Title: Jack Screws
1Jack Screws
- Purpose
- Jack screws provide adjustable height support for
machining or measurement operations.
Location Jack screws are located in cabinet 10
How its used
Step 3 Adjust the jack screw to the desired
height by rotating the screw CW rotation
increases height CCW rotation decreases
height Step 4 Perform operations when jack
screws are correctly placed.
Step 1 Choose a jack screw (or jack screws)
which allows for needed ranges in height. Step
2 Place the jack screw(s) in the needed support
location(s) with respect the part or assembly.
Safety When machining (milling in particular),
with jack screws, identify if additional support
is needed. Using clamps are one method of
additional support.
Clamps Jack Screw
2Vendor Information
- McMaster-CARR www.mcmaster.com search for
jack screws