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Magnetic properties of SmFeAsO1-xFx superconductors for 0.15 x 0.2 G. Prando1,2, P. Carretta1, A. Lascialfari1, A. Rigamonti1, S. Sanna1, L. Roman 3, A ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • The recent discovery of high-Tc superconductivity
    in Fe-based oxypnictides has renewed the interest
    in the study of the interplay between
    superconductivity and magnetism in layered
    materials. We performed static magnetization and
    19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements
    on loose powder samples of superconducting
    SmFeAsO1-xFx (x 0.15 and x 0.2). Our results
    indicate that
  • the low-energy excitations of the magnetic Sm3
    sublattice are not directly involved in the
    pairing mechanisms leading to the superconducting
  • the 4f electrons of Sm3 ions are coupled to a
    sea of weakly itinerant and antiferromagnetically
    (AF) interacting fermions.

Fe-based pnictides the 1111-phase
  • SmFeAsO1-xFx is composed of insulating
    tri-layers of Sm-O-Sm alternating metallic
    tri-layers of As-Fe-As.
  • Sm3 ions have incomplete electronic shells
    leading to net magnetic moments.
  • For one F- ion replacing one O2- ion the
    injection of an electron into the Fe-As layers is

  • x lt 0.07 magnetic behaviour characterized by a
    transition to a spin density wave (SDW) phase.
  • x gt 0.1 superconductivity confined onto the
    As-Fe-As tri-layers. Tc(x) depends very
    smoothly on x. AF ordering of Sm3 ions at T
  • 0.07 lt x lt 0.1 properties still under debate

Magnetization measurements
  • Estimate of the bulk Tc
  • x 0.15 broad superconducting (SC)
    transition. Low contribution of magnetic
  • x 0.2 sharper SC transition. The effect of
    magnetic impurities causes the difference between
    zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC)
    curves above Tc.
  • Analysis of SC fluctuations above Tc
  • Precursor diamagnetism characterized by an
    upturn field (HUP 200 300 Oe) in the
    isothermal fluctuative contributions.
  • The behaviour of HUP vs. T (see inset) is
    reminescent of the anomalous diamagnetic
    contributions (superimposed to the conventional
    Ginzburg-Landau terms) already observed in
    underdoped samples of cuprate materials.
  • Dashed lines (fitting curves) hypothesis that
    small stable superconducting droplets lacking of
    phase coherence appear already above Tc.

19F-NMR linewidth, shift and relaxation rate
  • NMR linewidth
  • Increase at T lt Tc due to both dynamical 1/T2
    processes and spatial modulation of the magnetic
    field as induced by the fluxoids lattice.
  • Fluxoids contribution possibly implies motional
    narrowing effects due to the liquid phase of the
    vortices lattice 3.
  • Direct comparison with the µSR linewidth s in
    the x 0.2 sample 1 unexplained huge
    difference of values. Further examinations are
    planned in order to investigate the details of
    such a discrepancy.

  • Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate
  • 1/T1 is unaffected by the transition to the SC
    phase, being possibly entirely driven by the
    low-energy fluctuations of the magnetic moments
    associated with the Sm3 ions.
  • 1/T1 vs. T is fairly well described by a
    power-law over the entire explored range
    independently of the sample and of the magnetic
  • The picture Sm3 moments decoupled from the Fermi
    sea is not satisfactory.
  • Interpretation of the results
  • 4f electrons of the rare-earth ions are weakly
    delocalized and develop AF correlations.
  • Moriyas theory of magnetic relaxation in weakly
    itinerant metals is valid.
  • The magnetic correlation length follows the
  • proportionality
  • Similar trends have already been observed in
    some heavy fermions systems characterized by
    antiferromagnetic ground states, like

  • Shift in resonance frequency
  • Negative paramagnetic shift ?K strictly obeing a
    Curie-Weiss-like trend.
  • Direct comparison with susceptibility data
    value of the scalar hyperfine coupling Ahyp
    between the magnetic moments associated with Sm3
    ions and the NMR probes, namely the 19F nuclei.

References 1 S. Sanna et al., Phys. Rev. B 80
052503 (2009) 2 A. Lascialfari et al., Phys.
Rev. B 65 144523 (2002) 3 P. Carretta et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 1236 (1992) 4 P. Carretta
et al., Phys. Rev. B 68 220404 (2003)
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