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Primary Contents


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Title: Primary Contents

Primary Contents
  • Dra. María Jesús FERNÁNDEZ GIL
  • Universidad Camilo José Cela

  • Introduction
  • Primer Ciclo (First Cycle)
  • Segundo Ciclo (Second Cycle)
  • Tercer Ciclo (Third Cycle)

Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
TICs ? integral and accepted part in everyday life
First Cycle
Functional requirement
Second Cycle
Work Social (increase of international
relationships) Personal
Third Cycle
Success depends on speaking a variety of languages
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
Council of Europe
First Cycle
children ? learn 1 FL
Second Cycle
Multilingualism presence in a geographical
area, large or small, of more than one variety of
language Plurilingualism repertoire of
varieties of language which many individuals use
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
Common European Framework of Reference
First Cycle
- Monitoring and recording pupil progress -
Planning for language learning across the
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
Modern Foreign Language Area
The benchmarks in the first three levels reflect
the minimum proficiency required for full
participation in mainstream classrooms. The
benchmarks are specified at levels A1, A2 and B1.
Level A1 is the lowest and it automatically
becomes the first target for pupils who enter
school with little or no existing English. Newly
arrived pupils may be overwhelmed in the first
few weeks and may not display their full
linguistic competence for some time.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
Modern Foreign Language Area
The main objective of teaching a modern foreign
language in primary school is to promote the
early development of a child's linguistic
competence. It is generally agreed that children
learning MFL should progress from listening to
speaking to reading to writing, in that order.
Their natural curiosity will then often lead to
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
Modern Foreign Language Area
YET, school is probably their only contact with
ENGLISH. That is the reason why a variety of
techniques need to be used to encourage the
children to engage actively in the modern foreign
language these include games, role-play and
songs (particularly action songs).
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Support for foreign languages
What is the CEFR?
First Cycle
The Common European Framework provides a common
basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses,
curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks,
etc. across Europe. - It describes in a
comprehensive way what language learners have to
learn (knowledge and skills). - It covers the
cultural context. - It defines levels of
proficiency. - Description of partial
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
The domains in which learners are being prepared
to operate has far-reaching implications for the
selection of situations, purposes, tasks, themes
and texts for teaching and testing materials and
activities. Teachers may have to bear in mind the
motivational effects of choosing domains of
present relevance in relation to their students
utility. Therefore, children may be better
motivated by a concentration on their present
centres of interest. That is the reason why, the
focus on primary English teaching shall be on the
PERSONAL domain.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Contents have been grouped in four blocks -
Oral language - Written language -
Constituents of the linguistic system, their
functioning and relationships - Social and
cultural dimension of the foreign language
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
BLOCK 1 Listen, speak and converse
  • The discourse employed in the classroom is both
    the vehicle for and the object of learning
  • Number of different speakers (variation and
  • Use of audiovisual media

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
BLOCK 2 Read and Write
  • Competence in writing
  • Use of written language ? knowledge of the code
  • Use of dictionaries and means of consultation

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language
  • Linguistic knowledge
  • Reflection upon learning

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
BLOCK 4 Socio-cultural features and
intercultural awareness
  • Discover customs, forms of socialising,

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
N.B. In those cases where education authorities
mandate the inclusion of a second foreign modern
language, minimal contents shall be the ones
established for Modern Foreign Languages at a
primary level. Necessary adaptations shall be
made as requested by students characteristics
and linguistic competence.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Key competences (MFL)
? Direct contribution to the development of this
First Cycle
Second Cycle
completes enriches adds
General communicative competence
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Key competences (MFL)
? Use aids appropriately ? Learn languages also
informally as part of lifelong learning.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Key competences (MFL)
? Communicate in real time with any part of the
world ? Immediate access to a constant flow of
information ? Functional contexts of
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Key competences (MFL)
LANGUAGES ? social communication cultural
communication ? Appreciation of cultural
diversity ? Interest in languages /
intercultural communication ? Tolerance
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Key competences (MFL)
- Cultural information - Understand different
realities and products of the artistic and
cultural world
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Objectives (MFL)
The axis of the area of foreign language is the
achievement of an effective oral and written
communicative competence in meaningful social
contexts which will enable students to express
themselves more and more efficiently and
correctly encompassing all possible uses and
registers as well as the use of communication
strategies both verbal and non verbal.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Objectives (MFL)
1) Listening to and understanding verbal
messages in various kinds of interactions, using
the information provided for the execution of
diverse specific tasks related to students
experience. 2) Expressing themselves orally
and interacting in simple and routine within a
given content and development, using procedures
and verbal and non verbal language and adopting a
respectful and co-operative attitude. 3)
Producing short simple texts with various
purposes on topics covered in class with the aid
of patterns.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Objectives (MFL)
4) Reading and understanding various texts,
related to their experience and hobbies, texts to
extract general and specific information in
accordance with a specific purpose. 5) Learning
to use with increasing autonomy all the means at
their disposal, including new technology, to
obtain information and to communicate in the
foreign language. 6) Valuing the foreign
language, and languages in general, as a means of
communication and understanding between people of
diverse origins and cultures and as a tool for
learning different contents
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Objectives (MFL)
  • 7) Expressing a receptive and confident attitude
    vis-à-vis their own ability to learn and use the
    foreign language.
  • 8) Using knowledge and prior experience of other
    languages for a faster, more efficient and
    independent acquisition of the target language.
  • 9) Identifying the phonetic aspects of rhythm,
    intonation and pronunciation, as well as
    linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the
    target language, using them as basic elements of

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Contents First Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 1 Listen, speak and converse
  • Understand simple oral messages
  • Listen to and understand simple recordings on
    audiovisual or IT sources
  • Oral exchange in real or simulated situations
  • Production of previously seen oral texts
  • Development of basic strategies to improve
    comprehension and oral expression
  • Assessment of the foreign language as an
    instrument of communication

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 2 Read and Write
  • Reading of words and simple sentences previously
    seen in real or simulated oral exchanges.
  • Initiation into the use of reading strategies
    (use of elements of visual context and of prior
    knowledge of the subject or situation transferred
    from the languages they know).
  • Writing of words and sentences previously seen
    in oral exchanges their own texts and reading of
    these words and sentences to transmit and share
    information or with a playful intention.
  • Initiation into the use of IT and communication
    technology to read, write and transmit basic
  • - Interest in the presentation of written texts.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
  • Linguistic knowledge
  • - Introduction to some aspects of phonetics,
    rhythm, stress and intonation of the target
    language and their use as fundamental aspects of
    comprehension and production of brief oral texts.
  • - Recognition and use of previously employed
    vocabulary and basic forms and structures
    particular to the target language.
  • - Association of spelling, pronunciation and
    meaning via written model of familiar oral
  • - Familiarization with the use of basic
    strategies of production of texts (choice of
    addressee, purpose and content).
  • - Interest in using the target language in
    different situations.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
  • Reflection upon learning
  • Use of skills and procedures such as
    memorisation, word association and expressions
    with gestures and visual elements and observation
    of models for the acquisition of vocabulary and
    basic forms and structures of the language.
  • Progressive use of graphic sources of
    consultation and information and of the
    possibilities afforded by this technology.
  • - Confidence in their own ability to learn a
    foreign language and appreciation of teamwork.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Participate in very controlled oral exchanges
    referring to familiar topics in predictable
    communication situations.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the ability to respond to basic requests,
    instructions and to provide information.
  • - the ability to participate actively in the

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Grasp general meaning, and identify specific
    information in oral texts with the help of
    linguistic and non-linguistic elements present in
    the communication situation.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the ability to grasp the general meaning of an
    oral message.
  • - the ability to recognise and understand key

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Read and identify simple words and sentences,
    which have been previously presented orally about
    familiar topics.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the ability to read words and sentences.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Write sentences, known expressions and
    sentences from models with a specific purpose.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the ability to write simple words and
    sentences used orally and frequently in various

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Recognize and reproduce aspects of sound,
    rhythm, stress and intonation in expressions
    which appear in common communicative contexts.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the ability to recognise and reproduce sounds,
    rhythm, stress and intonation.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Use basic learning-to-learn strategies, such as
    requesting help, accompanying communication with
    gestures, using visual dictionaries and
    identifying certain personal features which help
    them to learn better.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - the use of basic strategies which favour the
    learning process.
  • - basic ability to evaluate their own progress.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • ? Appreciate the target language as an instrument
    of communication with other people and show
    curiosity and interest towards people who speak
    the target language.
  • This criterion assesses
  • - whether pupils make an effort to speak the
    target language.
  • - awareness of the importance to know foreign

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Contents Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 1 Listen, speak and converse
  • ? Listen to and understand progressively more
    complex oral messages.
  • Oral exchange in real or simulated situations in
    progressively less controlled contexts.
  • Production of previously seen oral texts via
    active participation or prepared by means of
    prior work with assistance and models, showing
    interest in expressing themselves orally in
    individual and group activities.
  • Development of basic strategies to improve
    comprehension and oral expression.
  • Assessment of the foreign language as an
    instrument of communication.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 2 Read and Write
  • Reading and understanding different texts adapted
    to the pupils linguistic competence, to use
    global and specific information, in the execution
    of a task or to enjoy reading.
  • Guided use of reading strategies, identifying the
    most important information, deducing the meaning
    of unknown words and expressions.
  • Reading and writing their own texts about
    everyday situations and their own experience.
  • Composition, using models, of different simple
    texts, using familiar expressions and sentences,
    to transmit information, or with diverse
    communicative aims.
  • Use of IT and communication technology to read,
    write and transmit information.
  • Interest in the presentation of written texts.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
  • Linguistic knowledge.
  • Identification of aspects of phonetics, rhythm,
    stress and intonation of the target language and
    their use as fundamental aspects of comprehension
    and production of brief oral texts.
  • Recognition and use of previously employed
    vocabulary and basic forms and structures
    particular to the target language. .
  • Association of spelling, pronunciation and
    meaning via written models, familiar oral
    expressions and establishment of analytical
    relation between spelling and sound.
  • Initiation into knowledge and use of basic
    strategies of production of texts (choice of
    addressee, purpose, planning, preparation of
    draft, revision of text and final version) using
    highly structured models.
  • Interest in using the target language correctly
    in different situations.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
  • Reflection upon learning.
  • Use of skills and procedures such as
    memorisation, word association and expressions
    with gestures and visual elements, observation of
    models, reading of texts, use of multimedia
    resources, for the acquisition of new vocabulary,
    forms and structures of the language.
  • Reflection upon their own learning and acceptance
    of error as part of the process.
  • Progressive use of graphic sources of
    consultation and information and of the
    possibilities afforded by this technology.
  • Confidence in their own ability to learn a
    foreign language and appreciation of teamwork.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 4 Socio-cultural features and
intercultural awareness
  • Interest in acquiring information about the
    people and culture of countries where the target
    language is spoken.
  • Knowledge of some similarities and differences in
    everyday customs and use of basic forms of
    socialising between countries where the target
    language is spoken and our own.
  • Receptive attitude towards people who speak
    another language and have a different culture to
    ones own

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
  • Participate in controlled oral exchanges
    referring to familiar topics in predictable
    communication situations, respecting the basic
    rules of exchange, such as listening to and
    looking at the person who is speaking.
  • Ability to express immediate needs such as
    asking permission, borrowing everyday objects,
    finding objects or people, talking about the
    weather or about likes and abilities. This
    criterion will also assess pupils attitude when
    participating in exchanges and their degree of
    interest in the contributions of others.
  • Grasp general meaning, and identify specific
    information in oral texts which are familiar and
    of interest to pupils.
  • This criterion seeks to assess whether pupils
    are able to grasp the general meeting of an oral
    message, employing linguistic and non-linguistic
    elements present in the communication situation.
    It also refers to the ability to recognise and
    extract familiar words and expressions which
    appear in longer expressions although the text is
    not understood in its entirety.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Read and grasp global meaning and some specific
information in simple texts about familiar topics
and with a specific purpose. Capable of reading,
aloud too, different texts, appropriate to their
communicative skills, such as notes, classroom
rules, letters, posters or stories, containing
familiar vocabulary and expressions, to extract
general and specific information, and
transferring knowledge of known languages. Write
sentences and short texts in everyday and school
situations and from models with a specific
purpose and an established format, both on paper
and in digital form. Ability to write diverse
texts such as notes, Instructions or rules,
letters, posters, brochures, comics or simple
descriptions. Ability to use a model to produce a
text with a certain degree of autonomy, as well
as correct spelling as a result of the
observation of models and the knowledge of the
relationship between sound and spelling.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Use in a meaningful way forms and structures
particular to the target language, including
aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation
in different communicative contexts. Ability to
recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress
and intonation when participating actively by
listening to repeating and anticipating
expressions in reading aloud activities and with
the use of models. Use some learning-to-learn
strategies, such as requesting clarification,
accompanying communication with gestures, using
visual and bilingual dictionaries, recovering,
seeking and compiling information about familiar
topics in different sources and identifying
certain personal features which help them to
learn better. Use of basic strategies which
favour the learning process such as the use of
visual resources and gestures, requesting help
and clarification, gradually more autonomous use
of bilingual dictionaries and some basic
technology. Ability to evaluate their own
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Appreciate the target language as an instrument
of communication with other people and show
curiosity and interest towards people who speak
the target language. This criterion assesses
whether pupils have an attitude of curiosity
towards those who speak the target language or
other languages different to their own, and also
the capacity to appreciate linguistic diversity
as an enriching element of society and value
sociocultural particularities of speakers of
other languages. Identify aspects of everyday
life in countries where the target language is
spoken and compare them with their own. Capacity
to observe and identify differences and
similarities in aspects of everyday life in
countries where the target language is spoken
with regard to timetables, meals, traditions,
festivals and ways of socialising with people.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
Contents Third Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 1 Listen, speak and converse
  • Listen to and understand progressively more
    complex oral messages, such as instructions or
    explanations, controlled oral exchanges or
    recordings on audiovisual or IT sources to
    extract global or specific information.
  • Progressively autonomous and efficient oral
    exchanges in real or simulated complex
  • Production of previously seen oral texts
    progressively autonomous and efficient prepared
    by means of prior work with assistance and
    models, showing interest in expressing themselves
    orally in individual and group activities.
  • Development of basic strategies to improve
    comprehension and oral expression use of visual
    and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge
    of the subject or the situation transferred from
    the languages they know to the target language.
  • Willingness to overcome communication problems
    by using communication strategies. Assessment of
    the foreign language as an instrument of

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 2 Read and Write
  • Reading and understanding different texts to use
    global and specific information, in the execution
    of a task or to enjoy reading.
  • Progressively autonomous use of reading
    strategies, identifying the most important
    information, deducing the meaning of unknown
    words and expressions by using dictionaries.
  • Reading and writing their own texts about
    everyday social situations, the media and
    learning and informative texts.
  • Composition of their own texts in different
    communicative situations, which shall be
    progressively larger and more varied, and writing
    of structures, to convey information with
    different purposes.
  • Use of IT and communication technology to read,
    write and transmit information.
  • Interest in the presentation of written texts
    and assessment of their role in satisfying
    communicative needs.
  • Assessment of the foreign language as a tool to
    communicate and learn.language as an instrument
    of communication.

First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
Linguistic knowledge. Careful pronunciation,
rhythm, stress and intonation of the target
language both in oral exchanges and expression as
well as in reciting, dramatization and
reading. Recognition and use of previously
employed vocabulary and basic forms and
structures particular to the target language.
. Association of spelling, pronunciation and
meaning via written models, familiar oral
expressions and establishment of analytical
relation between spelling and sound concerning
the most outstanding irregular forms. Use of
basic strategies of production of texts (choice
of addressee, purpose, planning, preparation of
draft, revision of text and final version) using
structured models. Interest in using the target
language correctly in different situations and in
gradually more extended situations Comparison and
reflection of the foreign language on the basis
of known languages.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 3 Knowledge of the language
Reflection upon learning. Use of skills and
procedures such as memorisation, word association
and expressions with gestures and visual
elements, observation of models, reading of
texts, use of multimedia resources, for the
acquisition of new vocabulary, forms and
structures of the language. Reflection upon their
own learning, work planning, acceptance of error
as part of the process and self-correction and
self-assessment. Progressive use of graphic
sources of consultation and information and of
the possibilities afforded by this
technology. Confidence in their own ability to
learn a foreign language and appreciation of
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Block 4 Socio-cultural features and
intercultural awareness
Assessment of foreign languages as a means to
communicate and socialize with students from
other countries as a means of accessing new
information and as an enriching tool to know
other cultures and ways of living. Knowledge of
some everyday customs and use of the forms of
socialising between countries where the target
language is spoken and our own. Receptive
attitude towards and positive assessment of
people who speak another language and have a
different culture to ones own. Interest in
establishing contact and communicating with
foreign language speakers through the means
provided by the new technologies.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Participate in everyday oral exchanges
referring to familiar topics in predictable
communication situations, respecting the basic
rules of exchange, such as listening to and
looking at the person who is speaking. This
criterion assesses the ability to communicate in
everyday situations referring to familiar or
previously seen topics to express immediate needs
such as asking permission, borrowing everyday
objects, finding objects or people, talking about
the weather or about likes and abilities. There
will be assessment of the ability to use
expressions and sentences to talk about their
family and other people, the weather, clothes,
books, games and the contents of the different
areas. This criterion will also assess pupils
attitude when participating in exchanges and
their degree of interest in the contributions of
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Grasp the overall meaning and identify specific
information in oral texts which occur in
different communicative situations. This
criterion seeks to assess whether pupils are able
to grasp the most recurrent expressions and
vocabulary concerning their surrounding reality
family, sports, games, contents of other areas.
It also refers to the ability to understand clear
and simple messages, information and conversation
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Read and locate explicit and direct information
and make inferences understanding texts on
various topics of interest. This criterion
assesses whether pupils are capable of reading,
aloud too, different texts, containing rich and
complex vocabulary and expressions in poems,
recipes, menus, leaflets, advertisements, rules
and letters by using basic comprehension
strategies. It also assesses students ability to
extract specific information and their ability to
go beyond the superficial meaning of the texts.
It shall also assess the ability to use reading
comprehension strategies, such as using elements
of linguistic and non-linguistic context,
autonomously and to transfer knowledge of known
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Prepare written texts keeping in mind the
recipient, the text type and purpose, both in
paper and digital formats. This criterion seeks
to assess the ability to write, on the basis of
models, short texts depending on the participants
in the communicative situation. It will assess
the ability to produce with help different texts
such as requests, instructions, letters, diaries,
descriptions and short narrations in relation to
topics related to their interests and previous
knowledge. Special attention shall be given to
text production phases planification,
textualization and revision.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Use basic forms and structures particular to the
target language, including aspects of sound,
rhythm, stress and intonation in different
communicative contexts. This criterion seeks to
assess pupils ability to recognise and reproduce
sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation when
participating actively in different such as short
oral presentations, conversations or reading
aloud, with the use of models.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Use some strategies for learning to learn such
as asking questions as appropriate to obtain
information, seek clarification, using bilingual
and monolingual dictionaries, accompanying
communication with gestures, to search for,
collect and organize information in different
formats, using ICT to check and verify
information and identify some aspects to improve
efficiency. This criterion aims to assess the use
of basic strategies which favour the learning
process such as the use of visual resources and
gestures, requesting help and clarification, use
of adapted monolingual dictionaries and looking
up for paper and digital information. It will
also assess the ability to evaluate their own
progress, to identify resources and strategies to
learn better and spontaneous use of simple,
everyday forms and structures.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Value the foreign language as a communication
tool and show curiosity and interest in its
speakers. This criterion assesses pupils capacity
to value the foreign language as a communication
tool, and also the capacity to appreciate
linguistic diversity as an enriching element of
society. It shall also assess the effort to use
the foreign language to establish personal
relations using new technologies both for oral
and written skills.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
Primary Contents
Identify some traits, customs and traditions of
countries where the target language is spoken and
compare them with the students own. This
criterion assesses the capacity to identify the
most well-known particularity, customs and
traditions in countries where the target
language. It shall also assess their ability to
compare these foreign socio-cultural aspects with
their own culture so as to develop their
multicultural awareness.
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Second Cycle
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