1And I Was Very, Very Crying Childrens Memory
of Medical Emergencies
- Carole Peterson
- Memorial University
- of
- Newfoundland
2and Teddy could hear me right out in the parking
3(No Transcript)
- Target Events Injuries Needing Emergency Room
Treatment - Recruited from ER
- Interview based on Prototype
- Children Interviewed 4 Times (Original study)
- Shortly after event
- 6 months later
- 1 year later
- 2 years later
- Parents Interviewed at 1st Visit
5Student Collaborators
- Michael Bell
- Suanne Carter
- Myra Dean
- Nicola Donovan
- Craig Dowden
- Melody Grant
- Tiffany Hardy
- Corinna MacDonald
- Lisa Moores
- Melanie Noel
- Tina Parsons
- Michelle Rees
- Darlene Rice
- Regina Rideout
- Jennifer Saunders
- Tracy Tizzard
- Jennifer Tobin
- Susan Tobin
- Sharon Watton
- Nikki Whalen
- Gina White
62 Year Follow-up Children 2 -13 Years When
- Number of Participants
- 11 2 year olds
- 24 3-4 year olds
- 31 5-6 year olds
- 29 8-9 year olds
- 22 12-13 year olds
7Distribution of Stress Levels
8Data Reduction
- Completeness of Recall ( of relevant prototype
elements child recalled) - Accuracy of Recall ( of those elements they
recalled that were correct)
9Two Years Later Completeness of Recall
10Percent Components RecalledEvent x Time
11Two Years Later Accuracy of Recall
12Percent Accuracy of RecallEvent x Time
13Yes/No Questions
- Are questions in yes/no format reliable
questions? - Reliability important since most questions in
forensic situations are yes/no
14 Accuracy of Yes and No Responses
15Effect of Stress Level2 year follow-up
16Effect of Stress LevelPartial Correlations
between stress and memory(Age partialled out)
- No significant correlations
- Central details
- More complete more accurate
- Â Peripheral details
- No effect of stress
175 Year Follow-up2-13 year olds
- Number of Participants
- 9 2 year olds
- 17 3-4 year olds
- 17 5-6 year olds
- 22 8-9 year olds
- 16 12-13 year olds
18Five Years Later Completeness of Recall
19Five Years Later Accuracy of Recall
20If the child was pre-narrative(unable to talk
about the past)
- Ability to recount the past begins at 2-2½ years
- Some children injured when only 1 year old (or
barely 2 years) - Unable to tell about the event soon after it
occurred - Ability to talk about the past (narrate) not yet
present - Can they translate these nonverbal memories to
verbal accounts?
21Number of children recalling somethingabout the
target event
Age No Recall Some Recall
1-Yr-Olds 15 10
2-Yr-Olds 3 10
22Classification of Childrens Recall at 5 Years
Classification 1-year-olds 2-year-olds
Good recall 1 7
Minimal report 2 2
Amalgamated 7 1
No recall 15 3
23Forensic Implications
- What are the courts asking memory experts about
childrens long-term memory?
- Can a preschooler be a reliable witness?
- Can a child under 2 years be a reliable witness?
- How important are competency requirements like
understanding the concept of truth and lies?