CAVIAR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Prof Keith Shine Last modified by: keith Created Date: 6/9/2003 4:50:53 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


CAVIAR Continuum Absorption by Visible and
Infrared Radiation and its Atmospheric Relevance
PI Keith Shine Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading Co-Is Stephen Ball
Department of Chemistry, University of
Leicester Tom Gardiner National Physical
Laboratory Roderic Jones Department of Chemistry,
University of Cambridge John Harries, Juliet
Pickering Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College
London Kevin Smith Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory, STFC Jonathan Taylor and Stuart
Newman Met Office Jonathan Tennyson Department of
Physics, University College London Co-ordinator
Igor Ptashnik Dept of Meteorology, Univ of
Reading And (roughly!) 5 post-doc researchers and
3 PhD students
(No Transcript)
We know
  • Water vapour is by far the most important
    greenhouse gas in the atmosphere we know it is
    important for remote sensing we know it is an
    important contributor to climate feedbacks

We also know
  • That it possesses a radiatively-important
    continuum, pervasive from the visible to
    microwave, which is represented in many models in
    a semi-empirical way, using observations from a
    limited number of wavenumbers and measurement

Major Aims
  • Describe the continuum across a broad wavelength
    range and a broad range of atmospheric and
    near-atmospheric conditions, using both
    laboratory and field measurements
  • Explain the underlying cause of the continuum
    can we separate out far-wing line shape
    contributions from dimer explanations?
  • Provide the community with an improved continuum
    model (perhaps in a CKD-like form)

The Programme
WP1 Molecular Modelling
WP2 Laboratory Measurements
WP3 Field Measurements
WP4 Synthesis Everyone!
WP5 Impact on Understanding
WP6 Provision of model for wider use Everyone!
The work flow
Work commenced
Work soon commencing!
The Project
  • Formally, we started on 1 October 2006 will
    formally end 30 June 2011 (including a no-cost
  • Annual meetings with international involvement

Major progress in second year 1
  • Development of a new potential energy surface for
    water dimer, which will allow improved ab-initio
    calculations of its spectra
  • Analyses of new laboratory measurements to derive
    the continuum across the near-infrared

Major progress in second year 2
  • Advances in the broadband cavity-ringdown and
    cavity-enhanced methodologies and new results
  • A major calibration exercise so that all CAVIAR
    field instrumentation are now traceable to the
    same standard

Major progress in second year 3
  • A major field campaign using aircraft and
    ground-based high-spectral resolution
    spectrometers, plus supporting data

Photo from Liam Tallis
Challenges for third year 1
  • Production of new ab initio dimer spectrum and
    comparison with measurements
  • New laboratory measurements using both
    traditional FTS and cavity a particular
    emphasis will need to be on the between-band
    absorption, as this is most important for the
    AR in CAVIAR

Challenges for third year 2
  • Analysis of new laboratory measurements
  • Full analysis of calibration of field instruments
  • Full analysis of Camborne Field Campaign
  • The second field campaign at Jungfraujoch in
    summer 2009

Challenges for third year 3
  • Begin serious work on the three remaining
  • Synthesis of lab and field measurements and
    theoretical work
  • Modelling the impact of the continuum on the
    radiation balance
  • Developing a continuum model for community use

Clough et al. J.Geophys.Res, 1992
  • In Year 2, we have made significant progress in
    model and instrument development, acquired and
    analysed new laboratory data, performed the major
    Camborne field experiment, and have advanced
    plans for the Jungfraujoch 2009 campaign
  • The legacy of the project
  • - extensive new set of observations over a
    wide range of conditions in both lab and field
  • - new physically-based continuum model with
    wide range of potential users in basic science,
    in weather and climate prediction and in remote
  • - cohort of post-docs and students trained in
    a cross-disciplinary environment
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