Scripture: Its Formation and Interpretation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scripture: Its Formation and Interpretation


... terrorists against Roman occupation Diaspora Jews not living in ... Septuagint (LXX) Greek translation of Bible c. 200 BC in Alexandria Jews in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Scripture: Its Formation and Interpretation

Scripture Its Formation and Interpretation
  • Dr. Ann T. Orlando
  • 2 May 2011

  • Judaism and Christianity
  • Christian Scripture what is it
  • How to interpret it (hermeneutics, exegesis)
  • How (if at all) to use philosophy

Judaism(s) During Jesus LifetimeNear end of
Second Temple Judaism
  • Before and during Jesus life there were many
    types of Judaism in Palestine (Josephus describes
  • Pharisees upholders of the Law (Torah)
  • Sadducees from aristocracy and high priests, did
    not believe in resurrection of dead closely
    associated with Temple
  • Essenes disgusted with impurities in Temple
    left for desert Dead Sea Scrolls usually
    associated with them
  • Zealots terrorists against Roman occupation
  • Diaspora Jews not living in Palestine but
    scattered around Mediterranean
  • Then, as now, more Jews living outside of
    Palestine (Israel) than in it
  • Greek Jews (Hellenists in Acts of Apostles)
    Septuagint (LXX) Greek translation of Bible c.
    200 BC in Alexandria
  • Jews in Mesopotamia who did not return after the
    exile in 6th C BC, but flourished under Persian
    rule Scripture did not include any late Second
    Temple Greek works (e.g., Maccabees, Sirach,

Map of First Century Jewish Communities in Roman
Philo (20 BC 50 AD)
  • Contemporary of Jesus and Apostles
  • Leader of Jewish community in Alexandria
  • Wrote many, many philosophical treatises,
  • Tried to create a bridge between Judaism and
    Greek philosophy
  • Especially Stoicism
  • Key was using allegory to interpret Scripture
  • Huge influence on early Christians theologians in

Example from Philo Hexeameron, Six Days of
  • Days of creation could not literally be 24 hours
  • Time, sun not created yet on first day
  • Days instead are allegorical ways to speak of
    order of creation
  • May represent eons or seconds
  • Philos understanding is found in
  • Origen
  • St. Basil the Great
  • St. Augustine
  • St. Thomas Aquinas

Development of Rabbinic Judaism
  • During the First War with Rome 66-73 AD, the
    Sadducees, Essenes and Zealots were destroyed
  • The Pharisees were the group out of which
    rabbinic Judaism grew in the 2nd and 3rd C AD.
  • Reestablished contact with the Mesopotamian Jews
    and their theology
  • Rejected use of Greek philosophy and parts of the
    OT written in Greek, not Hebrew
  • Rejected developments of Alexandrian Jews like
  • Hellenistic (Greek) Jewish theology was taken
    over, preserved and used by early Christian
    theologians, especially in Alexandria
  • St. Clement of Alexandria
  • Origen

Early Christianity
  • Acts of the Apostles tells the story of spread of
    Christianity around Roman Empire
  • Christianity is
  • Primarily urban
  • Greek speaking
  • From many socials classes, but associated with
    Jewish communities
  • But distinction between some forms of early
    Christianity and Judaism were not clear
  • Both Christianity and rabbinic Judaism are
    establishing themselves and evangelizing at the
    same time as replacements to Second Temple

Issues Surrounding Christian Scripture
  • The OT (Septuagint) in or out?
  • Relation of creator God to Father of Jesus Christ
  • How can there be suffering if the creator God is
    a good God? (theodicy problem)
  • Is God anthropomorphic as OT might indicate?
  • Relation to Judaism
  • What is in NT?
  • Paul primary or Gospels
  • What literature about Jesus is sacred
  • What writings of early believers is in/out (e.g.,
    First Letter of Clement, Epistle of Barnabas,
    Shepherd of Hermes)
  • Answers to these questions determined which books
    considered authoritative by various Christian
  • In this era many Christian groups selected books
    to support their theology Canon is from Greek
    word for rule or measure
  • Stoic philosophical term

2nd C Gnosticism
  • Gnosticism is really a catch all term for
    several groups of early Christians which shared
    some beliefs, usually with a Platonic
    philosophical background
  • Gnostic is from Greek, gnosis, knowledge
  • Most Gnostic Christians believed
  • Jesus was divine, not human (docetism)
  • Jesus was the son of Sophia (Wisdom) and God the
  • Physical, material world was, at best,
    irrelevant, at worst evil
  • Believers have special, secret, knowledge of
    divine things
  • But only a few are believers most humans do not
    have souls

2nd C Gnosticism Scripture and Gnosticism
  • Gnostics rejected the OT
  • God of OT was evil, creator God
  • God of OT was anthropomorphic, not spiritual
  • Gnostics accepted many different types of
    literature about Jesus
  • Gospel of Truth, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of
  • Recent discovery (1945) of many Gnostic texts at
    Nag Hammadi, Egypt
  • Key Gnostic Valentinus, early 2nd C, Alexandria
    and Rome

2nd C Marcion OT Out only Paul, Luke In NT
  • Most important impetus for development of
    Scriptural canon was Marcion (c. 110-160)
  • Wealthy sea captain, who carefully studied
    Christian literature
  • Initially part of orthodox Roman church
  • Decided that only Paul and parts of Luke were
  • Opposed to Judaism and so rejected OT
  • Left Roman church to start his own church spread
    very rapidly around Mediterranean Marcionites in
    West for next 200 years in East much longer

2nd C MontanistsContinuing Prophecy In NT
  • Started by Montus, Prisca, Maximillia late 2cd
    Century in Asia Minor
  • Believed in continuing prophecy and revelation
    led by Holy Spirit
  • Believed apocalypse immanent
  • Believed that once Baptized, sins could not be
    forgiven (similar to Donatists) Church only for

Defenders (Developers) of Orthodoxy
  • 2nd Century defenders of orthodoxy
  • St. Ignatius of Antioch
  • St. Justin Martyr
  • St. Irenaeus
  • Tertullian
  • Note how these people from different parts of
    Empire knew of each other network of orthodox
  • Rome, Antioch, Alexandria centers for large,
    famous Christian schools

Christian Systematic Theologian Origen
  • Born in Alexandria towering giant over Eastern
    theology many subsequent debates trace to how to
    interpret Origen
  • May have studied in same philosophical classes as
    Plotinus also knew St. Clement of Alexandria
    (not to be confused with late 1st C Pope St.
  • Along with Clement, Origen preserves the works of
    Alexandrian Jewish philosopher and theologian
  • Traveled extensively, including to Rome and met
    with Hippolytus
  • Wrote
  • An apology, Contra Celsum
  • Many Biblical commentaries, including on OT books
  • Biblical scholarship Hexapla comparing Hebrew,
    and several different versions of Greek OT (not
  • Different ways to interpret Bible, especially OT
    allegorically (debt to Philo)
  • systematic presentation of Christianity On
    First Principles
  • Suffered persecution during Decius reign,
    eventually died from wounds
  • Not declared a saint because of controversies
    about his ideas after he died

Styles of Christian Scriptural Interpretation
  • Highly allegorical associated with Alexandria
    based on Stoic interpretive techniques
  • Origen (3rd C)
  • More literal associated with Antioch
  • St. John Chrysostom (late 4th C)
  • NB Church now recognizes two senses of
    Scripture Literal and Spiritual Spiritual
    includes allegorical, tropological (moral) and
    anagogical (goal) see CCC

3rd C Mani
  • Founder was Mani (215 - 277), Persian
  • Synchristic combination of Gnostic and Montanist
    Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism
  • As once Buddha came to India, Zoroaster to
    Persia, and Jesus to the lands of the West, so
    came in the present time, this prophecy through
    me, the Mani, to the land of Babylonia"
  • Very potent, well organized religion
  • Accepts some aspects of NT
  • Lasted for over a Millennium (Dominicans founded
    to combat Cathars, a Manichean sect is 13th C)
  • Martyred by Persians

Main Points of Manichaeism
  • Solve the theodicy problem by saying that there
    are two gods one evil, one good
  • Material world associated with evil god
  • Special knowledge comes from good god only
    available to initiated Manicheans
  • Scripture includes parts of NT, Zoroastrianism
    and works of Mani
  • Mani considered himself reincarnation of Apostle
    Paul and/or incarnation of Holy Spirit

New Philosophical Development NeoPlatonism
  • Plotinus (204-270) Alexandria, pagan philosopher
  • Considered himself a Platonist wanted to defend
    Plato against gnostics
  • Knowledge of the One is available to everyone
  • Steps to achieve spiritual unity with the One
  • Material world is not bad (but not complete
    completion only in the One)
  • Most important philosophical statement as
    solution of theodicy problem Evil is the absence
    of a good that should be there (see definition
    of evil in CCC)

Catholic Opposition to Manichaeism St. Augustine
  • Born in North Africa
  • Included here because most famous opponent of
    Manichaeism in West he was a Manichean hearer
    for 11 years
  • Towering giant of Western Christianity (even more
    than Origen was in the East)
  • Only limited knowledge of Greek wrote in Latin
  • Story of his move away from orthodox Catholic
    Church toward Manichaeism and his return is
    chronicled in Confessions
  • Like Origen, developed rules for interpretation
    of Scripture

  • Jesus Christ never said what was in Scripture
  • Apostolic tradition and teaching provide the
    definitive canon of Scripture
  • Septuagint (LXX) has a special place in Christian
    canon (see Dei Verbum)
  • Catholic and Orthodox Christianity have always
    relied on use of philosophy to interpret
  • There are multiple meanings to Scripture
  • Magisterium safeguards the truth from false
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