Determination of soluble salts in soil samples from Cyprus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Determination of soluble salts in soil samples from Cyprus


Determination of soluble salts in soil samples from Cyprus Dr Irene Christoforou Outline Introduction Sampling Ion Chromatography Ion Chromatography Method ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Determination of soluble salts in soil samples from Cyprus

Determination of soluble salts in soil samples
from Cyprus
  • Dr Irene Christoforou

  • Introduction
  • Sampling
  • Ion Chromatography
  • Ion Chromatography Method Development
  • Estimates of Reproducibility, Limits of Detection
    (LOD) and Limits of Quantification (LOQ)
  • Distributions of Fluorides
  • Distributions of Chlorides
  • Distributions of Nitrates
  • Distributions of Sulfates
  • Conclusions

  • Soil comprises the loose top layer of our
    planet's crust and contains a mixture of rock
    particles, organic matter, bacteria, air and

  • Plants and crops are dependent on soil for the
    supply of water, nutrients and as a medium for
    growing. This dependence makes soil one of the
    most fundamental components for supporting life
    on the planet.
  • The term soluble salts refers to the inorganic
    soil constituents (ions) that are loosely bound
    to the matrix of soil and therefore can be
    dissolved in the water with relative ease.
  • The levels of soluble salts in the soil are
    important since high concentrations are
    considered an environmental stress and constitute
    a limiting factor for agriculture.
  • Furthermore some of the most important soil
    threats, such as salinisation and desertification
    are closely linked with increased concentrations
    of soluble salts.
  • Therefore, the determination of soluble salts in
    soils is crucial for the estimation of soil
    condition in relation to several soil threats and
    soil contamination.

  • This study as a part of the compilation of the
    Geochemical Atlas of Cyprus project, aims to
    provide a detailed geochemical snap shot of the
    distribution and abundance of soluble salts in
    Cyprus soil.
  • For the purpose of this project an in-house
    method was developed for the extraction of
    soluble salts, following an optimized procedure.
  • The dissolved anions (F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) were
    determined by liquid chromatography.

Circum-Troodos Sedimentary Sequence
(calcarenites, siltstones, carbonates)
Keryneia Terrane (allochthonous massive and
recrystallised limestones, dolomites and marbles)
Mamonia Terrane (igneous, sedimentary,
metamorphic rocks)
Troodos Ophiolite Complex Arakapas Transform
Sampling Method
  • 5502 Top Soil Samples.
  • Sampling density - one site per 1 km2.
  • Troodos - reduced to one site per 2.2 km2.

Areas not under the effective control of the
Government of the Republic of Cyprus
Sampling Method
  • Sample locations - determined by GPS.
  • The surface was cleared of recent organic debris.
  • Top soil samples (025 cm depth).
  • All samples were sieved to lt2 mm.
  • Samples delivered and archived at the GSD.

Ion Chromatography
Instrument Shimadzu
Eluent 1.8 mM of Na2CO3 1.7 mM of NaHCO3
Flow Rate 1 mL/min
Separator column 250 mmL x 4.0 mm Shim-pack IC-SA2
Guard column Shim-pack IC-SA2(G)
Injection volume 50 µL
Detector CDD-10Asp suppressed conductivity
Method Development
Concentration of calibration solutions 1.000 0.002g/L
Low concentration range for F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO42- 0.05-10 mg/L
High concentration range for Cl- 20-75 mg/L
High concentration range for SO42- 10-50 mg/L
Squared correlation coefficient R2 gt 0.99
Method Development
  • Sample Preparation
  • sieving lt 2 mm mesh size
  • milling
  • Experimental
  • 5g sample / 200ml DW
  • 120 minutes shaking
  • filtration (ashless filter paper)
  • conductivity measurement
  • filtration (0.45 µm membrane filter)
  • liquid chromatography
  • Samples of conductivity greater than
    600µS/cm or with anion concentrations exceeding
    the calibration range were diluted.
  • Control
  • CYP-A , a calcareous sediment collected from an
    outcrop of Pakhna.

Method Development
Anion F- (ppm) Cl- (ppm) NO3- (ppm) SO42- (ppm)
N 12 12 12 12
Mean 0.163 1.722 0.454 2.938
SD 0.030 0.240 0.033 0.156
LOD 0.09 0.72 0.10 0.47
LOQ 0.27 2.16 0.30 1.40
Anion F- (ppm) Cl- (ppm) NO3- (ppm) SO42- (ppm)
N 151 151 151 151
MEAN 0.245 3.307 0.556 3.289
SD 0.080 1.242 0.104 0.408
RSD 0.327 0.376 0.186 0.124
CVR 32.7 37.6 18.6 12.4
Distribution of Fluorides
  • Fluorine is the most abundant halogen in the
    earths crust.
  • It is the most electronegative element and binds
    metals forming complexes, which are adsorbed
    readily to the soil and plants.
  • Fluorine is phytotoxic, causing damage in
    vegetation, wildlife and humans.
  • Fluorine as an element in soil has a world
    average value of 200-300 mg/kg.
  • The main natural source of inorganic fluorides in
    soil is the parent rock. During weathering, some
    fluoride minerals are rapidly broken down.
  • Fertilizer application is the main nongeogenic
    source of fluoride ions and fluorapatite is an
    important calcium- and fluoride-containing
    mineral used as a source of phosphates in the
    fertilizer industry.
  • Phosphate fertilizers are manufactured from rock
    phosphates, which generally contain around 3.5
    of fluorine.
  • Fluoride applied through fertilizer tends to have
    high residence time within the soil matrix
    particularly in soils of high clay content, high
    organic carbon content, high amorphous aluminium
    species or low pH.

Distribution of Fluorides
LODreproducibility 10 mg/kg average value 18.7
mg/kg highest value 3536 mg/kg
Distribution of Chlorides
  • The mantle, the crust and the oceans are the
    three main reservoirs of earth chlorine with only
    the oceanic chlorine being readily mobile.
  • Since parent materials in general contain only
    minor amounts of chloride, little of this
    nutrient arises from weathering.
  • Most of the chloride presents in soils arrives
    from rainfall, marine aerosols, volcanic
    emissions, irrigation waters, and fertilizers.
  • Chloride accumulates primarily in soil under arid
    conditions where leaching is minimal and where
    chloride moves upward in the soil profile in
    response to evapotranspiration .
  • Near the ocean, soils have high levels of
  • High chloride ion concentrations in soil, above
    geogenic concentrations, are often considered as
    a salinisation problem world wide and occur in
    warm and dry locations where soluble salts
    precipitate from water and accumulate in the soil.

Distribution of Chlorides
LODreproducibility 149 mg/kg average value
809.3 mg/kg highest value 664778 mg/kg
The Nitrogen Cycle
Distribution of Nitrates
  • Nitrate ions mainly originate from anthropogenic
    origins and constitute a very clear descriptor
    for characterising agricultural land use.
  • The main source of nitrates is the application of
    synthetic fertilizers or manure to fields.
  • Potential anthropogenic source of nitrates is the
    leakage from domestic septic fields, municipal
    sewage systems and livestock facilities.
  • Excess nitrates in soil increases the risk of
    contamination of ground or surface waters causing
    eutrophication (increasing algae growth,
    degrading habitat for aquatic organisms) and
    adverse effects on human health.
  • Nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ) have been
    designated by the Cyprus government through
    studies (Geological Survey Department, 2000) in
    an effort to comply with the Nitrate Directive
  • The Directive has the objectives of reducing
    water pollution caused or induced by nitrates
    from agricultural sources and preventing further

Distribution of Nitrates
NO3- nitrate Ion chromatography
34 ?E
33 ?E
Top soil (0 25 cm)
LODreproducibility 12 g/kg average value 68.4
mg/kg highest value 3001 mg/kg
Areas not under the effective control of the
Government of the Republic of Cyprus
35 ?N
Ayia Napa
Distribution of Sulfates
  • Sulfate ions are made available from dissolution
    of sulfate salts from oxidation of sulfur-bearing
    minerals in soils all around the world.
  • Among the sulfur-bearing minerals identified in
    sedimentary rocks, iron sulfide polymorphs,
    pyrite and marcasite, are the more common forms,
    of which pyrite is the most common. Oxidation of
    these sulfide groups releases sulfate phases into
  • The soils that contain iron sulfide minerals or
    their oxidation products are known as Acid
    Sulfate Soils (ASS).
  • If the ASS are drained and exposed to air, the
    sulfides react with oxygen to form sulfuric acid
    which can create a variety of adverse impacts
    killing vegetation and aquatic organisms,
    acidifying groundwater and water bodies,
    degrading concrete and steel structures to the
    point of failure.

Distribution of Sulfates
LODreproducibility 49 mg/kg average value 160.3
mg/kg highest value 231701 mg/kg
S (mg/kg)
S XRF (mg/kg)
SO42- ion chrom (mg/kg)
Distribution of Soluble Salts
  • The soluble salt distribution maps provide the
    baseline values for every geological formation of
    the island of Cyprus and give sufficient
    information of soil contamination sides.
  • The two salt lakes of the island are considered
    to be the main non-anthropogenic contamination
    sources resulting to enhance values of all the
    measured soluble salts and particularly those of
    the chlorides and sulfates.
  • The soluble salt distribution maps confirms also
    the anthropogenic soil contamination with
    nitrates and sulfates due to fertilizers
    application and mining activity respectively.
  • This study provides a basis for a number of
    future projects dealing with environmental
    monitoring and management.
  • The observed soil contamination caused by mining
    activity gives also the opportunity to run
    several mine rehabilitation projects in Cyprus.
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