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Title: The Role and Responsibilities of The Governing Body Author: Homa Last modified by: Homa Created Date: 6/6/2005 10:08:23 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Childrens

Childrens Seerah course August 2007Sparkbrook
Islamic Centre

(No Transcript)
  • Week 3
  • The Struggle Continues
  • The Year of Sorrow
  • Isra and Miraj
  • The Hijrah
  • Musab ibn Umayr goes to Madinah
  • The first and second pledges of aqabah
  • The Hijrah of the Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr

  • The Sanctions were now over, but they had taken
    their toll on the Muslims and on the tribe of the
    Messenger of Allah (saw).

  • Abu Talib was an old man and was approaching
  • He loved his nephew, Muhammad (saw) dearly, and
    always did his best to protect him.
  • The Messenger of Allah pleaded with him to say
    his shahadah.
  • Abu Jahl and some other men persuaded Abu Talib
    to stick to the religion of idol worship.

  • Abu Talib died without becoming Muslim.
  • The Prophet (saw) was heartbroken that he could
    not save him, as he loved him.
  • You do not guide those you love.
  • Allah guides whom He will,
  • And He know best who would be guided
  • (2856)

  • With the death of Abu Talib, the Messenger of
    Allah has lost his external supporter.
  • Now he was also to lose his love and comfort at
  • Khadija was weak and ill, and a few months after
    the death of Abu Talib, she passed away.

  • With the Quraysh causing even more suffering to
    the Messenger (saw) and the Muslims, he decided
    to go with Zayd ibn Harithah to Taif.
  • They got a rabble to pelt him with stones, so he
    had to flee, with blood pouring down him. Zayd
    was also injured.

  • The Prophet (saw) took shelter in an orchard
    belonging to two Makkans.
  • They took pity on him and sent their servant to
    him with dates.
  • The servant, from Ninewah, the city of Yunus (as)
    spoke with the Messenger (saw) and became Muslim.

  • The Messenger of Allah (saw) made a beautiful
  • The Angel of the Mountains came and the Prophet
    (saw) could have had Taif crushed between the
  • But he asked for Taif to be spared, praying that
    their children would be Muslim.

  • The Messenger (saw) and Zayd made their way back
    to Makkah, stopping at Nakhlah on the way.
  • Here, as the Messenger (saw) recited Quran, the
    valley was filled with jinn who listened and
    believed in his message.

  • On returning to Makkah, the Hajj season began and
    the Prophet (saw) told many tribes about Islam.
    However most continued worshipping the idols.
  • A group of 6 men from Khazraj tribe in Yathrib
    listened to the Messenger (saw), light entered
    their hearts, and they accepted Islam.

  • One night, the Messenger (saw) was woken by
    Jibrail and taken to mount upon al Buraq, a white
    creature similar to a horse.
  • He then went to Jerusalem where he led all the
    Prophets in prayer.
  • He was then taken to Heaven by Jibrail (as) and
    shown many things.

  • The Messenger (saw) brought the gift of salah
    from the Miraj.

  • After this miraculous journey, the Makkans
    refused to believe the Messenger (saw) even
    though he was able to describe masjid al Aqsa
    clearly, and tell them about some caravans on the
  • Abu Bakr (ra) believed straight away and never

  • The next Hajj, more people came from Yathrib who
    had accepted Islam.
  • He commanded them to refrain from all types of
    evil and implement good and piety throughout
    their lives. He taught them about Allah and about
    worshipping only Allah the day of Judgement
    where they would recount all their deeds and the
    Hereafter where the righteous will be rewarded
    with eternal bliss and happiness.

  • The people from Yathrib pledged to obey the
    Messenger (saw) this was the First pledge of
  • Musab ibn Umayr was then sent with them to
    Yathrib to spread Islam.

  • A year later, 73 men and 2 women came to make the
    second pledge of Aqabah.
  • In return for fulfilling their pledge, the
    Prophet (saw) promised them Paradise.
  • 12 nuaqaba were appointed to lead the Yathrib

  • Now the Muslims from Makkah were commanded to
    make hijrah to Yathrib.
  • They had to leave their homes and their city.
    Many, such as Suhaib, had to leave all their
    wealth and belongings.
  • Soon, most Muslims had left. The Prophet (saw),
    Abu Bakr, Ali and a few Muslims were left,
    waiting for the command of Allah to make hijrah.

  • Meanwhile, the Makkans were plotting to kill the
    Messenger (saw).
  • They decided on a plan to have a member from each
    tribe simultaneously kill him with a sword. They
    would then offer blood money to the tribe of the
    Prophet (saw) and that, they thought, would end
    the matter.
  • The Messenger (saw) knew of this but remained
    calm and full of faith in Allah.

  • Jibrail told the Messenger (saw) not to sleep in
    his bed that night.
  • Ali (ra) did so, covered in the green cloak of
    the Messenger (saw).
  • The Prophet (saw) left the house, and threw a
    handful of dust on the heads of the waiting
    assasins, reciting from Sura Yasin. They were
    blinded from seeing the Prophet (saw) leave.

  • When those who deny plotted cunningly to
    restrain you, kill you or drive you out.
  • They plot and Allah plots and Allah is the best
    of plot makers
  • (830)

  • Abu Bakr had prepared 2 camels with provisions
    and they slipped out of Makkah in the dark and
    made their way South instead of North.
  • They stayed 3 nights in a cave in Mount Thawr
    where they waited. Abdullah and Asma, son and
    daughter of Abu Bakr, would come with news and
    food and water.

  • Abu Bakr had plugged up the holes in the cave to
    protect them from any poisonous creatures. As the
    Prophet (saw) was asleep, he saw one hole was
    open and stuck his toe in it. He was bitten, but
    would not disturb the Prophet (saw). However the
    Prophet (saw) felt his tears on his face, woke
    up, and healed the wound by putting his saliva on

  • Some men came searching for them by the cave.
  • Abu Bakr was afraid for the Messenger (saw) but
    the Messenger (saw) assured him that Allah was
    with them.

  • When those that deny drove him out
  • One of two was he in the cave,
  • When he told his companion
  • Do not grieve, for Allah is with us.
  • So Allah sent down His peace upon him
  • And supported him by soldiers you could not see,
  • And let the word of the deniers go under,
  • And the word of Allah is the highest.
  • Allah is of the highest wisdom, of invincible
  • (940)

The search party found the cave covered with a
spiders web and a dove had built its nest beside
the entrance. They decided not to look inside.

Actual route taken by the Prophet.
Normal route between Makkah to Madinah.
  • The journey was slow and hard. They took a
    different route to the one usually used.
  • Suraqa ibn Jusham tried to capture them but
    failed in his plan.
  • They stopped by Umm Mabad and the Prophet (saw)
    was able to get many bowls of milk from some
    goats that did not usually give any.

  • Next week
  • The Prophet (saw) enters Madinah
  • The first 3 battles in Islam
  • Homework
  • Find out about your groups companion and write
    about him/her
  • Complete worksheet
  • Older groups
  • Read about Musab ibn Umayr
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