FYP Preparation for CSIS Student Writers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FYP Preparation for CSIS Student Writers


Your supervisor and second reader will be awarding a proportion of the ... On the local level: Check ... As part of my course requirements for a B.Sc. (Hons) in Music ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FYP Preparation for CSIS Student Writers

FYP Preparation for CSIS Student Writers
  • Lawrence Cleary and Dr. Íde OSullivan, Regional
    Writing Centre, UL
  • www.ul.ie/rwc

Peer writing-tutor
  • Yvonne Diggins and John Mulvihill are available
    for one-to-one or small group tutoring on writing
    in technical fields on Monday from 2-4pm and
    Thursday from 2-4pm respectively.
  • Register for an appointment by going to
    www.ul.ie/rwc. Click on the link to WCOnline.
    Register as a new user. Then log on to make an

Questions addressed
  • What is the best way to begin my FYP?
  • How should the FYP report be structured?
  • How do I cite and reference sources of borrowed
  • How much quoting should I do?
  • How do I know when to start a new paragraph?
  • I am not great at grammar. What is the best way
    for me to address grammar problems if I dont
    even know they are there?
  • How do I make this report sound professional?

What is the best way to begin my FYP?
  • The best way to begin is to employ strategies
    that work well.
  • These strategies are individual. What works for
    me might not work for you.
  • If you do not write a lot, a smart strategy might
    be to find out what good writers do?
  • What follows are some strategies employed by good

Good Writers Engage in a Writing Process that
  • Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing and
  • Assessing the context into which you write
  • Assess your own writing strategies. What works?
    What is not working?

The Composing Process
  • Prewriting
  • Drafting
  • Revising
  • Editing and Proofreading

  • Planning
  • Evaluating the rhetorical situation, or context,
    into which you write
  • Choosing and focusing your topic
  • Establishing an organizing principle
  • Gathering information
  • Entering the Discourse on your Topic
  • Taking notes as a Strategy to Avoid Charges of
  • Evaluating sources

Planning Assessing the Rhetorical Situation
  • The Occasion
  • The Audience
  • The Topic
  • The Purpose
  • The Writer

The Occasion
  • What has prompted you to write?
  • As part of my course requirements for a B.Sc.
    (Hons) in Music, Media, Performance and
    Technology (MMPT) or in Digital Media Design
    (DMD), I have to do a report on my final year
  • What do I need to know?
  • What are my obligations?
  • What are the procedures?
  • When is it due? How much time do I have?
  • Whats involved?

The Occasion
  • My guidelines tell me about procedures that I
    must follow.
  • I know that I had to choose a topic pretty
    quickly. I had to submit a proposal by when?
  • I have to submit reports on how my project is
    progressing or interim reportswhen? A draft
    report, when?
  • The deadline for submission of the final report
    is when? What day?

The Occasion
  • What kind of project will I choose?
  • How do I write about it?

The Occasion
  • When we consider the occasion for writing, we
    think about
  • What has prompted me to write?
  • How much writing do I have to do?
  • How much time do I have to do it?
  • How much time should I allot for planning and
    organizing, and for drafting and revising?
  • What tone should I adopt? Formal? Informal?
    Authoritative? Conciliatory? Assertive?

  • Whaddaya mean, audience? What, like a song and
  • Whaddayatalkinabout, audience? Im writing for
    my professor, right?
  • Mmmmmmm-maybe.

  • Your audience affects how you write.
  • Terms that need not be explained for one
    audience, may need to be explained to other
  • General audiences may not have your subject
    knowledge, but they are usually thought of as
    intelligent, thoughtful readers willing to be
    informed or persuaded.
  • Your classmates make good audiences. Write for
    them. Let them read your report and give you
    feedback on the ease with which they were able to
    read and understand it.

  • Who am I writing for?
  • Can my peers understand what Im saying?
  • Am I fulfilling the criteria established by my
  • How much revising and polishing will be necessary
    to meet the instructors standards?
  • What format appeals to my audience?
  • (from Ebest et al. 1997, 9)

  • Your topic is something that will have your
    supervisors approval.
  • Some things to think about
  • How much do you already know about this topic?
  • How much am I going to have to know in order to
    do this project and report on it? To say
    something meaningful?
  • How much research am I going to have to do?
  • How much time do I have to do it?

  • Strategies for choosing topics and narrowing or
    broadening the coverage you will give it.
  • Taking suggestions from your supervisor
  • Brainstorming (individually or in groups)
  • Listing
  • Clustering or mind-mapping
  • Free-writing or discussing
  • Asking wh-questionswho, what, when, where, how
    and why?

  • Topics do not stand in isolation. They exist in a
  • What is the relationship of your topic to your
    course of study?
  • What are people saying about your topic in the
    literature you have read?
  • What are the issues of concern?

  • What is your purpose for writing?
  • To express your feelings and opinions?
  • To inform?
  • To persuade?
  • As you draft, revise and edit, make sure that
    every contribution to your report works to
    realize that purpose.

  • If informing is the purpose of your report, then
    the point of order is a triangulation of your
    audience, your topic and your purpose.
  • Audience analysis
  • Relevance
  • Rhetorical appeals

The Writer
  • What do I already know about this topic?
  • How quickly do I learn? Read? Write?
  • How much writing have I already done?
  • Have I developed an academic or authoritative
  • Have I addressed this audience before?
  • What are my weaknesses? What are my strengths?

The Writer
  • Knowing who I am, how much time will it take ME
    to write my dissertation? Am I a ditherer? A
  • Having assessed and prioritised my weaknesses,
    what should I work on first?
  • Knowing my strengths, how can I turn this
    strength to my advantage?

Rhetorical Appeals
  • Logospersuade by appeals to reason
  • Ethospersuade by establishing your own
  • Pathospersuade by appealing to your audiences
    emotional attachment to your topic

Appeals for Credibility
  • Use credible sources of information
  • Be authoritative
  • Do not use personal, self-reflexive pronouns
  • Do not refer to your own mental processes (I
    feel I think I be loving it)
  • Do not use conversational markers (, you know?
    or Okay, so.)
  • Avoid quotingparaphrase and summarize instead
  • Avoid vagueness dont hedge.

Appeals for Credibility
  • Persuasive elements in a report like this are
    largely restricted to the presentation of sound
    evidence, explicitly stated.
  • If you need to justify conclusions, use
    observable evidence obtained through sound
    scientific principles such as observation and
  • Methods of analysis and those used for obtaining
    data should be repeatable (verifiable) and should
    be valued in your discipline.
  • Conditions under which data is obtained should be
    free of environmental variables (reliable).

Drafting your Report
  • Try to visualise your report. Work toward that
  • Begin to structure itestablish your section
    headings give them titles. These do not have to
    be permanent.
  • Examine the logical order of ideas reflected in
    those titles.
  • Do not get hung up on details elements of the
    draft are subject to change in the revision
  • Start to write the sections that you are ready to
    write. Dont try to write the Introduction merely
    because it comes first.

  • Continue to reassess your rhetorical situation.
  • Does what you have written so far contribute to
    the achievement of your purpose?
  • Experiment with organisation and methods of
  • Dont get bogged-down in details focus on the
    big issues organisation and logical flow.


  • How should it look? Do you have a vision?
  • What should the dissertation look like?
  • Project Summary
  • Introduction and Objectives
  • Background and Research
  • DesignUser Interface, Database design
  • Implementation
  • Testing and Evaluation
  • Conclusions and Further Development

1. Preliminaries Title pageProject SummaryTable of Contents and List of Figures Can you picture this?
2. Main text Section / Chapter 1. Introduction / Objectives Section / Chapter 2. Background Reasearch (Why you did it) Section / Chapter 3. DesignUser Interface, Database design (What you did) Section / Chapter 4. Implementation (How you did it) Section / Chapter 5. Testing and Evaluation (Why you did it the way that you did it) Section / Chapter 6. Conclusions Further Development Can you picture this?
3. End matter ReferencesAppendices Can you picture this?
  • Is your report logically organised?
  • A good way to check the logical flow of your
    ideas is to outline your report AFTER youve
    completed your draft.
  • How did you introduce your topic? By giving it
    definition? Describing its development?
    Explaining what it is?
  • Does each section contribute to your readers
    understanding of your topic? Does your report
    service your purpose, aims, and objectives?

  • Outline each section. How does each paragraph
    contribute to our understanding of the topic of
    that section?
  • Take a close look at paragraphs Does each
    paragraph have a central idea? Does it have
    unity? Is it coherent and well developed?
  • Is there a correspondence between the title of
    your report, your section headings and
    sub-headings and the central ideas in your

  • Do the methods used to illuminate your topic lead
    to logical discovery?
  • No truths are self-evident.
  • Claims have to be defended with evidence.
  • Processes have to be described and explained
  • Design features and research methods have to be
  • The justification for generalisations and
    conclusions need to be made explicit
  • The criteria used to qualify our results also
    needs to be explicitly put forward and evaluated
    for objectivity
  • Underlying assumptions need to be evaluated for
    their objectivity.

Editing and Proofreading
  • Once the report is cogent, it must be made to be
  • Work methodically, checking one feature at a
  • Do not exclude formatting issues.
  • Editing and proofreading is more than just
    grammar and punctuation it is also about voice,
    rhythm, tone, style and clarity.

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check for ambiguity
  • Squinting, misplaced or dangling modifiers.
  • Check sentence structure and modulation.
  • Check for comma splices, run-ons, stringy
    sentences and fragments.
  • Check for how sentences introduce new
    information is it in the beginning of the
    sentence or at the end?
  • Check that you use sentence types that are
    appropriate for your discipline.

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check word order and usage. Are you using an
    indefinite article when a definite article is
    more precise.
  • Check for agreement Subject / verb pronoun or
    noun substitute / antecedent or concatenation.
  • Check for bias (gender, race, religious, creed,
    persuasion, etc).

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check for obstacles to clarity
  • Poorly chosen words
  • Vague references
  • Clichés and trite language
  • Jargon
  • Inappropriate connotations

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check for clarity
  • Effective subordination and emphasis
  • Sentence variety
  • Parallel structures
  • Choppy writing
  • Explicit logical links

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check formatting issues (appropriacy and
  • Margins
  • Font (size and style)
  • Section heading numbers
  • Paragraph style (block, semi-block, indented)

Editing and Proofreading
  • Check for plagiarism
  • Check the form of your in-text citations and of
    your full references in your References page.
  • Check the content of your citations. Is
    everything that should be there there?
  • Check that paraphrases are not too close to the
  • Check that all figures, tables and graphs are
    captioned and cited (below figures and graphs
    above tables)
  • Check that any borrowed ideas, words or methods
    of organising information are referenced and
    clearly marked.

Logical Choices and Unity of Purpose
  • Every choice serves to defend a claim, answer a
    question, or confirm a hypothesis
  • Word, phrase, sentence-structure
  • Does the choice satisfy audience expectations?
  • Does it speak to your authorial credibility?
  • Does it further your argument, analysis?

Writing is a Social Activity
  • Lexical-grammatical choices affect the culture of
    register, which in turn affects the culture of
  • Illustration (Martin Rose, 2003, p. 254 cited
    in BALEAP 2007).

Arguments Logic
  • A good argument will have, at the very least
  • a thesis that declares the writer's position on
    the problem at hand
  • an acknowledgment of the opposition that nods to,
    or quibbles with other points of view
  • a set of clearly defined premises that illustrate
    the argument's line of reasoning
  • evidence that validates the argument's premises
  • a conclusion that convinces the reader that the
    argument has been soundly and persuasively made.
  • (Dartmouth Writing Program 2005)

Literature Review Logic
  • The Lit. Review that you wrote for your proposal
    will not necessarily be the same review that you
    submit as part of your dissertation.
  • Think in terms of your argument and the support
    that you provided for claims
  • Include a review of all the literature that you
    read to learn about your topic and the
    particular aspect of your topic that you focus
  • Include a review of the literature on the
    methodologies that you used.

Methodologies Logic
  • When you know what you need to know in order to
    answer a question, then it is logical to choose
    methods of inquiry that will supply the reliable
    verifiable data that you need in order to answer
    the question.
  • Dont forget to qualify your datawhat does it
    tell you and what is it unable to tell you?

Methodologies Credibility
  • All data has to be analysed. You need a
    methodology for analyses as well.
  • Quantitative data can it be generalised?
  • Qualitative data what criteria will be used to
    establish its value?
  • Do not overstate your results. An honest, quality
    analysis will speak volumes about your
    credibility, regardless of the quality of the

Unity and Coherence
  • If information included in your dissertation does
    not contribute to an understanding of the value
    of your conclusions and recommendations, then it
    only serves to befuddle the logic of your piece.
  • A unified text is a more coherent text.

Writing Strategies
  • Map your paper
  • What sections or subsections are completed
    (keeping in mind you still have to revise),
  • Pick one or two of the holes in your paper that
    you would feel comfortable filling,
  • Assess the reasons for any anxiety you have over
    the unfinished parts that cause you anxiety
  • Do you need to read more?
  • Do you need to rethink your paper?

Writing Strategies
  • Outline your paper
  • Devise headings and subheadings for uncompleted
  • This helps you see the logical progression (or
    lack of it) of your ideas
  • It identifies the main ideas
  • It helps detect omissions

Writing Strategies
  • Write about why you are having difficulty making
    advances in your paper
  • It gets the fingers tapping and the cerebral
    juices flowing
  • An awareness of fears and anxieties helps you to
    develop strategies to overcome those emotional
  • You may discover that the reason that you are
    having difficulty is that there is some chink in
    the logic of your argument that you must either
    fill or that requires a major rethinking of the
    line of reasoning.

Writing Strategies
  • Dont allow yourself to freeze up. When you are
    feeling overwhelmed
  • Satisfy yourself with small advances until you
    feel more confident and unstuck
  • Seek help. Talk to friends. Talk about how you
    feel, but talk about your ideas as well.
  • Eat lots of ice cream and candy

Works Cited
  • Cleary, Lawrence (2007) Comparison of Report and
    Essay Introductions for Clause Structure
  • Dartmouth Writing Program (2006) Logic and
    Argument Online, available http//www.dartmout
    h.edu/writing/materials/ student/toc.shtml
    accessed 08 Jan. 2008.
  • Ebest, S., R., Brusaw, T., Oliu, W., and Alred,
    G. (1997) Writing From A to Z, Mt. View, CA
    Mayfield Publishing.
  • Forde, J. (2007) Comparative Dissertation
    Timberframe vs. Masonry Hoursebuilding, B.Sc.
    (Hons) Construction Management, College of
    Engineering, Institute of Technology, Tralee.
    Dissertation, unpublished.
  • Glucksman Library (2007) Cite It Right Guide to
    Harvard Referencing Style, 2nd edition
    University of Limericks Referencing Series
    Online, http//www.ul.ie/library/
    pdf/citeitright.pdf accessed 08 Jan. 2008.

Works Cited
  • Institute of Technology, Tralee (2007) A Guide
    to Dissertation Preparation for Degree Students
  • McGrath, R. (2007) Is the Education process for
    Buildability being promoted in our Institutes of
    Education, B.Sc. (Hons) Construction Management,
    College of Engineering, Institute of Technology,
    Tralee. Dissertation, unpublished.
  • McMurrey, D. A. (n.d.) Online Technical Writing
    Online Textbook, Austin Community College /
    Brooklyn College Online, available
    http//www.io.com/hcexres/ textbook/acctoc.htmli
    ntroduction accessed 26 Oct. 2007.
  • New York Public Library (2007) Lewis Wickes Hine
    The Construction of the Empire State Building,
    1930-1931. photographs online, available
    nex/empire /empire.html accessed 08 Jan. 2008.

Works Cited
  • ODonnell, I. (2007) The benefits of mobile
    computing on a utilities project, B.Sc. (Hons)
    Construction Management, Institute of Technology,
    Tralee. Dissertation, unpublished.
  • Outline of FYP Procedures (2004) The Department
    of Computer Science and Information Systems,
    University of Limerick Online, available
    http//www.csis.ul.ie/ StudentResources/FYP/fyp_st
    udent.htm accessed 26 Oct 2007.
  • Power, N. (2000) Final Year Project, B.Sc.
    Computer Systems Guidelines and Suggestions for
    the Project Report, The Department of Computer
    Science and Information Systems, University of
    Limerick Online, available http//www.csis.ul.i
    e/StudentResources/ FYP/fypwriteup.htm accessed
    26 Oct. 2007.
  • University of Hertfordshire (2008) Describing
    Analysing Language Handouts, University of
    Hertfordshire, School of Combined Studies, BA
    (Hons) in English Language for Commercial
    Communication online, available
    m accessed 08 Jan. 2008.
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