Title: Complex ANOVA Designs
1Part III Additional Hypothesis Tests
Chapter 11 Complex ANOVA Designs
Renee R. Ha, Ph.D. James C. Ha, Ph.D
Integrative Statistics for the Social
Behavioral Sciences
2What is a Factorial Design?
- The simplest factorial design is a 2 2 design
which involves two independent variables, each
with two levels. E.g. gender (male vs. female)
on two levels of a treatment drug (low vs. high).
3What is a Factorial Design?
- Factorial designs can involve more levels of each
independent variable and thus become a 2 3
design, a 3 3 design, and so on.
- Main effect Influence of your independent
variable on your dependent variable.
- Interaction The combined effect of both (or all)
independent variables over and above the separate
effects of each variable alone.
6Figure 11.1
- Examples of Main Effects and Interactions in
Graphical Form
7Linear or Additive Equation
8Table 11.3
Two-Way ANOVA Summary Table (Hesitation Time
Source SS df S2 (MS) F obt.
Row (sex) Â Â Â Â
Column (group) Â Â Â Â
Row Column (sex group) Â Â Â Â
Within (within a cell) Â Â Â Â
Total  Â
9Types of Variance
10F-obtained Formulas
11Figure 11.2
- Craik and Lockhart (1972) Memorization Experiment
12Results if you use Microsoft Excel to calculate
the Two-way ANOVA
Anova Two-Factor Anova Two-Factor Anova Two-Factor
Source of Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 249.64 1 249.64 35.73091603 4.4838E-08 3.946865945
Columns 1476.66 4 369.165 52.83850191 7.85493E-23 2.472930305
Interaction 195.26 4 48.815 6.986879771 6.04944E-05 2.472930305
Within 628.8 90 6.9866667
Total 2550.36 99 Â Â Â Â
13Results if you use SPSS to calculate the ANOVA
(or F test) Tests of Between-Subjects
Effects Dependent Variable SCORE
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Model 15331.200 10 1533.120 219.435 .000
AGE 249.640 1 249.640 35.731 .000
TECH 1476.660 4 369.165 52.839 .000
AGE TECH 195.260 4 48.815 6.987 .000
Error 628.800 90 6.987 628.800
Total 15960.000 100
14Figure 11.3
15Results if you use Microsoft Excel to calculate
the Two-way ANOVA
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 30.33333 2 15.16667 1.95279 0.153715 3.20432
Columns 254.3333 2 127.1667 16.37339 4.54E-06 3.20432
Interaction 13.33333 4 3.333333 0.429185 0.786769 2.578737
Within 349.5 45 7.766667
Total 647.5 53 Â Â Â Â
16Results if you use SPSS to calculate the ANOVA
(or F test) Tests of Between-Subjects
Effects Dependent Variable EYEGLAN
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Model 298.000 8 37.250 4.796 .000
DISCTYP 30.333 2 15.167 1.953 .154
PAIRGEN 254.333 2 127.167 16.373 .000
DISCTYP PAIRGEN 13.333 4 3.333 .429 .787
Error 349.500 45 7.767
Total 701.000 54
17When to Use Two-Way ANOVA?
- 1. You have two independent variables and a
between-groups (independent groups) design, and - The sampling distribution is normally
distributed, and - The dependent variable is on an interval or ratio
scale (typically), and - 4. When the variances of the groups are the same,
or are homogeneous.
18Multifactorial ANOVA
19Repeated-Measures ANOVA
20When to Use a RM ANOVA?
- You have one independent variable with more than
two levels and a within-groups design. - The sampling distribution is normally
distributed. - The dependent variable is on an interval or ratio
scale (typically).
21Overview of Single-Sample, Two-Sample, and Three
or More Sample Tests