AKS 40: Japan and China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AKS 40: Japan and China


Japan and China Chapter 19.2 and 19.3 Pages 536-547 ... Any unusual or especially beautiful tree, rock, waterfall, or mountain was considered the home of a kami. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AKS 40: Japan and China

AKS 40Japan and China
  • Chapter 19.2 and 19.3 Pages 536-547

Essential Questions for AKS 40
  • 40A- Explain how political (government) and
    social (class) changes transformed Chinese and
    Japanese society from the 1600s to 1850s.
  • 40B- How does population growth affect social
    structure? (academic must use China as an
    example and gif/hon can use China and come up
    with another example)

What did China look like under the Ming Dynasty
(1368 1644)
What did China look like under the Ming Dynasty
(1368 1644)
  • Brought peace and prosperity to China after
    driving out the Mongols
  • Achievements
  • Set up nationwide school system
  • Began construction of new Imperial City in
    Beijing (Forbidden City)
  • Conducted the Zheng He voyages
  • Policy of isolation

What did China look like under the Ming Dynasty
(1368 1644)
  • Ming Dynasty on the Decline
  • Bad harvest,
  • high taxes,
  • incompetent leaders, and
  • corrupt government led to the fall of this mighty
    dynasty and paved the way for the Manchu

What did China look like under the Qing Dynasty?
What did China look like under the Qing Dynasty?
  • Qing Dynasty founded by Manchus (from
    Manchuria) many Chinese resisted
  • Rebellions flared up periodically for decades
  • To make it easier to identify the rebels, the
    Manchu ordered all men to adopt Manchu dress and
    hairstyles. All Chinese males were to shave
    their foreheads and braid their hair into a
    pigtail called a queue. Those who refused were
  • Manchus slowly earned respect
  • Upheld Chinas traditional Confucian beliefs
  • Gave Chinese most of the lower government
  • Made frontiers safe restored prosperity

What did China look like under the Qing Dynasty?
  • In order to preserve their distinct identity
    within Chinese society, the Manchus (1 of
    population) were defined legally as distinct from
    everyone else in china.
  • Marriages between Manchu and Chinese were barred.
  • Manchu nobility maintained large landholdings and
    received revenues from the state treasury
  • Other Manchus were organized into separate
    military units called banners. The bannermen
    were the chief fighting force of the empire.

Qing DynastyKangxi (1661-1722)
  • Reduced govt expenses, lowered taxes
  • Gained support of intellectuals by offering them
    govt positions
  • Jesuits told him of European achievements in
    science, medicine, and math
  • patron of the arts
  • Why? to further solidify Manchu power in China

Qing DynastyIsolation Continues
  • Only the government was allowed to trade with
    foreign countries.
  • Those that wished to trade w/ China had to follow
    certain rules
  • Trade at special ports
  • Tribute
  • Kowtow ritual (kneeling before emperor
    touching head to ground 9 times)

There is nothing we lack, as your principal
envoy and others have themselves observed. We
have never set much store on strange or ingenious
objects, nor do we need any more of your
countrys manufactures. - Qian-Long, from a
letter to King George III of Great Britain
Qing DynastyIsolation Continues
  • British petition the Chinese to trade in 1793,
    but refused to kowtow. They were denied trading
    privileges in China
  • The Chinese were self-sufficient and did not need
    the British

Qing DynastyCultural Developments
  • Based mainly on traditional forms
  • Valued technique over creativity
  • Pottery high-quality ceramics (porcelain)
  • Drama popular b/c literacy rates were low
  • Focused on Chinese history cultural heroes

Causes of Population Increase
  • Agriculture Improved -irrigation fertilizer use
  • Farmers produced more food
  • Nutrition improved ? new crops corn and sweet
    potatoes (Europe)
  • People lived longer, families expanded

Columbian Exchange
Impact on Social StructureQing China
  • Sons Favored
  • Only sons allowed to perform religious rituals
  • Raised his own family under parents roof - help
    aging parents on farm
  • Were the ticket to wealth through the examination
  • Neat fact the exam took three days where
    students worked uninterrupted for that time
    period. If you died during the exam they would
    wrap your body and throw it over the walls of the
  • Females are not valued many infants girls

Impact on Social StructureQing China
  • Sons Favored
  • Only sons allowed to perform religious rituals
  • Raised his own family under parents roof - help
    aging parents on farm
  • Were the ticket to wealth through the examination
  • Neat fact the exam took three days where
    students worked uninterrupted for that time
    period. If you died during the exam they would
    wrap your body and throw it over the walls of the
  • Females not valued many infants girls killed

Impact on Social StructureQing China
  • Role of Women
  • Worked in fields, supervised childrens
    education, managed family finances
  • Subjected to the authority of men.
  • Some found jobs working as midwives or textile

Impact on Social StructureQing China
  • Role of Women
  • During Ming and Qing dynasties widows were
    discouraged to remarry and those who committed
    suicide following their spouse to the grave
    received posthumous pos-chuh-muh s honors
  • Women could not get a divorce, but men could set
    aside a wife for not producing an offspring,
    adultery, theft, disobedience to her husbands
    family, or even being too talkative.
  • Foot binding
  • Originated during the Song Dynasty
  • Popular amongst the wealthy classes, since it
    demonstrated an ability to support women who
    could not perform physical labor.
  • Commoners sometimes did it to especially pretty
    girls in hopes of arranging favorable marriages
    that would enhance the familys social standing.

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What did I just say?
  • What was Chinas official trading policy?
  • What group established the Qing Dynasty?
  • Why did Manchu emperors take a Chinese name for
    their dynasty and uphold Chinese traditions?
  • Why did China refuse to trade with the British?
    With which European country did the Chinese
  • What was the effect of population growth in
  • After the questions, please work on your AKS 40
    section 19.2 worksheet. It is due tomorrow.

  • Unscramble these words
  • Match the clue with the unscrambled word on the
  • Stalionsoim
  • Chumasn
  • Twowok
  • cuthd slearndenth
  • verngemont scloiffia
  • prescet
  • They were allowed to trade with foreign
  • The British did not gain trading privileges in
    China because they refused to do what?
  • They established the Qing Dynasty, which took
    rule after the fall of the Ming.
  • Chinas foreign policy
  • The Qing Dynasty upheld Chinas traditional
    Confucian beliefs, gave the Chinese most of the
    lower government positions, made frontiers safe,
    restored prosperity in an effort to gain
    ___________ from the Chinese people
  • They followed Chinese trading protocol and were
    the European nations that gained trade privileges
    in China.
  • Answers
  • Isolationism D
  • Manchus C
  • Kowtow B
  • Dutch Netherlands F
  • Government officials A
  • Respect E

Geography of Japan
Japan is a series of islands off the coasts of
Korea China
Like Greece, Japan was divided by mountains had
few areas for farming
Before 400 A.D., Japan was not a unified nation
but was ruled by hundreds of different family
Japans island location provided protection from
Chinese Mongol invasions
but Japan was close enough to borrow cultural
ideas from China
Japans isolation gave rise to a unique Japanese
culture, most specifically the Shinto religion
Shinto is a polytheistic religion based on the
respect of nature ancestor worship
Shinto worshipers believed in divine spirits
called kami that live in nature
The most important of the Shinto gods is the sun
goddess who gave light to the world
Amaterasu Sun Goddess
As Japan had more contact with Asia, it adopted
Chinese culture ideas
Japan adopted the Chinese idea of an emperor
rule by dynasties The first Japanese emperor was
said to have descended from the sun goddess
Unlike China, Japanese emperors often did not
have power over clan leaders Japan often had an
emperor figurehead a clan ruler with true power
Japan tried, but failed, to model the Chinese
examination system for govt officials
Japan adopted Confucianism blended Chinese
styles of writing, architecture, art
Chinese landscape art
Chinese architecture
Japanese architecture
Chinese writing
Japanese writing
Japanese landscape art
In the mid-700s Buddhism was introduced in Japan
from China Korea
Buddhism was accepted by Japanese emperors, but
in Japanese society, Buddhism Shinto blended
An example of religious blending was Zen
Classical Japan during the Heian Period
From 794-1185, Japan entered a classical era
during the Heian Period
  • ?

During this time, the imperial govt was strong
Japan experienced an era of peace and
Japan developed a golden age in poetry, art,
Japanese Feudalism
By the mid-1000s, the imperial govt grew weak,
regional landowners gained power, Japan became
lawless dangerous
  • ?

Outlaws attacked farmers pirates attacked the
Rival clans competed for power threw Japan into
a series of civil wars
Quick Class DiscussionBased on these images,
how were Japanese European feudal systems
Japanese Feudalism
As a result, Japan developed a feudal system
Farmers traded land to strong warlords called
daimyo who offered protection
Daimyo were served by loyal warriors called
The emperor had little power
Japanese Feudalism
Samurai warriors were usually relatives or
dependents of daimyo, although some were hired
warriors called Ronin
Samurai warriors lived by a code of Bushido which
demanded courage, loyalty, deity, fairness,
Samurai were skilled swordsmen, but also used
horses guns (after the arrival of Europeans)
Japanese Feudalism
In 1192, the first shogun was named by the emperor
  • Text

The emperor remained in place, but the shogun
held real power ruled as military dictators
Shoguns power varied over time, but the pattern
of govt controlled by a shogun lasted until
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Japanese Feudalism (5.14)
Closure Activity
  • Who were the military leaders, landowners,
    warriors in medieval Europe feudal Japan?
  • How were they alike?
  • How were they different?

Closure Activity
Japan before the Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Japan
  • 1467-1568 Warring States Local lords
    (Daimyo), were fighting each other for power
  • Daimyo heads of noble families, warlords

Japan before the Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Europeans reached Japan
  • The first European (Portuguese) ships arrived in
    Japan in 1543.
  • They acquired tobacco, clocks, eyeglasses, etc.
    from Europeans
  • Japanese merchants traded silks for muskets
    (guns) from the Portuguese.
  • New technology makes the samurai obsolete.
  • Catholic missionaries-for almost 90 years,
    Catholic missionaries traveled freely in Japan
    and learned many things about Japanese culture.

Oda Nobunaga (1568-1582)
Rule the empire by force. - Oda
  • ended the warring states period
  • Wanted to eliminate remaining enemies
  • 1575 Nobunagas 3,000 soldiers armed w/ muskets
    crushed enemy forces of samurai cavalry
  • 1st time firearms had been used effectively in
    battle in Japan
  • Committed seppuku (ritual suicide of samurai)
    after a general turned on him

  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vigC3GY2vc4I

Tokugawa Shogunate (military govt)Tokugawa
Ieyasu (1603-1616)
  • Unites Japan after defeating his rivals at Battle
    of Sekigahara
  • 1603 Became sole ruler (shogun)
  • Moved capital to Edo (later Tokyo)
  • Enacted policies that resulted in the rule of law
    overcoming the rule of the sword
  • Controlled daimyo through the alternate
    attendance policy
  • Definition
  • Brought peace and stability

Tokugawa JapanPolicy of Isolation
  • 1639 Shoguns realized that they could safely
    exclude both missionaries and merchants
  • They implemented the closed country policy to
    control foreign ideas
  • The Tokugawa Bakufu feared that Christianity
    could serve as a cultural bridge for alliances
    between daimyo and Europeans.
  • Converts ignored Japanese cultural beliefs and
  • Missionaries and converts were tortured and
    killed by crucifixion or burning at the stake. In
    1612 Christianity was banned and all citizens
    were forced to practice Buddhism
  • Christianity barely survived as a secret religion
  • Sealed Japans borders, except Nagasaki (Dutch)
  • Commercial contacts w/ Euro. ended
  • 200 years Japan remained closed citizens
    could not leave
  • Continued to develop self-sufficiently
  • After 1720 the ban on foreign books was lifted,
    and the elite were able to study European
    medicine, and science

Tokugawa JapanPolicy of Isolation
  • Effects
  • caused Japan to fall behind in science,
    technology and military power
  • gave Japan a long period of peace and stability
  • Japanese culture was rich and creative

Tokugawa JapanPolicy of Isolation
  • Effects
  • Many farmers leave the country to go to the city
    to become merchants and lead a better life
  • Farmers bore the heaviest tax burden
  • 1700s Japan moves toward an urban society
  • trade and industry flourish,
  • banking on the rise,
  • paper money became the norm,
  • Japanese merchant class emerged and began to play
    a significant role in the life of the Japanese

Tokugawa JapanCultural Developments
  • Traditional culture thrived
  • New types of fiction began to emerge realistic
    stories about self-made merchants or hardships of
  • Haiku type of poetry that presented images
    rather than ideals
  • Kabuki theater skits about modern life

Causes of Population Increase
  • Agriculture Improved -irrigation fertilizer use
  • Farmers produced more food
  • Nutrition improved ? new crops corn and sweet
    potatoes (Europe)
  • People lived longer, families expanded

Columbian Exchange
Impact on Social StructureTokugawa Japan
  • Societal Structure
  • Emperor top rank (figurehead only)
  • Actual ruler was shogun military commander
  • Daimyo landholding samurai
  • Samurai warriors
  • Peasants (4/5 of population) Artisans
  • Confucius taught that land was the source of
    everything praiseworthy
  • Produce food
  • Merchants
  • at the bottom because they profit off the labor
    of others

Confucian values important
Farmers made ideal citizens
Impact on Social StructureTokugawa Japan
  • Once Japan was stable, interest of Tokugawa
    authorities was to reduce the numbers of armed
    professional warriors,
  • so they pushed daimyo and samurai to become
    bureaucrats and government functionaries.
  • Also as a result of increased farmers due to the
    population boom there was a surplus of rice.
  • As the samurai and daimyo lost their place in
    society, many of the ruling elite also fell into
    financial difficulty due to the low prices of
    rice and their extravagant lifestyles.
  • Some ultimately fell into poverty
  • Merchants, on the other hand prospered. Rice
    dealers, pawnbrokers, and sake merchants soon
    controlled more wealth than the ruling elites.
  • Some even purchased elite ranks

Impact on Social StructureTokugawa Japan
  • Japanese families practiced population control in
    order to maintain or raise their standard of
  • Contraception, late marriage, and abortion all
    played roles in limiting population growth, but
    the principle control was infanticide.
  • Japanese families resorted to these measures
    primarily because Japan was land poor.

Impact on Social StructureTokugawa Japan
  • Role of Women
  • Inferior
  • W/ rise of commercial centers, found jobs in
    entertainment, textile manufacturing,
  • Most led sheltered lives as peasant wives

Did ya get it?
  • What type of government was the Tokugawa
  • Who was Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu? What
    did they accomplish?
  • What is Seppuku?
  • Why did the Tokugawa shoguns implement the
    closed country policy? How did the closed
    country policy strengthen the Tokugawa shoguns?
  • Who were the daimyo? How did Ieyasu control the

  • Unscramble these words
  • Match the clue with the unscrambled word on the
  • Sloced crontuy clyoip
  • doa boganuna
  • pekupus
  • Tareleant tantecened clyoip
  • Twogakua naoshuget
  • Yodaim
  • First person to use firearms successfully in
    battle and he ended the warring states period.
  • How the Shogunate was able to control the
    Japanese equivalent to nobles in Japan.
  • He unified Japan
  • The military government in Japan
  • This was imposed to limit the influence of
    foreigners. The effects of it were a rich
    Japanese culture and that they fell behind in
  • Land holding samurai
  • Ritual suicide performed by the samurai.
  • Answers
  • E
  • A
  • G
  • B
  • D
  • F

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