Title: Structure and Function of the Reproductive System
1Structure and Function of the Reproductive System
2Development of the Reproductive System
- Dependent on sex hormones
- Malestestosterone
- Femalesestrogen, FSH, and LH
- Sexual differentiation in utero
- Homologous structures
- Gonads
- Ducts
- Mesonephric
- Paramesonephric
3Development of the Reproductive System
4Development of the Reproductive System
5Development of the Reproductive System
- Puberty
- Exact trigger unknown
- Females
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) and its sulfate
(DHAS) - Begins with thelarche (breast development) in
females - Adrenarche
- Gonadarche
6Development of the Reproductive System
7Female Reproductive System
- External genitalia (vulva)
- Mons pubis
- Labia majora
- Labia minora
- Clitoris
- Vestibule
8Female Reproductive System
- External genitalia (vulva)
- Introitus
- Hymen
- Urinary meatus
- Lesser vestibular glands (Skene glands)
- Greater vestibular glands (Bartholin glands)
- Perineum
9External Genitalia (Vulva)
10Internal Genitalia
- Vagina
- Uterus
- Fallopian tubes
- Ovaries
11Internal Genitalia
12Uterine Position
13Internal Genitalia
15Follicle Development
16Female Sex Hormones
- Estrogens
- Estradiol
- Estrone
- Estriol
- Progesterone
- Androgens
17Menstrual Cycle
- Menarche
- Menopause
- Phases
- Menstruation (menses)
- Follicular/proliferative phase
- Luteal/secretory phase
18Menstrual Cycle
- Ovarian cycle
- Uterine phases
- Vaginal response
- Body temperature change
19The Menstrual Cycle
20Hormone Controls
21Ovarian Cycle
22Male Reproductive System
- External genitalia
- Testes
- Epididymis
- Scrotum
- Penis
23Male Reproductive System
24Male Reproductive System
25Male Reproductive System
26Male Reproductive System
- Internal genitalia
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate gland
- Bulbourethral glands
27Male Internal Genitalia
- Spermatogonia
- Primary spermatocytes
- Secondary spermatocytes
- Spermatids
- Sertoli cells
30Male Reproductive System
31Male Sex Hormones
- Androgens
- Primary androgentestosterone
- Produced mainly in the Leydig cells of the testes
- Testosterone
- Sexual differentiation
- Urogenital system development
- Nervous and skeletal tissue development
- Sex drive
- Dihydrotestosterone and prolactin
32Structure and Function of the Breast
- Modified sebaceous glands on the ventral surface
of the thorax - Female breast
- Nipple
- Areola
- Glands of Montgomery
- Male breast
- Until puberty, male and female breast development
is similar - Without the sufficient influence of estrogen and
progesterone, the male breast does not develop
any further
33Structure and Function of the Breast
34Structure and Function of the Breast
35Tests of Reproductive Function
- Infection and cancer tests
- Culture
- Serologic testing
- Tissue biopsy
- Needle biopsy
- Papanicolaou (Pap) test
- Mammography
- Fertility tests
36Aging and the Female Reproductive System
- Menopause
- Perimenopause
- Vasomotor symptoms
- Vasomotor flush
37Aging and the Female Reproductive System
38Aging and the Male Reproductive System
- Males reproductive capacity is longer than
womens - There is not an event comparable to menopause
- Decreased erectile and ejaculatory function
- Testes atrophy, decrease in weight, and soften
- Decreased levels of gonadotropins and testosterone