Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force


Title: Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force Author: Robert Casao Last modified by: Casao_1 Created Date: 2/7/2005 11:33:08 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force

Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force
  • Physics
  • Montwood High School
  • R. Casao

Ready For More Physics Fun?
Circular Motion
  • When an object moves in a circle at constant
    speed, we describe it as undergoing uniform
    circular motion.
  • Its speed is constant, but its velocity is not
    because velocity includes direction and the
    objects direction is clearly changing.

Circular Motion
  • A changing velocity means acceleration.
  • The pull on the string is always directed
    perpendicular to the velocity.
  • The pull accelerates the ball into a circular
    path, even though the ball does not speed up or
    slow down.
  • The pull changes only the direction of the
    velocity, not the magnitude.

(No Transcript)
Centripetal Acceleration
  • The acceleration arising from the change in
    direction of the velocity vector is called the
    centripetal acceleration and is determined
    mathematically by

Centripetal Acceleration
Centripetal Acceleration
  • Centripetal means center-seeking.
  • Centripetal acceleration is always directed
    toward the center of the circle of motion.
  • It is this centripetal acceleration that is
    responsible for the change in the direction of
    the velocity the magnitude of the velocity
    remains constant.
  • Any change in the tangential acceleration causes
    a change in the speed of the particle as it
    travels around the circle. In uniform circular
    motion, aT 0, so the acceleration is completely
    radial (ar) or centripetal.

Centripetal Force
  • Newtons Second Law explains that an object
    undergoing acceleration is experiencing a net
    force. The net force on an object undergoing
    uniform circular motion is called the centripetal
    force Fc.
  • The centripetal force necessary for an object of
    mass m to travel with constant speed v in a
    circle of radius r is given by

Centripetal Force
  • The centripetal force always points toward the
    center of the circle about which the object moves
    with uniform speed.
  • If the centripetal force applied to the object is
    removed, the object will move in a straight-line
    tangent to the curved path at the point where the
    centripetal force ceases. When the centripetal
    force ceases, the object has no unbalanced forces
    acting upon it and thus moves in a straight line
    at constant speed.

Circular Motion
  • If the string breaks, the ball flies off in a
    straight line. It is the force of the string
    that causes the acceleration in this example of
    uniform circular motion.

Centripetal Force
  • Centripetal force is the name given to any force
    that is directed at right angles to the path of a
    moving object and that tends to produce circular
  • Examples
  • the gravitational force directed toward the
    center of the Earth holds the Moon in an almost
    circular orbit about the Earth
  • an electromagnetic force that is directed toward
    the nucleus holds the electrons that revolve
    about the nucleus of the atom.
  • Directions in centripetal force problems
  • Positive direction is inwards toward center of
  • Negative direction is outward away from center of

  • Radius r is the distance from the center of the
    mass to the axis of rotation.

  • The centripetal force is not a force and
  • does not belong in a free-body diagram.
  • The force F in the picture would provide the
    centripetal force needed to maintain the circular

Motion On A Flat Curve
  • The net force on a car traveling around a curve
    is the centripetal force.
  • As a car travels around a curve, the net force on
    the car must be the centripetal force, directed
    toward the center of the circle the curve is a
    portion of.

Motion On A Flat Curve
  • On a flat, level curve, the friction between the
    tires and the road supplies the centripetal
  • If the tires are worn smooth or the road is icy
    or oily, this friction force will not be
  • The car will not be able to move in a circle, it
    will keep going in a straight line and therefore
    go off the road.

Motion On A Flat Curve
  • Accelerations
  • ay 0 m/s2
  • ax ac
  • Equation Fc FF

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • Some curves are banked to compensate for slippery
  • In addition to any friction forces that may or
    may not be present, the road exerts a normal
    force perpendicular to its surface.
  • The downward force of the cars weight is also
  • These two forces add as vectors to provide a net
    force Fnet that points toward the center of the
    circle this is the centripetal force.
  • The centripetal force is directed toward the
    center of the circle, it is not parallel to the
    banked road.

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • The effect of banking is to tilt the normal force
    Fn toward the center of curvature of the road so
    that the inward radial component FN?sin ? can
    supply the required centripetal force.
  • Vehicles can make a sharp turn more safely if the
    road is banked. If the vehicle maintains the
    speed for which the curve is designed, no
    frictional force is needed to keep the vehicle on
    the road.

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • The effect of banking is to tilt the normal force
    FN toward the center of curvature of the road so
    that the inward radial component FN?sin ? can
    supply the required centripetal force.

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • There is no acceleration along the y axis, so the
    sum of the forces in the y plane is zero
  • The horizontal component of the normal force FN,
    the force the road exerts against the car,
    provides the necessary centripetal force.
    Because the only force in the x plane is the
    centripetal force

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • This equation gives the banking angle that allows
    a car to travel in a curve of radius r with
    constant speed v and require no friction force.
  • Goldilocks Just Right!

Motion On A Banked Curve
  • A banked curve is designed for one specific
    speed, called the design speed.
  • If the banked curve is icy so that there is no
    friction force at all, then traveling at a speed
    higher than the design speed means the car will
    slide out, up, and over the edge.
  • Traveling at a lower speed than the design speed
    means the car will slide in, down, and off the
  • When a banked curve has to be negotiated at a
    speed above the design speed (or if you are asked
    to find the maximum speed), friction is required.
    The frictional force Ff acts parallel to the
    road surface.

Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)Goldilocks
Too Fast!
Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)Goldilocks
Too Fast!
Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)
  • Resolve the normal force FN and friction FF into
    horizontal and vertical components.
  • The horizontal components of FN and FF are both
    directed inward toward the center of the curve,
    therefore, these two force components combine to
    determine the centripetal force SFx mac.

Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)
  • Because there are no unbalanced forces in the
    vertical direction, the upward forces must equal
    the downward forces, therefore
  • Substitute into both

Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)
  • Solve both equations for Fn and set these
    equations equal to each other (because FN FN as
    there is only one force acting normal to the
    surface). From this equation, the unknown
    variable can be determined.

Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)
  • For problems involving a minimum speed for the
    vehicle to travel around the curve without
    skidding, the frictional force is directed up the
    incline to keep the vehicle from sliding down to
    the bottom of the banked curve.
  • Resolve the normal force FN and friction FF into
    horizontal and vertical components.

Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)Goldilocks
Too Slow!
Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)Goldilocks
Too Slow!
Motion On A Banked Curve (w/ Friction)
  • The horizontal component of FN is inward toward
    the center of the curve and is positive FF is
    directed outward away from the center of the
    curve and is negative. These two force
    components combine to determine the centripetal
    force SFx mac.

  • Because there are no unbalanced forces in the
    vertical direction, the upward forces must equal
    the downward forces, therefore
  • Substitute into both

  • Solve both equations for Fn and set these
    equations equal to each other (because FN FN as
    there is only one force acting normal to the
    surface). From this equation, the unknown
    variable can be determined.

Vertical Circles
  • The force of gravity causes the speed of an
    object in a vertical circular path to vary. The
    object accelerates on the downward portion of its
    circular path and decelerates on the upward
    portion of the circular path.
  • At the top and bottom of a vertical circular
    path, the weight and the normal force (or an
    equivalent supporting force, such as tension) are
    the only forces acting on an object. The
    centripetal force is supplied by the resultant of
    the weight and a supporting force (often the
    normal force).

Vertical Circles
  • The forces acting on a person sitting in a roller
    coaster car are shown. The persons weight FW is
    present and so is the normal force FN that the
    seat exerts on him (this is your apparent

Vertical Circles
  • The normal force FN, the force you feel on the
    seat of your pants, can be positive, negative, or
  • A negative value for FN means the passenger has
    to be strapped in, with the straps exerting an
    upward force. Such a situation would be
    dangerous, and roller coaster designers avoid
  • If FN 0 N, the person seems to be weightless as
    well as upside down.

Vertical Circles
  • The forces on an airplane pilot at the bottom of
    a dive can be quite large.
  • Gravity pulls downward and the seat exerts its
    usual normal force FN, this time upward.

Vertical Circles
  • At the bottom of the dive, the normal force can
    only be positive, must be greater than the
    weight, and can become very large. A roller
    coaster at the bottom of the loop provides the
    same forces.
  • The acceleration can be expressed as
  • This acceleration can be expressed in terms of
    gs, where gs are determined by dividing the
    centripetal acceleration by gravity. One g is
    9.8 m/s2. The number of gs represents the
    relative pull of gravity on the body that the
    person experiences.

Vertical Circles
  • Experiencing a significant number of gs makes
    the work of the heart more difficult.
    Accelerations of eight to ten gs make it
    difficult for the circulatory system to get
    enough blood to the brain and may result in
    blackouts. Pressure suits that squeeze on the
    legs push blood back into the rest of the body,
    including the brain, and help prevent blackouts.

Vertical Circles
  • For the Ferris wheel, the only difference occurs
    at the top where the seat is facing upward.
  • Top
  • This equation is also for a car passing over the
    top of a curve.
  • Bottom

  • For an object attached to a string and moving in
    a vertical circle, the centripetal force is at a
    minimum at the top of its vertical path and at a
    maximum at the bottom of its vertical path.

  • Top the centripetal force on the object equals
    the tension of the string plus the weight of the
    ball, both acting toward the center of the
    vertical circle. Mathematically
  • Bottom the centripetal force on the object is
    equal to the difference between the tension of
    the string and the weight of the object. The
    tension is exerted inward toward the center of
    the vertical circle, while the weight is directed
    away from the center of the vertical circle.

Critical Velocity (vmin)
  • Critical velocity velocity below which an
    object moving in a vertical circle will not
    describe a circular path.
  • Critical velocity depends on the acceleration due
    to gravity and the radius of the vertical circle,
    not on the mass of the object.

Tension at an Angle Horizontal Circles
  • Vertical component of the tension is equal to the
  • Horizontal component of the weight is equal to
    the centripetal force.
  • the radius is the distance from the center of the
    mass to the dot at the center of the horizontal

Conical Pendulum
  • For conical pendulums, centripetal force is
    provided by a component of the tension.
  • ? is the angle between the vertical and the cord.

(No Transcript)
Conical Pendulum
Fn Difference?
  • In every previous inclined plane problem such as
    a skier on a hill or a block on a ramp, the
    normal force is given by Fn mgcos ?.
  • In every banked curve problem the normal force is
    given by Fnmg/cos ?.
  • Both equations are correct!
  • The difference is due to the direction of the
  • the direction of the acceleration in the inclined
    plane problem is down toward the bottom of the
    incline. There is no component of the
    acceleration in the normal direction.

  • the direction of the acceleration in the banked
    curve is horizontally toward the center of the
    circle. This produces a component of
    acceleration in the normal direction.
  • In the inclined plane problems, I taught you to
    rotate the x- and y- axes so that the x-axis is
    parallel to the surface and the y-axis is
    perpendicular to the surface. We did not do this
    with the banked turn problems.
  • This results in the acceleration being zero on
    the y axis for both cases.
  • In the inclined plane problems, the acceleration
    is zero along the normal perpendicular to the
    incline thus the normal force equals a
    component of gravity.)

  • In the frictionless banked turn, the acceleration
    is zero vertically thus the force of gravity
    equals a component of the normal force.
  • In the inclined plane problems, one component of
    gravity causes the acceleration (the other
    component cancels out the normal force).
  • In the banked turn, one component of the normal
    force causes the acceleration (the other
    component cancels out the force of gravity).

For Uniform Circular Motion
  • n number of revolutions (rotations)
  • r radius
  • t time
  • Period time for one revolution (rotation)

Web Sites
  • Amusement Park Physics
  • Amusement Park Physics
  • Roller Coasters and Amusement Park Physics
  • Amusement Park Physics
  • CoasterQuest.com
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