Nabucco, European Energy Supply Diversification, and Russia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nabucco, European Energy Supply Diversification, and Russia


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nabucco, European Energy Supply Diversification, and Russia

Nabucco, European Energy Supply Diversification,
and Russia
  • Vladimir MilovInstitute of Energy Policy, Russia
  • FT Gas for Europe ConferenceBudapest, September
    14th, 2007

South Eastern and Central Europe the region of
Europe most dependent on Russian gas supplies
Share of gas imports from Russia in primary
energy consumption, 2006,
Source BP Statistical Review of World Energy
2006 (primary energy consumption), Gazprom (gas
imports by relevant countries)
Why doubts on Russian gas supply reliability?
  • High possibility of gas supply deficit due to
    underinvestment in upstream gas production sector
  • Ageing gas pipeline system and increasing risk of
    pipeline accidents (several recorded this year)
  • Permanent difficulties with transit countries
    (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey)

Gazproms aggressive asset acquisition policy
leaves little room for upstream investments
Gazproms investments during the recent years
(billion USD)
Source calculations based on Gazprom data
Will Gazprom invest enough in new gas field
development to address the supply challenge?
Structure of Gazproms investment program for
2007 (billion USD)
Source Gazproms board of directors decisions of
January, May, August 2007
Projects delayed in 2007, sacrificed for more
asset acquisitions
  • Investments in development of Shtokman field in
    2007 cut from USD 670 million to USD 335 million
  • Peak production at Kharvutinskaya area of Yamburg
    field (30 bcm/year) postponed from 2008 to 2010
  • Production at Neocomian strata of Zapolyarnoye
    field (15 bcm/year) postponed to 2011
  • Expenditures on modernization of the trunk
    pipeline system cut by USD 950 million
  • This is the price paid so far for the
    acquisitions of Sakhalin Energy, Beltransgaz
    (Belarus gas pipeline operator), Mosenergo
    power company

Rapidly ageing gas pipelines
Gazproms pipelines structured by age,
Source Gazprom, Gazprom Databook 2006
Can the current area of production deliver
substantial new volumes of gas?
Potential of new gas output in the current gas
production area, bcm/year
Source presentation by Gazproms deputy CEO
A.Ananenkov, Moscow, June 14th, 2007
These volumes are only sufficient to offset the
expected cumulative 85-90 bcm decline of gas
production at Urengoy and Yamburg fields in the
coming 4-5 years.
How much money is required to develop new gas
production areas?
Gazproms estimates of Yamal Peninsula gas field
development costs(billion USD in current US
Source Gazproms Complex program of Yamal
Peninsula gas fields industrial development, 2002
Central Asia the great uncertainty
  • No guarantees of gas supplies from Turkmenistan
    to Russia beyond 2009 exist
  • Despite announcements made in May 2007, no
    specific agreements on gas supplies through
    Caspian gas pipeline were reached by September
    1st, 2007
  • Turkmenistan pursues alternative gas pipeline
    projects (with pipeline to China being the most
    potentially realistic option)

Can the growing gas demand be satisfied with this
type of investment strategy?
Gazproms gas demand projection to 2030 (bcmpa
best case scenario)
Source Vedomosti (, April 16th,
Additional gas for Nord Stream,South Stream,
Altai pipeline to China where is it going to
come from?
  • Gazprom will be able to meet its supply
    commitments only if the domestic demand will grow
    below 1 a year to 2010 and below 0,5 a year in
  • If the domestic gas demand in Russia will grow
    faster, even if independent gas producers
    increase production to 140-150 bcm by 2010, the
    deficit of gas will occur
  • The average growth of gas demand in Russia in
    2002-2006 had been 3 a year (6,7 only in 2006)

Why Nabucco is sometimes viewed with skepticism?
  • Unclear resource base
  • The perspectives for a Trans-Caspian pipeline,
    putting aside the U.S. optimism, appear bleak due
    to unresolved Caspian seabed division dispute
  • Without this, the supply capabilities of
    Shah-Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan will be only
    partially sufficient for Nabucco
  • The Trans-Iranian pipeline (the most potentially
    realistic and viable option for transportation of
    Turkmen and Iranian gas to Europe) will be most
    likely blocked by the U.S.

Russian gas in Nabucco?
  • Probably this will be a soft solution in the
  • However, Russia will most likely reject supplies
    to an unfriendly pipeline on political grounds
  • In the same manner, participation in
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline was rejected by
    Russia back in 2002
  • Putins Kremlin takes no prisoners when it
    comes down to gas transit geopolitics
  • Also, the dependence on Russian supplies increases

South Stream viable?
  • Cost of construction? (Involvement of Gazprom and
    ENI suggests that the costs would be excessive)
  • Wheres the gas?

Map source ENI Gazprom
South Stream potential rationale
  • Bypassing the problem transit countries
    Ukraine, Turkey
  • Potential target markets Italy and Baumgarten
    gas hub in Austria
  • If both Nabucco and the South Stream will be
    build, this will create excessive pipeline
    capacities in the South Eastern Europe region
  • Which is probably not bad for the European
    energy security

  • Successful implementation of the Nabucco project
    may help mitigate the risks of dependence on
    Russian gas supplies for the countries of South
    Eastern and Central Europe
  • The risks of Russian gas supplies in the
    forthcoming future severely increase due to
  • (a) abandoning the Gazprom restructuring plans,
  • (b) the strategy of building up a global energy
    company which diverts financial resources away
    from investments in core business development
  • Nabucco may be a good risk mitigation option, but
    its viability remains uncertain
  • Competition with the South Stream South Eastern
    Europe doesnt need two new gas pipelines
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