Title: GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (3)
1 GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (3)
- An ongoing study of the Home as Gods Word
2 Divorceand remarriage (1)
3Marriage intended till death do us part. Gen.
224, Matt. 194-6 Romans 72-3 1 Cor. 739 Our
study of marriage must respect this!
4Marriage today is not given the high respect of
times past. Pew Research survey released Nov,
2010 stated that 39 of Americans believe that
marriage is becoming obsolete.
5- Marriage is not given the high respect of times
past seen in - - No fault-divorce
- Cohabitation choosing to say, I dont
- Some states no divorce statistics (why?)
- Till death do us part
- Removed from wedding vows
6- Divorce rate higher than previous decades
- For every 2 marriages, there is approx. 1 divorce
in America (in a given year)IF this trend
continues, the divorce rate could reach 50
7- The negative effects of divorce
- Higher probability of problems requiring
professional helpIntact family 90 of
children in normal rangeDivorced family 74
boys 66 girls in normal range
8- The negative effects of divorce
- Higher probability of problems- Parental loss-
Economic loss- More stress- Parental
adjustments - Parental incompetence- Conflict
between parents The effects of divorce on
children, 2009, Robert Hughes
9- The negative effects of divorce
- Higher probability of problems- Higher
probability of divorce- Health problems- Higher
crime rates
10- Where there is divorce, sin is ALWAYS involved!
- NEVER looked upon favorably (tolerated under Old
Law Matt. 198) - Permitted NOW for one cause Matt. 199, 532
11- Malachi 213-16, For the Lord God of Israel
says that He hates divorce, for it covers ones
garment with violence.
12- Matthew 531-32, But I say to you that whoever
divorces his wife for any reason except sexual
immorality causes her to commit adultery and
whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits
13- Matthew 198-9, Similar in statement of 531-32,
but allows provision for remarriage for the one
divorcing his wife.
14- Mark 101-12, Account of same occasion as Matt.
191-9, but he doesnt deal with the exception.
He does mention that it applies to both husband
and wife.
15- 1 Cor. 710-16, A wife is not to depart from
her husband. But even if she does depart, let her
remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
And a husband is not to divorce his wife
16- 1 Cor. 710-16,
- Vs. 10-11 The RULE stated.
- Vs. 11 But if she does depart. NOT
permission (but it happens). Cf. 1 John 21
concerning sin.
17- 1 Cor. 710-16,
- Vs. 11 IF she departs remain unmarried or be
reconciled to her husband.
18- 1 Cor. 710-16,
- Vs. 12-16 Deals with spiritually mixed marriages
(believer-unbeliever). - Vs. 12-13 NOTE that preference is NOT to divorce.
- Vs. 14 unbeliever children sanctified
19- 1 Cor. 710-16,
- Vs. 15-16 IF the unbeliever departs, a brother or
sister is not under bondage. Not permission to
remarry, but not bound to fulfill marriage vows
(i.e. not responsible for adultery). - NOTE who departs!
20Divorce is something we ought to seek to avoid
BEFORE we enter into marriage!