The Maori Jesus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Maori Jesus


The Maori Jesus By James K Baxter Stereotypical images of Jesus Baxter s Maori Jesus? In groups, find Local references - NZ people, places, words, food Biblical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Maori Jesus

The Maori Jesus
  • By James K Baxter

Stereotypical images of Jesus
Baxters Maori Jesus?
(No Transcript)
In groups, find
  • Local references - NZ people, places, words, food
  • Biblical allusions
  • Social outsiders rule-breakers
  • Signs of sickness in society

His breath smelt of mussels and paraoa
  • Good paraoa is less likely to go unnoticed.
    Paraoa is a bread unleavened by commercial
    yeasts rather it uses wild yeasts captured and
    cultured with mashed potato.

Mt Crawford
  • In 2008 the Dept of Corrections shut down Mt
    Crawford prison and moved inmates to Rimutaka and
    Arohata prisons.

The disciples
  • He did no miracles. He played the guitar sitting
    on the ground.

  • The First day he was arrested for having no
    lawful means of support

He was lobotomized
  • Lobotomies
  • cutting the connections to and from, or simply
    destroying, the prefrontal cortex in the brain.
  • result in major personality changes and possible
    mental retardation.
  • were used in the past to treat a wide range of
    severe mental illnesses, including schizophrenia,
    clinical depression, and various anxiety
  • Used to control minorities

Key ideas in The Maori Jesus
  • Baxter was critical of organised religion,
    respectable parishes, and puritanical,
    judgemental attitudes.
  • He was moved by the suffering of the outcast in
    society in NZ and had compassion on them. E.g.
    started Narcotics Anonymous group in Grafton for
  • He believed the true spirit of Christianity was
    to reach out and journey with the downtrodden and
    dispossessed, rather than judge them.

Features of the poem
  • Imagery (see following slides)
  • Connotative language e.g. long hair, dungarees
    associations of unkempt, working class man
  • Biblical allusion
  • Extensive use of parallel structures gives
    sense of a Biblical narrative e.g. When he
    smiled/frowned/broke wind and The first
    day/second day etc.

Features of the poem
  • Tone starts fairly neutral, some humour,
    presents images that clash with our stereotypical
    image of Christ/disciples, ends on an ominous
  • Language use of NZ slang (dee, screw) Maori
    words (paraoa) and refers to local places
    (Porirua, Mt Crawford)
  • Use of colloquialisms (head doctor, cops, shit)
    gives the poem an earthy feel and constrasts with
    the formality of the structure

Images of Jesus in the poem
  • The humble, everyday Jesus who is made familiar
    to us by being placed in a NZ context and being
  • E.g
  • He wore blue dungarees
  • walking on Wellington harbour
  • He did no miracles. He played the guitar
    sitting on the ground.

Images of Jesus in the poem cont
  • In touch with creation, supernaturally powerful,
    with a good sense of humour
  • E.g when he broke wind the little fishes
    trembled, when he laughed everyone got drunk.
  • Inspired and divine - but seen as mad by society
    and persecuted for it
  • E.g. On the sixth day he told the head doctor,
    I am the Light in the Void. The seventh day he
    was lobotomized.

Images of 1960s NZ society
  • A sick, decayed society
  • e.g. An alcoholic priest going slowly mad
  • A society with no compassion for the downtrodden.
  • E.g. he was charged with being a Maori
  • He was arrested for having no lawful means of
  • A society with the wrong priorities.
  • The brain of God was cut in half.
  • mile deep civilised darkness

Images of outcasts and misfits in society those
looked down on by respectable society
  • A bearded, long haired Maori wearing blue
    dungarees with smelly breath, who was arrested
    and put in prison, thought to have a mental
    illness and them lobotomized
  • Railway station toilet cleaner
  • The call girl with no self respect (free sex)
  • A non-conformist housewife (doesnt use
    contraception, doesnt watch TV)
  • A rebellious office clerk (a traitor to the
    established order, tries to set fire to govt
  • A old sad queen (confused gender identity)
  • An alcoholic priest (failed his calling)

Your turn
  • What do you think was Baxters PURPOSE in this
  • How well do you think he achieved that purpose?
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