Title: Case definitions of diseases and syndromes under surveillance
1Case definitions of diseases and syndromes under
- IDSP training module for state and district
surveillance officers - Module 5
2Learning objectives
- Describe why case definitions for diseases are
crucial for disease surveillance - List the diseases/syndromes under surveillance in
state and define what is probable /suspected
/confirmed case - List laboratory criteria for the diseases under
surveillance - Describe correctly why trigger levels are
specified and the response to trigger level 1 and
3Key principles of the Integrated Disease
Surveillance Programme
- Monitor a limited number of health conditions
- Integrate surveillance activities under various
programmes - Use laboratories in surveillance
- Set up of district and state surveillance units
- Involve private sector and medical colleges
- Take advantage of information technologies
4Types of case definitions in use
Case definition Criteria Who uses it
Syndromic Clinical pattern Paramedical personnel and members of community
Presumptive Typical history and clinical examination Medical officers of primary and community health centres
Confirmed Clinical diagnosis by a medical officer and positive laboratory identification Medical officer and Laboratory staff
More specificity
5Rationale for the use of case definitions
- Uniformity in case reporting at district, state
and national level - Use of the same criteria by reporting units to
report cases - Compatibility with the case definitions used in
WHO recommended surveillance standards - Allow international information exchanges
6Levels of case definitions
- Suspect case
- A case that meets the clinical case definition
- Probable case
- A suspect case that is diagnosed by a medical
officer - Confirmed case
- A suspect case that is laboratory confirmed
7Epidemiologically linked case
- The patient had contact with one or more persons
who - Have/had the disease
- Have been exposed to a point source of infection
- Transmission of the agent by the usual modes of
transmission is plausible
- Threshold for diseases under surveillance that
trigger pre-determined actions at various levels - Based upon the number of cases in weekly report
- Trigger levels depend on
- Type of disease
- Case fatality (Death / case ratio)
- Number of evolving cases
- Usual trend in the region
9Levels of response to different triggers
Trigger Significance Levels of response
1 Suspected /limited outbreak Local response by health worker and medical officer
2 Outbreak Local and district response by district surveillance officer and rapid response team
3 Confirmed outbreak Local, district and state
4 Wide spread epidemic State level response
5 Disaster response Local, district, state and centre
10Conditions under regular surveillance
Type of disease Disease
Vector borne diseases Malaria
Water borne diseases Diarrhea (Cholera)
Water borne diseases Typhoid
Respiratory diseases Tuberculosis
Vaccine preventable diseases Measles
Disease under eradication Polio
Other conditions Road traffic accidents
International commitment Plague
Unusual syndromes Meningo-encephalitis Respiratory distress Hemorrhagic fever
11Other conditions under surveillance
Type of surveillance Categories Conditions
Sentinel surveillance STDs HIV/HBV/HCV
Sentinel surveillance Other conditions Water quality
Sentinel surveillance Other conditions Outdoor air quality
Regular surveys Non communicable disease risk factors Anthropometry
Non communicable disease risk factors Physical activity Blood pressure
Non communicable disease risk factors Physical activity Blood pressure
Non communicable disease risk factors Tobacco, blood pressure
Additional state priorities Additional state priorities Up to five diseases
12Malaria Clinical case description
- Any patient with fever with any of the following
- Chills, sweating, jaundice or splenomegaly
- Convulsions, coma, shock, pulmonary edema and
death may be associated in severe cases
13Laboratory criteria for malaria diagnosis
- Demonstration of malaria parasite on blood film
- Positive rapid diagnostic test for malaria
14Malaria case classification
- Suspect
- Any case of fever
- Probable
- Case that meets the clinical case definition
- Confirmed
- A suspected/probable case that is
15Malaria Outbreak definition
- Trigger 1
- Single case of smear positive in an area where
malaria was not present for a minimum of three
months - Slide positivity rate doubling over last three
months - Single death from clinically /microscopically
proven malaria - Single falciparum case of indigenous origin in a
free region - Trigger 2
- Two fold rise in malaria in the region over last
3 months - More than five cases of falciparum of indigenous
State may set their own triggers
16Cholera Clinical case description
- In an area where the disease is not known to be
present - Severe dehydration or death from acute watery
diarrhoea in a patient aged 5 years or more - In an area where cholera is endemic
- Acute watery diarrhea, with or without vomiting
in a patient aged 5 years or more - In an area where there is a cholera epidemic
- Acute watery diarrhoea, with or without vomiting,
in any patient
17Laboratory criteria for cholera diagnosis
- Isolation of Vibrio cholera O1 or O139 from
stools in any patient with diarrheaÂ
18Cholera case classification
- Suspect case
- A case that meets the clinical case definition
- Probable case
- A suspect case that is diagnosed by the medical
officer - Confirmed case
- A suspected case that is laboratory- confirmed
19Cholera Outbreak definitions
- Trigger 1
- A single case of cholera / epidemiologically
linked cases of diarrhea - A case of severe dehydration / death due to
diarrhea in a patient of gt5 years of age - Clustering of cases in a particular village /
urban ward where more than 10 houses have at
least one case of loose stools irrespective of
age per 1000 population - Trigger 2
- More than 20 cases of diarrhea in a
village/geographical area of 1000 population
20Typhoid fever Clinical case description
- Any person with fever for gt1 week
- Any TWO of the following
- Toxic look
- Coated tongue
- Relative bradycardia
- Splenomegaly
21Laboratory criteria for diagnosis of typhoid fever
- Serology
- Typhi dot / Widal test positive
- Isolation of organism from clinical specimen
22Typhoid fever Case classification
- Probable case
- Case of fever diagnosed by medical officer that
is compatible with - Clinical case description
- Typhi dot/Widal test positive
- Epidemiological link to a confirmed case
- Confirmed case
- Probable case that is laboratory confirmed by
- Isolation of S. typhi/ S. paratyphi from blood
- Four fold rise in antibody titres in paired sera
10 days apart
23Typhoid fever Outbreak definitions
- Trigger 1
- More than 30 cases in a week from the entire
primary health centre area - 5 or more cases per week from one sub-centre of
5,000 population - More than 2 cases from a single village/urban
ward/1000 population - Clustering of cases of fever
- Trigger 2
- More than 60 cases from a primary health centre
or more than 10 cases from a sub-center
24Tuberculosis Case classification
- Suspect
- Any person with cough gt3 weeks
- Probable
- Patient with symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis
(cough gt3 wks with or without fever) diagnosed by
medical officer as tuberculosis with or without
radiological signs consistent with pulmonary
tuberculosis - Confirmed
- A case that meets clinical case definition and
that is positive for laboratory criteria
25Measles clinical case definition
- Any person with
- Fever
- Maculo-papular rash lasting for more than 3 days
- Cough or coryza or conjunctivitis
26Laboratory criteria for measles diagnosis
- Presence of measles specific IgM antibodies
- Isolation of measles virus
- At least a four fold increase in antibody titres
27Measles Case classification
- Suspect
- Any case with fever and rash
- Probable
- Suspect case who is diagnosed as measles by
medical officer on basis of clinical case
description - Confirmed
- A probable case that is
- Laboratory confirmed
- Linked epidemiologically to a laboratory
confirmed case
28Polio Clinical description of acute flaccid
- Any child
- Aged lt15 years
- Acute onset of flaccid paralysis for which no
obvious cause (such as serve trauma or
electrolyte imbalance) is found - OR
- Paralytic illness in a person of any age in which
polio is suspected
29Laboratory criteria for polio diagnosis
- Isolation of a wild poliovirus from stool specimen
30Polio case classification
- Suspect
- Syndromic case of acute flaccid paralysis
- Probable
- Epidemiologically linked case
- Confirmed
- Suspected case that is laboratory confirmed
31Polio trigger
- Even a single case will trigger outbreak
32Plague Clinical case description
- Rapid onset of fever,chills, headache, severe
malaise with - Bubonic form
- Extreme painful swelling of lymph nodes in
axilla, groin and neck (bubos) - Pneumonic form
- Cough with blood stained sputum, chest pain and
dyspnea - Septicemic form
- Toxic changes in patient
33Laboratory criteria for plague diagnosis
- Giemsa smear positive
- Direct fluorescent antibody testing of smears
- PCR test
- 4 fold increase in antibody titres against F1
antigen - Isolation of the bacteria by culture
34Criteria to define a probable case of plague
- A case consistent with clinical case description
with history of rat fall - Y.pestis F1 antigen detected in clinical
materials by direct fluorescent antibody testing
or by some other standardized antigen detection
method - Isolate from a clinical specimen demonstrates
biochemical reactions consistent with Y.pestis or
PCR positivity - A single serum specimen is found positive for
diagnostic levels of antibodies to Y.pestis F1
antigen, not explainable on the basis of prior
infection or immunization with an epidemiological
link with a confirmed case
35Criteria to define a confirmed case of plague
- Probable case that is laboratory-confirmed
- Isolate identified as Y. pestis by phage lysis or
cultures - OR
- A significant (4-fold) change in antibody titres
to the F1 antigen in paired serum specimens
36Plague Triggers
- Trigger 1
- Rat fall
- Trigger 2
- At least 1 probable case of plague in community
37Japanese encephalitis Clinical case description
- Febrile illness of variable severity associated
with neurological symptoms ranging from headache
to meningitis or encephalitis - Symptoms can include
- Headache, fever, meningeal signs, stupor,
disorientation, coma, tremors, paresis
(generalized), hypertonia, loss of coordination - The encephalitis cannot be distinguished
clinically from other central nervous system
38Presumptive laboratory criteria for Japanese
encephalitis diagnosis
- Detection of an acute phase anti-viral antibody
response through one of the following - Elevated and stable serum antibody titres of JE
virus through ELISA, hemagglutination or virus
neutralization assay - IgM antibody to the virus in serum (Appears
after 1 week of disease)
39Confirmatory laboratory criteria for Japanese
encephalitis diagnosis
- Detection of JE virus, antigen or genome in
tissue, blood or other body fluid by
immuno-chemistry or immuno-fluorescence or PCR, - JE virus-specific IgM in the CSF
- Fourfold or greater rise in JE virus-specific
antibody in paired sera through IgM /IgG, ELISA,
haemagglutination inhibition test or virus
neutralization test
40Japanese encephalitis Case classification
- Suspect
- Any case with fever of acute onset and altered
consciousness/ convulsions and change in
behaviour - Probable
- Any suspected cases diagnosed as Japanese
encephalitis by the medical officer - Any suspect case with presumptive laboratory
results - A case of fever epidemiologically linked with a
proven Japanese encephalitis case - Confirmed
- A suspect or probable case confirmed by
confirmatory laboratory tests
41Japanese encephalitis Triggers
- Trigger 1
- Clustering of two or more similar case from a
locality in one week - Trigger 2
- More than four cases from a PHC (30,000
population) in one week
42Dengue fever Clinical case description
- An acute febrile illness of 2-7 days duration
with 2 or more of the following - Headache
- Retro-orbital pain
- Myalgia
- Arthralgia
- Rash
- Hemorrhagic manifestations
- Leucopenia
43Probable case classification of Dengue fever
- A case diagnosed by medical officer as Dengue
fever based on the clinical case definition - OR
- A case with fever with blood negative for malaria
and not responding to anti-malarials - WITH
- Supportive serology (reciprocal
hemagglutination-inhibition antibody titre,
comparable IgG EIA titre or positive IgM antibody
test in late acute or convalescent-phase serum
specimen) - Epidemiological link with a confirmed case
- High vector density
44Confirmed case of Dengue fever
- Isolation of the dengue virus from serum, plasma,
leukocytes or autopsy samples - Demonstration of a four fold or greater change in
reciprocal IgG or IgM antibody titres to one or
more dengue virus antigens - Demonstration of dengue virus antigen in autopsy
tissue - Detection of viral genomic sequences in autopsy
tissue, serum or CSF samples
45Dengue hemorrhagic fever
- Probable or confirmed case of Dengue fever with
- One or more criteria of hemorrhagic tendency
- Positive tourniquet test
- Petichiae, ecchymoses or purpura
- Bleeding from mucosa / GIT/ injection site
- Thrombocytopenia
- Evidence of plasma leakage as manifested by
- Pleural effusion
- Ascitis
- Hypo-proteinemia
46Dengue shock syndrome
- A case of Dengue hemorrhagic fever
- Evidence of circulatory failure manifested by
rapid and weak pulse and narrow pulse pressure
(lt20 mmHg) or hypotension
47Dengue Triggers
- Trigger 1
- Clustering of two similar case of probable Dengue
fever in a village - Single case of Dengue hemorrhagic fever
- Trigger 2
- More than four cases of Dengue fever in a village
with population of about 1000
48Acute viral hepatitis Clinical case description
- Acute jaundice (Yellow sclera/skin)
- Dark urine
- Anorexia, malaise
- Extreme fatigue
- Right upper quadrant tenderness
49Laboratory criteria for acute viral hepatitis
- Positive for HBsAg and IgM anti-HBc
- Positive anti-HCV
- Positive for HBsAg and anti-HDV
- Positive for IgM HEV
50Acute viral hepatitis Case classification
- Suspect
- As per clinical definition
- Confirmed
- A suspect case that is laboratory confirmed
- For hepatitis A/E, a case compatible with the
clinical description and with epidemiological
link with a laboratory confirmed case of
hepatitis A/E.
51Laboratory criteria for the diagnosis of HIV
- HIV positive serology (ELISA)
- Confirmation with a second ELISA
52Syndromes under surveillance
- Fever
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Acute flaccid paralysis
- Jaundice
- Unusual syndrome causing
- death/ hospitalization
- Fever less than 7 days with
- Rash and coryza or conjunctivitis (suspected
measles) - Altered sensorium (suspected Japanese
encephalitis or malaria) - Convulsions (suspected Japanese encephalitis )
- Bleeding from skin, mucus membrane, vomiting
blood or passing fresh blood or black motion
(suspected Dengue) - With none of the above (suspected malaria)
- Fever gt 7 days
- Suspected typhoid
- Triggers
- More than 2 similar case in the village (1000
- Short duration (Cough lt 3 weeks)
- Suspected acute respiratory tract infection
- Longer duration (Cough of gt 3 weeks)
- Suspected tuberculosis
- Any new case of watery diarrhea
- Passage of 3 or more loose / watery stools in 24
hours - With or without dehydration
- Total duration of illness lt 14 days
- Trigger
- More than 10 houses with diarrhea in a village or
urban ward or a single case of severe dehydration
or death in a patient gt than 5 years with
- A new patient with an acute illness (lt4 weeks)
and following symptoms - Jaundice, dark urine
- Anorexia, malaise, fatigue
- Pain in abdomen (right upper quadrant)
- Trigger
- More than two cases of jaundice in different
houses irrespective of age in a village or 1000
57Acute flaccid paralysis
- A case of acute flaccid paralysis is defined as
any child - Aged lt15 years
- Has acute onset of flaccid paralysis for which no
obvious cause is found - Trigger
- Single case of AFP
58Points to remember (1/2)
- The list of diseases under surveillance must
always be remembered - The diseases for which vertical programmes are
operative should be clearly known - Case definitions are crucial in accurately
identifying the epidemic at the earliest - Trigger levels are important in initiating
response activities
59Points to remember (2/2)
- Laboratory confirmation is not mandatory to
initiate rapid response measures but specimens
should be collected as soon as possible - Clinical syndromes should be identified
- Method of transmission of diseases should be
identified - Different surveillance methods for the different
conditions should be clearly understood