Title: H2020 and Societal Challenges
1H2020 and Societal Challenges
- A. Hamid El-Zoheiry, Heliopolis University
- Cairo, Egypt
- Take stock of Societal Challenges in H2020 in
terms of Priorities and Opportunities for MPCs
3H2020 What's new?
- A single programme bringing together three
separate programmes/initiatives - Coupling research to innovation from research
to retail, all forms of innovation - Focus on societal challenges facing EU society,
e.g. health,clean energy and transport - Simplified access, for all companies,
universities, institutes inall EU countries and
- The 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7),
innovation aspects of Competitiveness and
Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU
contribution to the European Institute of
Innovation and Technology (EIT)
4Three priorities
5Priority 1. Excellent science
- World class science is the foundation of
tomorrows technologies, jobs and wellbeing
European Research Council Frontier research by the best individual teams
Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Opportunities for training and career development
Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities
6Priority 2. Industrial leadership
- Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g.
advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics)
underpin innovation across existing and emerging
sectors - Need for more innovative SMEs to create growth
and jobs
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space)
Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation
Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs
7Priority 3. Societal challenges
- Breakthrough solutions come from
multi-disciplinary collaborations, including
social sciences humanities
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research the bioeconomy
Secure, clean and efficient energy
Smart, green and integrated transport
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
8International Cooperation
- International cooperation is crucial to address
many Horizon 2020 objectives - Principle of general openness the programme will
remain to be the most open funding programme in
the world - Horizon 2020 shall be open to the association of
acceding countries, candidate countries and
potential candidates and selected international
partner countries that fulfil the relevant
criteria (capacity, track record, close economic
and geographical links to the Union, etc.) - Targeted actions to be implemented taking a
strategic approach to international cooperation
(dedicated measures in the 'Inclusive,
innovative and secure societies' challenge)
9INCO in H2020 vs FP7
- No ad-hoc INCO Work Programme
- No Specific Actions having the inclusion of MPCs
as eligibility criteria but open topics - Open topics
- Instruments research innovation actions or
support actions (horizontal issues, policy,
cooperation and dialogue) - International cooperation hidden accross pillars
and challenges
10Renewed Euro-Med Partnership
- A new response to a changing Neighbourhood
- ? Development of Common Knowledge and Innovation
Space (CKIS) - ? New approach to cooperation mutual benefit,
mutual accountability and differentiation - Mutual Interest shared Benefit based on the
principles of co-ownership and co-management with
co-funding of activities - New impetus given by the Euro-Mediterranean
Conference for Research and Innovation held in
Barcelona (2-3/04/2012) - ? Thematic areas addressed water, energy,
health, transport and marine sciences. - ? Key cross-cutting issues addressed Innovation,
changing society, coordination of programmes,
infrastructure, mobility
11- EU South Mediterranean RI cooperation
- Specific activities to promote the EU South
Mediterranean cooperation - Support to bilateral activities (Bilats)
- Support to regional platforms INCO-Nets
(MIRA/MedSPRING) - Building competence in research labs (ERA-WIDEs)
- Bridging the gap between research and innovation
12- EU South Mediterranean RI cooperation
- Bilateral policy dialogues
- 5 ST agreements Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,
Morocco, Tunisia - 2 association agreements in FP7 Israel, Turkey
- Bi-regional policy dialogue
- The Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean
Cooperation in RTD (MoCo) -17 meetings since 1995
13- EU South Mediterranean RI cooperation in FP7
- 296 FP7 funded projects
- ? Success rate 13
- ? 704 million EUR EU contribution to the
projects - ? 62 million EUR EU contribution to the South
Mediterranean partners - ? 586 participations of public and private South
Mediterranean institutions - ? Main thematic areas of cooperation KBBE,
Environment, ICT - .
14Synergy with the European Neighbourhood
Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
- The ENPI supports research capacity building
through the implementation of Research
Development and Innovation Programme (RDI) -
- Egypt (11 M 20 M),
- Algeria (21 M),
- Jordan (55 M),
- Morocco (1.35 M),
- Tunisia (12 M)
15MPCs Participation in FP7
364 participants in 193 projects
Specific Programme Participations Number of projects
SP1 - Cooperation 238 120
SP2 - Ideas 1 1
SP3 - People 11 11
SP4 - Capacities 114 61
16Thematic distribution
Projects 8 28 16 12 33 6 2 6 6 3 120
Particip. 19 54 34 27 72 8 2 7 10 5 238
17MPC Priority Setting Excercises
- MIRA Thematic workshops (2009-2011)
- Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Research and
Innovation, Barcelona (April, 2012) - Common Research Innovation Agenda CRIA, 2012
(Food, Water, Energy) - MED-SPRING EMEG
18Calls topics addressed to Mediterranean
A total number of 47 different call topics (KBBE,
ENERGY and ENV) for the period 2007-2013.
19Correspondance MIRA - FP7 calls
- KBBE (Food/ Agriculture) water scarcity
management in agriculture, post harvest losses,
agro-food products and global market. - ENERGY Concentrating Solar Power
- ENV Coastal zone, Freshwater ecosystems and
Natural Hazards - Others Health, Nanotechnologies
20- MedSpring Project and Horizon 2020
High Quality Affordable Food
Resource efficiency
21H2020- 1st WP 2014-2015Analysis of relevant
topics to MPCs
- Analysis of WPs 2014-2015 of H2020 identifying
topics having geographic focus or being of
potential thematic interest for the Mediterranean
Partner Countries - Grouping topics into four cathegories
- 1) Direct geographic relevance (Mediterranean)
- 2) Indirect geographic relevance (ENP, Africa,
ST agreemets) - 3) International cooperation connotation (no
geographic focus) - 4)Thematic relevance (potential thematic
interest for MPCs)
23Focus on Societal Challenges
- The majority (82 out of 127) of the topics
identified in the four categories belong to
Pillar III Societal Challenges. - Food appears to be the most recurring in the four
categories. - Considering direct or indirect geographic
relevance, the most recurring SC are Climate and
Societies, followed by Food and Transport.
24Mediterranean dimension of H2020 (1/3)
- The 3 topics with direct geographic relevance
are all included in Pillar III, and related to SC
Food (1 topic) and SC Societies (2 topics) - The 11 topics with indirect geographic relevance
are included in Pillar I (2 topics) and Pillar
III (9 topics). The SC addressed by these topics
are Food, Transport, Climate and Societies.
25Mediterranean dimension of H2020 (2/3) List of
Topics with direct geographic relevance
1) Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas
through enhanced governance and social innovation
(ISIB 3 2015) 2) Re-invigorating the
partnership between the two shores of the
Mediterranean (INT 6 2015) 3) Towards a new
geopolitical order in the South and East
Mediterranean (INT 7 -2015)
- All H2020 SCs represent potential priority areas
for the MPCs. However, opportunities/capacities
of partnership with the EU have to be further
explored and determined. - H2020s 1st WP has limited focus on the
Mediterranean (3 topics, all in SC Pillar). - H2020 is not the ultimate or only programme for
Euro-Med cooperation and is still not appropriate
for several actions (CB or infrastructure..) - Food Environment (incl. Water) seem to be the
two areas with strongest participation of MPCs in
27Thank you for your attention!
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