branches). Growth
    continues until contact is made with adjacent
    growing crystals. Each nucleus gives rise to one
    crystal or grain. The grater the number of nuclei
    present the faster the solidification will be,
    and the smaller the size of each grain will be
    the tightly packed crystals are called grains
    and their boundaries are called grain boundaries

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The grain structure of the solidified material
  • Each crystal of a metal is termed a grain. Each
    grain is grown from a nucleus. Within each grain,
    the orientation of the crystal lattice is
    uniform. Adjacent grains have different
    orientations, because the initial nuclei acted
    independently from each other. In other words,
    each grain starts from a different nucleus of
    crystallization and each grain, therefore, has an
    orientation different from that of its neighbor.
    The crystals do not join at their meeting points
    because their space lattices do not match space
    to space or row to row. If they did match exactly
    as they approached each other, they would
    probably join to form a larger grain, or crystal.

Examination of the grain structure
  • The grains can be seen with a microscope and
    photomicrograph can be made provided that the
    metal surface is properly prepared. The surface
    of the metal is flattened, polished, and then
    etched i.e. treated with chemical agents, which
    attack the grain boundaries of the metal more
    than the grains themselves. This is because atoms
    at the grain boundaries are more reactive, since
    they are not surrounded symmetrically by other
    atoms, as are the ones in the center of grain.

Grain size
  • There is an inverse relation between grain size
    and strength i.e. the smaller the grains are the
    stronger and the harder the cast structure is.
    The size of the grains depends upon the number of
    nuclei at the time of solidification. If the
    nuclei are equally spaced, grains will be
    approximately equal in size.

  • The solidification proceeds from the nuclei in
    all directions at the same time in the form of
    sphere. When these spheres meet, they are
    flattened along various surfaces. However, the
    tendency for each grain to remain spherical still
    exists, and the grain tends to have the same
    diameter in all dimensions. Such a grain is said
    to be equiaxed (not elongation). Dental castings
    generally tend to exhibit an equiaxed grain

Factors affecting grain size
  • 1) Rapid cooling produces more nuclei of
    crystallization, thus more grains in a given
    volume, and therefore each grain is smaller.
  • 2) Impurities or additives act as nucleating
    agents hence, refining (decreasing) the grain
    size .

Factors affecting the grain size and shape
  • 1) Rate of cooling
  • Sloe cooling results in the formation of a coarse
    grain structure, whereas rapid cooling gives a
    fine grain structure because it produces more
    nuclei of crystallization. Rapid cooling of a
    molten metal is obtained in the following cases
    (a) when a mould of high thermal conductivity is
    used, (b) if the casting is small, and (c) if
    metal is heated just above its melting

  • 2) Nucleating agents
  • Either impurities or additives can act as
    nucleating agents, hence refining the grain
  • 3) Cold working
  • Drawing a cast metal into a wire transforms the
    grain structure into a fibrous structure, with
    high strength, high hardness but less ductility
    (brittle), also internal stresses are induced in
    the structure.

  • 4) Stress relief anneal (recovery)
  • The process of releasing internal stresses by
    heating is called annealing. It is a low
    temperature which has little effect on the
    fibrous structure. A relief of the internal
    stresses will only occur.
  • 5) Recrystallization
  • Further heating of a cold worked material can
    change its elongated fibrous structure, into fine
    grain structure of improved properties. The metal
    is said to have been recrystallized.

  • 6) Grain growth
  • If a metal is over heated, or heated for a longer
    time during recrystallization, grain growth
    occurs with a very high ductility and very low
    strength and hardness. This must be avoided if
    high strength and hardness are desired.

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Crystal imperfection
  • Real crystal structure usually contains a variety
    of defects. Defect (point, line or plane) in
    crystals have a considerable effect on the
    properties of the metal or alloy.

  • a) Point defects
  • 1- impurities these can cause distortion of the
    crystal lattice. Impurities may interstitial or
  • 2- vacancies these can allow atoms to move in
    the crystal (solid state diffusion).

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  • b) Line defects (dislocation)
  • Dislocation is the movement of a row of atoms
    along each other in the lattice. This dislocation
    moves across the crystal, as show in A deforming
    it in a series of single steps, and the
    dislocation finally moves out of the crystal.

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  • All the techniques used for improving the
    strength of metal depend on the stop of the
    motion of dislocations. Treatment, which will be
    discussed later, including alloying,
    precipitation hardening, grain refining, and cold
    working, can stop dislocation movement. For
    example, metal are grain refined to produce finer
    grain sizes. When a dislocation moves through a
    grain-refined metal it will encounter more grain
    boundaries than with a material with coarse
    grains. Dislocations become stuck on grain
    boundaries, thereby preventing further
    dislocation motion and strengthening the metal
    occurs. C) plane defect as
    grain boundaries.

Deformation of metals
  • At stresses below the proportional limit, the
    atoms in the crystal lattice are displaced in
    amount yet, when the stress is relieved, they can
    return to their original positions (stretching of
    the bonds). However, once the proportional limit
    is exceeded, a permanent deformation takes place
    and the structure does not return to its original
    dimensions when the load is released
    (dislocation) eventually, this displacement
    becomes so great that the atoms are separated
    completely and a fracture results (loss of

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Practical consideration
  • 1) Cooling a molten metal should be done rapidly
    to get a fine grain structure, if strength and
    hardness are important.
  • 2) Cold working increases hardness and strength.
    However, this reduces ductility, so the material
    becomes more brittle. It becomes liable to
    fracture if further cold working is carried out,
    because the potential for further slip is lost.
    3)cold worked structures should be
    annealed to relief stresses and thus increasing

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