Title: DAHS Soph./Jr. Parent Night
1DAHS Soph./Jr. Parent Night
2Principal Counselors
- Mr. Roger Collins, High School Principal
- Mrs. Rosary Pennington, 10-12, A-D
- Mrs. Anne McClelland, 10-12, E-K
- Mrs. Elizabeth Drahushak, 10-12, L-R
- Mrs. Nancy Chelgren, 10-12, S-Z
- Mrs. Maureen Gregorio, 9, A-Z
3Graduation Project Requirements
- Students will complete
- 2 Job Shadowing Experiences (one during sophomore
year and one during junior or senior year) - 25 hours of Community Service (5 hours freshman
year, 5 hours sophomore year, and 5 hours junior
year, and 10 hours for senior year) - One work sample from each of the following
English, Math, Science, History and an Elective
Class - Resume (written in fall of senior year)
- Letter of Recommendation (obtained in senior
year) - Formal Career Plan (written in senior year)
- Exhibit in Career Expo (in fall of senior year)
- Senior Exit Interview
4Graduation Requirements
- English- 4 sequential courses
- Social Studies- 4 full year courses
- Science- 4 sequential courses
- Math- 4 sequential courses Stats I/II
- Arts Humanities- 3 full year courses
- Phys Ed- 4 courses plus swimming
- Health- 1 course
- Family Consumer Science- 1 course
- Completion of Graduation/Career Project
- Foreign Language is NOT a graduation requirement
however, 2 years of the same foreign language
is recommended for college admission
5Academic Supports
- Skyward online grading system
- Contact Counselors for password information
- Parent/Teacher Conference
- Tutoring period
- NHS Tutoring Center
- C217 Mon., Wed., Fri.
- Cyber school credit intervention
- Summer School
- Correspondence courses
- All courses and Final Grades
- Weighted Class Rank
- Unweighted and Weighted GPA on 100 point scale
- Unweighted and Weighted QPA on 4.0 scale
- Tardies/absences
- Test scores
7Sample Transcript
8Academic Enhancements
- Honors courses
- AP Courses
- http//collegesearch.collegeboard.com/apcreditpoli
cy/index.jsp - World History
- Economics
- US History
- European History
- Calculus
- Physics
- Environmental Science
- English Literature Composition
- English Language Composition
9Dual Enrollment
- Enrichment or In lieu of
- Penn State DuBois 2.8 GPA
- Clarion- Saturdays/Online 3.0 GPA
- IUP- Punxsy/Online 3.0 GPA
- Lock Haven- Clearfield 2.8 GPA
- Triangle Tech 2.0 GPA
- DuBois Business College 2.75 GPA
10Resume Building
- National Honor Society
- Student Council
- Clubs/Activities
- Sports
- Part-time jobs
- Volunteering
- Examples elementary mentoring, BB/BS, Salvation
Army, Relay for Life - Leadership Conferences
11Career Exploration
- Interest Inventories
- www.careercruising.com(username dubois,
password area) - ASVAB February 7, 2013- sign up in C-106
- Job Shadowing
- School-wide Groundhog Day (this year Friday
2/1/13) - Career Center Room A-245
- Counselor Resources
- AM PM Announcements postings outside Guidance
Counselors offices and C-108 Mrs. Ways Office
Guidance Secretary - After School and Summer Opportunities
- Medical Explorer Program
- PFEW- PA Free Enterprise Week (www.pfew.org)
- For more information refer to Guidance Website
12College Searches
- National College Fair
- Pittsburgh Convention Center Feb. 8 (9-12 and
6-9) 9 (9-12) - College Reps at DAHS in Career Center during
Tutoring - California University of PA on 11/19
- Shippensburg University on 11/28
- Navy on 11/29
- Search websites
- www.educationplanner.org
- www.collegeboard.com
- www.princetonreview.com
- Individual College Websites
- Printed Resources request or see Guidance
Counselor - Campus Visitations
13PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
- Given 10/17/12
- Honors Soph. required to take it
- Also offered to Acad. Sophomores
- Available to Juniors at Cost of 14
- Results will be returned December 2011
- Offered only once a year
- Access to My College Quick Start
- Career and College Planning Programs
- Juniors enter National Merit
- Scholarship Competition
14Advanced Placement AP Exams
- Environmental Science Monday, May 6 8am - noon
- Calculus Wednesday, May 8 8am noon
- Literature Composition Thursday, May 9 8am
noon - Physics Monday, May 13 noon 4pm
- US History Friday, May 15 8 am noon
- European History - Friday, May 15 noon 4pm
- World History Thursday, May 16 8am noon
- MacroEconomics Thursday, May 16 8am noon
- MicroEconomics - Thursday, May 16 noon 4pm
- Language Composition Wednesday, May 16 8am
noon - Student choose to participate and pay 81.00
- Scores of 3, 4, 5 will receive refund of fee
- Federal Lunch Program Fee Reduction Available
15Keystone Exams
- Scoring
- Advanced
- Proficient
- Basic
- Below Basic
Grade Course Completed Keystone Exams Exam Window
9 Who took Algebra I last year Algebra I December 3 4 - Periods 2 3
10 if not proficient from 2011 exam Algebra I December 3 4 - Periods 2 3
11 Algebra I December 5 6 - Periods 2 3
10 Who took Biology last year Biology December 10 11- Periods 2 3
11 Biology December 12 13- Periods 2 3
11 English Language Arts January 15 16- Periods 2 3
9 Enrolled in Algebra I this year Algebra I May 13-24
9 Enrolled in Biology this year Biology May 13-24
10 - Enrolled in Biology this year Biology May 13-24
10 English Language Arts May 13-24
16Junior Testing- SAT
- 3 hours 45 min
- 50.00
- Register Online
- www.collegeboard.com
- or pick up mail-in forms
- in Room C106
- DAHS School code 391053
- Federal Lunch Program Fee waiver available
- Test Reg. By
- March 9 Feb 8
- May 4 April 5
- June 1 May 2
- Select schools may require SAT II or Subject
test Check admission requirements - Study Island SAT prep
17College Application Process
- Applications
- - 3 Schools reach, realistic, and safe
- - Early Decision vs. Early Action
- - Regular Decision Generally Ready By November
30 - - Online Applications
- - Common Application www.commonapp.org
- Materials
- - Letters of Recommendation
- - Essay
- - Application and Fee
- Federal Lunch Program Fee waiver available for
participating schools - - Transcript meet with counselor
18NCAA Clearinghouse
- College Athletics
- Register for eligibility - 65.00
- www.eligibilitycenter.org
- Send SAT Scores from collegeboard.com directly to
Clearinghouse Code 9999 - Notify your Counselor to send your transcript
- Federal Lunch Program Fee waiver available
19Financial Aid
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)-
Grants and Loans - filed in Senior year
Financial Aid nights hosted at DAHS - Predict your family contribution and aid
eligibility at www.fafsa4caster.ed.gov - Scholarship searches
- www.educationplanner.org
- www.fastweb.com
- www.scholarships.com
20 Student Assistance Program (SAP)
- Goal is to improve the social, emotional,
physical, and academic well-being of all
students. - Address student problems related to alcohol,
tobacco, other drug use social changes mental
health/behavior changes academic changes and
other at-risk issues. - The SAP team identifies students who may need
help, notifies the parent of the free school
service, obtains written parental consent, and
then offers specific school services, and/or
refers students to community services. - Teachers, parents, or students who have concerns
about students can also refer that student to SAP
via the Guidance Counselor.
21How to Contact Your Guidance Counselor
- Guidance Website www.dasd.k12.pa.us
- - Select a School
- - Senior High School
- - Guidance
- Personal visit
- During and after school
- Leave note in Counselors door slot
- E-mail
- Phone message
- Leave message with Guidance Secretary
- Wendy Way Room C106
- Guidance Website
- www.dasd.k12.pa.us
- - Select a School
- - Senior High School
- - Guidance
- Handouts and Resources
23Guidance Counselors
- Last Names Beginning with A-D
rpennington_at_dasd.k12.pa.us - Rosary Pennington, 371-8111, ext. 3102, Room
C102 -
- Last Names Beginning with E-K
amcclelland_at_dasd.k12.pa.us - Anne McClelland, 371-8111, ext. 3101, Room C101
- Last Names Beginning with L-R ldrahushak_at_dasd.k12
.pa.us - Elizabeth Drahushak, 371-8111, ext. 1337 Room
A337 -
- Last names beginning with S-Z nchelgren_at_dasd.k12.
pa.us - Nancy Chelgren, 371-8111, ext. 3203, Room C203