B. Chandrasekaran, Bonny Banerjee, Unmesh Kurup, John Josephson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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B. Chandrasekaran, Bonny Banerjee, Unmesh Kurup, John Josephson


Our bimodal cognitive architecture: ... T1 and T2 were retrieved along with their locations and times of sighting The Fusion Engine asks for ways in which T1 & T2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: B. Chandrasekaran, Bonny Banerjee, Unmesh Kurup, John Josephson

Diagrammatic Reasoning in Army Situation
Understanding and Planning Architecture for
Decision Support and Cognitive Modeling
  • B. Chandrasekaran, Bonny Banerjee, Unmesh Kurup,
    John Josephson
  • The Ohio State University
  • Robert Winkler
  • US ARL

Outline of the Talk
  • What is Diagrammatic Reasoning? Why is it
    important in for Army Decision-Making?
  • Basic research issues brief outline of
  • Representation, Architecture
  • Technology built on Science Applications built
    on technology
  • Some Remarks on the Future

Ubiquity of Diagrams in Army Operations
  • The Army is about space
  • taking it, defending it, controlling it, avoiding
    it, going through it
  • Army planning, situation assessment, situation
    monitoring, fusion, all use diagrammatic
  • Standards for symbols to be used are defined in

How DR Research Can Help Provide More Effective
Decision Support
  • Automating repetitive routine reasoning tasks
    that involve diagrams
  • E.g. Critiquing COAs for vulnerability to ambush
  • Better interface design. Understanding what makes
    a diagram good, i.e., makes relevant information
    readily available, without error, can help in
    design of decision interfaces
  • Requires how human cognitive architecture
    perception work in performing diagrammatic
  • Cognitive modeling to evaluate diagrammatic

What Diagrammatic Reasoning is...
  • DR is reasoning, i.e. making inferences and
    problem solving with visual representations, and
    involves a collaboration between two systems
  • A symbolic reasoning system that combines
    information from the diagram with other
    information to make inferences, to set up
    diagrammatic perception and action subgoals
  • A diagrammatic representation from which
    perception obtains information about spatial
    relations and properties re. diagrammatic objects
  • .

The phenomena of interest can also take place in
our imagination
Diagrammatic Reasoning is Not..
  • What it is not
  • It is not image processing (such as processing
    satellite images for objects of interest, though
    DR can be used as part of it)
  • Image processing may be required to extract the
    diagram from an image
  • It is not computes graphics, though diagrams can
    often be usefully superimposed on such pictures
  • It is not parallel array processing algorithms
    that solve problems such as shortest paths,
    though there is a role for such algorithms in the
    overall process of diagrammatic reasoning,

Some Scientific Issues weHave Made Progress In
  • What is a diagram as a representation
  • Specificity of a diagram. How are we able to
    solve a general problem from a specific diagram?
  • Representation in the mind in the computer.
  • The nature of the architecture that can perform
    diagrammatic reasoning
  • Opportunistic integration of diagrammatic
    inferential operations
  • How do diagrams get into long-term memory?
  • How are diagrams composed to make new diagrams?
  • Abstraction of diagrams

Computational Model of Diagrammatic Reasoning
  • Recall two reasons we mentioned, to develop
    computational frameworks for diagrammatic
  • Automation or semi-automation.
  • Building cognitive models
  • Good News!
  • A computational architecture that can be used for
    automation can also be used for modeling.
  • Our bimodal cognitive architecture BiSoar

Symbolic Inference Perception from Diagrams
  • Any system that can support symbolic
    representation inference can be integrates with
    our DRS.
  • Soar Act-R happen to be symbolic reasoning
    systems with especially useful properties for
    general intelligence.

BiSoar a Bimodal Cognitive Architecture
  • Thinking has been usually modeled in AI
    Cognitive Science as syntactic operations on
    abstract symbols. Soar, Act-R, etc.
  • BiSoar keeps the general architecture, but all
    states can be bi-modal The agent can have both
    linguistic pictorial representations

Diagrammatic Representation System
  • Diagrams consist of three types of objects
    Points, Curves Regions.
  • Diagrams are not just images, they are a spatial
    configuration of spatial objects.

The Role of Perception
  • Perception and Action Routines A set of
    algorithms that create or modify diagrams and
    perceive objects and spatial relations between
    elements in the diagram.

Perception/Action Routines
Perception/Action Routines
Diagram Representation in DRS
Perceptual Routines Recognize Emergent Objects
and Relations
Base set domain-independent, open-ended
  • New object recognition and extraction routines
  • Intersection-points between line objects, region
    when a line closes on itself, new regions when
    regions intersect, new regions when a line
    intersects with a region, extracting
    distinguished points on a line (such as end
    points) or in a region, extracting distinguished
    segments of a line (such as those created when
    two lines intersect), extracting periphery of a
    region as a closed line. Reverse operations are
    included such as when a line is removed,
    certain region objects will no longer exist and
    need to be removed.
  • Relational perception routines Inside (I1,I2),
    Outside, Left-of, Right-of, Top-of, Below,
    Segment-of (Line1, Line2), Subregion-of (Region1,
    Region2), On (Point, Line), and Closed (Line1).
  • Translation, rotation and scanning routines may
    be combined with routines in 1 and 2. Example,
    Intersect (Line, Rotate (90deg, Line 2)).

Action Routines
  • Create diagrammatic objects, such as a path that
    goes from point1 to point2 while avoiding
    region2. Path finding and path modification
    routines are especially useful in Army

Automatic Synthesis of PRs ARs
  • Banerjees Ph. D Thesis gives many techniques for
    automatic synthesis of PRs ARs. Example In
    the situation below, where c is a wall, A is a
    member of Red force, where can BT a member of
    Blue force hide?
  • Once the problem is converted to the language of
    geometry, the set of all points p such that line
    Ap intersects c, his techniques can automatically
    construct algorithms to solve the problem.

Attention, Learning, Memory
  • BiSoar can be parametrized to mimic the
    limitations of human attention short term
  • BiSoar can learn by a mechanism called
    chunking. As a result of attention short
    term memory limitations, BiSoars LTM contains
    smoothed approximations of complex shapes.

Example of Automating DR
  • Entity ReIdentification in ASAS All Source
    Analysis System
  • Currently very human-analyst labor intensive, and
    many sightings are simply left unattended

Diagrammatic Reasoning in Information Fusion in
an ASAS Problem
  • The task is to decide for a newly sighted entity,
    T3, which of the previous sighted identified
    entities it is.

Regions impassable for vehicle types of interest
are marked and represented diagrammatically in
the computer
Entities from Past Sightings Retrieved
Two tanks, T1 and T2 were retrieved along with
their locations and times of sighting
The Fusion Engine asks for ways in which T1 T2
could have gotten to the location of T3 within
the available time
Architecture Combines Symbolic Diagrammatic
For T1 T2, DR finds eight possible routes, but
rules out all but one. The figures shows the
routes for T1 T2.
Example of Action Routine
The Database reveals that there are sensor fields
but they didnt report any vehicle crossings.
A similar question about T2 reveals that T2 also
crossed a sensor field, which also didnt report
any vehicles. However, DR says T2 could not have
avoided the sensor field.
Numerous Other Applications
  • Rerouting
  • Ambush vulnerability analysis
  • Plan critiquing in general
  • Other uses in information fusion, where the
    hypothesis has significant spatial components

Examples of Cognitive Modeling
  • Kurups thesis models explores
  • How errors in geographical recall come about.
  • Recalled spatial relationships between
    geographical entities show distortions
  • Ex What is the relationship between San-Diego
    and Reno?

Three Models
  • Model 1 Agent has complete map
  • Model 2 Agent has symbolic knowledge that SD is
    South of SF and Reno is East of SF.
  • Model 3 Agent has knowledge that SD in
    California, Reno in Nevada and that California is
    West of Nevada.

Models or Route Recall Graph Comprehension
  • Loss of detail in recall of routes
  • Kurups Model posits attention limits as
  • Graph Comprehension
  • Leles BiSoar model unifies a variety of observed
  • Using external graphs requires mental imagistic

DR Automation Modeling Central to Decision
  • The research reported here has laid come
    scientific technological foundations of this
  • Has also built some demonstration applications
  • But its still a baby, theres potential, but
    needs to be nurtured to produce full benefit.
  • Many important research issues
  • Extraction of DRS from physical diagrams
  • How are appropriate diagrams to help solve
    problems generated?
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