Title: Organ Pathology
1Organ Pathology
- Female Genital System - I
Pathology of vulva, vagina, uterus
Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med.
Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague http//www1.lf1.cuni
2Diseases of the Vulva
- inborn hymen imperforatus
- haematocolpos
- acquired
- non neoplastic atrophy, degeneration,
infection - neoplastic precanceroses VIN, condyloma,
carcinoma, melanoma
3Vulva regressive changes
- simple atrophy
- leukoplakia
- coexistent in
- (et atrophicus)
4Vulvar Dystrophies
- LICHEN SCLEROSUS (et atrophicus)
- whittish glistening plaques or papules
- atrophy of epidermis
- basophillic degeneration of the dermis
- chronic inflammatory infiltrate
- constriction of the orifice
- white spot merely a descriptive term giving no
indication about the underlying nature (!)
6Vulvar Infections
- bacterial folliculitis furunculosis,
Bartholin gland abscess (staphylococcus), ulcus
durum, tbc, gonorrhea (neisseria), chancroid
(haemophillus ducreyi) - viral herpes genitalis, molluscum contag.
(poxvirus),.. HPV - mycotic candida, intertrigo (dermatophyta)
esp. in DM
7Vulvar Pseudotumours
- retention cysts
- elephantiasis
- varicose veins
- endometriosis
8Condyloma accuminatum
- HPV papilloma with koilocytes and mild dysplasia
9Vulvar Precanceroses
- HPV 16
- manifesting mostly as LEUKOPLAKIA
- warty or basaloid type. Increasing incidence in
women 20-35 yrs.
10Vulvar Tumours (WHO 2003)
lists more than 50 primary malignant benign
neoplasms classified into
- epithelial
- squamous
- glandular
- soft tissue tumours
- melanocytic
- miscelaneous
- haematopoietic lymphoid
- secondary
11Squamous tumours of vulva
- sq.cell ca
- keratinizing
- non-keratinizing
- basaloid
- warty
- verrucous HPV6
- basal cell ca
- vestibular papilloma
12Glandular tumours of vulva
- Paget disease
- Bartholin gland tumours
- other adenocarcinomas and adenomas
13Mesenchymal tumours of vulva
- Sarcoma botryoides embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
under 10 yrs vagina bunch of grapes
appearance there. Alveolar histology pattern
unfavourable prognosis - other sarcomas lmsa, lpsa, dfsa protub
14Diseases of vagina
- inborn vagina duplex failure of the müllerian
duct to fuse - acquired
- non neoplastic
- atrophy,
- degeneration, infection (ulcus durum - chancre,
bacterial mixed, mycotic, trichomonas) - pseudotumourshernia-like lesions cystocele,
rectocele, cysts - neoplastic precanceroses VAIN, condyloma,
carcinoma, sarcoma botryoides, melanoma
15Vaginal Pseudotumours
- retention cysts of Gardners duct
- endometriosis
- rectocele, cystocele
16Vaginal Tumours (WHO 2003)
lists more than 44 primary malignant benign
neoplasms classified into
- epithelial
- squamous
- glandular
- mesenchymal tumours
- mixed
- melanocytic miscelaneous
- haematopoietic lymphoid
- secondary
17Condyloma accuminatum
- HPV papilloma with koilocytes and mild dysplasia
18Vagina Precanceroses
- HPV 16
- manifesting mostly as LEUKOPLAKIA
19Glandular tumours of the vagina
- adenocarcinoma
- clear cell adenocarcinoma DES
- endometrioid carcinoma
- mucinous carcinoma
- adenomas with enteric differentiation
20Diseases of the Uterus
- inborn malformations duplex, septus,
bicornis, unicornis, - acquired
- non neoplastic atrophy, descensus, prolapse,
infection - hyperplasias - pseudotumours
- neoplastic precanceroses CIN, condyloma,
21Uterine Pseudotumours
- retention cysts of cervical glands
- hyperplastic polyps
- endometriosis
- (pregnancy!)
22Ectopia, ectropium (pseudoerosion)
- red rim of ext. orificium
- endocervical type of mucose
- ectopy- in newborn, no relation to delivery
- ectropium- eversion of the endocervical mucose
related to delivery laceration
23Cervix Precanceroses
- HPV 16
- manifesting mostly as LEUKOPLAKIA
24HPV infection
- cervical ca cause
- HPV DNA present in 99,7 squamous cell
94-100 adenoca - high risk HPV (hrHPV)- 16,18,33,45 (oncogens
E6/E7 integrate into the genom - E6 protein interaction with p53 preventing the
cells from p53 induced apoptosis) - E7 protein interfering with the oncosupresoric
protein pRb (cell cycle )
25HPV infection
- 80 women infected with HPV
- spontaneous resolution or transitory L SIL/ CIN1
- 80 hrHPV transitory, no SIL H
- hrHPV- on average 12-15 yrs to invasive ca
- immune status (HLA)
26Uterine Cervix Tumours (WHO 2003)
lists more than 60 primary malignant benign
neoplasms classified into
- epithelial
- squamous
- glandular
- mesenchymal tumours
- mixed
- melanocytic
- miscelaneous
- haematopoietic lymphoid
- secondary
27Cervix ca
- 2002 Czech Rep. 1082 new cases
- Czech Rep. 20,7/ 100 000 women
- Europa 18,5/ 100 000 women
- World incidence 15,1/ 100 000 women
zdroj ÚZIS
28Diseases of the Uterus
- inborn malformations duplex, septus,
bicornis, unicornis, - acquired
- non neoplastic atrophy, descensus, prolapse,
infection - hyperplasias - pseudotumours
- neoplastic precanceroses CIN, condyloma,
29Uterine Pseudotumours
- retention cysts of cervical glands
- hyperplastic polyps
- endometriosis
- (pregnancy!)
30Uterine Corpus Tumours (WHO 2003)
lists more than 50 primary malignant benign
neoplasms classified into
- endometrial
- endometrioid
- mucinous
- serous
- clear cell
- mesenchymal
- mixed
- miscelaneous
- gestational
- haematopoietic lymphoid
- secondary
31Uterine Corpus Pseudotumours Precanceroses
- hyperplasia
- simple
- complex
- atypical
- atypical complex
32Prognostic Factors in Uterine Ca
- staging most important
- grading no influence in sq. ca
- typing
- good prognosis
(verrucous, villoglandullar ca)
- bad prognosis (serous, adenoid cystic,
neuroendocrine ca)
33Uterine Leiomyomas WHO 2003lists 13 variants of
uterine smooth muscle neoplasms benign and
- typical
- atypical
- cellular
- epithelioid
- myxoid
- lipoleiomyoma
- leimyosarcoma
- epithelioid
- myxoid
34Mixed Tumours
- Def.
- Tumours (benign or malignant) composed of two or
more different cell lines that are normally
present in the place of tumour origin
35Uterus mixed tumours
- carcinosarcoma
- adenosarcoma
- carcinofibroma
- adenofibroma
- adenomyoma
36Uterus mixed tumours
- carcinosarcoma (malignat mixed müllerian
neoplasm, malignant mesodermal mixed tumour,
.. metaplastic carcinoma - ( monoclonal with the diff. into epith.
mesench. structures)