Learning new words - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learning new words


... the Lady of Shallot And the days are not full enough and the nights ... Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Creeps on this petty pace from day ... (a Midsummer ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Learning new words

Learning new words
  • There are more words in English than in any other
    language in the world
  • So how can you learn them?

  • The most important thing is to learn read as much
    as possible in English to consolidate the words
    you have already encountered
  • Try reading simplified classics
  • Try reading stories for young people like Harry
  • Try to learn by heart some lines of poetry

  • On either side the river lie
  • Long fields of barley and of rye
  • That clothe the wold and meet the sky
  • And through the field the road runs by
  • To many towerd Camelot
  • Tennyson the Lady of Shallot

  • And the days are not full enough
  • and the nights are not full enough
  • And life slips by like a field mouse
  • Not shaking the grass
  • Ezra Pound

  • Come live with me and be my love
  • And we will all the pleasures prove
  • Marlowe 1564-93

To his coy mistress Andrew Marvell
  • Had we but world enough and time
  • This coyness, lady, were no crime -----
  • But at my back I always hear
  • Times winged chariot hurrying near
  • And yonder all before us lie
  • Deserts of vast eternity

Learn some quotes from Shakespeares plays
  • www.allshakespeare.com
  • www.notablequotes.com
  • www.nosweatshakespeare.com

Quotes about death
  • Aye, but to die and go we know not where
  • To lie in cold obstruction
  • And to rot (measure for measure)
  • Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
  • Creeps on this petty pace from day to day
  • And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
  • The way to dusty death (Macbeth)
  • To be or not to be
  • That is the question (Hamlet)

Quotes about love
  • Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind (a
    Midsummer nights dream)
  • Venus smiles not on a house of tears (Romeo and
  • Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet
    sorrow! (Romeo and Juliet)
  • Whats in a name?
  • That which we call a rose
  • By any other name would smell as sweet (Romeo
    and Juliet)
  • Oh beware, my lord, of jealousy
  • It is the green-eyed monster (Othello)
  • The course of true love never runs smooth (as you
    like it)

Other quotes to impress your friends
  • There are more things in heaven and earth,
  • Than are dreamt of in your philosophy (Hamlet)
  • Now is the winter of our discontent (Richard III)
  • I am constant as the northern star (Julius
  • When shall we three meet again
  • In thunder, lightning or rain? (Macbeth)
  • Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet)

Check that you know some basic English vocabulary
look at the glossary for Engliosh on the
website www.lingueinpiazza.itLook at the first
four sections on clothes
  • Make a list of the words that you didnt know
    before and think how they could be useful for you
  • Game - Bingo write 7 words that are new for you
    and lisyten to the teacher saying the words. Tick
    the words if you have written them and if the
    teacher says all 7, shout BINGO!
  • Write five sentences using the words you have
  • Install the CD-ROM WORD BANK on your computer
    and click on the section clothes and do the

How to remember the new words and start to use
  • Us the new words as often as you can. Write them
    down and read them out loud.
  • Try to find groups of words in which the words
    are linked by meaning or sound or grammatically
    e.g. adjectices with the same suffix useful,
    beautiful, helpful
  • Stick post it stickers around the house with
    the words written in English with the
  • Write the words on cards with the translation and
    pronunciation on the back. Carry them around with
    you. If you are waiting for the bus, get them out
    and learn them!
  • You can remember words more easily if you write
    them down and see them in context. Write down all
    the new words you encounter and use them in
  • Sing! You can memorize words and phrases with the
    help of songs

(No Transcript)
Use the Internet
  • You can learn new words from Internet sites even
    if you dont know much English
  • Look at the site www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk and
    find the answers to these questions
  • How much does it cost to enter
  • When can do take a tour and how long does it
  • Find a cafè for a family
  • Where can you buy postcards?
  • Which underground station is near the British
  • How many floors are there?
  • Is it possible to see Egyptian mummies?
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