So I have to do an annotated bibliography? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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So I have to do an annotated bibliography?


Title: So I have to do an annotated bibliography? Author: Rebecca Kooyman Last modified by: MARTIN, Nicola Created Date: 9/13/2004 7:55:21 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: So I have to do an annotated bibliography?

So I have to do an annotated bibliography?
  • What exactly is that?
  • And where do I start?

  • What is a bibliography?
  • An organised list of resources.
  • What is an annotated bibliography?
  • Means a bibliography with notes
  • An annotated bibliography is a list of citations
    to books, articles, and documents. Each citation
    is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words)
    descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the
    annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to
    inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and
    quality of the sources cited.

Your entries may include
  • Book with 1 author
  • Book with 2 or more authors
  • Anthology
  • Monthly or quarterly magazine article
  • Newspaper article
  • Film, filmstrip, videotape
  • Anonymous work or article
  • TV or radio broadcast

Or these
  • Multivolume work
  • Weekly magazine article
  • Website
  • CD Rom or electronic journal
  • Scholarly journal
  • Translated article
  • Government document
  • interview

  • What does an annotated bibliography normally
  • Annotated bibliographies normally consist of an
    evaluation of the resource, considering the
    following aspects
  • AUTHORITY- Who wrote it? What are their
    credentials? (i.e. PhD, Professor, unqualified
  • AUDIENCE - Who are the intended audience eg.
    Researchers? Students? Consumers?

  • What does an annotated bibliography normally
    include? Continued
  • USEFULNESS - How useful is it to your paper? eg.
    Is it a research article? Is it too scientific
    for your needs? Is it too general?
  • COMPARISON - Is it similar to another work or in
    contrast to another work/author?
  • CONCLUSIONS - Have the author(s) made any
    conclusions? What methods were used for
  • LIMITATIONS - Are there any limitations in the

  • Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries
    often found at the beginning of scholarly journal
    articles or in periodical indexes. Annotations
    are descriptive and critical they expose the
    author's point of view, clarity and
    appropriateness of expression, and authority.

Your work cited page, or bibliography, should
look like this
The basic entry A book by a single author
  • Pattern
  • Author last name Author first name initial
    Year, Title of Work, Publisher, Location.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. Our Post human Future
    Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution.
    New York Farrar.
  • Online Book Example
  • Nugent, P, Vitale, B 2008, 'Chapter 11
    Practice Questions with Answers and Rationales',
    Test Success Test-Taking Techniques for
    Beginning Nursing Students (5th Edition) pp.
    159-294 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania F.A. Davis
    Company CINAHL Plus with Full Text, EBSCOhost,
    viewed 6 December 2010.

But for each source
  • There is a specific way to cite it -------
  • and there are examples of each in your diary

A Book by Two or More Authors
  • Eggins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. 1997. Analysing
    Casual Conversation. London Cassell.
  • Marquart, James W., Sheldon Ekland Olson, and
    Jonathan R. Sorensen. 1994. The Rope, the Chair,
    and the Needle Capital Punishment in Texas.
    Austin U of Texas P.

If there are more than 3 authors, you may name
only the first and add et al. (and others)
  • Quirk, Randolph, et al. 1985. A Comprehensive
    Grammar of the English Language. London

Journal or Magazine Article
  • Pattern
  • Author last name, Author first initial
    Year, Title of article, Journal Name,
    Volume number, issue number, pp. page number
    start-end, URL or Database Name,
    EBSCOhost, viewed day month year.
  • Example
  • Maynard, W 1999 'Thoreau's House at Walden', Art
    Bulletin, 81, 2, pp. 303, Academic Search
    Premier, EBSCOhost, viiewed 6 December 2010

Journal or Magazine Article w/No Author
  • Pattern
  • Title of article Year, Journal Name,
    Volume number, issue number, pp. page number
    start-end, URL or Database Name, EBSCOhost,
    viewed day month year.
  • Example
  • 'Royal Dogfight' 2004, People, 61, 1, p. 28,
    Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 6
    December 2010.

  • Online Newspaper Article
  • Pattern
  • Author last name, Author first initial
    Year, Title of article Newspaper Name,
    Day month of publication, URL or Database
    Name, EBSCOhost, viewed day month year.
  • Example
  • Lacey, M 2007, 'A Communist He Was, but Today,
    Che Sells', New York Times, 9 October, Newspaper
    Source Select, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 December 2010.
  • Online Newspaper Article w/No Author
  • Pattern
  • Title of article Year, Newspaper Name,
    Day month of publication, URL or Database
    Name, EBSCOhost, viewed day month year.
  • Example
  • 'Metro Briefing Connecticut Hartford Domestic
    Violence Proposal', 2005, New York Times, 10
    January, Newspaper Source Select, EBSCOhost,
    viewed 6 December 2010.

Electronic Information
  • Follow the recommendations for citing information
    from books
  • If there is no author, begin with the title of
    the document
  • The title of the site is in italics and follows
    the title of the article.
  • Follow with date of electronic publication, date
    of print publication, name of sponsoring
    institution, URL
  • When the site was accessed (accessed August 5,

Website example
  • Pattern
  • Website Page Name Year. Website
    Organization, Website Organization Location,
    viewed Date Month Year, ltURLgt.
  • Example
  • Tommy Bolin Archives 2010. The Official Tommy
    Bolin Archives, USA, viewed 9 December 2010,

An entry for your annotated bibliography will
look like this
Example Annotated Bibliography
Bibliographic information. This must include
title, author, publisher and date published.
How to get going
  • First, locate and record citations to books,
    periodicals, and documents that may contain
    useful information and ideas on your topic.
    Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then
    choose those works that provide a variety of
    perspectives on your topic.
  • Cite the book, article, or document using the
    appropriate style.

Create Notes on each.
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
A colour coded example
Your notes should consider
Using your notes
  • Write a concise annotation that summarizes the
    central theme and scope of the book or article.
    Include one or more sentences that
  • (a) evaluate the authority or background of the
  • (b) comment on the intended audience,
  • (c) compare or contrast this work with another
    you have cited, or
  • (d) explain how this work illuminates your
    bibliography topic.

  • Trevor, CO, Lansford, B Black, JW 2004,
    Employee turnover and job performance
    monitoring the influences of salary growth and
    promotion, Journal of Armchair Psychology,
    vol.113, no.1, pp56-64.
  • In this article Trevor et al. review the
    influences of pay and job opportunities in
    respect to job performance, turnover rates and
    employee motivation. The authors use data gained
    through organisational surveys of blue-chip
    companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify
    the main causes of employee turnover and whether
    it is linked to salary growth. Their research
    focuses on assessing a range of pay structures
    such as pay for performance and organisational
    reward schemes. The article is useful to my
    research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that
    there are numerous reasons for employee turnover
    and variances in employee motivation and
  • The main limitation of the article is that the
    survey sample was restricted to mid-level
    management, thus the authors indicate that
    further, more extensive, research needs to be
    undertaken to develop a more in-depth
    understanding of employee turnover and job
    performance. This article will not form the basis
    of my research however it will be useful
    supplementary information for my research on pay

Where to search
  • You have 3 minutes to quickly search for
    information on the topic
  • Gotu Kola improves memory
  • After 3 minutes we will discuss what information
    was found, what sites, what type of article etc.

(No Transcript)
Finding good sources
  • Using Google is not the best way to go about
    searching for good quality articles by qualified
    and respected academics.
  • The best sources are hidden in databases so you
    have to know where to find the databases for your
  • Some freely available database searches are
  • Google Scholar and Microsofts Academic Search
  • Subscription databases have a wider selection and
    often the full text of the source rather than
    just the citation or abstract.
  • Examples
  •, The State Librarys OneSearch
    which searches across many subscription databases.

  • http//  
  • Login with EQ Email
  • Password cleveland
  • Facts on File
  • http//
  • Access Credentials - In school auto login link
  • One Search, the library catalogue
  • Search all of State Library's collections plus
    millions of journal articles and ebooks at the
    same time. Just enter your words in the search
  • Not all eresources are available in One Search.
  •  http//

Boolean Terms
The following table illustrates the operation of
Boolean terms
And Or Not
Each result contains all search terms. Each result contains at least one search term. Results do not contain the specified terms.
The search heart and lung finds items that contain both heart and lung. The search heart or lung finds items that contain either heart or items that contain lung. The search heart not lung finds items that contain heart but do not contain lung.
If there are nested parentheses, the search
engine processes the innermost parenthetical
expression first, then the next, and so on until
the entire query has been interpreted. For
example, ((mouse OR rat) AND trap) OR mousetrap
What to record
  • For books, record
  • The authors or editors name (or names)
  • The year the book was published
  • The title of the book
  • If it is an edition other than the first
  • The city the book was published in
  • The name of the publisher

What to record
  • For journal articles record
  • The authors name or names
  • The year in which the journal was published
  • The title of the article
  • The title of the journal
  • The page number/s of the article in the journal
  • As much other information as you can find about
    the journal, for example the volume and issue

What to record
  • For electronic resources, try to collect the
    information on the left if it is available, but
    also record
  • The date you accessed the source
  • The electronic address or email
  • The type of electronic resource (email,
    discussion forum, WWW page, etc)
  • In addition to these details, when you are taking
    notes, if you copy direct quotations or if you
    put the authors ideas in your own words, write
    down the page numbers you got the information

When to Cite
  • Quote directly use another persons ideas in
    their words
  • Paraphrase present another persons ideas in
    your words
  • Summarise express another persons ideas in
    fewer words
  • Use ideas, theories, facts, experiments, case
    studies, from a source
  • Adopt another persons research method, survey or
    experiment design
  • Use statistics, tables, diagrams etc. not just

How to cite examples
  • When using quotations in your text observe the
    following examples
  • He stated, The relative importance of the
    systems may nevertheless remain in approximately
    the same proportion (Gardner, 1973, p. 41)
  • Smith (1991) found that ... there is no evidence
    that chimpanzees can produce a drawing and
    discern the object represented in it ... (p. 84)

Citing when there is no author
  • When a source has no author, cite the first two
    or three words of the title followed by the year.
    For example
  • ... in the recent book (Encyclopaedia of
    psychology, 1991, p. 62)...
  • ... in this article (Individual differences,
    1993, p. 12) ...
  • Web pages where no author is given
  • Alcohol Concern (Call to stop, 2007) have
    proposed various policies to
  • The key point is that your in-text reference
    matches the start of the reference in your
    reference list/bibliography.

Your Mission Today
  • Locate 3-5 sources on your topic. Write Harvard
    Cited style entry for each source.
  • Look for any biographical info./credentials you
    can find about the author and note them.
  • Scan the source and note the content. Look at a
    few specific passages that catch your
    eyesummarize them. Do you detect any bias? Is
    the source written for a particular audience
    (scholars, professionals in the field, general
    adult audience, educators, social workers,
    parents, teenagers, the poor, religious etc)?
  • Write your annotated bibliography from your notes.

Top Referencing Tips
  • Your reference should help your reader to recover
    your source easily. If it cannot be found again,
    dont reference it.
  • Be consistent with layout and punctuation.
  • Only list references you have read yourself.
  • Do not list sources that are mentioned in the
    works you have seen when compiling your reference
  • There will not be guidance for every type or
    variation of a source.
  • Use the nearest style you can find to fit the
  • If in doubt, do what your teacher says, not what
    the library says or what the referencing system
    says. Only teachers give and take away marks.
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