Computer Science 653 --- Lecture 2 Passwords - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Science 653 --- Lecture 2 Passwords


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer Science 653 --- Lecture 2 Passwords

Computer Science 653 --- Lecture 2Passwords
  • Professor Wayne Patterson
  • Howard University
  • Fall 2009

Access Control
Access Control
  • Two parts to access control
  • Authentication Who goes there?
  • Determine whether access is allowed
  • Authenticate human to machine
  • Authenticate machine to machine
  • Authorization Are you allowed to do that?
  • Once you have access, what can you do?
  • Enforces limits on actions
  • Note Access control often used as synonym for

Who Goes There?
  • How to authenticate a human to a machine?
  • Can be based on
  • Something you know
  • For example, a password
  • Something you have
  • For example, a smartcard
  • Something you are
  • For example, your fingerprint

Something You Know
  • The most familiar example is the password. The
    theory is that if you know the secret password
    for an account, you must be the owner of that
  • There is a problem with this theory You might
    give your password away or have it stolen from
    you. If you write it down, someone might read it.
    If you tell someone, that person might tell
    someone else. If you have a simple, easy-to-guess
    password, someone might guess it or systemically
    crack it.

Something You Have
  • Examples are keys, tokens, badges, and smart
    cards you must have to unlock your terminal or
    your account. The theory is that if you have the
    key or equivalent, you must be the owner of it.
  • The problem with this theory is that you might
    lose the key, it might be stolen from you, or
    someone might borrow it and duplicate it.
    Electronic keys, badges, and smart cards are
    gaining acceptance as authentication devices and
    as access devices for buildings and computer

Something You Are
  • Examples are physiological or behavioral traits
    such as your fingerprint, handprint, retina
    pattern, voice, signature, or keystroke pattern.
  • Biometric systems compare your particular trait
    against the one stored for you and determine your
  • The problem with these systems is that, on the
    whole, people arent comfortable with them.

Passwords The First Line of Defense
  • Remember this
  • 8x32jqab

System Access Logging into Your System
  • The first way in which a system provides computer
    security is by controlling access to that system.
    Whos allowed to log in? How does the system
    decide whether a user is legitimate? How does the
    system keep track of whos doing what in the
  • Whats really going on when you try to log into a
    system? Its a kind of challenge. You tell the
    system who you are, and the system proves that
    you are (or you arent) who you claim to be. In
    security terms, this two-step process is called
    identification and authentication.

Something You Know
  • Passwords
  • Lots of things act as passwords!
  • PIN
  • Social security number
  • Mothers maiden name
  • Date of birth
  • Name of your pet, etc.

Passwords The Method of Choice
  • Passwords are still, far and away, the
    authentication tool of choice. In most systems,
    you identify yourself to the system by entering
    some kind of unique login identifier, followed by
    a password. The identifier is typically a name,
    initials, a login number, or an account number
    assigned by the system administrator based on
    your own name and/or group.

Trouble with Passwords
  • Passwords are one of the biggest practical
    problems facing security engineers today.
  • Humans are incapable of securely storing
    high-quality cryptographic keys, and they have
    unacceptable speed and accuracy when performing
    cryptographic operations. (They are also large,
    expensive to maintain, difficult to manage, and
    they pollute the environment. It is astonishing
    that these devices continue to be manufactured
    and deployed.)

Why Passwords?
  • Why is something you know more popular than
    something you have and something you are?
  • Cost passwords are free
  • Convenience easier for SA to reset pwd than to
    issue user a new thumb

Keys vs Passwords
  • Passwords
  • Spse passwords are 8 characters, and 256
    different characters
  • Then 2568 264 pwds
  • Users do not select passwords at random
  • Attacker has far less than 263 pwds to try
    (dictionary attack)
  • Crypto keys
  • Spse key is 64 bits
  • Then 264 keys
  • Choose key at random
  • Then attacker must try about 263 keys

The UNIX Example
  • As you know, for example, UNIX systems display
    the prompt
  • login
  • and expect a name in response. Other systems
    may expect an identifier of a specific length ---
    for example, a 3-character ID or an account
    number. After you enter your login ID, the system
  • Password
  • and you type the password, and authenticates your
    identity by verifying that the entered password
    is currently valid for your account.
  • Passwords are your main defense against
    intruders. To protect your system and your data,
    you must select good passwords, and you must
    protect them carefully.

Hints for Protecting Passwords
  • Both system administrators and users share
    responsibility share responsibility for enforcing
    password security. Here are some hints
  • A password should be like a toothbrush. Use it
    every day change it regularly and dont share
    it with friends.
  • Dont allow any logins without passwords. If
    youre the administrator, make sure every account
    has a password.
  • Dont keep passwords that may have come with your
    system. Change all test or guest passwords, for
    example root, system, test, demo, etc.
  • Dont ever let anyone use your password.
  • Dont write your password down --- particularly
    on your computer, or anywhere around your desk.
    If you ever do write it down, dont identify it
    as a password, and dont write the phone number
    of the computer on the same piece of paper.
  • Dont type a password while anyone else is
  • Dont record your password online or send it
    anywhere by electronic mail.
  • Dont make a bad situation worse. If you do share
    your password, change it immediately.
  • Dont keep the same password indefinitely.

After Authentication
  • Once youve been authenticated, the system uses
    your ID to determine what youre allowed to do in
    the system. For example, if you try to modify a
    sensitive file, the system checks your
    authenticated user ID against the list of IDs
    representing users who are authorized to read and
    write the data in that file.

Good and Bad Passwords
  • Bad passwords
  • frank
  • Fido
  • password
  • 4444
  • Pikachu
  • 102560
  • AustinStamp
  • Good Passwords?
  • jfIej,43j-EmmLy
  • 09864376537263
  • P0kem0N
  • FSa7Yago
  • 0nceuP0nAt1m8
  • PokeGCTall150

Password Experiment
  • Three groups of users ? each group advised to
    select passwords as follows
  • Group A At least 6 chars, 1 non-letter
  • Group B Password based on passphrase
  • Group C 8 random characters
  • Results
  • Group A About 30 of pwds easy to crack
  • Group B About 10 cracked
  • Passwords easy to remember
  • Group C About 10 cracked
  • Passwords hard to remember

winner ?
Password Experiment
  • User compliance hard to achieve
  • In each case, 1/3rd did not comply (and about
    1/3rd of those easy to crack!)
  • Assigned passwords sometimes best
  • If passwords not assigned, best advice is
  • Choose passwords based on passphrase
  • Use pwd cracking tool to test for weak pwds
  • Require periodic password changes?

Brute Force Attacks
  • At one time, a system cracker would have to try
    to guess your password, one attempt at a time (a
    so-called brute force attack). Like many things,
    this process has been automated. In theory, the
    longer the password, the longer it takes to break
    by brute force. If a password has eight random
    characters, the number of possible combinations
    will be
  • (Under the assumption that the allowable
    characters are the 26 letters, not
    case-sensitive, and the 10 numerals. Thus, 36
    symbols altogether.)
  • 368 2,821,109,907,456 ? 3 trillion.
  • At one search per microsecond, this is still
    2,821,110 seconds, or slightly less than 1000
    hours, or about six weeks. (By a standard
    argument of probability, you only have to expect
    to wait half that long, or three weeks, before
    you would hit the right password.)

  • If you make the passwords case-sensitive, you can
    improve this to
  • 628 218,340,105,584,896 ? 218 trillion.
  • And now the same attacker, at a million tries per
    second, would have to take 70 times as long, or
    approximately 4 years.
  • The problem is, users dont select random, or
    even decently secure passwords, and a cracker
    doesnt need to figure out your password --- any
    password will do. Unfortunately, users typically
    pick passwords that are laughably easy to guess
    --- their initials, their childrens names, their
    license plates, etc.

Brute Force Attacks in General
  • The brute force or exhaustive search password
    attack relies on trying every potential
    combination for a password
  • Thus, in general, if a password system requires
    entering exactly n symbols, and the allowable
    symbol set has c elements, the total number of
    potential passwords is
  • c choices for the first symbol, then c choices
    for the second symbol,
  • These are all mutually exclusive, so the total
    number of choices is c x c c cn

Brute Force Attacks (more)
  • So with cn choices, if our symbol set was case
    sensitive letters, A..Z,a..z (cardinality 52)
    and we had to enter 7 symbols, the total number
    of choices would be 527 1,028,071,702,528 1.0
    x 1012
  • With in addition numerics and perhaps 4 special
    symbols and a requirement for 10
    symbols, now we have 6610 1,568,336,880,910,795,
    776 1.6 x 1018

Brute Force Attacks (more)
  • The computation gets a little more complicated if
    the password rule insists on at least one of each
    type of character, for example or if the
    password can have a variable length.
  • E.g., if we only allowed the 26 letters, and the
    password could be anywhere from 6 to 10
    characters, the total number of choices would be
  • 266 267 268 269 2610 146,813,767,122,880
    1.5 x 1014

How Long will the Attack Take?
  • It is not unreasonable to think that an automated
    brute force attack could test one password per
  • Thus, 106/sec 3.6 x 109/hr 1011/day
  • So for the 7-symbol, case-sensitive system, we
    could try all passwords in 10 days
  • But every one of the tries has an equal
    probability of succeeding thus, the expectation
    is that we will succeed by the time we are
    halfway through. Therefore, 5 days to break this

Attacks on Passwords
  • Attacker could
  • Target one particular account
  • Target any account on system
  • Target any account on any system
  • Attempt denial of service (DoS) attack
  • Common attack path
  • Outsider ? normal user ? administrator
  • May only require one weak password!

Password Retry
  • Suppose system locks after 3 bad passwords. How
    long should it lock?
  • 5 seconds
  • 5 minutes
  • Until SA restores service
  • What are s and -s of each?

Password File
  • Bad idea to store passwords in a file
  • But need a way to verify passwords
  • Cryptographic solution hash the passwords
  • Store y h(password)
  • Can verify entered password by hashing
  • If attacker obtains password file, he does not
    obtain passwords
  • But attacker with password file can guess x and
    check whether y h(x)
  • If so, attacker has found password!

Dictionary Attack
  • Attacker pre-computes h(x) for all x in a
    dictionary of common passwords
  • Suppose attacker gets access to password file
    containing hashed passwords
  • Attacker only needs to compare hashes to his
    pre-computed dictionary
  • Same attack will work each time
  • Can we prevent this attack? Or at least make
    attackers job more difficult?

More General Dictionary Attacks
  • We can devise dictionary attacks using standard
    dictionaries. It is not hard to obtain lists of
    dictionary words online.
  • Then, the attacker can process this list, trying
    each word.
  • This raises the question, how many words are
    there in a dictionary?
  • Perhaps more generally, how many words are there
    in the English language?

Password File
  • Store hashed passwords
  • Better to hash with salt
  • Given password, choose random s, compute
  • y h(password, s)
  • and store the pair (s,y) in the password file
  • Note The salt s is not secret
  • Easy to verify password
  • Attacker must recompute dictionary hashes for
    each user ? lots more work!

Password CrackingDo the Math
  • Assumptions
  • Pwds are 8 chars, 128 choices per character
  • Then 1288 256 possible passwords
  • There is a password file with 210 pwds
  • Attacker has dictionary of 220 common pwds
  • Probability of 1/4 that a pwd is in dictionary
  • Work is measured by number of hashes

Password Cracking
  • Attack 1 password without dictionary
  • Must try 256/2 255 on average
  • Just like exhaustive key search
  • Attack 1 password with dictionary
  • Expected work is about
  • 1/4 (219) 3/4 (255) 254.6
  • But in practice, try all in dictionary and quit
    if not found ? work is at most 220 and
    probability of success is 1/4

Password Cracking
  • Attack any of 1024 passwords in file
  • Without dictionary
  • Assume all 210 passwords are distinct
  • Need 255 comparisons before expect to find
  • If no salt, each hash computation gives 210
    comparisons ? the expected work (number of
    hashes) is 255/210 245
  • If salt is used, expected work is 255 since each
    comparison requires a new hash computation

Password Cracking
  • Attack any of 1024 passwords in file
  • With dictionary
  • Probability at least one password is in
    dictionary is 1 - (3/4)1024 1
  • We ignore case where no pwd is in dictionary
  • If no salt, work is about 219/210 29
  • If salt, expected work is less than 222
  • Note If no salt, we can precompute all
    dictionary hashes and amortize the work

Other Password Issues
  • Too many passwords to remember
  • Results in password reuse
  • Why is this a problem?
  • Who suffers from bad password?
  • Login password vs ATM PIN
  • Failure to change default passwords
  • Social engineering
  • Error logs may contain almost passwords
  • Bugs, keystroke logging, spyware, etc.

Social Engineering Attacks
  • A third approach to breaking passwords is called
    social engineering.
  • If one is trying to find a password for a
    specific individual, this is likely to be the
    most fruitful.
  • See the film, War Games and remember Joshua.

  • The bottom line
  • Password cracking is too easy!
  • One weak password may break security
  • Users choose bad passwords
  • Social engineering attacks, etc.
  • The bad guy has all of the advantages
  • All of the math favors bad guys
  • Passwords are a big security problem

Password Cracking Tools
  • Popular password cracking tools
  • Password Crackers
  • Password Portal
  • L0phtCrack and LC4 (Windows)
  • John the Ripper (Unix)
  • Admins should use these tools to test for weak
    passwords since attackers will!
  • Good article on password cracking
  • Passwords - Conerstone of Computer Security

Picking Passwords (à la Patterson)
  • Now heres the problem with passwords, and its
    serious. There are a limited number of things a
    human being can remember. What was that string I
    gave you at the beginning of the class?
  • Heres my personal strategy. It is definitely NOT
    the recommended way. But no one has ever guessed
    one of mine, and Ive never forgotten one.

What We Remember
  • There are many things that we do remember easily.
    Unfortunately, for many of these things, anyone
    else can remember, discover, or guess them as
    well. Someone can guess your password by accident
    or by design. If they guess it by a totally
    random process, then the only protection you have
    is to choose longer passwords.
  • But, if they guess it by design, its because you
    had a weakness in your choice of password. Lets
    examine the ways in which one can choose
    passwords, and the ways in which people can guess
    that information.

The Bulls-Eye
  • Lets design a chart, like a bulls-eye, of things
    that are lodged in your memory. Let rank these
    things from 1 to 10 by ease of recollection (with
    10 meaning easiest to remember). Such a chart
    might look something like this

(No Transcript)
Ease of Learning by Opponent
  • Now, by the same token, lets design another
    chart, also in this bulls-eye format,
    representing the ease (10) or the difficulty (1)
    of someone else remembering or learning the same
  • In this case, whats easy to determine? My
    mothers name, girlfriend/boyfriend, dogs name,
    favorite CD, are probably all easy for someone to
    determine, if they talk to anyone who knows me at
    all. So I would rank all of these a 10. Where I
    left my car keys, or my next dentist appointment
    might be more difficult to determine, so they
    would probably be down closer to a 1. Student ID,
    or bank account number? Not too difficult for
    someone to determine. Lets say about a 7 or 8.
    Lets look at a possible Cracker Reference

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Simple to Remember, Hard to Guess
  • So heres the principle thats involved. I want
    to be able to choose passwords that are as simple
    as possible to remember (in other words,
    maximizing the value in the bulls-eye in the
    memory reference chart) at the same time, making
    it as hard as possible for anyone else to
    determine, that is minimizing the value in the
    crackers reference.

Simple to Remember, Hard to Guess
  • Furthermore, in this latter case, I have to
    minimize this value over all possible crackers
    --- i.e. anyone else who has some information
    about me. Thus, if 99 of the world does not know
    what my favorite place to visit is (therefore
    giving a cracker reference of 1), but I have
    discussed that wonderful vacation with 1 percent
    of the population (for whom that value might
    therefore be 7 or 8), I have to treat the overall
    value for that place name to be the 7 or 8.

  • So the principle, which I can state as a formula,
    is maximize the Memory Reference for a potential
    password, and minimize the greatest possible
    value for a Cracker Reference. Then, calculate
    the Privacy and Familiarity Quotient (PFQ) by
    dividing these two quantities
  • Memory Reference
  • PFQ --------------------------------------------
  • Max(over all people) Cracker Reference
  • Obviously, the best possible value for PFQ is
    10/1 10. Your passwords should come as close as
    possible to that value.

B. O. Lounder
  • In practice, how can you maximize this PFQ?
    Heres what I do. I think back through my life
    for an event, or series of events, that are very
    vivid to me. For example, the teacher who had me
    expelled from high school was named B. O.
    Lounder. I will never forget his name.
  • That might have been a very good choice of
    password, since it is clearly a 10 in Memory
    Reference. However, there are still a lot of my
    high school classmates around, and sooner or
    later, if someone talked to them about me, they
    would likely hear the story of Mr. Lounder.

  • But no one knows about the time that I went off
    on my own, when I was in college, and had an
    interesting visit to Penobscot, Maine.
  • Thats a trip I wont forget --- and really Ive
    never discussed it with anyone --- until now ---
    and so penobscot would be a very good password
    choice for me.
  • Actually, an even better one would be something
    like penobscotm, or penobscotx, or qpenobscot, or
    penobscot, just in case a cracker had an index
    of all of the place names in the United States.

A Dozen Solid Memory References
  • In this way, I construct a list of about a dozen
    of those solid memory references, to which
    virtually no one else can connect me (by the way,
    Im just kidding about Penobscot --- but not
    about B. O. Lounder).
  • And I construct a slightly modified version of
    those names for my collection of passwords. As I
    said, I keep about a dozen or so on hand. And
    none of them are ever written down --- they dont
    have to be!

Protecting Passwords
  • Most systems protect passwords in two important
    ways they make passwords hard to guess and login
    controls hard to crack, and they protect the file
    in which passwords are stored.
  • But not UNIX --- e.g.
  • cat /etc/passwd
  • !!!

Sample Login/Password Controls
  • Last login message
  • When you log in, the system may display the date
    and time of your last login. Many systems also
    display the number of unsuccessful attempts since
    the last successful login. This may give you a
    chance to discover if your account has been used
    by someone else.
  • User-changeable passwords
  • In many systems, youre allowed to change your
    own password at any time

Sample Login/Password Controls
  • System-generated passwords
  • Some systems require you to use passwords
    generated randomly by the system. VAX/VMS 4.3
    ensures that these passwords are pronounceable.
    Some systems let you view several random choices
    from which you can pick one. The danger, of
    course, is that these are eminently forgettable.
  • Password aging and expiration
  • When a specified time is reached, e.g. the end of
    the month, all passwords in the system may
    expire. New passwords usually may not be
    identical to the old passwords. The system should
    give reasonable notice before requiring you to
    change a password, if you have to pick quickly,
    youre likely to pick poorly.
  • Minimum length
  • Some systems require that passwords be a minimum
    length, say 6 to 8 characters.

Sample Login/Password Controls
  • Password locks
  • Locks allow the system administrator to restrict
    certain users from logging in or to lock login
    accounts that havent been used for an extended
    period of time.
  • System passwords
  • System passwords control access to particular
    devices that might be targets for unauthorized
  • Primary and secondary passwords
  • Some systems require that two users, each with a
    valid password, be present to log in successfully
    to extremely sensitive accounts.
  • Network password
  • Some systems require special passwords for
    network or communications access.

Protecting Your Password in Storage
  • Typically, valid passwords are stored in a
    password file. Protection of passwords is
    extremely critical to system security. Systems
    commonly use both encryption and access controls
    to protect password data.
  • Most systems encrypt the data stored in the
    systems password file.
  • Most systems perform one-way encryption of
    passwords. One-way encryption means that the
    password is never decrypted. Each time you log in
    and enter your password, the system encrypts your
    entered password and compares the encrypted
    version with the encrypted password stored in the
    password file.
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