Title: Wood Screws
1Wood Screws
Woodscrews are available in a wide range of
shapes, sizes and materials. While mild steel
wood screws are suitable for interior work brass
or stainless steel are more suitable for exterior
2How to screw two pieces of wood together
Countersink Bit
1) Drill a pilot hole
2) Counterbore the top piece
3) Countersink the top piece
4) Drive in a screw
Hand Drill
Pozi Drive Screwdrivers
3Nails Fixings
Nail Plate
Corrugated Fastener
4Sash Cramp
The Sash cramp is used to clamp work together
while the glue dries.
Remember to Dry Cramp your work to make sure the
joints fit and the project is square before you
apply glue
Make sure you put a piece of scrap wood between
the workpiece and the sash cramp to prevent the
cramp marking your work.
5Man Made Board Plywood
The main advantages plywood has over solid timber
are as follows.
- Plywood is supplied in large sheets (generally
2440mm x 1220mm) and available in wide range of
thicknesses. - Plywood is less inclined to distort ( Solid wood
can twist or warp) - Plywood can be faced with an expensive veneer to
give the impression of solid wood - Plywood costs less than solid timber
6Polyurethane Varnish
Polyurethane Varnish is a suitable finish for
both interior and exterior woodwork. The correct
procedure for applying Polyurethane varnish is
detailed o the left.