Russian Revolution 1900-1905 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Russian Revolution 1900-1905


Russian Revolution 1900-1905 Anna Ryan, Brendan Wu, Jocelyn Ng & Kailene Chen 8-6 Describe the land and people of Russia in the 1900 s Russia s land is huge. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Russian Revolution 1900-1905

Russian Revolution1900-1905
  • Anna Ryan, Brendan Wu, Jocelyn Ng Kailene Chen
  • 8-6

Describe the land and people of Russia in the
  • Russias land is huge. The land was quite
    useless, only 5 was used for farming because of
    the cold climate.
  • In the 1900s about 125 million people lived in
    the Tsar Nicholass empire, less than half were
    Russians. Because there were many different types
    of people living in Russia they all had their own
    languages, and their own customs. People were not
    evenly spread out throughout the country most of
    the people lived on the 5 of the land that was
    good for farming. The majority of people were
    peasants (4 of 5). The capital of Russia was St.

Who was Czar Nicholas II? Describe his leadership
  • Czar Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia.
    He was an autocrat, which means he does not have
    to share his power with anyone. Even thought he
    didnt have so share his power, he hired
    thousands of civic workers because of the mass
    population of Russia. Czar Nicholas did not allow
    anyone to question his decisions or challenge his
    power. His secret police, the Okhrana censored
    literature, spied on political groups and
    arrested anyone who criticized the government. If
    workers or peasants disobeyed the orders or
    refused to work, the Cossacks would kill anyone
    who doesnt escape. The prisoners he captured
    would be sent off to the cold lands of Siberia.

How were the Land and People of Russia Divided by
Class and Wealth?
  • In the early 20th century, the majority of the
    Russian people lived in poverty. Starving and
    illiterate, many of them were peasants, not being
    able to easily own their own land. The rest were
    factory workers who worked for starvation wages
    in factories in Russias major cities.
  • The tiny Russian upper class was fabulously rich.
    Although they exploited them, most the bottom
    class looked up upon their rulers. The
    aristocrats ruled over a massive lower class with
    no rights and depended on that proletarian mass
    to support their extravagant lifestyles.

Who was Karl Marx and how did his ideas divide
  • Karl Marx was a German socialist who was
    considered as one of the most important socialist
    of all time.
  • In his life, he wrote a book called Communist
    Manifesto and influenced a Russian man named
    Lenin to bring a great revolution to his native
    Russia. Lenin introduced the idea of communism to
    Russia but not everyone agreed. Different groups
    including the liberals and the socialists were
    formed and Russia split up supporting Lenins
    idea or not supporting his idea.

Karl Marx
Word Definition
St. Petersburg Capital of Russia during the 1900s
Siberia Northern region where prisoners were sent for hard labor
Autocrat A monarch who doesnt have to share power
Cossacks Mounted soldiers who beak up mobs and kill people
Okhrana A secret force set up by the Czar who spy, censor, and arrest people who criticize the government
Karl Marx A German writer who wrote the Communist Manifesto
Communist A society in which people work and are paid for their abilities
Liberals Property owning Russians who are loyal to the Czar
Sources Cited
  • Pictures
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Information Russia in the War and Revolution
Russia 1900-24 Leaders of the Russian
Revolution http// From Tsar to
Stalin (movie)
1905-1917Russian Revolution
  • By
  • Avril Koblitz
  • Jason Woo
  • Oliver Bech
  • Stephanie Young
  • 8-6

What was Bloody Sunday and why did it happen?
  • January 1905 crowd of 200,000 workers marched to
    the Tsars Winter
  • palace in St. Petersburg to petition for better
    working conditions. The
  • workers were lead by Father Gapon who was the
    leader of a the
  • workers organization, and sympathized with the
    poor workers. The
  • workers carried religious icons and pictures of
    Nicholas to show their
  • peaceful intent. The authorities were nervous and
    over reacted by
  • opening fire on the crowds and killed more than
    500 workers, and
  • injured thousands more. Lenin was happy to hear
    of this days news of
  • the breakdown of law and order. This massacre
    became known as
  • Bloody Sunday.

What changes in the Tsars government followed by
Bloody Sunday
  • After the events on Bloody Sunday, riots and
    strikes led by
  • workers and peasants were persistent. On
  • 1905, a general strike occurred in the whole
  • making Tsar Nicholas II issue a document called
  • October Manifesto in October 1905, declaring the
  • of the Duma, an elected parliament by the people.
    But the
  • first 3 Dumas were controlled by the tsar
    completely. The
  • Bolshevik leader Lenin watched the whole country
  • through these affairs from his exile in
    Switzerland. Lenin
  • and his Bolsheviks would later successfully
  • autocracy and introduce communism in the country.

How did World War I affect Russia and the Tsar
  • Most important was the 15.5 million young men who
  • drafted as soldiers and went to war. This more
    than halved
  • the number of people available to work in
    factories. Russia
  • also depended on trains to supply food and raw
  • But the lack of workers made all the coal mines
    close. This
  • caused starvation for a lot of soldiers. Russias
    money also
  • lost value.
  • The Tsar slowly lost power and the trust of
    people during
  • the war. The people felt abandoned when Tsar
  • left the people to go and help command troops.
    This left
  • Alexandra in control of Petrograd. Alexandra was
  • completely under the influence of Rasputin. The
    Tsar lost
  • power after the war during the October Revolution.

What were the causes of the Feb/March Revolution?
  • In 1917, protest rallies were organized by
    socialists. About
  • 385,000 workers went on strike. This caused
  • transportations and newspapers to be unavailable.
  • had been sent by the Tsar, but they refused to
    attack the
  • strikers. By February 28, all of the Tsars
    troops had
  • surrendered and his ministers had been arrested.
  • Nicholas II had agreed to abdicate and give up
    his throne
  • To his brother, Grand Duke Michael.

Word Definition
Bloody Sunday March for better working conditions, ending bloodily
Vladimir Lenin The leader of the Bolshevik and Marxist
Duma Elected parliament of the people
October Manifesto Document that Tsar issued on October of 1905
Abdicate To step down from power
Bolshevik Member of Russian majority or socialist party
  • Information
  • leaders of the Russian Revolution
  • Russia in war and revolution

Russian Revolution 1917-1918
  • Class 8-6
  • Name Maura Dentino, Diana Redza, Jacques Van
    Anh, Hoi Fung Ma

Who was Alexander Kerensky and what problems did
his Provisional Government face?
  • When the Tsars government fell, Alexander
    Kerensky, a young man raised in the village of
    Simbirlse, accepted the post of Minister of
    Justice in the newly established Provisional
    Government, which faced many problems. Many
    Russians were upset with the way it handled the
    war and many soldiers wanted to stop fighting.
    However, Kerensky wanted to continue fighting in
    the war. Many were influenced by the Soviet and
    many were formed in other towns. As the
    Bolsheviks gained popularity, Kerensky became
    Prime Minister but shortly after, his government

What were the causes of the Nov/Oct Revolution?
  • The Provisional Government took care of Russia
    until elections could be held, but were not
    confident enough and since soldiers deserted,
    they delayed elections, losing support. Also,
    they failed to give the peasants their land, who
    then took control of their farming land, causing
    countryside violence which delayed harvest and
    started food shortages. On the other hand, the
    Bolsheviks gained support. Lenin, together with
    Trotsky and Stalin, made the slogan Peace,
    Bread, and Land, knowing people wanted all three
    points. However, the Provisional suppressed
    demonstrations and arrested a few leading
    Bolsheviks, therefore Lenin started the Bolshevik

Who was Vladimir Lenin and how did he come to
  • Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) was one of
    Russias greatest historical figures, born on
    April 20th, 1870. The book Das Kapital, by Karl
    Marx influenced him to fight for communism. He
    brought everyone who disliked the current
    government type to bring about a revolution. He
    called his allies and himself Bolsheviks. During
    their first act they marched peacefully, yet,
    many died. The Bolshevik then invaded Petrograds
    Winter Palace which dethroned the king. He was
    later elected President of the Soviet of Peoples
    Commission because of his popularity. He also
    created an army called the Red Guards.

What immediate actions did Lenin take following
the Oct/Nov Revolution?
  • After the Oct/Nov revolution, Lenin set up a
    government called Sovnarkom, the council of
    peoples commissars. Being chairman, Lenin had
    the power to make many decrees to create a better
    Russia. The most popular decrees were backing off
    from the war with Germany and less work hours for
    workers to have rest on Sunday. Lenin made these
    decrees so Russia can slowly recover from the
    political and economical damage the war caused.
    The decrees made Lenin extremely popular, turning
    him into Russias hero but with a price of
    selling one third of Russias population to
    Germany for the peace treaty with Germany.

Word Definition
Alexander Kerensky Leader of the Provisional Government
Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Bolsheviks
Petrograd Modern-day Moscow
Provisional providing or serving for the time being only
Red Guards The army of the Bolsheviks
Treaty a formal agreement between two or more states
Works Cited
  • http//
  • http//
  • Russia in War and Revolution
  • From Tsar to Stalin (video)
  • Leaders of the Russian Revolution

Images cited
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Russian Revolution1918-1924
  • Ciera Rife, William Pettersen
  • Joey Cheung 8-6

What opposition did Lenin face during the Civil
War? How did he win the war?
  • During the Civil War, Vladimir Lenin faced the
    White Army or the Mensheviks. The Mensheviks were
    his biggest opposition. Lenin was the leader of
    the radical socialists Bolshevik party as well
    as Trotsky. The Red Army which Lenin was a part
    of, gradually started to win the civil war. After
    the revolution, Lenin was head of the new Soviet
    government that formed in Russia. He became the
    leader of the USSR upon its founding in 1922.
    Lenin held the highest post in the Soviet
    government until his death in 1924, when Joseph
    Stalin assumed power.

How did Lenin try to fix Russias Problems
following the Civil War?
  • After the war things were put in to place with a
    set of rules called the War Communism. There was
    a revolt of sailors against the War Communism.
    The War Communism was not what the Bolsheviks
    promised after the war. So Lenin decided that
    there had to be a change in policy so that there
    were no more uprisings. He made the New Economic
    Policy (NEP), which stated that peasants could
    sell their own crops. Peasants that increased
    their food production pay less tax. Factories
    with less than twenty workers would not be
    nationalized, and people could use money again.

Who was Joseph Stalin and how did he differ from
Leon Trotsky?
  • Following Lenins death in 1924, two of his
    followers, Stalin and Trotsky, wanted to succeed
    to his position and become the USSR leader. Both
    claimed to want equality and change yet both had
    different things in mind. If Trotsky would have
    come to power, the ideals of a world wide
    communist revolution would unfold. Trotsky looked
    not only at the present but also the future
    development of communism. However, Stalin became
    Lenins successor, betrayed the ideals of Marxism
    and replaced the Tsar with a new dictator. During
    the Red Terror, Stalin used the Cheka created
    and censored an industrialized Soviet Union yet
    neglected the reasons for evolution in the first
    place, for equality.

Word Definition
Reds Bolsheviks led by Lenin and Trotsky
Whites Mensheviks led by Martov
Cheka Russian Secret Police
War Communism Term for the economic and social polices from RSFSR
New Economic Policy (NEP) A policy of temporary economic liberalization in the USSR
Red Terror Campaign of terror in RSFS against party and suspected opponents of Stalin
USSR Soviet Union
Works Cited
  • Information
  • Russia in War and Revolution - Josh Brooman
  • Leaders of the Russian Revolution Fred Newman
  • From Tzar to Stalin
  • Pictures

Russian Revolution1924-1941
  • 8-6
  • Horace Hou, Christopher Liu, Manami Masayama,
    Simon Wu

What impact did Stalin have on agriculture and
Russias farmers?
  • After Lenin died, the economic growth started to
    decline and the peasants werent producing enough
    crops. Instead of giving the peasants economic
    incentives to grow crops, Stalin made a policy
    that forced them into state-owned collective
    farms. Also, he intended to liquidate the kulaks
    as a social class and was sent to another place.
    Because his plan required money, he decided to
    use up all the resources he could from the
    countryside. This nearly collapsed the
    agriculture in the countryside in Russia and
    deaths of millions of peasants from famine.

Russian farmers at work in a collective game.
What Impact did Stalin have on industry and
Russias industrial workers?
  • Stalin's influence on the industry and its
    workers were greatly admired at the start. Stalin
    introduced the 5-year plan, it was great, the
    workers loved it and were excited to start the
    task they had. Even tough they had to increase
    their production at least double they still did
    it. In the first 5-year plan Stalin changed the
    length and made it shorter by 1 year because the
    workers were working harder than he expected.
    After the change the workers were angered and in
    the 2nd 5-year plan they weren't as interested as

Promoting the 5 year plan
How did Stalin deal with the opposition to him or
his leadership?
  • With time, Stalin took control of party members
    to know about everything. Then using his power he
    got alliances and purged his oppositions with his
    secret police (NKVD). In the secret police there
    is also a organization called Gulag which is in
    charge of the slave labor camps. In 1929 he was
    the new leader in Russia. Stalin joined the
    Rightists, Trotsky wanted to continue Lenins
    plan for the New Economic Policy. Stalin disliked
    the plans, but soon got the members respect. Once
    he got the respect he voted out Trotsky. Once he
    got rid of them he ended the NEP with the help
    from the members.

Their leader Stalin
How did Stalin promote himself and still maintain
his popularity with the Russian people?
  • Everyone knew that Stalin was a leader. They
    could hardly fail to know it, because picture and
    posters of Stalin was everywhere! His main tool
    that made him so popular was his wide use of
    propaganda. Every shop displayed his bust. In
    offices, factories, and in the corner of the
    street was pictures of Lenin and Stalin. There
    are also many Streets, towns, buildings named
    after him. The newspapers referred to him as Man
    of Steel, Iron Soldier and many other similar
    names. His name was mentioned everywhere. It also
    appeared in films, plays, poems, stories, and

A poster of Stalin with people admiring him
Vocabulary Word Definition
Collectives made of a group of people in a group
Kulak A wealthy peasant who owns land and hires workers
Famine Extreme shortage of food, could lead to deaths.
Five-year Plan A plan for economy or industry in which goals are set and reached in 5 years.
Gulag System of forced labor camps in the Soviet Union
Purges To eliminate politicians or others that are considered undesirable.
Propaganda Information that is spread for promoting a cause.
NKVD Stalins secret police organization.
  • Information
  • Stalin and the Soviet Union (Book)
  • http//
  • Pictures
  • http//

Russian Revolution1939-1953
  • Class 8-6
  • Janita Zhang, Sang Woo Chun Ryan Moore

Describe Russias relationships with other
countries prior to WWII
  • Before World War II many countries did not want
    to be involved with the USSR. The Nazi-Soviet
    pact was signed by Russia and Germany to remain
    neutral in the event of war and to divide up
    territories. In 1941 a neutrality pact was signed
    by Russia and Japan as insurance in case they
    would be attacked. Once Stalin lead the
    Comintern, an alliance of Communist country
    designed to make sure they obeyed Soviet rule,
    Russia became really good friends with several
    countries including China.

Signing the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact
Stalin signing the Nazi-Soviet pact
What impact did WWII have on Russia and Stalins
  • WWII changed the Russian armys reputation
    from an average army to the superpowers. The
    scorched earth policy used by the Soviet people
    during the war caused more death and destruction
    than ever before suffered. Stalin instituted a
    policy of isolation from the West known as the
    Iron Curtain. This prevented Russians from
    traveling and involved rigid censorship therefore
    limiting the freedom of the people. In order to
    solidify authority, Stalin worked at building up
    a feeling of nationalism by glorifying past
  • Even though many groups of people thought
    Stalin was a cruel leader, he is still Russias
    well known famous leader of all times. He Stalin
    solidified Russia thus having part in what Russia
    is today.

1941 Joseph Stalin calls for a scorch earth
policy in broadcast.
The Iron Curtain divided up Europe.
What actions did Stalin take following WWII to
rebuild and extend Russias power?
  • To direct task of reconstruction, Stalin
    announced a fourth Five-Year Plan which was that
    of complete military armament. Massive amounts of
    money and resources were pumped into the defense
    industry. Through Stalin, as the head of the
    Comintern, directed the Soviet Union from a
    backwards country to a first rate industrial and
    military power. With all the uproar in Europe and
    the thunder heads of war gathering, Stalin turned
    his attention towards modernizing the Red Army.
    Stalin ordered one of the largest military build
    ups and defensive programs that the world had
    ever seen. Under the fourth Five-Year Plan,
    Preparations were made by reconstructing a modern
    defense industry, military aviation, an
    up-to-date navy, civil-defense training for the
    whole population.

Stalin modernized the Russian Red Army turning it
into a bigger and stronger army.
Word Definition
Comintern An alliance of Communist countries designed to make sure they obeyed Soviet rule.
Nazi-Soviet Pact An agreement signed August 1939 between Germany and Russia to remain neutral in the event of war and to divide up territories. The pact ended when Germany invaded Russia in 1940.
Neutrality Pact April 1941, Japanese signed a neutrality pact with the USSR as insurance against an attack from that direction if they were to come into conflict with Britain or the US. When Germany invaded Russia, Japan broke the pact and joined the West.
Scorched Earth Policy A policy of destroying crop or buildings, especially by burning, or of removing anything that might be useful to an advancing enemy in wartime.
Reconstruction The reconstruction of the fourth Five-Year Plan put great emphasis on building up heavy industry and the transport system, and not much emphasis on consumer goods.
Iron Curtain A policy of isolation setup by the USSR after WWII that involved rigid censorship and restrictions on travel.
Works Cited
  • Information
  • "MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary,
    Atlas, and Homework." 2000. Microsoft.
  • Brooman, Josh. Stalin And The Soviet Union The
    USSR 1924-53. Longman Twentieth-Century History
  • Pictures
  • "Corbis stock photography and digital
    pictures." Corbis Corporation. lthttp//www.corbis.
  • "Google Image Search." 2000. Google.
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