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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Module F

(No Transcript)
Computer Security
  • Dr. Wayne Summers
  • TSYS Department of Computer Science
  • Columbus State University
  • http//

(No Transcript)
SQL Slammer
  • It only took 10 minutes for the SQL Slammer worm
    to race across the globe and wreak havoc on the
    Internet two weeks ago, making it the
    fastest-spreading computer infection ever seen.
  • The worm, which nearly cut off Web access in
    South Korea and shut down some U.S. bank teller
    machines, doubled the number of computers it
    infected every 8.5 seconds in the first minute of
    its appearance.

  • On Aug. 11, the Blaster virus and related bugs
    struck, hammering dozens of corporations.
  • At least 500,000 computers worldwide infected
  • Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration shut its
    offices for a day.
  • Check-in system at Air Canada brought down.
  • Infiltrated unclassified computers on the
    Navy-Marine intranet.

  • Ten days later, the SoBig virus took over,
    causing delays in freight traffic at rail giant
    CSX Corp. forcing cancellation of some
    Washington-area trains and causing delays
    averaging six to 10 hours.
  • Shutting down more than 3,000 computers belonging
    to the city of Forth Worth.
  • One of every 17 e-mails scanned was infected (AOL
    detected 23.2 million attachments infected with
  • Worldwide, 15 of large companies and 30 of
    small companies were affected by SoBig -
    estimated damage of 2 billion.

Information Assurance
  • Introduction
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Threats
  • Controls
  • Conclusions

Computer Security
  • the protection of the computer resources against
    accidental or intentional disclosure of
    confidential data, unlawful modification of data
    or programs, the destruction of data, software or
    hardware, and the denial of one's own computer
    facilities irrespective of the method together
    with such criminal activities including computer
    related fraud and blackmail. Palmer

  • confidentiality - limiting who can access assets
    of a computer system.
  • integrity - limiting who can modify assets of a
    computer system.
  • availability - allowing authorized users access
    to assets.

  • vulnerability - weakness in the security system
    that might be exploited to cause a loss or harm.
  • threats - circumstances that have the potential
    to cause loss or harm. Threats typically exploit
  • control - protective measure that reduces a
    vulnerability or minimize the threat.

CERT list of Advisories (August-October 2003)
  • CA-2003-27 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft
    Windows and Exchange
  • There are multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft
    Windows and Microsoft Exchange, the most serious
    of which could allow remote attackers to execute
    arbitrary code.
  • Multiple Vulnerabilities in SSL/TLS
  • may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary
    code. The common impact is denial of service.
  • Buffer Overflow in Sendmail
  • could allow a remote attacker to execute
    arbitrary code with the privileges of the
    sendmail daemon, typically root
  • Buffer Management Vulnerability in OpenSSH
  • may allow a remote attacker to corrupt heap
    memory which could cause a denial-of-service
  • RPCSS Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows
  • remotely exploitable buffer overflows that may
    allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code with
    system privileges
  • Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet
  • could allow a remote attacker to execute
    arbitrary code with the privileges of the user
    running IE
  • GNU Project FTP Server Compromise
  • W32/Blaster worm
  • exploit known vulnerabilities in the Microsoft
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Interface

Vulnerabilities reported
  • 1995-1999
  • 2000-2002
  • In 2002 over 80 vulnerabilities in IE patched
    over 30 remain unpatched as of Sept. 11, 2003.

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Vulnerabilities 171 345 311 262 417
Year 2000 2001 2002
Vulnerabilities 1,090 2,437 4,129
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
  • CVE Report (http// has 480 pages
    of certified vulnerabilities and exposures and
    853 pages of candidates for consideration ranging
    from buffer overflows and denial of service
    attacks to bugs in software
  • 347 CVE entries or candidates that match Linux
  • Buffer overflow in RogerWilco graphical server and earlier, allows remote attackers to
    cause a denial of service and execute arbitrary
    code via a client request with a large length
  • Docview before 1.1-18 in Caldera OpenLinux 3.1.1,
    SCO Linux 4.0, OpenServer 5.0.7, configures the
    Apache web server in a way that allows remote
    attackers to read arbitrary publicly readable
    files via a certain URL, possibly related to
    rewrite rules.

Top Vulnerabilities to Unix Systems
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • Apache Web Server
  • Secure Shell (SSH)
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • R-Services -- Trust Relationships
  • Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
  • Sendmail
  • General Unix Authentication -- Accounts with No
    Passwords or Weak Passwords
  • http//

  • Todays complex Internet networks cannot be made
    watertight. A system administrator has to get
    everything right all the time a hacker only has
    to find one small hole. A sysadmin has to be
    lucky all of the time a hacker only has to get
    lucky once. It is easier to destroy than to
  • Robert Graham, lead architect of Internet
    Security Systems

Types of Threats
  • interception - some unauthorized party has gained
    access to an asset.
  • modification - some unauthorized party tampers
    with an asset.
  • fabrication - some unauthorized party might
    fabricate counterfeit objects for a computer
  • interruption - asset of system becomes lost or
    unavailable or unusable.

2003 Computer Crime and Security Survey CSI/FBI
  • 251 organizations report almost 202 million in
    financial losses, but that's 56 percent improved
    over last year.
  • theft of proprietary information caused the
    greatest financial loss (70,195,900 was lost,
    with the average reported loss being
    approximately 2.7 million).
  • Second was denial of service attacks, responsible
    for more than 65 million in total losses among
    those surveyed.
  • Insider attacks and system abuse followed virus
    infections as the top category of adverse events
    based on the number of incidents.
  • 50 percent of all attacks go unreported, and 22
    percent of companies dont know if their Web site
    suffered unauthorized access .
  • companies that experienced serious computer
    system intrusions failed in nearly 10 percent of
    cases to patch the vulnerable systems.

Recent News
    Microsoft recommends immediately patching five
    critical vulnerabilities, four in Windows and one
    in Exchange 2000 Server. All five, if exploited,
    could enable an outsider to remotely execute code
    on a vulnerable system. (10/16/2003)
  • 45 billion worldwide spending on IT security
    products and services by 2006. (IDC)
  • The increased sophistication of worms really
    concerns us and while we didnt see a major
    outbreak in the first half of this year for
    Linux-based blended threats, we really do believe
    its on the horizon. Tony Vincent, senior
    analyst at Symantec.
  • Microsoft Corp. warned today that users of its
    Office software are at risk of having their
    computers taken over by an attacker unless they
    apply a patch to correct the problem. (9/3/2003)
  • Microsoft faces possible class-action suit over
    security breaches (10/2/2003)

Recent News
  • ComputerWorld (Oct. 02, 2003) Trojan program uses
    Internet Explorer hole to hijack browsers
  • Computer hackers have found another way to
    exploit an unpatched hole in Microsoft Corp.'s
    Internet Explorer Web browser, using a specially
    designed attack Web site to install a Trojan
    horse program on vulnerable Windows machines. The
    Trojan program changes the Domain Name System
    (DNS) configuration on the Windows machine so
    that requests for popular Web search engines like
    Google and AltaVista bring the Web surfer to a
    Web site maintained by the hackers instead,
    according to warnings from leading security
  • The attacks are the latest in a string of
    online scams that rely on an easy-to-exploit flaw
    in Internet Explorer known as the "ObjectData"
    vulnerability. Earlier attacks that relied on the
    vulnerability include a worm that spreads using
    American Online Inc.'s Instant Messenger network.
  • Microsoft released a patch for the ObjectData
    vulnerability, MS03-032, in August, but even
    machines that were patched remain vulnerable to
    the latest attack because of holes in the patch,
    according to a bulletin posted by Network
    Associates Inc.

Virus? Use this patch immediately !
  • Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch
  • There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
  • More than 500.000 already infected!
  • E-mail from "Microsoft ltsecurity_at_microsoft.comgt

Malware and other Threats
  • Viruses / Worms
  • 1987-1995 boot program infectors
  • 1995-1999 Macro viruses (Concept)
  • 1999-2003 self/mass-mailing worms (Melissa-Klez)
  • 2001-??? Megaworms (Code Red, Nimda, SQL
    Slammer, Slapper)
  • Trojan Horses
  • Remote Access Trojans (Back Orifice)
  • Most Threats use Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities

Social Engineering
  • we have met the enemy and they are us - POGO
  • Social Engineering getting people to do things
    that they wouldnt ordinarily do for a stranger
    The Art of Deception, Kevin Mitnick

  • Reduce and contain the risk of security breaches
  • Security is not a product, its a process
    Bruce Schneier Using any security product
    without understanding what it does, and does not,
    protect against is a recipe for disaster.
  • Security is NOT installing a firewall.
  • A Security Audit is NOT "running a port scan and
    turning things off"

Security is
  • "Can you still continue to work
    productively/safely, without compounding the
  • only as good as your "weakest link"
  • "risk management of your corporate resources
    (computers) and people"
  • "Can somebody physically walk out with your
    computers, disks, tapes, .. "
  • a Process, Methodology, Policies and People
  • 24x7x365 ... constantly ongoing .. never ending
  • "learn all you can as fast as you can, without
    negatively affecting the network, productivity
    and budget"
  • http//

Food for Thought
  • 80-90 of any/all security issues are INTERNAL (
    not the outside world )
  • If you want to simulate a disk crash right now
    (unplug it NOW)...
  • what data did you just lose ..
  • how fast can you recover your entire system from
    the offline backups ..
  • If the hacker/cracker penetrated your firewall
  • what else can they do to your network/data ...
  • what will they see on your network and other
    computers ...
  • If your T1/T3 died ( dead router, dead csu/dsu,
    dead hubs ) ...
  • how much loss of productivity (lost revenue)
    would you suffer for being offline ...
  • do you have a secondary backup internet
    connection ...
  • There always is someone out there that can get in
    ... if they wanted to ...
  • http//

  • Apply defense in-depth
  • Run and maintain an antivirus product
  • Do not run programs of unknown origin
  • Disable or secure file shares
  • Deploy a firewall
  • Keep your patches up-to-date

Critical Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-039
  • Verify firewall configuration.
  • Stay up to date. Use update services from
    Microsoft to keep your systems up to date.
  • Use and keep antivirus software up-to-date. You
    should not let remote users or laptops connect to
    your network unless they have up-to-date
    antivirus software installed. In addition,
    consider using antivirus software in multiple
    points of your computer infrastructure, such as
    on edge Web proxy systems, as well as on email
    servers and gateways.
  • You should also protect your network by requiring
    employees to take the same three steps with home
    and laptop PCs they use to remotely connect to
    your enterprise, and by encouraging them to talk
    with friends and family to do the same with their
    PCs. (http//

Defense in Depth
  • Antivirus
  • Firewall
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Intrusion Protection Systems
  • Vulnerability Analyzers
  • Authentication Techniques (passwords, biometric

Default-Deny Posture
  • Configure all perimeter firewalls and routers to
    block all protocols except those expressly
  • Configure all internal routers to block all
    unnecessary traffic between internal network
    segments, remote VPN connections, and business
    partner links.
  • Harden servers and workstations to run only
    necessary services and applications.
  • Organize networks into logical compartmental
    segments that only have necessary services and
    communications with the rest of the enterprise.
  • Patch servers and applications on a routine

New Types of Controls
  • Threat Management System - early-warning system
    that uses a worldwide network of firewall and
    intrusion-detection systems to aggregate and
    correlate attack data.
  • Vulnerability Assessment Scanner - penetration
    testing and security audit scanner that locates
    and assesses the security strength of databases
    and applications within your network.

Education Misinformation
  • SQL Slammer infected through MSDE 2000, a
    lightweight version of SQL Server installed as
    part of many applications from Microsoft (e.g.
    Visio) as well as 3rd parties.
  • CodeRed infected primarily desktops from people
    who didn't know that the "personal" version of
    IIS was installed.
  • Educate programmers and future programmers of the
    importance of checking for buffer overflows.

The 7 Top Management Errors that Lead to Computer
Security Vulnerabilities
  • Number Seven Pretend the problem will go away if
    they ignore it.
  • Number Six Authorize reactive, short-term fixes
    so problems re-emerge rapidly
  • Number Five Fail to realize how much money their
    information and organizational reputations are
  • Number Four Rely primarily on a firewall.
  • Number Three Fail to deal with the operational
    aspects of security make a few fixes and then
    not allow the follow through necessary to ensure
    the problems stay fixed
  • Number Two Fail to understand the relationship
    of information security to the business problem
    -- they understand physical security but do not
    see the consequences of poor information
  • Number One Assign untrained people to maintain
    security and provide neither the training nor the
    time to make it possible to do the job.
  • http//

  • Every organization MUST have a security policy
  • Acceptable use statements
  • Password policy
  • Training / Education
  • Conduct a risk analysis to create a baseline for
    the organizations security
  • Create a cross-functional security team
  • You are the weakest link

  • The most potent tool in any security arsenal
    isnt a powerful firewall or a sophisticated
    intrusion detection system. When it comes to
    security, knowledge is the most effective tool
  • Douglas Schweizer The State of Network
    Security,, August 22, 2003.

  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Cuckoos Egg Clifford Stoll
  • Takedown Tsutomu Shimomura
  • The Art of Deception Kevin Mitnick
  • Black Ice Dan Verton
  • Beyond Fear Bruce Schneier

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