Robust Portfolio Selection in Multiattribute Capital Budgeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Robust Portfolio Selection in Multiattribute Capital Budgeting


Title: Uniikki kuitu Author: Ahti Salo Last modified by: Systems Analysis Laboratory Created Date: 5/28/1995 4:14:30 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Robust Portfolio Selection in Multiattribute Capital Budgeting

Robust Portfolio Selection in Multiattribute
Capital Budgeting
  • Pekka Mild and Ahti Salo
  • Systems Analysis Laboratory
  • Helsinki University of Technology
  • P.O. Box 1100, 02150 HUT, Finland
  • http//

  • Multiattribute capital budgeting
  • Several projects evaluated w.r.t several
    attributes (e.g., 6-12 attributes)
  • Project value as weighted sum of attribute
    specific scores
  • Only some of the projects can be started
  • E.g. RD project portfolios
  • E.g., Kleinmuntz Kleinmuntz (2001), Stummer
    Heidenberg (2003)
  • Incomplete information in MCDM
  • Imprecise attribute weights in additive overall
  • Hard to acquire precise weights
  • Group settings, multiple stakeholders with
    different preferences
  • Sensitivity analysis, e.g. allow 5 fluctuation
    of each weight
  • E.g., Arbel (1989) Salo Hämäläinen (1992,
    1995, 2001) Kim Han (2000)

Multiattribute capital budgeting
  • Large number (e.g. m 50) of multiattribute
  • Portfolio denoted by binary vector
  • Attributes, i 1,,n, scores denoted by
  • Additive aggregate value, i.e. a weighted sum
  • Constraints
  • Budget constraint
  • Other constraints, e.g., mutually exclusive
    projects, portfolio balance
  • Let PF denote the set of feasible portfolios
  • Solve p to maximize V(p,w)
  • Binary programming with fixed scores and weights

Incomplete weight information (1/2)
  • Interval bounds on attribute weights
  • Feasible weight region
  • Non-negative
  • Sum up to one
  • Different weights lead to different optimal
  • Objective function coefficients vary with weights
  • Generate a set of good candidate portfolios

Incomplete weight information (2/2)
  • Potentially optimal portfolios
  • Optimal for some weights
  • Set of potentially optimal portfolios PPO
  • Pairwise dominance
  • pk at least as good as pl for all feasible
    weights, better for some weights
  • Non-dominated portfolios
  • Portfolios not dominated by any other portfolio
  • Set of non-dominated portfolios PND
  • PPO ? PND

Conceptual ideas
  • Incomplete information in multiattribute capital
  • Optimality replaced by
  • Potential optimality
  • Non-dominated portfolios
  • Decision recommendations through the application
    of decision rules
  • E.g., maximax, maximin, minimax regret
  • Robust portfolio selection
  • Reasonable performance across the full range of
    permissible parameter values
  • Accounts for the lack of complete attribute
    weight information
  • What portfolios can be defended - knowing that
    we have only incomplete information about

Computational issues in portfolio optimization
  • Dominance checks require pairwise comparisons
  • Number of possible portfolios is high
  • m projects lead to 2m possible combinations
  • Typically high number of feasible portfolios as
  • Usually far fewer truly interesting portfolios
  • Brute force enumeration of all possibilities not
    computationally attractive
  • Need for a dedicated portfolio algorithm
  • First determine potentially optimal portfolios
  • Repeat the algorithm to determine non-dominated

Determination of potentially optimal portfolios
  • Algorithm computes potentially optimal portfolios
  • Two-phase algorithm based on linear programming
    and linear algebra
  • Extreme point optimality implications (e.g.,
    Arbel, 1989 Carrizosa, 1995)
  • Either weight is fixed or portfolio is fixed

Treats feasible weight region according to fixed
portfolios. Defines subsets and determines
extreme points.
Projects score matrix (fixed)
Attribute weight coefficients, w?S0
Computes optimal portfolio with fixed weight
vectors(extreme points). Fixed LP objective
Portfolio indicator vector
Determination of potentially optimal portfolios
  • Splits feasible weight region into disjoint
  • Each subset is either divided in two or
    considered done
  • New subsets by additional constraints
  • Subsets defined explicitly by extreme points
  • For each (sub)set Sk the basic steps are

1. Calculate optimal portfolio at each extreme
point of Sk 2. i) If each extreme point has the
same optimal portfolio, conclude that this
portfolio is optimal in the entire subset Sk
ii) If some of the extremes have different
optimal portfolios, divide the respective
subset in two with a hyperplane exhibiting equal
value for the two portfolios chosen to
define the division
Determination of potentially optimal portfolios
  • The portfolios are constructed in descending
  • Only feasible portfolios are constructed
  • No all inconclusive computations
  • Constructed portfolios are potentially optimal
  • No cross-checks and later rejections
  • Extreme points of the subsets are generated by
    utilizing the extremes of the parent set

An example potentially optimal portfolios (1/3)
v1(xj) v2(xj) v3(xj)
An example potentially optimal portfolios (2/3)
An example potentially optimal portfolios (3/3)
From potentially optimal to non-dominated
  • Potentially optimal portfolios not necessarily
  • Optimal for some weights, lower bound omitted
  • Missing a portfolio that is the second best for
    all weights
  • Non-dominated portfolios are of interest
  • The best portfolio is among the set of
  • No dominated portfolio can perform better
  • Set of non-dominated portfolios still
    considerably focused
  • Search for potentially optimal can be utilized
  • Add constraints to exclude higher value
    portfolios (higher layers)
  • Peeling off layers of portfolios, descending
    portfolio value
  • Linearity with respect to the weights is essential

Determination of non-dominated portfolios (1/2)
1. Calculate potentially optimal portfolios
on entire S0 2. Add constraints to exclude
portfolios generated thus far 3. Calculate
potentially optimal portfolios on entire S0
with additional constraints of step 2 4.
Check dominance for the candidate portfolios
of step 3. Accept portfolios that are not
dominated by any upper layer portfolio
p1 dominates p4
Determination of non-dominated portfolios (2/2)
  • The portfolios on the topmost layer are
    potentially optimal
  • The portfolios accepted on lower layers are
  • Rules for early termination
  • Only one new candidate portfolio on a new layer
  • Each new candidate absolutely dominated by some
    upper layer portfolio
  • Fewer computational rounds
  • Dominance check required for each lower layer
  • Pairwise check with all portfolios already
    generated on upper layers
  • Number of pairwise comparisons still considerably
    lower compared to mechanical search through all
    pairs of possible portfolios

Measures of portfolio performance
  • Large number of non-dominated portfolios
  • A set of good portfolios is of interest
  • Performance measures required
  • Convenient to calculate the measures only for the
    good portfolios
  • Decision rules
  • Maximax, Maximin, Central values, Minimax regret
  • Measures based on weight regions
  • Assuming a probability distribution on weights
  • E.g., portfolio pk is optimal in 65 of the
    feasible weight region

Portfolio-oriented project evaluation
  • Core of a non-dominated portfolio
  • Consists of projects included in all
    non-dominated portfolios
  • Share of non-dominated portfolios in which a
    project is included
  • Measures derived in the portfolio context - and
    not in isolation
  • Implications for project choice
  • Select core projects
  • Discard projects that are not included in any
    non-dominated portfolio
  • Reconsider remaining projects

Uses of methodology
  • Consensus-seeking in group decision making
  • Consideration of multiple stakeholders interests
    (incomplete weights)
  • Select a portfolio that best satisfies all views
  • E.g. no-one has to give up more than 30 of their
    individual optimum
  • Robust decision making in scenario analysis
  • Attributes interpreted as scenarios
  • Weights interpreted as probabilities
  • Sequential project selection
  • Core projects
  • Additional constraints
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Effect of small changes in the weights
  • Displaying the emerging potential portfolios at

  • Arbel, A., (1989). Approximate Articulation of
    Preference and Priority Derivation, EJOR, Vol.
    43, pp. 317-326.
  • Carrizosa, E., Conde, E., Fernández, F. R.,
    Puerto, J., (1995). Multi-Criteria Analysis with
    Partial Information about the Weighting
    Coefficients, EJOR, Vol. 81, pp 291-301.
  • Kim, S. H., Han, C. H., (2000). Establishing
    Dominance between Alternatives with Incomplete
    Information in a Hierarchically Structured Value
    Tree, EJOR, Vol. 122, pp. 79-90.
  • Salo, A., Hämäläinen, R. P., (1992). Preference
    Assessment by Imprecise Ratio Statements,
    Operations Research, Vol. 40, pp. 1053-1060.
  • Salo, A., Hämäläinen, R. P., (1995). Preference
    Programming Through Approximate Ratio
    Comparisons, EJOR, Vol. 82, pp. 458-475.
  • Salo, A., Hämäläinen, R. P., (2001). Preference
    Ratios in Multiattribute Evaluation (PRIME) -
    Elicitation and Decision Procedures under
    Incomplete Information, IEEE Transactions on SMC,
    Vol. 31, pp. 533-545.
  • Stummer, C., Heidenberg, K., (2003). Interactive
    RD Portfolio Analysis with Project
    Interdependencies and Time Profiles of Multiple
    Objectives, IEEE Trans. on Engineering
    Management, Vol. 50, pp. 175 - 183.
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