Communication in Mother tongue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Communication in Mother tongue


Communication in Mother tongue Lesson 2 Written Communication Steps for successful written communication Formulate ideas Put ideas into written code Message ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Communication in Mother tongue

Communication in Mother tongue
  • Lesson 2
  • Written Communication

  • Communicate in Written form
  • Steps for successful written communication
  • Formulate ideas
  • Put ideas into written code
  • Message transmitted to receiver

  • Communicate in Written form
  • Be aware of the following things
  • Age
  • the age of the person you are addressing to. This
    is will also have an impact on the formality of
    the letter
  • Sex
  • male or female. Will you address as a Mr. or Ms?
  • Time constraints
  • you do not want people to become bored when
    reading something. Thus be short and precise in
    what you are writing
  • Level of education
  • do you have the same knowledge, if there is
    difference in knowledge i.e. use simpler words
  • Knowledge
  • Status-
  • are you are addressing to your CEO, to your
    colleague etc?

  • Your writing style
  • Be clear and polite. Always watch out for the
    style you are using

  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Use Active Voice for more direct and effective
    communication. In the active voice, the object
    receives the action of the verb.
  • Use passive voice where you need to demonstrate
    politeness and avoid being assertive. In the
    passive voice, the subject receives the action of
    the verb.

  • Active Voice vs Passive Voice

? Zedcom is building ? New
laboratories are new laboratories.
Being built by Zedcom ?
Zedcom is launching ? Three new promotions
three new promotions in April. are being
launched by Zedcom in April. ?
Zedcom is developing ? Social assistance
a social assistance program
programs are being for those on a low
income. developed by Zedcom
for those on a low income.
  • Passive Voice examples of assetiveness

Assertive Less Assertive
The clinic cannot tell you your result because you have not paid last months bill. Your result cannot be provided as there is a payment outstanding.
This is the estimate for the repairs to the window that your son broke last Thursday Here is the estimate for the repairs to the window that was broken last Thursday.
We are going to dismiss three Workers tomorrow. Three workers are going to be dismissed tomorrow.
The auditor handling the inspection noticed fraudulent activity in the company accounts. Fraudulent activity has been noted in the company accounts by the auditor.
  • Avoid Discrimination
  • The following words should be avoided in written
    communication, as they indicate discrimination,
    they can insulting
  • ? Black ? Colored
  • ? Low-income families ? Poor families
  • ? Special needs ? Retarded
  • ? Sensory impaired ? Deaf or blind
  • ? Partner ? Boyfriend/girlfriend

  • Different types of texts
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover Letters
  • Thank you fax
  • Customer complaints fax

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • The following are just guidelines
  • tailor your own CV that is appealed to a specific
    employer, based on your unique skills and
  • Format
  • One or two pages (include the most relevant
    information ONLY)
  • No spelling or grammar mistakes

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Content
  • Use your name as heading,
  • Keep personal details simple,
  • Start with the most recent work and backwards
  • split your experience into relevant employment
    experience and other employment experience
  • describe your experience as Employment or
  • can use bullet points to communicate clearly,
    use first person and past tense
  • Be clear about your qualifications-provide
    information about equivalence

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Refer to work permit/ visa if relevant (i.e.
    Fully eligible to seek work in CY)
  • Demonstrate your skills and competencies (how
    they meet employers expectations)-use active
    verbs like negotiated, co-ordinated, lead,
    organised, use indicators of success like on
    time, on budget
  • Refer to various but relevant parts of your
    lifeTake a few moments to write a CV based on
    your qualifications, hobbies etc. Follow the

  • CV- example Marie Thomas
  • Home Address
  • Telephone Mobile Email
  • Nationality Work Eligibility
  • Education and Qualifications
  • 2005-2008 BA Marketing -European University of
  • provide an understanding of social and ethical
    values including corporate social responsibility
  • improve ability to write and speak effectively
    and creatively
  • understand the main decision making areas in
    marketing including market structure, research
    tools etc
  • knowledge of Porters, 4Ps, statistical
  • Employment
  • 2006-2007 Receptionist- xxxxxx
  • -worked full time. Responsibilities included
    answering calls, report to management, update
    client records and manage and run projects.
    Developed excellent telephone and communication

  • CV- example Marie Thomas-continued

Skills IT knowledge of statistical packages,
Microsoft word, excel, access and PowerPoint Use
the internet for research -Language Basic
Greek Interests - Cooking, Exercising, enjoying
reading References available on request

  • Visit EUROPASS

  • Cover Letter
  • Read the advert
  • Highlight key requirements
  • Have an opening paragraph about the specific job
    you are applying
  • Introduce yourself-do not repeat info on CV
  • Say why you are the ideal candidate and why you
    have interest in the job and the employer
  • Construct sentences to use
  • Make a rough draft
  • Check draft
  • Avoid I and I am too often-start sentences in
    different ways
  • Check consistency with CV
  • Explain gabs in time periods using positive
  • Take a few moments to write a cover letter based
    on your qualifications, hobbies etc. Follow the

  • Cover Letter-example

27th May 2010 Mrs xxxx Marketing
Manager (company) Cyprus Dear Mrs xxx, Re
Marketing Assistant I am pleased to enclose an
application for the job of Marketing Assistant
that you have advertised in Kariera newspaper on
23/06/2010. I am very interested in the
marketing area and this was confirmed during my
work as a client relations officer at THE HOTEL.
I feel that the advertised position would offer a
great opportunity to combine my skills in team
working, leadership and interest in the marketing
area. (continue next page)

  • Cover Letter-continue

I am particularly interested in working with
clients towards solutions to their marketing
needs. I have excellent communication and time
management skills matched with my ability for
effective collaboration. Both my degree and my
employment experience allowed me to develop my
leadership skills for running projects
efficiently. (Company name) attracts me because
..(of the opportunities it offers for..according
to comments of other graduates currently working
for this company it provides training
opportunities as well as allowing
responsibilities) I am available for interview
at any time. I look forward to hearing from you
soon Yours Sincerely, (signature) (Name) Enc CV
  • Thank you fax-sample

Dear xxx, We wish to thank you for participating
in xxx that took place at xxx. For any
assistance you may need in the future please call
us at xxx or contact us on xxx (email) We look
forward to working with you in the future Thank
you (name) (Position) (Email)
  • Customer complaint
  • Use letter headed paper showing home/business
    address and phone number
  • Name and Address (of customer service department)
  • Date
  • Dear Sirs
  • Faulty (xyz) product
  • I'm afraid that the enclosed (xxx) product does
    not work. It is the second one I've have returned
    this month (see attached correspondence). I
    bought it from xxx stores at xxxx (city) on
    (date). I was careful to follow the instructions
    for use. I've always found your products to be
    excellent and I was rather disappointed with the
    two recent incidents.
  • I'd be grateful if you could send a replacement
    and refund my postage (state amount).
  • I really appreciate your help.
  • Yours faithfully
  • (signature)
  • (Print name)
  • Enc.

  • Features of written language
  • Formal Written Language
  • avoid dialect, slang, pay attention to
    differences in spelling, use graphological
    elements like subheadings and bullets, there is
    structure like topic sentences and linking
    sentences, punctuation and paying attention to
    layout features. Use complex complete sentences
  • Informal Written Language
  • slang vocabulary, simpler grammatical structure
    (i.e. loosely-connected sentences and phrases)
    and personal insight
  • Scientific Written Language
  • is a written report describing original research
    results. It consists of a Title, Abstract,
    Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and
  • Journalistic Written Language
  • is about investigating and reporting events,
    trends and/or issues.

  • Literary and non literary text

Fairy tale http//
MdFw Myths http//
story1598-daedalus-and-icarus.html Poems
ywriting_poetry_01.jpg Theater
  • Literary texts
  • use language in aesthetic imaginative ways- to
    entertain, to express reinforce cultural
    identity to reflect. They can be narrative or
    non-narrative. (fairy tale, poetry, animated
    story, short story, myth, short play, narrative
  • Non literary texts
  • use language in precise and accurate ways to
    transact and negotiate relationships or goods
    services, give directions report on things
    (greetings, personal letter, request, complaint,
    advertisement, group discussion etc)

  • Poems -Homer
  • Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists
    and turns driven time and again off course, once
    he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy.
  • Many cities of men he saw and learned their
    minds, many pains he suffered, heartsick on the
    open sea, fighting to save his life and bring
    his comrades home. But he could not save them
    from disaster, hard as he strove--the
    recklessness of their own ways destroyed them
    all, the blind fools, they devoured the cattle
    of the Sun and the Sungod blotted out the day of
    their return. Launch out on his story, Muse,
    daughter of Zeus, start from where you
    will--sing for our time too.
  • By now, all the survivors, all who avoided
    headlong death were safe at home, escaped the
    wars and waves. But one man alone . . .his heart
    set on his wife and his return--Calypso, the
    bewitching nymph, the lustrous goddess, held him
    back, deep in her arching caverns, craving him
    for a husband.

  • Thank YOU
  • You have successfully completed this section.
  • Thank you for participating in this learning
    session and remember never stop engaging in
    learning situations
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