Title: Project Report
1Project Report
- CERN Collaboration Meeting
- 29 March 2004
2Purpose of this talk
- Achievements
- Issues - not a MICE Review
- Technical Issues
- People Issues
- Money Schedule Issues
- What we need to achieve this week
- Absorber Review
- Significant doing this right!
- Considerable Effort
- Collaboratively successful US/UK/JP
- Result - Highly Successful
- Must not lose sight of Safety Issues
- Gateway Review (UK)
- Survived!
- another hurdle to come Oct?
- US Funding Review (mid-May)
- Tracker decision _at_ RAL
- Yet to be concluded with final reports
- Results in line with expectation
- New Collaborators from Daresbury
- Expertise Facilities (no extra cash)
- Technical Progress Since last October
5Technical Board
7 meetings (1 abortive) Every two weeks by
phone Agenda Minutes http//www.eng-external.
rl.ac.uk/MICE-GEN/ The Technical Board oversees
all aspects of the experiment and infrastructure
design, time schedules, construction, cost,
installation and computing matters. It serves as
an advisory body for the Executive Board. It
will identify issues It should not try to solve
problems during the phone meetings but delegate
to the experts and later discuss their
conclusions It will manage the change
process ? Action List Meet every 4 weeks
after collaboration meeting Suggest this for
Integration and Executive Boards too!
- Chair
- Drumm
- Cooling channel
- Zisman
- Detectors
- Bross
- Palladino
- Simulation/Software
- Torun
- Integration
- Ivanyushenkov (secretary)
- Black
- Safety
- Baynham
- Ex officio
- Kaplan
- Blondel
6Issues Raised
- Magnets
- encouraged MG/PF/EB discussions
- stay clear optical configuration
- Cryo-cooler option
- discussed assessed agreed to consider
- Will be a big issue at this meeting
- Cooling Channel
- No obvious big issues is Hydride Bed a risk?
- Detectors
- Shielding needs exercised change control
- Integration Issues
- Integration group EB, PD, MZ, ABr, YI
- Help separate integration from local issues
- Alignment and Survey Methods
- Discussions between physics and engineering
- Noted Issues of control, instrumentation and
7Magnets Magnetic Fields
- Issues being examined
- Coils
- Currents
- Forces
- Shielding - detectors/people
- Thrown into turmoil (blame Mike Green!)
- Not time to react to this situation
8Cooling Channel
- Schedule
- WBS, Costs
- Interfaces
- AFC Cavity Module - RF
- Hydrogen - AFC Tracker
- cryocoolers
- Issues are
- Central plant Infrastructure cost 2M (loaded)
- Absolute cost!
- Devastates cash flow!
- Bulk of cooling is in the transfer lines
- Cryocoolers Part of equipment 0.75M (loaded)
- Compact, distributed, scaleable
- Lower power consumption less plant
- Cooldown is long (unless)
- supplement cooling power with LN2
- Meeting of magnet designers
- No decent encouraged
- Need to look at Absorber cooling
- VLPC cryostat benefits
- Cryocoolers appropriate for 8K
- Issue to be raised at Collaboration meeting
- Introduce concepts
- Get general approval for this as the new
cryogenic baseline
- ToF
- best placement
- Cherenkov
- US
- DS
- Calorimeter
- Tracker SiFi
- Interfaces
- Beam diffuser
- Consider Details
- Trivia 220 V, 50Hz
- Pumps can we standardise?
- Installation Plan
- Survey Alignment Systems
- Serious (e.g.)
- vacuum chamber pressure vessel
- Design reviews
- Best use of space in hall / roof
- Work in progress
- X-ray shielding access
- equipment
- people
13RF Issues
- Clearly this is more in the air than any other
part of MICE - How to provide 8 MW?
- including drivers, low level RF
- HT supplies, controls
- How to configure ?
- How much will it cost ?
- and
- Who has the funds?
- What does MICE need?
- Bravar et al
- Typical engineering standards?
- Lau
- Typical setup alignment?
- Yury
- Is available on the web
- http//www.isis.rl.ac.uk/accelerator/mice/wbs/98/s
ummary98.mpp - http//www.isis.rl.ac.uk/accelerator/mice/wbs/98/m
ice_wbs.html - http//www.isis.rl.ac.uk/accelerator/mice/wbs/98/m
ice_app.html - and a summary of costs
- http//www.isis.rl.ac.uk/accelerator/mice/wbs/98/m
ice.xls - All dated this Sunday morning
16Milestones Phases
LBNL 2002 Aspirations
- 2004
- ISIS Shutdown no longer on critical path because
of delays in funding - comfortable
- Implies focus for RAL/UK activities
18Unordered Events
Tentative Assessment Needs Discussion
Evaluation During this Collaboration Meeting
19Ordered Milestones
Tentative Assessment Needs Discussion
Evaluation During this Collaboration Meeting
Tentative Assessment Needs Discussion
Evaluation During this Collaboration Meeting
- Caveats
- Schedule depends on funds!
- Includes no levelling in either staff or
capital - As long as we cut into ISIS this April/May the
beam line should not in itself become a critical
22Importance of WBS
- Apart from justifying costs
- The basis of MICE planning
- The analysis is the basis of you knowing that
your resources are sufficient - How do we measure progress?
- Information has to come from the collaboration
23Technical Reference Exercise
- As far as it got
- http//www.isis.rl.ac.uk/accelerator/mice/tr/mice
_tech_ref.html - Control, Instrumentation, Monitoring
- Data Acquisition
24Collaboration Meeting
- Tech Reference is not complete
- To review what is presented(clearly some late
changes magnets) - To identify what is missing and who is charged to
prepare it - To identify what is agreed (or not) as the
25What Else is Missing?
- Controls, Instrumentation Monitoring
- Data Acquisition
- Detailed WBS Cost review
- Money!
26What Next?
- Important that each parallel session
- Considers its input to the Tech. Ref.
- What information is missing
- and who should generate it
- Does the information represent the consensus view
of MICE? - As a whole
- Does it hang together?
27Executive board
- Review of base line by Executive Board
- Actions for next collaboration meeting
- Hopefully an easier task
- Id like to thank everyone for all the hard work