Title: Design Patterns
1Design Patterns
- CS 124
- Reference Gamma et al(Gang-of-4), Design
- Describes a problem that has occurred over and
over in our environment, and then describes the
core of the solution of that problem in a way
that the solution can be used a million times
over, without ever doing it in the same way
twice. - Patterns in different professions Architects,
Writers, others
3Design Pattern
- Solution to a particular kind of problem
- How to combine classes and methods
- Not solve every problem from first principles
- Based on design experience
- Use requires understanding of the appropriate
problem and being able to recognize when such
problems occur - Reuse solutions from the past
4Describing a Pattern
- Name
- Intent/Problem
- Situation (problem) and context
- When to apply the pattern conditions
- Solution
- Elements that make up the design, relationships,
collaboration more a template rather than a
concrete solution - How the general arrangement of elements (classes
and objects) solves it - UML diagrams (class relationships and
responsibilities) and code implications
5Describing a Pattern
- Consequences
- Results, variations, and tradeoffs
- Critical in understanding cost/benefit
6How to select design patterns
- Consider how the design patterns solve design
problems - Scan intent section
- Consider how patterns interrelate
- Study patterns of like purpose
- Examine cause of redesign
- Consider what should be variable in design (what
you might want to change without redesign)
Encapsulate the concept that varies
7How to use a design pattern
- Read up on the pattern
- Study structure, collaboration, participants
- Look at sample code
- Choose names of participants meaningful in the
application context - Define classes
- Define application specific names for operations
in the process - Implement the operations
8Selected Patterns for Discussion
- Singleton
- Abstract Factory/Factory Method
- Composite
- Iterator
- Intent
- ensure a class has only one instance, and
provide a global point of access to it - Motivation
- Important for some classes to have exactly one
instance. E.g., although there are many printers,
should just have one print spooler - Ensure only one instance available and easily
accessible - global variables gives access, but doesnt keep
you from instantiating many objects - Give class responsibility for keeping track of
its sole instance
10Design Solution
- Defines a getInstance() operation that lets
clients access its unique instance - May be responsible for creating its own unique
Singleton static uniqueinstance Singleton
data static getInstance() Singleton methods
11Singleton Example (Java)
public class Database private static Database
DB ... private Database() ... public
static Database getDB() if (DB null)
DB new Database() return DB ...
Database static Database DB instance
attributes static Database getDB() instance
In application code Database db
Database.getDB() db.someMethod()
12Singleton Example (C)
class Database private static Database
DB ... private Database() ...
public static Database getDB() if (DB
NULL) DB new Database())
return DB ... Database
In application code Database db
Database.getDB() Db-gtsomeMethod()
- Declare all of classs constructors private
- prevent other classes from directly creating an
instance of this class - Hide the operation that creates the instance
behind a class operation (getInstance) - Variation Since creation policy is encapsulated
in getInstance, possible to vary the creation
14Singleton Consequences
- Ensures only one (e.g., Database) instance exists
in the system - Can maintain a pointer (need to create object on
first get call) or an actual object - Can also use this pattern to control fixed
multiple instances - Much better than the alternative global
15Abstract Factory/Factory Method
- Intent provide an interface for creating objects
without specifying their concrete classes - Example Stacks, Queues, and other data
structures - Want users to not know or care how these
structures are implemented (separation) - Example UI toolkit to support multiple
look-and-feel standards, e.g., Motif, PM - Abstract class for widget, supporting class for
specific platform widget
16Solutions in C
- Use of header file (class declarations) and
implementation file (method definitions) ok but
limited - Header file usually contains private declarations
which are technically part of the implementation - Change in implementation requires that the
application using the data structure be
recompiled - Alternative create an abstract superclass with
pure virtual data structure methods
17Design Solution for Abstract Factory
Factory createProduct()
Product virtual methods
ConcreteProdA methods
ConcreteProdB methods
Note this is an abbreviated design
- Factory
- implements the operations to create concrete
product objects - actual pattern includes abstract and concrete
factory classes - (Abstract) Product declares an interface for a
type of product object - Concrete Product
- defines a product object to be created by the
corresponding concrete factory - implements the abstract product interface
- Client uses only Factory and Abstract Product
19Stack Example (C)
- Stack class defines virtual methods
- push(), pop(), etc.
- ArrayStack and LinkedStack are derived classes of
Stack and contain concrete implementations - StackFactory class defines a createStack() method
that returns a ptr to a concrete stack - Stack createStack() return new ArrayStack()
- Client programs need to be aware of Stack and
StackFactory classes only - No need to know about ArrayStack()
20Factories in Java
- Stack is an Interface
- ArrayStack and LinkedStack implement Stack
- StackFactory returns objects of type Stack
through its factory methods - Select class of the concrete factory it supplies
to client objects - If using info from requesting client, can
hardcode selection logic and choice of factory
objects - Use Hashed Adapter Pattern to separate selection
logic for concrete factories from the data it
uses to make the selection
21Abstract FactoryConsequences
- Factory class or method can be altered without
affecting the application - Concrete classes are isolated
- Factory class can be responsible for creating
different types of objects - e.g., DataStructure factory that returns stacks,
queues, lists, etc. - product families
22Kinds of Patterns
- Singleton and Factory are examples of Creational
Patterns - Other kinds of patterns
- Structural concerns object structuree.g.,
Composite - Behavioral concerns object interaction and
distribution of responsibilitiese.g., Iterator
23Composite Pattern
- Intent compose objects into tree structures to
represent (nested) part-whole hierarchies - Clients treat individual objects and composition
of objects uniformly - Example GUIs (e.g., java.awt.)
- Buttons, labels, text fields, and panels are
VisualComponents but panels can also contain
VisualComponent objects - Calling show() on a panel will call show() on the
objects contained in it
24Iterator Pattern
- Intent provide a way to access the elements of
an aggregate object sequentially without
expressing its underlying representation - Example iterators of C STL containers
- Note that you can have several iterator objects
for a container and that the iterators are
separate classes
25Creational Patterns
- Abstract Factory
- Builder
- Factory Method
- Prototype
- Singleton
26Structural Patterns
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Composite
- Decorator
- Façade
- Flyweight
- Proxy
27Behavioral Patterns
- Chain of Responsibility
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- And a few more
- Main point to recognize that there are proven
solutions to problems that a designer/ programmer
may encounter - Solutions are results of others experiences
- Towards standard approaches
- Search for such solutions first
- Although there is some merit attempting to create
the solution yourself - Becoming a design architect
- Up Next inventory of other patterns