Prospect For Monetary Cooperation in Latin America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prospect For Monetary Cooperation in Latin America


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prospect For Monetary Cooperation in Latin America

Prospect For Monetary Cooperation in Latin
  • Carlos Massad

  • There have been several efforts to promote
    monetary and economic cooperation as well as
    integration in Latin America.
  • In these efforts, several stumbling blocks such
    as exchange rate policies and idiosyncratic
    shocks became evident but were not removed or
  • This paper starts analyzing optimal exchange rate
    policies and their role in monetary cooperation
    and integration.

  • Then it goes on to examine the experience of the
    European Monetary Union and the lessons that
    derive from it.
  • The prospects for monetary union in Latin
    America are then examined.
  • Ways to promote monetary cooperation and
    integration in Latin America an explored.
  • The main conclusions are then highlighted

1. Optimal Exchange Rate Regimes
  • The discussion regarding the choice of an optimal
    exchange rate regime (ER) is long lived.
  • The trade-off between flexibility and credibility
    is linked to the discussion between rules and

  • Floating exchange rate regimes provide the
    flexibility for independent monetary management.
  • Moreover, the exchange rate itself serves as an
    adjustment mechanism. This is the choice made by
    Chile in recent years.
  • Exchange rate flexibility could also foster
  • Fixed ER regimes sacrifice flexibility.
  • But enhance credibility by adopting an anchor.
    This was the choice of Argentina in the mid

  • Intermediate solutions like adjustable pegs,
    crawling pegs, exchange rate bands, and crawling
    bands were seen as providing some flexibility
    with limited uncertainty.

  • The conventional wisdom on limited flexibility
    exchange regimes suffered heavy blows from
    different quarters during the 1990s.
  • First International financial integration
    observed worldwide in the 1990s. provided an
    additional transmission chanel for external
  • Second EMU brought a virtually irreversible
    form of ER peg that had been absent from policy

  • Third Inflation targeting provided a credible
    nominal anchor, as is the case of Chile at the
    beginning of the 21st. century.
  • These developments have enhanced two corner type
    solution. Fig. 1 and 2 provide some indication
    in this direction.

Figure 1
Source Rogoff et al (2003)
Figure 2
Source Rogoff et al (2003)
  • If this were the options, what are the
    determinants of the choice?.
  • The first is analyzing if domestic monetary
    policy is capable (1) of providing a credible
    and stable nominal anchor, and (2) of being
    effective in short-run output stabilization.
  • The answer seems to be positive under some
    institutional conditions.

  • The second step is evaluating the benefits of
    monetary independence relative to the benefits
    provided by monetary union. The traditional
    framework under which such analysis is conducted
    is Mundells (1961) Optimal Currency Area (OCA)
    criteria, almost 45 years old.
  • The are drawbacks to this framework.
  • The third step is to recognize that some
    evaluation criteria for OCA are endogeneous to
    the exchange rate regime and to the process of
    integration itself.

2. The Case of EMU An Outsiders View
  • The experience of the European Monetary Union can
    not be analyzed as an isolated event.
  • Monetary union between the members of the
    European Union was the final stage of a much
    wider process of political and economic
  • The EMU resembles a textbook OCA. But many of the
    OCA criteria have been gradually and consciously
    built up over time.

  • Which are the distinct features of the countries
    that are part of the EMU?.
  • I would divide them in two main categories. The
    first class comprises the structural economic
    conditions such as trade intensity or symmetry of
  • The second class involves the institutional
    features that have been developed ex professo.
  • Many of the economic or structural conditions in
    the first category are modified by the
    integration strategy in other words, OCA
    criteria are endogenous to integration and
    monetary union.

  • Maastricht has also provided a transparent,
    binding commitment that has enhanced discipline
    in the conduct of domestic policy.
  • The adoption of a common financial and banking
    regulation, as well as of economic accounting
    standards, has allowed members of the union to
    speak a common language.
  • The chances of success of the euro have been
    fostered by a strong political will.

3. A Monetary Union for Latin America
  • Review of the euro experience suggests that the
    likelihood of a viable monetary union in Latin
    America is small, at least in the short to medium
  • The differences in structural and institutional
    conditions between Europe and Latin America are
  • Income differences among full and associated
    Mercosur member countries are much higher than
    those observed in the European Union among the
    initial members of the Union.

Figure 3 Some Features of EMU and Mercosur      
Exports to agreement
Standard Deviation of
partners ( of GDP)
Supply Shocks
Source Carrera and Sturzenegger (2000)
  • Second Mercosur countries are not particularly
    open to international trade of goods and
  • Third Available evidence suggest that
    idiosyncratic shocks affecting individual
    Mercosur countries are significantly larger than
    collective shocks.
  • Furthermore, recent studies seem to detect wide
    differences in microeconomic flexibility among
    Latin American countries.

  • Differences among Mercosur countries regarding
    their institutional frameworks and policies are
  • Trade agreements suffer from recurring
    administrative breaches and violations.
  • Mercosur members have taken only initial steps
    towards financial, fiscal, monetary and exchange
    rate integration, through efforts to establish
    common definitions.

  • Most important, a monetary union does not appear
    currently viable from a political perspective.
  • This does not preclude the possibility of
    successful monetary union in the region in the
    long term.
  • Conditions on which evaluation of OCA criteria
    are based are not static.
  • Integration and policy coordination reduce the
    probability idiosyncratic shocks.

  • Furthermore, recent evidence for the Chilean case
    points to the fact that changes in the real
    exchange rate are not as important as changes in
    income to explain variations in trade.
  • Monetary union may be a viable and even optimal
    option for Latin America in the future, but a
    long and winding mountain road lies ahead.

4. Macroeconomic stability in an alternative
framework the case of Chile
  • Which are the options? With a history of
    macroeconomic instability, how can small open
    economies in Latin America reap the benefits of
    low inflation and sustained growth?.
  • After 15 years of Central Bank independence and
    explicit inflation targets, Chile has achieved
    for the first time in a century, low and stable
    inflation anchored to stationary inflation target
    of 2-4 per year, centered on 3.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Inflation targeting has provided a reasonable and
    flexible monetary framework.
  • Attainment of the long-term inflation goal in
    1999 led the Central Bank to a change in emphasis
    in the credibility-flexibility trade-off faced by
    all central bankers, by adopting a more flexible
    monetary and exchange rate regime.
  • Chiles fiscal policy has taken a turn towards

  • The evidence suggests that we can be reasonably
    confident that Chile is doing currently better by
    sticking to its peso than by giving it up.
  • Chile does not satisfy traditional OCA criteria.

Table 1 Summary of OCA Evaluation for
Traditional Criteria Mercosur Monetary Union United States Dollarization
Income and devlopment (1) Similar Very differente
Inflation (1) Similar Similar
Labor Mobility (2) Moderate Very Low
Unemployment Rate Correlation (1) Strongly Negative Positive
Financial Mobility (2) Moderate/High Moderate / High
Real Interest Rates Correlation (1) Zero Low
Real Stock Returns Correlation (1) Positive Zero
Saving/Investment Correlation (1) High High
Share of Chile's Trade (1) Moderate Moderate / High
Terms of Trade Correlation (1) Low Negative
GDP Growth Correlation (1) Zero Zero
Source Compiled from information provided in
Morandé and Schmidt-Hebbel (2000), comparing
Chile with two prospective currency
partners. (1) Based on quantitative evidence
presented in the source.(2) Based on the
qualitative discussion presented in the source.
Table 1 Cont. Summary of OCA Evaluation for
Traditional Criteria Mercosur Monetary Union United States Dollarization
GDP Diversification (1) Low in Chile, higher in Mercosur Low in Chile, Higher in the US.
Exports Diversification (1) Low in Chile, Higher in Mercosur Low in Chile, higher in the US.
Labor Market Flexibility (2) Low in Chile, Higher in Mercosur Moderate in Chile, higher in the US.
Wage and Price Indexation (2) High in Chile, Lower in Mercosur High in Chile, lower in the US.
Non- Traditional Criteria
Depth of Structural Reforms (1) High and Similar High and Similar
Fiscal Stance (2) Strong and Different Strong and Similar
Fiscal Coordination/Regional Transfers(2) Negotiation Possible Negotiation Unlikely
Seigniorage (1) High, diminishing High, diminishing
Lender of last resort (2) Negotiation Possible Negotiation Unlikely
Source Compiled from information provided in
Morandé and Schmidt-Hebbel (2000), comparing
Chile with two prospective currency
partners. (1) Based on quantitative evidence
presented in the source. (2) Based on the
qualitative discussion presented in the source.
  • Chile has already obtained one of the main
    benefits of monetary union, as it has achieved
    credibility and discipline in the conduct of both
    monetary and fiscal policies. In fact, Chile
    satisfies all of Maastricht criteria.
  • This does not imply that Chile should close the
    door to assessing monetary unions in the future.
  • Strengthening domestic policies today is the
    best way to prepare for monetary union tomorrow.

5. Approaching Monetary Cooperation
  • Monetary union is the end of a long process,
    which includes progressive convergence in policy
    and increasing cooperation in all areas.
  • In Latin America, there has been little
    cooperation in emergency short term financing.
  • Policy surveillance and conditionality among
    equals are sine qua non pre-conditions to create
    the necessary confidence about due repayment of
    inter-central bank loans.
  • Establishing institutions for meaningful
    surveillance is a difficult political subject.

  • This difficulty is also faced by arrangements
    established in Asian countries, such as those of
    the Chang Mai initiative approved in 2000.
  • The Chang Mai initiative has a potentially
    important feature, as it requires consultations
    among countries on economic policies.
  • Perhaps setting up a Financial and Banking
    Supervision Committee (FBSC), grouping the
    banking and financial supervisors of, for
    example, Mercosur members, could help speed-up
    the application of international norms, already
    agreed upon in the Basle Committee, to banks and
    other financial institutions.

  • FBSC could prepare a blue-print for actions
    leading to a much greater degree of uniformity in
    institutions and regulations.
  • Another area of possible cooperation resides in
    the field of cross-border investment.
  • In the field of fiscal policy, coordination may
    be more difficult since it affects domestic
    political convictions and sensibilities.
  • A first step could be to agree on a path to
    convergence on some key macroeconomic variables
    like fiscal deficits, state or provincial
    imbalances and external debt management

  • There are many other areas of prospective
    cooperation in the economic field, such as stock
    and bond cross-border transactions, social
    security, migration and labor mobility. I will
    not enter into those areas.

6. Concluding comments the Blue Print Approach.
  • A general, all inclusive blue print would be
    necessary to insure that progress in all areas is
    both consistent and instrumental for the more
    general goal of economic policy cooperation and
  • The general blue print should make explicit the
    areas of parallel progress in different areas as
    well as collective aspirations regarding the
    final objective.

  • Building up the general blue print is not an easy
    matter and would require the assistance of a
    technical secretariat. Institutions like IDB and
    the secretariats of Mercosur, ALADI and/or ECLAC
    could be called upon, with the necessary
  • Or an ad-hoc secretariat could be established.

  • An initial step in the work of the secretariat
    would be to prepare detailed descriptions of
    monetary, financial and foreign exchange
    regulations and systems in the countries
  • The evidence on endogeneity of at least some of
    the OCA criteria, or their ex-post fulfillment,
    support a gradual, but persistent, approach and,
    at the same time, provide a light of hope.
  • Such evidence underlines the importance of
    political will to proceed, as the full benefits
    of cooperation and integration, particularly in
    open economy countries, will only appear after
    the process is well advanced.
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