Master Pooled Trust - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Master Pooled Trust


... (person) w/ disabilities ... Our Promise SNT Similar & Different * Not Just persons with Developmental Disabilities ... Arc of Indiana has1500 + clients, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Master Pooled Trust

Master Pooled Trust
The Arc of Minnesota
  • A service of The Arc of Minnesota andaffiliated
    chapters throughout Minnesota
  • Dennis Collins Trust Director
  • Rob Arnold Trust Officer
  • Marlene Johnson Trust Account Mgr.
  • 651-523-0823 or 1-800-582-5256

History of The Arc of Minnesota
The Arc of Minnesota Master Trust
  • Contents
  • Trusts gtBackground
  • gtSNT
  • Arc gtAbout
  • Arcs Master Pooled Trust (MPT)
  • gt Description
  • gt Applications
  • gt Why
  • Our workshop terms get comfortable, QA at end,
    cells off please

Definitions for a Disability Trusts
  • Trust an entity, created in law, having duties
    obligations. One party accepting, managing,
    and using property for the benefit of another
    party. 3-2-1
  • Grantor (Settlor, Trustor, Creator) creates
    trust (3)
  • Trustee manages the trust and its funds (2)
  • Beneficiary person w/ the disability, and
    benefits by the trust (1)
  • Donor funds the trust
  • Fiduciary a duty to act in best interest of
  • Trust Agreement Joinder (details) contract
    Trustee Grantor.
  • Corpus principle, , trust funds
  • Trust Funds Manager holds and manages trust
    funds (Associated Bank)
  • Means Tested benefits benefits with a cap on
    assets or income - SSI, MA
  • Sub-Account account designated to beneficiary
    in pool with funds info
  • Key Person contact person, assists provides
    guidance to Trustee
  • Remainderman heir to any remaining trust upon
    death of beneficiary
  • Testamentary after death Inter Vivos
    during life

  • Estate Planning choice??
  • What proportion of your estate should you leave
    to your child (person) w/ disabilities More?,
    Same?, Less? or Disinherit?
  • How to maximize the inheritance benefit?
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Funds of the person with a disability
  • Unexpected windfall (gift, inheritance, court
    award or settlement) or
  • Pre-existing wealth
  • How to get a greater benefit for a longer

SNT Trusts
  • SNT (Special Needs Trusts ---- Supplemental Needs
  • SNT a category of trusts supporting persons
    with disabilities.
  • Supplemental Needs Trust
  • Special Needs Trust (1993)
  • Master Pooled Trust

SNT What they have in common
  • Designed to improve the beneficiarys material
    quality of life by supplementing (not
    supplanting) government benefits.
  • Can pay for items that governmental benefits
    dont, such as vacations, pet, internet, gifts,
    games, furniture, cell phone, medical, etc.
  • Can improved beneficiarys quality of life
    without jeopardizing eligibility for means
    tested governmental benefits i.e. SSI, MA, HUD,
  • Allows families to provide financial support for
    their loved ones, and generally implemented after
    the death of Grantor(s) (or their inability to
    continue financial support).
  • SNTs are tools in the broader picture of Life
    Planning for persons with disabilities.
  • Money placed in an SNT is irrevocable.

SNT Similar Different
  • 1. Supplemental Needs Trust (private)------------3
    rd Party Trust
  • Drafted by attorney, Grantor- typically Mom
    Dad, funds are anyones other than Beneficiarys,
    trustee is selected.
  • 2. Special Needs Trust (private)------------------
    ---1st Party Trust
  • Drafted by attorney, Grantor-family/legal
    representative, not beneficiary, uses
    beneficiarys funds, trustee is selected, age
    limits on starting funding.
  • 3. Master Pooled Trust (MPT) ---------------1st
    3rd Party Trust
  • Master --All clients use the same Trust legal
    document, Trustee is non-profit, Grantor can be
    Beneficiary, no age limitation on starting or
  • Pooled --Funds are pooled for improved
    investment and management, each beneficiary has
    own sub-account. Getting advantages of private
    Bank managed trusts where they typically must be
    large, often starting at 250,000.

SNT Who can Benefit?
  • Not Just persons with Developmental Disabilities
  • Elderly who become infirmed.
  • Nursing home resident or soon to be resident.
  • Anyone receiving or applying for means tested
    governmental programs SSI, MA, HUD.
  • Recipients of court awards of personal injury,
    malpractice, etc.

Supplemental Needs Trust (Private 3rd Party Trust)
  • Key features
  • Private trusts (attorney drafted) start up cost
    from 1000 up.
  • Grantor generally is Mom Dad, Grandma
    Grandpa, sibling, etc.
  • Typically funded by the Grantor possibly other
  • Often funded after Grantors death, through a
    Will or Life Insurance.
  • Grantor selects Trustee, usually a sibling,
    family member or contractor.
  • Trustee must act in fiduciary manor, understand
    the system, manage funds, handle disbursement,
    governmental reports, taxes, and select successor
  • Any remainder upon death of the beneficiary go
    to recipients' named in trust (Remaindermen).

SPECIAL Needs Trust (Private 1st Party
Trust) Also called Self-Funded, Self-Settled or
Medicaid Payback Trusts
  • Key features
  • Authorized by OBRA 93
  • Private (created by an attorney) start up cost
    1000 up.
  • Beneficiary under 65 to start and deposits over
    65 subject to big penalty.
  • Grantor is parent, grandparent, Power of
    Attorney, or the court (not beneficiary).
  • Funded with the money belonging to the
  • Source of funds, inheritance, SSI back payments,
    court awards, previous wealth.
  • Grantor selects Trustee.
  • Trustee duties perform in fiduciary manor,
    understand the system, manage funds,
    disbursement, reports, taxes, selection of
    successor trustees.
  • Any remainder upon death of the beneficiary
    goes to the state for repayment of any MA lien.
    Any excess (unlikely) to heirs.

History of The Arc of Minnesota
About The Arc of Minnesota
  • Public Policy Arcs program is committed to
    progressive legislation to protect the rights and
    improve services for people with developmental
  • Advocacy - The Arc of Minnesota is the leading
    organization for persons with developmental
    disabilities and their families. 
  • Public education - the Arc changes minds and
    proves that people with disabilities can and do
    live as our neighbors, work, learn and play in
    the community.
  • Programs - Assisting families Housing Access,
    Quality Assurance, Life Planning, Master Trust.

About Arc continued
  • Arc was established in 1946 by parents of
    children with developmental disabilities.
  • With the Arc of Minnesota are 12 Minnesota Arc
    chapters and all are affiliated with The Arc of
    The United States.
  • Arc worked to close state institutions,
    permitting former residents to live in the
  • Arc lead the fight to allow all children to
    attend public school.
  • Ensured that infants and toddlers with
    disabilities receive early intervention services.
  • Fighting for legislation and funding to provide
    Medicaid waivers for home and community based
  • Arc is a resource for families to come together
    to and advocate for a better life for their loved

Arc of Minnesotas Master Pooled Trust (MPT)
  • Arc Minnesotas MPT began May 2009
  • Our Team
  • Three Arc Minnesota staff in Trust Department
    supported by other Arc staff
  • The Arc of Indiana
  • Trust Funds Manager Associated Trust Co.
    (Bank), Associated Wealth Management
  • Nearly a decade of experience with WisPACT
    (Wisc. Pooled Community Trust).
  • Legal Counselor, Allen Thiel of Thiel,
    Campbell, Gunderson Anderson P.L.L.P.
  • Many others involved w/, development, operations,
    advisory and oversight
  • Parents, Financial Planners, Bankers, Business
    Executives, Lawyers, Arc staff, IT consultants,
    State and National Arcs.

Master Pooled Trusts (MPT) History
  • The Arc of Minnesota Master Trust follows the
    model perfected by the Arc of Indiana
  • The Arc of Indiana, the oldest (20yrs) and
    largest Master Pooled Trust in the US.
  • Arc of Indiana has1500 clients, 30 million in
    sub-accounts, 7 million in Remainder funds, and
    growing at 100-200 new clients a year.
  • Most states have a few MPTs (65 nationwide in
    2007), Minnesota has 4.
  • .

Arc Master Trust MPT Offers
  • Two Master Trusts
  • 1. Their Heritage Trust - 3rd Party
  • 2. Safe Harbor Trust - 1st Party
  • Four Fund Pools
  • Invested Pool - Conservatively invested -
    80/20, 5 income goal.
  • EE Bond Pool - Long holding periods
    inexpensive, limited tax.
  • Entrusted Pool - Non-invested, non-interest
  • 3. Remainder Pool - Used for 3rd party
    beneficiaries outliving their funds.
  • Arc Trust funds are held by and managed by
    Associated Trust Company

Arc 3rd Party MPT Their Heritage Trust FUNDING
  • Often funded upon the death of the parents by
    their Will, Living Trust, or Life insurance
  • Some 3rd Party Trusts are funded during the
    Donors lifetime in whole, or in part i.e. by
  • There is no funding minimum or maximum.
  • How much money should be placed into a trust ?
    This is a private decision based on the best
    judgment, and the resources availability of the

Arc 3rd Party MPT Annuitization Spending
  • GOAL 1) The trust funds of a beneficiary will be
    100 spent during a beneficiarys lifetime, and
    2) funds will last the beneficiarys lifetime.
  • Trust will be annuitized ( spent equally over
    the beneficiarys projected lifetime), which
    creates a flexible Annual Spending Target.
  • (Options are available to opt in, out, or change
    the annuity program over time)
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • If any funds remain in a beneficiarys
    sub-account after their death, are disbursed to
    recipients designated in the Joinder by the
    Grantor. Legally recipients are called
    Remaindermen (heirs).

3rd Party MPT What happens if my child lives
beyond their life expectancy, and all the trust
funds are spent?
  • Lifetime Funds.
  • A goal for Heritage (3rd Party) Trusts is to
    continue providing funds to beneficiaries with
    annuitized sub-accounts that outlive the
    projections and have depleted their trusts.
  • Maximum LifeTime continued funding the level
    of previous annual spending target.
  • Minimum dictated by the availability of funds
    in the Remainder Pool.

3rd Party MPT Does the 3rd Party Account require
any funds that remain after the death of the
beneficiary to go to The Arc?
  • Yes 10 from every sub-account. This retainage
    is one of the funding sources for the Remainder
    Pool used to fund the LifeTime Funds goal.
  • The Donor can also designate additional Remainder
    funds to
  • Your local Arc Chapter
  • The Remainder Pool
  • Arc of Minnesota
  • ---but remember this is not a requirement.

1st Party MPT Safe Harbor Trust
  • Thanks in part to the leadership of The Arc of
    The United States, Congress passed legislation in
    1993 (Obra93) that made it possible for a person
    with a disability to fund their own trust, and
    remain eligible for government benefits.
  • If a person with a disability receives an
    inheritance, or a lump sum back payment from say,
    social security, a personal injury or medical
    malpractice legal settlement, etc, these funds
    may make them ineligible for means-tested
    government benefits requiring a spend-down.
  • Funds can be placed in a 1st Party MPT to keep
    their government benefits, and allowing the funds
    to be spent wisely over time.

1st Party Trust MPT What happens to money in a
1st Party trust upon death of the beneficiary?
  • Federal law requires that any funds left in a SNT
    funded by a person with a disability must go back
    to the state to reimburse the state for all
    Medicaid funds spent on that person (the MA
  • If any funds remain after MA lien has been
    reimbursed, those funds can then be distributed
    to designated heirs. This is very rare.
  • The same Federal law states that if the Trust is
    administered by a not-for-profit (like The Arc),
    the non-profit can retain any portion of the
    remainder funds, before repayment to the state.
    The Arc Master Trust retains only 10 and 90 is
    returned to the state to repay Medicaid funds
    spent for that person.

How can SNT be used?
  • SNT can pay for dental care, eye care, or
    medical expenses not covered by Medicaid or other
    insurance, school tuition, communication aids,
    cable television, cell phone and Internet
    service, transportation, clothing, household
    items, furniture, vacations, entertainment, and
    many other items.
  • For more items see page 28 of our Trust booklet
    found on our website for more.
  • If the beneficiary is receiving SSI it cant be
    used for food or shelter, if Section 8 shelter
    utilities, if MA services.

How often can Arc MPT funds be used?
  • The Arc Trust allows for 5 disbursement checks
    per month, additional checks are 10.00 each.
  • Reimbursements count as only 1 check.
  • Minimum check amount 10.00.
  • Requests are easy to make, usually made by phone,
    and payments sent in as little a 3 days.

The Arc Trust MPT General use info
  • The Arc trust can never give money directly to a
  • Money placed in a SNT is irrevocable. Money
    designated for future deposit into a SNT is
  • Beneficiary may open, and place in an Arc 1st
    Party trust even after beneficiary is 65.
  • Donor can place money in a 3rd Party MPT and not
    be subject to a look-back provision for MA
  • Trust money can not be used for funeral expenses
    after death. At death money belongs to the state
    or heirs

The Arc Trust MPT Expertise
  • The Arc staff know what expenditures are
    permissible, and will report all Trust
    disbursements as required, will provide periodic
    reports to governmental agencies as required,
    file taxes, and comply with all requirements to
    lessen the risk of loss of governmental benefits.
  • Arc will report Trust sub-account information to
    Donors, Key Persons and Beneficiaries.
  • Arc will archive and maintain records as
  • Associated Bank will provide professional
    financial management of invested funds.
    Sub-accounts are available on-line to
    authorized clients.

What are the MPT Fees?
  • Enrollment (one time only fee) 8001
  • Renewal Fee (Unfunded Bond sub-accounts) 100
    every 2 years 2
  • Trustee Fee (Bank Arc fees combined Funded
    sub-accounts only)
  • Invested Active 108/mo or 1.6/Yr
  • Invested In-Active 53/mo or 1.25/Yr
  • Entrusted Active 92/mo
  • Entrusted In-Active 40/mo
  • Bond 5/mo pay
    every 2 yrs
  • Tax Preparation (Invested accounts) tba
  • Tandem discuss
  • 1 Inter Vivos, Testamentary enrollment fee
  • 2 - Fee is 0 if enrolled in LAP or PLAN.

The Arc Trust Example 1
  • 1 Mom Dad decide they want to create a SNT for
    their 10 year old child with Down Syndrome. They
    want to insure their child has money to access
    extras that they now supply after they are gone.
    They know that their 10 years olds siblings will
    be involved, but they dont want to burden those
    siblings with the management details of a trust,
    they want the siblings involved the Key persons.
  • They set up an Arc 3rd Party MPT, and designate
    in their Will to disinherit the child with the
    disability, and direct a chosen amount of their
    estate to the MPT.
  • They also tell grandparents and family to
    disinherit the 10 year old in their wills as well
    and direct his/her portion to the MPT. This
    avoids the possible need for a spend down
    situation or 1st Party trust later.

The Arc Trust MPT Example 2
  • An adult with a disability is receiving SSI and
    MA and receives an unexpected inheritance from a
    deceased relative. The adult is informed by the
    county that they have a short period of time in
    which to use the money or become ineligible for
    SSI MA and enter a spend-down mode.
  • An Arc 1st Party Safe Harbor MPT is established
    quickly. The adult remains eligible for SSI MA
    benefits and the funds are used more wisely, and
    over a longer period of time.

Top 10 Reasons to select the Arc Master Trust
  • Why is Arc Master Trust a wise decision for your
    childs security and your piece of mind?
  • 10. Arc is a well known and trusted disability
  • 9. Arc has a 60year history you can rely on
    it for generations more.
  • 8. Arc improves security with many eyes on a
    beneficiarys sub-account.
  • 7. Arc is insured.
  • 6. Arc intends to fund exhausted accounts w/
    LifeTime Funds program.
  • 5. Arcs Trust program is more cost effective
    than most alternatives.

Top 10 Reasons to select the Arc Master Trust
  • 4. Arc provides choices and options to change
    some items.
  • 3. Arc has a knowledgeable team of professionals
    to insure that accounts are set up properly and
    functions according to laws rules in order to
    minimize any risk of loss of governmental
    benefits. Advocates, Attorneys, Committees
    (Family, Legal Advisory), Accountants, Financial
    Planners, IT Technicians, Bankers, Arcs Ind,
    Wis, Texas.
  • 2. Arc takes over the work of managing a SNT so
    family members are not burdened with trust
    management and free to spend their limited time
    with loved ones in memorable, and enjoyable ways.
  • 1. What parents tells us they are looking for in
    a trust.

What Parents tell us theyre looking for in a
  • Continuity Dependability Accessibility
  • Continuity
  • Stability, security, background, longevity, and
    with a predictable future.
  • Arc layers of oversight, a long history a
    bright future.
  • Dependability
  • Familiar, experienced, and trustworthy.
  • Families know the Arc and trust us to support
    persons with disabilities.
  • Accessibility
  • Friendly, approachable, and affordable.
  • Arc strives to be welcoming and keep costs

For More information Contact
  • Start your MPT inquiry with your local Arc
  • Arc West Central
  • 1-218-233-5949
  • 1-800-411-0124
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