Laboratory Safety Laboratory Skills p1024-1027 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Laboratory Safety Laboratory Skills p1024-1027


Laboratory Safety Laboratory Skills p1024-1027 ... Chemical Safety Always wear safety goggles, gloves, and a lab apron or coat when working with any chemicals. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Laboratory Safety Laboratory Skills p1024-1027

Laboratory Safety Laboratory Skills p1024-1027
Objectives TEKS / TAKS
  • 1A The student will demonstrate safe practices
    during field and laboratory investigation.

Safety Rules
  • NO food or drink in the lab.
  • NO horseplay or loud voices in the lab.
  • Keep workstation neat and clean.
  • Understand what you are doing
  • in the lab before beginning the lab
  • Keep hands away from face while working.
  • Know emergency procedures in case of an
  • Work with a partner, but produce your OWN work.
  • Wash your hands before leaving the lab.

General Guidelines for Lab Safety
  • Only perform experiments specifically assigned by
    your teacher.
  • Understand safety rules before entering the lab.
  • Tie back hair, roll up sleeves, put on and leave
    on, any required safety protective equipment for
    each lab.

General Guidelines for Lab Safety
  • Know the location of all safety and emergency
    equipment used in the laboratory.
  • Immediately report and accident, incident, or
    hazard no matter how trivial to teacher.
  • In case of fire, alert your teacher and leave the
    lab following given procedure.
  • Do not eat or drink in the lab.

General Guidelines for Lab Safety
  • Do not fool around or horseplay in the lab.
  • Do not apply cosmetics in the lab.
  • Keep your work area neat and uncluttered.
  • Clean your work area at the end of each lab
  • REMAIN with your lab group. NO TABLE HOPPING.

Eye Safety
  • WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES as directed.
  • Do not wear contact lenses in the lab
  • Chemicals can splash onto the contact causing
    serious, permanent eye damage.

Emergency Eye Wash Station Immediately flush
eyes with running water for 15 minutes. Hold
eyes open with fingers to get under lid. Have
lab partner notify teacher immediately.
Safety with Gases or Inhalants
Should have used a fume hood!
  • Do not inhale any gas or vapor WAFT any scent to
    your nostrils ensure that you do not destroy the
    mucus membranes of your respiratory system.
  • Handle materials that emit vapors or gases in a
    well ventilated area.

Sharp-Object Safety
  • Use extreme care when handling all sharp and
    pointed instruments, such as scalpels, sharp
    probes, and knives.
  • Do not cut objects while holding them in your
  • Cut objects on a suitable work surface. Always
    cut in a direction away from your body.

Heating Safety
  • Be aware of flames, sparks, or heat before
    working with flammable materials.
  • When heating chemicals or solutions in a test
    tube, do not point the test tube toward anyone.
  • Avoid using open flames
  • Know the location and use of the fire
    extinguisher and fire-safety blankets.
  • Use tongs or insulated holders when handling
    heated objects.

Hygienic Care
  • Keep hands away from your face and mouth while
    working in the lab.
  • Wash your hands before leaving the lab.
  • Use proper technique when handling bacteria or
    other microorganisms. These are pathogens!!!
    Keep petri dishes sealed. Dispose of petri dishes
    as instructed by teacher for proper disposal.
  • Wash hands after touching any cultures dish!
  • Spill of caustic material on clothing
  • Get to safety shower ASAP. Remove all clothing
    and rinse 15 minutes. Have partner inform
    teacher. Permanent skin damage can occur from
    chemical spills.

Glassware Safety
  • Inspect glassware for chips or cracks BEFORE
  • Notify teacher immediately if glassware breaks.
    Do not attempt to pick it up with hands.
  • Dispose of glass in specified container.

Proper Waste Disposal
  • Clean and Sanitize all work surfaces and safety
    attire after each lab period.
  • Dispose of all sharp objects and contaminated
    materials as directed by your teacher.

Chemical Safety
  • Always wear safety goggles, gloves, and a lab
    apron or coat when working with any chemicals.
  • Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals
    unless instructed by your teacher.
  • Know location of eye wash and shower stations.
  • Do not mix any chemicals unless instructed to do
    so by your teacher.
  • Do not pour water into a strong acid or base.
    Pour acid into the water.
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