Germany - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: REACH State of Play Author: LaduschB Last modified by: wi-umw-1-eu Created Date: 9/13/2005 11:48:22 AM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Germany

Germanys EU Council Presidency in 2007
  • Focal issue Environment - Innovation

Focal issue Environment - Innovation
Strategic approach for the Federal Environment
Ministry (BMU) Environmental policy is also
economic policy ecological industrial
policy Competition and employment are
strengthened by the development of resource- and
energy-efficient technologies The global
challenges of climate protection and resource
shortages necessitate green innovations Ecologic
al industrial policy comprises a comprehensive
package of measures and must become a concrete
element of the Lisbon Strategy Operationalisation
through concrete EU dossiers and the informal
meeting of EU Environment Ministers in Essen
I. Focal points of the Presidency
  • Ecological industrial policy
  • Climate policy
  • Energy policy
  • Environmentally sound mobility
  • Biodiversity
  • Cross-cutting issues Lisbon Strategy
  • Restricting hazardous substance emissions in the
    water sector
  • Waste policy
  • Chemicals policy
  • Soil conservation
  • Others

II. Further key issues
2007 1. Climate Change Council
conclusions 2. Contribution to the Spring
European Council (Key Issues Paper) Council
conclusions 3. Proposal for a Directive for
inclusion of aviation in the EU emission trading
scheme Policy debate 4. Review of the Community
Strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger
cars Policy debate 5. Thematic Strategy on the
Sustainable Use of Pesticides Council
conclusions 6. Adaptation to Climate Change /
Symposium on Climate Change and the European
Water Dimension, Vulnerability - Impacts -
Adaptation (12 14 February 2007,
Berlin) Presentation of the Green Paper by the
Commission Information from the
Presidency 7. Thematic Strategy for Soil
Protection Proposal for a Directive of the
European Parliament and of the Council
establishing a framework for the protection of
soil and amending Directive 2004/35/EC - Policy
debate 8. Biodiversity Preparation of the Ninth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the
Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 9)
(Bonn, 19 to 30 May 2008) - Information from the
  • 28 / (poss.) 29 JUNE 2007
  • 1. Proposal for a Directive of the European
    Parliament and of the Council on waste
  • Political agreement
  • 2. Proposal for a Directive of the European
    Parliament and of the Council on environmental
    quality standards in the field of water policy
    and amending Directive 2000/60/EC
  • Political agreement
  • 3. Review of the EU emissions trading scheme
  • Council conclusions
  • 4. Biodiversity Preparation of the Ninth meeting
    of the Conference of the Parties to the
    Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 9)
    (Bonn, 19 to 30 May 2008)
  • Council conclusions
  • 5. Proposal for a Directive for inclusion of
    aviation in the EU emission trading scheme
  • Progress report / Political agreement
  • 6. Review of the 6th Environment Action Plan
  • Council conclusions
  • 7. Proposal for a Regulation of the European
    Parliament and of the Council on the banning of
    exports and the safe storage of metallic mercury
  • Political agreement
  • 8. Proposal for a Directive amending Directive
    98/70 relating to the quality of petrol and
    diesel fuels
  • Political agreement

  • 2nd readings
  • Air Quality Directive
  • Flooding Directive
  • (?) Marine Environment (?)
  • Conciliation
  • Life

Focal points of the Presidency in the field of.
  • Action Plan Energy Policy for Europe
  • Further development of internal electricity / gas
  • Clean coal
  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energies
  • International energy relations

Monday, 8 January WP on the Environment Presentation of programm (a.m.) WP on International Environmental Issues /Internat. Chemicals WP on the Environment Presentation of programm (a.m.) WP on International Environmental Issues /Internat. Chemicals
Tuesday, 9 January WP on the Environment Waste WP on International Environmental Issues /Internat. Chemicals WP on the Environment Waste WP on International Environmental Issues /Internat. Chemicals
Wednesday, 10 January WP on International Environmental Issues/Global WP on International Environmental Issues/Global
Thursday, 11 January WP on International Environmental Issues/Climate Change WP on International Environmental Issues/Climate Change

Friday, 12 January WP on the Environment Pesticides (a.m)/Soil Directive Strategy (p.m)  
Monday, 15 January WP on the Environment ETS Aviation  
Thursday, 18 January Thursday, 18 January WP on the Environment Waste WP on the Environment Waste  
Friday, 19 January Friday, 19 January WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council  
Monday, 22 January WP on International Environmental Issues/ evtl. Expertengruppe Chemikalien WP on International Environmental Issues/ evtl. Expertengruppe Chemikalien    
Tuesday, 23 January WP on International Environmental Issues/Global WP on International Environmental Issues/Global    
Wednesday, 24 January WP on the Environment Priority substances WP on the Environment Priority substances    
Thursday, 25 January WP on the Environment Pesticides (a.m.)/(poss) CO2-emissions for cars WP on the Environment Pesticides (a.m.)/(poss) CO2-emissions for cars    

Friday, 26 January WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council WP on the Environment Lisbon-Strategy/ Contribution to the Spring Council
Monday, 29 January WP on the Environment Flooding-Directive (p.m.) WP on the Environment Flooding-Directive (p.m.)    
Tuesday, 30 January WP on the Environment Soil-Directive Strategy WP on the Environment Soil-Directive Strategy    

Working Party on International Environmental
Issues (WPIEI) during German Presidency of the
EU January - June 2007
Schedule of WPIEI Meetings Schedule of WPIEI Meetings
Climate Change 11.01., 01.02., 22.02., 29.03., 27.04., 07.06.
Global (UNEP/CSD) 10.01., 23.01., 14.03., 28.03., 18.04.
Biodiversity 07.02., 21.03., 25.04., 23.05., 06.06.
CITES 15.03., 16.04., 24.04., 25.05.
Chemicals (SAICM, POPs) 08.01, 09.01., (experts 22.1.), 13.03., 30.3., 20.04.,
Basel, PIC, POPs (Synergy) 28.02., 22.5.
Montreal Protocol 10.05., 30.05.
Horizontal Issues 27.3.
Gothenborg Protocol 13.04.
Aarhus 23.04. (a.m.), 30.04. (a.m.)
Espoo, SEA Protocol 23.03. (a.m), 23.04. (a.m.), 30.04. (a.m.)
Environment and Health 01.06. (a.m)
Biosafety 6.2., 31.5. (a.m.)
Desertification 17.01., 02.05., 20.06.
Chemicals (SAICM, POPs) Alexander NIES Alternate Reiner ARNDT 49 1888 305 2705 49 1888 305 2740
Basel, PIC, POP (Synergy) Reiner ARNDT Andreas JARON Andreas. 49 1888 305 2740 49 1888 305 2570
Montreal Protocol Christian MEINEKE Alternate Rolf ENGELHARDT 49 1888 305 2730 49 1888 305 2751
Horizontal Issues Julia WERNER 32 2 787 1143
Gothenborg-Protocol Reinhold GOERGEN Alternate Harald KEITER 49 1888 305 2430 49 1888 305 2431
Aarhus Ariane SCHENK 49 1888 305 2259
Espoo, SEA Protocol Matthias SAUER 49 1888 305 2253
Environment and Health Jörg LEBSANFT 49 1888 305 2720
Biosafety Wolfgang KOEHLER 49 1888 529 3356
Desertification Ralf WYRWINSKI 49 1888 535 3736
Contacts WPIEI
Chair Chair
Climate Change Nicole WILKE 49 1888 305 2311
Global (UNEP/CSD) Stephan CONTIUS 49 1888 305 2340
Biodiversity Nicola BREIER 49 1888 305 2619
CITES Jochen FLASBARTH Alternate Elisabeth MUNZERT elisabeth. 49 1888 305 2600 49 1888 305 2633
Main International Environmental Meetings during
Germanys EU presidency January - June
2007 24th session of the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council
and the Ministerial Forum February 5-9,
Nairobi 3rd ASEM Environment Ministers
Meeting March 13-15, Copenhagen 3rd Meeting of
the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
(COP-3) April 30-May 4, Dakar 15th Session of the
UN Commission on Sustainable Development
(CSD) April 30-Mai 11, New York 14th Conference
of the Parties on the CITES Convention June 3-15,
Den Haag
Important meetings and conferences during
Germanys EU presidency January - June 2007 1.
Meetings of the Council of the European
Union February 20, 2007 Environment Council,
Brussels June 1-3, 2007 Environment (informal),
Essen June 28-29, 2007 Environment Council,
Luxembourg 2. Presidency Conferences January
11-12, 2007 Workshop on Practical Experiences
with the Functioning of Compliance Mechanisms
under Multilateral Environmental Agreements,
Potsdam January 17-19, 2007 The German EU
Presidency Informal Workshop on Climate Change,
Potsdam January 29 31, 2007 European Renewable
Energy Policy Conference, Brussels February
12-14, 2007 Symposium Time to Adapt Climate
Change and the European Water Dimension,
Vulnerability - Impacts Adaption,
Berlin February 22-23, 2007 EU Policy Workshop
on Offshore Wind Power Deployment, Berlin March
19, 2007 Network of EU Environmental Lawyers,
Bonn March 29-30, 2007 Workshop on Promoting
Environment and Resource Conservation in the
European Security Strategy, Berlin April
23-24, 2007 Conference on Nature Conservation,
Agriculture and rural Development, Bonn May
14-15, 2007 EU Nature Directors Meeting,
Potsdam May 30 - June 1, 2007 IMPEL-Plenary
Meeting, Berlin May 30-31, 2007 European-Ecolabel
-German Presidency Meeting, Berlin May 30-June 1,
2007 Integrated Product Policy-German Presidency
Meeting, Berlin June 3-5, 2007 European
Sustainability Berlin 2007 ESB07 Linking
Policies and Implementation, Berlin June
17-19, 2007 EU Water Directors Meeting, Dresden
List of International Environmental Meetings
(Part.1) International environmental meetings
during Germanys EU presidency (January-June
2007) January 17-19, 2007 1st Meeting of the
Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health,
Geneva January 29-February 1, 2007 International
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Plenary
Session, Working Group, Paris February 14-16,
2007 Workshop on UN ECE Pollutant Release and
Transfer Registers (PRTR), Geneva January,
23-25, 2007 International Symposium on Safety
Cases for Deep Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Where do We Stand? Paris February 26-March
1, 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory
Meeting, New York February 28-March 1,
2007 G 8 Nuclear Safety and Security Group
Meeting (NSSG), Bonn March 6, 2007 HELCOM
Stakeholder Conference, Helsinki March 15-17,
2007 G8 Environmental Ministerial,
Potsdam March, 19-21, 2007 International
Commission on Radiation Protection, Main
Session, Essen March 28-29, 2007 Western
European Nuclear Regulators Association
(WENRA), Prague
List of International Environmental Meetings
April 2-5, 2007 International Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), Plenary Session, Working Group,
Brussels April 19-20, 2007 3rd CBSS Ministers of
Environment meeting held jointly with CBSS
Ministers of Agriculture, Stockholm April
22-27, 2007 International Conference on Nuclear
Data for Science and Technology, Nice April
23-24, 2007 International Conference on
Environmental Radioactivity, Vienna April 25-26,
2007 G 8 Nuclear Safety and Security Group
Meeting (NSSG), Bonn April 25-27, 2007 2nd
Meeting of the Open-ended ad hoc Working Group on
Non- Compliance, Dakar April 30-May 4,
2007 International Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), Plenary Session, Working Group,
Bangkok May 2-4, 2007 7th meeting of the Working
Group of the Parties to the Aarhus
Convention, Geneva May 7-18, 2007 26th
Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, Bonn May 21-23, 2007 10th Meeting of the
Working Group of the Parties to the Espoo
Convention, Geneva May 23-25,
2007 International Nuclear Regulators
Association (INRA), Madrid May 24-25,
2007 (poss.) 3rd Meeting of the Signatories to
the Protocol on SEA, Geneva May 28-June 1,
2007 The International Whaling Commission's 59th
annual meeting, Anchorage June 4-8, 2007 27th
Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the
Parties to the Montreal Protocol, Nairobi June
25-29, 2007 OSPAR Commission, Ostend
Informal meeting of Environment Ministers
Environment - Innovation Employment" -
Perspective 2020 what does the EU have to do to
support the lead markets of the future?
Key dates
  • Goals
  • Impetus for progress in developing modern
    environmental technologies and increasing energy
    and resource efficiency as a future issue for
    environmental, economic and employment policies
  • Highlighting potential for innovations,
    concrete examples of eco-innovations, e.g. in the
    energy and transport sectors
  • EU initiative for an ecological industrial
    policy, R D, market launch, regulatory
  • framework, new foreign trade promotion,
    institutional measures
  • Venue Essen, Zeche Zollverein
  • Framework programme exhibition,
  • visits to model
    innovative projects in the Ruhr region
  • Climate-neutral event (certificates for

Key dates
  • European Renewable Energy Policy Conference (BXL)
    29-31 Jan 07
  • International Conference on Energy Efficiency
    1 Feb 07
  • Symposium Climate-Water" (Berlin)
    12-14 Feb 07
  • EU Council of Energy Ministers (preparations
  • for European Council)
    15 Feb 07
  • EU Council of Environment Ministers (preparations
  • for European Council)
    20 Feb 07
  • EU Policy Workshop (offshore wind energy use)
    22/23 Feb 2007
  • Spring European Council (topic energy policy in
    Europe) 8/9 March 07
  • Informal meeting of Environment Ministers (Essen)
    June 07
  • EU Council of Energy Ministers (with dossiers on
    renewables) 8 June 07
  • EU Council of Environment Ministers
    28 June 07

Sharing of tasks in the Environment Team during
the German Presidency of the EU January June
Who Tel. Fax Mobile E-mail Rainer Steffens 32 2 787 11 40 32 2 787 21 40 32 475 65 21 68 Christine Wistuba 32 2 787 11 41 32 2 787 21 41 32 476 55 50 19 Uli Hildebrandt 32 2 787 1142 32 2 787 2142 32 479 900 421 Julia Werner 32 2 787 11 43 32 2 787 2143 32 476 76 08 51
Subjects -Coordination -Market Based Instruments in Environmental Policy -Emissiontrading -Ressource-Policy -Soil and Plant Protection - Chemical Policy - Water Policy - Lisbon- Strategy - Sustainable Development -Air quality - Sustainable transport - Waste - Emissions from vehicles - Fuels - Nature Conservation - Environmental Information - Horizontal Legal Issues - International Issues
Chairs/ Dossiers ETS-Review ETS Aviation Pesticides Soil 6.EAP - Contribution to the Spring Council - Priority Substances - Mercury Export Ban - Floods (2nd read) - Environment- Innovation- Employment - - Waste directive - Fuel quality directive - CO2 passenger cars - Air quality directive (2nd reading) - Life - Marine Environment - PIC Amendment - WPIEI Horizontal
Assistant of the Environment Team Marie-Anne
Volcke Tel 32 2 787 11 12 Fax 32 2 787 21
12 E-mail
Contact persons for
GMO Ulrike Kassner Christiane Henning Tel
32 2 787 13 45 Tel 32 2 787 13 44 Fax 32
2 78723 45 Fax 32 2 787 23 44 E-mail E-mail
You can find something better than death
Meeting of the Environment Working Party in
Bremen ( Cuxhaven) in May 2006 (14-16.05.07)
On the route of the Bremen Town Musicians
(Tidelands near Cuxhaven)
See you in 2007 (hopefully not more often as
you would like to see us)
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