Title: Skewness
1Skewness Kurtosis Reference
Source http//mathworld.wolfram.com/NormalDistrib
2Further Moments Skewness
- Skewness measures the degree of asymmetry
exhibited by the data - If skewness equals zero, the histogram is
symmetric about the mean - Positive skewness vs negative skewness
- Skewness measured in this way is sometimes
referred to as Fishers skewness
3Further Moments Skewness
Source http//library.thinkquest.org/10030/3smods
5n 26 mean 4.23 median 3.5 mode 8
6Value Occurrences Deviation Cubed
deviation OccurCubed
1 1 (1 4.23) -3.23 (-3.23)3 -33.70
-33.70 2 4 (2 4.23) -2.23 (-2.23)3
-11.09 -44.36 3 8 (3 4.23) -1.23 (-1.13)3
-1.86 -14.89 4 4 (4 4.23) -0.23 (-0.23)3
-0.01 -0.05 5 3 (5 4.23)
0.77 (0.77)3 0.46 1.37 6 2 (6 4.23)
1.77 (1.77)3 5.54 11.09 7 1 (7
4.23) 2.77 (2.77)3 21.25 21.25 8 1 (8
4.23) 3.77 (3.77)3 53.58 53.58 9 1 (9
4.23) 4.77 (4.77)3 108.53 108.53 10 1 (10 -
4.23) 5.77 (5.77)3 192.10 192.10
Sum 294.94
Mean 4.23 s 2.27
Skewness 0.97
Skewness gt 0 (Positively skewed)
Skewness lt 0 (Negatively skewed)
9Source http//mathworld.wolfram.com/NormalDistrib
Skewness 0 (symmetric distribution)
10Skewness Review
- Positive skewness
- There are more observations below the mean than
above it - When the mean is greater than the median
- Negative skewness
- There are a small number of low observations and
a large number of high ones - When the median is greater than the mean
11Kurtosis Review
- Kurtosis measures how peaked the histogram is
(Karl Pearson, 1905) - The kurtosis of a normal distribution is 0
- Kurtosis characterizes the relative peakedness or
flatness of a distribution compared to the normal
12Kurtosis Review
- Platykurtic When the kurtosis lt 0, the
frequencies throughout the curve are closer to be
equal (i.e., the curve is more flat and wide) - Thus, negative kurtosis indicates a relatively
flat distribution - Leptokurtic When the kurtosis gt 0, there are
high frequencies in only a small part of the
curve (i.e, the curve is more peaked) - Thus, positive kurtosis indicates a relatively
peaked distribution
13(No Transcript)
14Source http//espse.ed.psu.edu/Statistics/Chapter
15Measures of central tendency Review
- Measures of the location of the middle or the
center of a distribution - Mean
- Median
- Mode
16Mean Review
- Mean Average value of a distribution Most
commonly used measure of central tendency - Median This is the value of a variable such
that half of the observations are above and half
are below this value, i.e., this value divides
the distribution into two groups of equal size - Mode - This is the most frequently occurring
value in the distribution
17An Example Data Set
- Daily low temperatures recorded in Chapel Hill
(01/18-01/31, 2005, F) - Jan. 18 11 Jan. 25 25
- Jan. 19 11 Jan. 26 33
- Jan. 20 25 Jan. 27 22
- Jan. 21 29 Jan. 28 18
- Jan. 22 27 Jan. 29 19
- Jan. 23 14 Jan. 30 30
- Jan. 24 11 Jan. 31 27
- For these 14 values, we will calculate all three
measures of central tendency - the mean, median,
and mode
18Mean Review
- Mean Most commonly used measure of central
tendency - Procedures
- (1) Sum all the values in the data set
- (2) Divide the sum by the number of values in the
data set - Watch for outliers
19Mean Review
- (1) Sum all the values in the data set
- ? 11 11 11 14 18 19 22 25 25
27 27 29 30 33 302 - (2) Divide the sum by the number
- of values in the data set
- ? Mean 302/14 21.57
- Is this a good measure of central tendency for
this data set?
20 Median Review
- Median - 1/2 of the values are above it 1/2
below - (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- (2) Find the value with an equal number of values
above and below it - (3) Odd number of observations ? (n-1)/21
value from the lowest - (4) Even number of observations ? average (n/2)
and (n/2)1 values - (5) Use the median with asymmetric distributions,
particularly with outliers
21Median Review
- (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27, 27,
29, 30, 33 - (2) Find the value with an equal number of values
above and below it - Even number of observations ? average the (n/2)
and (n/2)1 values - ? (14/2) 7 (14/2)1 8
- ? (2225)/2 23.5 (F)
- Is this a good measure of central tendency for
this data?
22Mode Review
- Mode This is the most frequently occurring
value in the distribution - (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- (2) Count the instances of each value
- (3) Find the value that has the most occurrences
- If more than one value occurs an equal number of
times and these exceed all other counts, we have
multiple modes - Use the mode for multi-modal data
23Mode Review
- (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27, 27,
29, 30, 33 - (2) Count the instances of each value
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27, 27,
29, 30, 33 - 3x 1x 1x 1x 1x
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x - (3) Find the value that has the most occurrences
- ? mode 11 (F)
- Is this a good measure of the central tendency of
this data set?
24Measures of Dispersion Review
- In addition to measures of central tendency, we
can also summarize data by characterizing its
variability - Measures of dispersion are concerned with the
distribution of values around the mean in data - Range
- Interquartile range
- Variance
- Standard deviation
- z-scores
- Coefficient of Variation (CV)
25An Example Data Set
- Daily low temperatures recorded in Chapel Hill
(01/18-01/31, 2005, F) - Jan. 18 11 Jan. 25 25
- Jan. 19 11 Jan. 26 33
- Jan. 20 25 Jan. 27 22
- Jan. 21 29 Jan. 28 18
- Jan. 22 27 Jan. 29 19
- Jan. 23 14 Jan. 30 30
- Jan. 24 11 Jan. 31 27
- For these 14 values, we will calculate all
measures of dispersion
26Range Review
- Range The difference between the largest and
the smallest values - (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- (2) Find the largest value
- ? max
- (3) Find the smallest value
- ? min
- (4) Calculate the range
- ? range max - min
- Vulnerable to the influence of outliers
27Range Review
- Range The difference between the largest and
the smallest values - (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27,
27, 29, 30, 33 - (2) Find the largest value
- ? max 33
- (3) Find the smallest value
- ? min 11
- (4) Calculate the range
- ? range 33 11 22
28Interquartile Range Review
- Interquartile range The difference between the
25th and 75th percentiles - (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- (2) Find the 25th percentile (n1)/4
observation - (3) Find the 75th percentile 3(n1)/4
observation - (4) Interquartile range is the difference between
these two percentiles
29Interquartile Range Review
- (1) Sort the data in ascending order
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27, 27,
29, 30, 33 - (2) Find the 25th percentile (n1)/4
observation - ? (141)/4 3.75 ? 11(14-11)0.75 13.265
- (3) Find the 75th percentile 3(n1)/4
observation - ? 3(141)/4 11.25 ? 27(29-27)0.25 27.5
- (4) Interquartile range is the difference between
these two percentiles - ? 27.5 13.265 14.235
30Variance Review
- Variance is formulated as the sum of squares of
statistical distances (or deviation) divided by
the population size or the sample size minus one
31Variance Review
- (1) Calculate the mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate the deviation for each value
- ?
- (3) Square each of the deviations
- ?
- (4) Sum the squared deviations
- ?
- (5) Divide the sum of squares by (n-1) for a
sample - ?
32Variance Review
- (1) Calculate the mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate the deviation for each value
- ?
- Jan. 18 (11 25.7) -10.57 Jan. 25 (25
25.7) 3.43 - Jan. 19 (11 25.7) -10.57 Jan. 26 (33
25.7) 11.43 - Jan. 20 (25 25.7) 3.43 Jan. 27 (22
25.7) 0.43 - Jan. 21 (29 25.7) 7.43 Jan. 28 (18
25.7) -3.57 - Jan. 22 (27 25.7) 5.43 Jan. 29 (19
25.7) -2.57 - Jan. 23 (14 25.7) -7.57 Jan. 30 (30
25.7) 8.42 - Jan. 24 (11 25.7) -10.57 Jan. 31 (27
25.7) 5.42
33Variance Review
- (3) Square each of the deviations
- ?
- Jan. 18 (-10.57)2 111.76 Jan. 25
(3.43)2 11.76 - Jan. 19 (-10.57)2 111.76 Jan. 26 (11.43)2
130.61 - Jan. 20 (3.43)2 11.76 Jan. 27 (0.43)2
0.18 - Jan. 21 (7.43)2 55.18 Jan. 28 (-3.57)2
12.76 - Jan. 22 (5.43)2 29.57 Jan. 29 (-2.57)2
6.61 - Jan. 23 (7.57)2 57.33 Jan. 30 (8.43)2
71.04 - Jan. 24 (-10.57)2 111.76 Jan. 31 (5.43)2
29.57 - (4) Sum the squared deviations
- ?
34Variance Review
- (5) Divide the sum of squares by (n-1) for a
sample - ?
751.43 / (14-1) 57.8
- The variance of the Tmin data set (Chapel Hill)
is 57.8
35Standard Deviation Review
- Standard deviation is equal to the square root of
the variance - Compared with variance, standard deviation has a
scale closer to that used for the mean and the
original data
36Standard Deviation Review
- (1) Calculate the mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate the deviation for each value
- ?
- (3) Square each of the deviations
- ?
- (4) Sum the squared deviations
- ?
- (5) Divide the sum of squares by (n-1) for a
sample - ?
- (6) Take the square root of the resulting
variance - ?
37Standard Deviation Review
- (1) (5)
- ? s2 57.8
- (6) Take the square root of the variance
- ?
- The standard deviation (s) of the Tmin data set
(Chapel Hill) is 7.6 (F)
38z-score Review
- Since data come from distributions with different
means and difference degrees of variability, it
is common to standardize observations - One way to do this is to transform each
observation into a z-score - May be interpreted as the number of standard
deviations an observation is away from the mean
39z-scores Review
- z-score is the number of standard deviations an
observation is away from the mean - (1) Calculate the mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate the deviation
- ?
- (3) Calculate the standard deviation
- ?
- (4) Divide the deviation by standard deviation
- ?
40z-scores Review
- Z-score for maximum Tmin value (33 F)
- (1) Calculate the mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate the deviation
- ?
- (3) Calculate the standard deviation (SD)
- ?
- (4) Divide the deviation by standard deviation
- ?
41Coefficient of Variation Review
- Coefficient of variation (CV) measures the spread
of a set of data as a proportion of its mean. - It is the ratio of the sample standard deviation
to the sample mean - It is sometimes expressed as a percentage
- There is an equivalent definition for the
coefficient of variation of a population
42Coefficient of Variation Review
- (1) Calculate mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate standard deviation
- ?
- (3) Divide standard deviation by mean
- ?
43Coefficient of Variation Review
- (1) Calculate mean
- ?
- (2) Calculate standard deviation
- ?
- (3) Divide standard deviation by mean
- ?
44Histograms Review
- We may also summarize our data by constructing
histograms, which are vertical bar graphs - A histogram is used to graphically summarize the
distribution of a data set - A histogram divides the range of values in a data
set into intervals - Over each interval is placed a bar whose height
represents the percentage of data values in the
45Building a Histogram Review
- (1) Develop an ungrouped frequency table
- ? 11, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 25, 25, 27, 27,
29, 30, 33 - ?
11 3
14 1
18 1
19 1
22 1
25 2
27 2
29 1
30 1
33 1
46Building a Histogram Review
- 2. Construct a grouped frequency table
- ? Select a set of classes
- ?
11-15 4
16-20 2
21-25 3
26-30 4
31-35 1
47Building a Histogram Review
- 3. Plot the frequencies of each class
48Box Plots Review
- We can also use a box plot to graphically
summarize a data set - A box plot represents a graphical summary of what
is sometimes called a five-number summary of
the distribution - Minimum
- Maximum
- 25th percentile
- 75th percentile
- Median
- Interquartile Range (IQR)
49Boxplot Review
50Further Moments of the Distribution
- While measures of dispersion are useful for
helping us describe the width of the
distribution, they tell us nothing about the
shape of the distribution
51Skewness Review
- Skewness measures the degree of asymmetry
exhibited by the data - Positive skewness More observations below the
mean than above it - Negative skewness A small number of low
observations and a large number of high ones
For the example data set Skewness -0.1851
52Skewness -0.1851 (Negatively skewed)
53Kurtosis Review
- Kurtosis measures how peaked the histogram is
- Leptokurtic a high degree of peakedness
- Values of kurtosis over 0
- Platykurtic flat histograms
- Values of kurtosis less than 0
For the example data set Kurtosis -1.54 lt 0
54Kurtosis -1.54 lt 0 (Platykurtic)