The 4th CEENOM Meeting, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The 4th CEENOM Meeting,


Title: Sn mek 1 Author: Du an Drbohlav Last modified by: Du an Drbohlav Created Date: 10/23/2005 7:36:10 AM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The 4th CEENOM Meeting,

  • The 4th CEENOM Meeting,
  • October 27-29,
  • Suzdal, Russia

  • Illegal/Irregular Immigrants and Their Economic
    Activities in the Czech Republic (Preliminary
    Results of a Qualitative Research)
  • Dušan Drbohlav
  • Zdenek Cermák
  • Dagmar Dzúrová
  • Eva Janská
  • Dita Cermáková
  • Lenka Lachmanová
  • Department of Social Geography and Regional
    Development, Faculty of Science,
  • Charles University in Prague

RESEARCH PROJECT International Migration and
Migrants Illegal/Irregular Activities The Czech
Republic in a Broader European Context
  • Dušan Drbohlav
  • (leader of the team)
  • Zdenek Cermák
  • Dagmar Dzúrová
  • Eva Janská
  • Dita Cermáková
  • Lenka Lachmanová

Main goals of the project
  • To map migrants illegal/irregular/quasi-legal
  • To penetrate their migration motives
  • To follow their transit to and living conditions
    in the new country
  • To analyse their relationship to their mother
  • To find out what their future behavioural
    stategies are
  • To analyse changes after the enlargement of the
  • To ascertain migrants impact upon society and
    vice versa to measure how effective - in
    migration field - regulatory measures are
  • To compare results among the Czech Republic,
    Austria and Humgary
  • Project sponsored by the Ministry of Labour and
    Social Affairs Project
  • Program Modern Society and Its Changes No.
  • more information

Testing theories and concepts
  • Push-pull
  • Neoclassical economic theory
  • Dual labour market theory
  • Network theory
  • Institutional theory
  • Transnationalism

Time schedule 2005, methods
  • 1) Expert interview (N30)
  • Delphi survey (N30)
  • Questionnaire survey
  • Illegal/irregular migrants from (N100)
  • A) Post-Soviet area (European part),
  • B) Vietnam, China,
  • C) the USA, Canada
  • Both quantitative and qualitative approaches

What is your current job, specialization and
position? What role do you and your institution
play in relation to illegal/irregular migration
and related issues?
  • Altogether 22 interviewees
  • WORK for
  • 7 NOGs
  • 7 GOs
  • 6 academic sphere
  • 2 ethnic associations
  • mostly humanities - law and sociology
  • Illegal/irregular migrants are often not a direct
    target group (except for respondents from IOM)
    mainly legal counselling, humanitarian aid
  • Some respondents cover the whole issue of
    illegal/irregular migration, some only some
    segments (e.g. grey economy, businessman,
    individual ethnic groups Ukrainians,

How would you define illegal or quasi-legal
migrants economic activities in the CR while
taking into account a difference employees
vis-a-vis small businessman?
  • It has to do with - breaking a law, legislative
  • Different views
  • a) Quasi-legal does not exist either legal or
  • b) quasi-legal it is legal but not in harmony
    with what legislators thought
  • c) Irregular better term than illegal more
    general illegal migrants have no rights to stay
    in the country
  • d) Illegal work employees responsibility
    versus illegal employment employers
  • e) illegal migration it is not only breaking
    rules concerning a stay and work but it is also
    tied to organized mafia-like structures.
  • Reality in the CR it is often difficult to
    distinguish whether you act in line with a law or
    against it!

What are main types and forms of migrants
illegal/irregular economic activities in the CR?
  • 1) Work without residence and work permits and
    without any work contract (probably the most
    typical construction, auxiliary work, cleaning
    etc. )
  • 2) With a residence permit and a trade license
    however, hidden employment they work as
    typical employees
  • 3) They come under the umbrella of a tourist
    visa, they work and they often stay after they
    visa have expired
  • 4) Asylum seekers who start working immediately
    after their asylum application has been submitted
  • 5) Not fullfiling the main purpose for a stay,
    e.g. while proclaiming family reunification or
    study, they occasionally work (services,
    translations etc.)
  • 6) Tourists who come within a free visa regime
    (some western migrants) and work also often for a
    long-term period

What are main types and forms of migrants
illegal/irregular economic activities in the CR?
  • Via establishing public trading and limited
    liability companies, foreign business persons
    legally operate and function only as employees.
  • Pretending services (making use of the EU rules)
    an entrepreneur who is registered in one of the
    member states has a right to provide services in
    other MS (e.g. misused by Poles in the CR).
  • Different time horizons
  • 1) Those who want to stay for ever
  • 2) Those who stay for a long time while keeping
    intensive ties with their country of origin
  • 3) Those who stay for a short time (1-2 months)
  • Other typical features
  • a) client system,
  • b) flexibility (shifts among economic
    sectors/branches, occupations and regions)

Basic personal characteristics of
illegal/irregular migrants in the CR
  • Country of origin countries of the former Soviet
    Union Ukraine, Moldova, Belorussia, Bulgaria,
    Albania, countries of the former Yugoslavia,
    Poland, Afghanistan, Vietnam China, the USA
  • Specialization (niche) Ukrainians auxiliary
    works in construction, Vietnamese retail
    (cheap goods), Western immigrants services
    (translations, leading various courses etc.)
  • Sex Males slightly dominate over females
  • Education Ukraine mostly secondary education,
    however, it does not correspond to what is a
    standard in Western and Central European
  • Family status all possible categories involved,
    if children than left at home

How do migrants illegal/irregular economic
activities in the CR differ from those performed
by citizens of the country?
  • Sanctions for migrants are stricter, much more
    hit a given person, no base in a host country
  • Migrants are discriminated (work, salaries,
    working conditions, relations ) activities are
    well organized - clients/agencies takeover some
    of the responsibilities
  • Often mafia-like structures and organized crime

In which sectors/branches, occupations, companies
and regions do illegal/irregular migrants mostly
  • Branches - construction, agriculture and
    forestry, services (including domestic ones)
  • Occupations bricklayers, chambermaids,
    auxilliary works, manual/low skilled activities
  • All types of companies involved from small
    (direct contact) to big ones (via
  • Big cities and western part of the country

What are the most important positive aspects
related to migrants illegal/irregular economic
  • The CR needs such work fullfiling gaps on the
    Czech labour market (Czechs are not interested
    3D, some professions are missing)
  • They importantly contribute to the Czech welfare
    (various impacts )
  • Due to migrants flexibility the ecomomy as such
    is more efficient
  • Entrepreneurs especially gain they save money
    pay low wages, do not pay taxes and insurance
  • Migrants good quality (?) but mainly not long
    lasting work, cheap laborforce
  • Migrants put no burden on the social system
  • Society is enriched through a communication with
    different cultures

What are the most important negative aspects
related to migrants illegal/irregular economic
  • Democracy is undermined
  • Hidden criminal (mafia-like) structures are being
  • Corruption is flourishing (police, state
    officials, customs officers)
  • Bad image put on all migrants (including legal
  • Possible impacts upon international relations (CR
    vis-a-vis Ukraine)
  • They do not pay taxes (except VAT) and
    custom-duty (huge import)
  • It contributes to separation/segregation trends
  • They harm Czech entrepreneurs who stick to given
  • Czechs lose some of the working opportunities
  • In the case of a personal accident or casualty
    huge expenses on the side of the CR
  • Loss of migrants potential human capital

What are the most important negative aspects
related to migrants illegal/irregular economic
  • Concerning migrants
  • No legal protection
  • Discrimination
  • No access to social and health insurences
  • Small possibility to make use of their own human
  • Problems for legal migrants since employers got
    used to employ illegal/irregular migrants

How were migrants illegal/irregular economic
activities seen during the last 15 years?
  • 1990-1997 - Very liberal policy without installed
    controling mechanisms doors opened
  • The state knew about the problem but more or less
    ignored the issue at that time there were many
    other problems on the agenda
  • New escalation of the issue related to more
    restrictive new migratory legislation in
  • The state combats illegal migration (basic policy
    principles 2003, Interministerial Body, Action
    Plan 2004)
  • Now - some say it is better due to an impact of
    the EU - more restrictions (controls), but also
    somewhere more liberal regime
  • Some say it is worse nobody cares about
    that . The issue is not very much discussed and
    publicized, some exceptions 2004-2005

How is paying attention to migrants
illegal/irregular economic activities related to
a more general development?
  • Migrants change their behavioral strategies in
    relation to changing legislation
  • More restrictive approaches (and related huge
    administration/paperwork) lead to increasing
    illegal/irregular activities
  • When the economy is booming (demand for a
    laborforce is growing) - migrants
    illegal/irregular economic activities are more
    tolerated, when the economy is stagnating
    migrantsscapegoats .. not yet in the CR!
  • Brutal criminality tied to migrants, to large
    extent, disappeared
  • Czechs do not accept populists in this field too

Are there any new forms/features regarding
migrants illegal/irregular economic activities
after the enlargement of the EU on May 1,2004?
  • System of migrants illegal/irregular economic
    activities imported to the EU (flexible models)
    e.g a client system
  • On the other hand, the EU legislation has an
    impact upon the national one mandatory
  • Pretended providing services (based on the EU
  • The Dublin II Agreement smaller room for
    migrants to operate in, pull for
    illegal/irregular status of migrants in CEEc
  • Probably more intensively influenced by joining
    the Schengen Agreement (in a fall 2007?)

How many illegal/irregular migrants do stay and
work in the CR? Has that number changed over the
last five years? What sources are your
assessments based on?
  • It was a very difficult question one half of
    the respondents did not dare to answer
  • Estimates varies between 40,000 and 200,000
  • Slightly more respondents voted for increasing
    numbers over time (7) as compared to decreasing
    (5), 6 expressed that the numbers are stabilized
  • Changes in forms over time from
    illegal/irregular to quasi-legal, from employment
    to running business
  • Assessments based on respondents own experience,
    literature, statistics/data (e.g. Alien and
    Border Police), Ukrainian Embassy in the CR

What is migrants health care like? How do they
solve health problems in the CR
  • It depends on clients but also on an individual
    ethnic group
  • Vietnamese are not insured, when having problems
    they go to see his/her ethnic doctor
  • After meeting with an accident, one can
    legalize his/her treatment via paying a
    commercial insurance
  • After meeting with an accident, they immediately
    leave the country
  • After meeting with an accident (and not being
    insured), a client pays for his employee in
    cash in a hospital
  • After meeting with an accident (not being insured
    and not having a responsible client) a migrant
    ends up in asylum or detention centres where some
    basic health care service is at persons disposal

What is migrants housing/accommodation like?
  • Conditions depends on how much one wants to
    invest in it also on branches of the economy
    and a type of work (e.g. construction versus
    forestry versus homeworks) and on an ethnic group
  • Better conditions than 10 years ago -
  • more pieces of information
  • - However, also very poor conditions do exist
    construction - dorms, huge concentrations of
    people, (20 migrants per 20m2, cellars/underground
    spaces) bad hygienic conditions, a periphery of
    big cities or some central parts of cities
  • Vietnamese often lives with their compatriots
    family members or friends

What forms of payments for migrants do exist?
  • Wages are always lower as compared to Czech
    employees since no taxes are paid
  • Payments mosty in cash (in USD) based on
    agreement between a client and a migrant, no
    signed contracts
  • Sometime advance payments are paid but a base
    amount will never arrive
  • Unqualified/low skilled/manual work about 120-
    80 Czech crowns per hour go to a client, in fact
    a worker has got about 40 Czech crowns (in
    addition, a migrant has to often pay for his/her
    accommodation) sometimes no money are paid,
    sometimes money are stolen from him/her (on a
  • Often a minimal wage plus additional money are

For how long do migrants stay and work in the CR?
  • Various forms applied individual ethnic groups
    stick to different modes
  • - Slovaks circulate monthly (go home for
    social subsidies payments)
  • - Ukrainians a short-term circulatory
    movements (several months, problems when a
    tourist visa expires (after 90 days)
  • - Vietnamese rather a long-term stay (3 and
    more years) getting into debts
  • By branches
  • Construction - short-term and mid-term stays
  • Industry (automobile, food) - long-term stays

What sort of discrimination are illegal/irregular
migrants in the CR exposed to?
  • Many different forms of discrimination in terms
  • - wages (employers, mediators/clients)
  • - work load and working conditions (safety,
    hygienic conditions, housing conditions)
  • - psychological blackmailing
  • - blackmailers Police, officers, compatriots,
  • mafia-like structures
  • - sexual exploitation women
  • - antipathy to foreigners within the majority
  • No appeal possible!

  • The existing information on illegal/irregular
    migrants and their activities in the CR is far
    from complete
  • The phenomenon of migrants illegal/irregular
    economic activities is an important issue with
    many implications for the whole society
  • To large extent, the illegal/irregular migrants
    behave in the CR like in many other developed
    immigration countries
  • The phenomenon has shifted in the CR over time
    from more brutal/drastic to more decent forms
    i.e. from illegal to quasi-legal
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