Osmoregulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: lettan el ad s H: 14:30-15:15 Sz: 8:15-9:45 L czy Lajos terem 0 - 811 Author: Detari Last modified by: D t ri L szl Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Osmoregulation

Ionic and osmotic balance
  • in multicellular organisms the interstitial fluid
    is the internal environment composition
    resembles that of the ancient sea high Na, low
    K, low Ca and Mg
  • osmoregulatory organs maintain this environment
    isovolumic, isotonic, isoionic, isohydric, etc.
  • further task removal of poisonous end products
    of metabolism (mostly NH3 from proteins)
  • marine invertebrates osmotic pressure and ionic
    constitution in equilibrium with seawater
  • marine vertebrates ion concentration is one
    third of seawater except in hagfish (Eptatretus -
    Cyclostomata), MgSO4, Cl- much lower in
    sharks-rays ion concentration is lower, but
    osmotic pressure is maintained by urea
  • fresh water, terrestrial ion concentration is
    one third hyperosmotic to freshwater, hyposmotic
    to seawater ?

Osmotic exchange
  • plasma membrane separates fluids with different
    ionic composition, but equal osmotic pressure
  • epithelium separates fluids that are different in
    both respects
  • animals cannot isolate themselves from the
    environment exchange of gases, absorption of
    nutritients exception Artemia salina
  • obligate and regulated osmotic exchange
  • obligate exchange depends on physical factors,
    that animals cannot readily regulate
  • regulated exchange compensates for changes caused
    by the obligate
  • only some parts of the epithelium participate in
    osmoregulation gill, kidney, salt gland, enteric

Obligate osmotic exchange
  • occurs through the skin, respiratory epithelium
    and other epithelia in contact with environment
  • influencing factors
  • gradient determines direction of exchange a
    frog sitting in a pond takes up water through the
    skin a marine fish is loosing water in the sea,
    but gains NaCl a freshwater fish is taking up
    water, but loosing salt through the gill
  • surface small animal relatively larger
    surface, faster exchange, e.g. dehydration
  • permeability
  • transcellular and paracellular exchange (but
    tight junction)
  • skin of amphibians, gill of fish have high
  • skin of reptiles, desert amphibians, birds,
    mammals are much less permeable (leather
    containers), but mammals loose water through
  • eating, metabolism, excretes metabolic water is
    very important for desert animals, but also for
    marine mammals (seals put on weight eating fish,
    but loose weight burning fat when is feeding on
  • respiration function of nose condense water
    during exhalation dropping nose in winter

Osmotic regulation I.
  • most vertebrates are strict osmoregulators -
    exception shark, ray and hagfish
  • marine invertebrates are in equilibrium, other
    invertebrates, similar to vertebrates, are
    hyperosmotic in freshwater, hyposmotic in
  • some of the invertebrates is conformer, others
    are osmoregulators
  • freshwater animals breathing from water
  • they are hyperosmotic 200-300 mOsm freshwater
    in general below 50 mOsm water inflow, salt
  • to compensate, they produce dilute urine, take up
    salt with food and through active transport
    (fish, frog), decrease the permeability of their
  • they do not drink freshwater ?

Osmotic regulation II.
  • marine animals breathing from water
  • invertebrates are in equilibrium
  • hagfish Ca, Mg, SO42- regulation only
  • shark-ray osmotic equilibrium due to urea
    accumulation, excess salt removed by rectal
  • fish are loosing water, drinking seawater excess
    salt removed through the gill (chloride cells) ?
  • marine animals breathing air
  • loosing water through respiratory epithelium and
    other epithelia
  • marine reptiles and birds are drinking seawater
    cannot produce strongly hyperosmotic urine (just
    as fish) excess salt removed through salt
  • marine mammals do not drink seawater, water is
    taken in with food and produced metabolically,
    urine is hyperosmotic
  • lion seal males spend 3 months on the beach
    without eating or drinking seal pups do
    similarly for 8-10 weeks while mother is on the
    sea ?

Osmotic regulation III.
  • terrestrial animals breathing air
  • if freshwater is available then water lost
    through breathing can be replenished by drinking,
    salt loss (urine, faces, sweating) compensated
    from food sparing is important
  • problem of shipwrecked sailors kidney can remove
    6 g Na/l urine, seawater contains 12 g Na /l
    drinking of seawater leads to salt gain
  • desert animals have two problems heat and lack
    of water
  • kangaroo rat remains in cool burrow during
    daytime, active only during the night gaining
    water metabolically, water condensation in nose
  • camel cannot hide in burrow when dehydrated do
    not sweat, body temperature raises changing
    between 35-41 C hyperosmotic or no urine, urea
    stored in tissues faces dry ?

Water compartments
  • human body contains 60 water on average,
    differences between male-female, young-old
  • distributed in different compartments
  • intracellularly 2/3, extracellularly 1/3
  • of the extracellular water 3/4 interstitially,
    1/4 in blood plasma
  • barriers and, transport rules are already known
  • measurement of volumes applying dilution
    principle Evans-blue, inulin, tritiated water
  • homeostasis is very important . cholera, diarrhea
    - dehydration, working by a furnace in tropical
    areas water poisoning, severe burns
    dehydration due to loss of skin
  • the most important regulator in humans is the
    kidney, behavioral regulation is also important
    metabolic water is limited

Human kidney
  • osmoregulatory organs always contain transport
    epithelium (skin, gill, kidney, gut) polarized
    - apical (luminal, mucosal) and basal (serosal)
    surfaces are different
  • capacity of the transport epithelium is increased
    by its special structure tubular organization
  • functioning of the mammalian kidney is well known
    though it does not represent all types of
    vertebrate kidneys
  • 0,5 of body weight, 20-25 of cardiac output
  • cortex, medulla, renal pyramid, renal pelvis,
    ureter, urinary bladder, urethra ?
  • volume of urine is 1 l daily, slightly acidic (pH
    6), composition, volume changes with the food and
    the requirements of the water homeostasis - beer,
    Amidazophen, etc.

The nephron
  • functional unit of human kidney is the nephron
  • afferent and efferent arterioles, in between
    glomerulus Bowman capsule, proximal tubule, loop
    of Henle, distal tubule, collecting duct ?
  • most of the nephrons (85) are cortical, the rest
    juxtamedullary (15) nephron
  • steps in the formation of urine
  • ultrafiltration
  • reabsorption
  • secretion
  • the kidney is very important in pH regulation
  • the kidney removes ammonia formed during the
    decomposition of proteins

  • in the kidney 15-25 of water and solutes is
    filtrated, 180 l daily proteins and blood cells
  • filtration depends on
  • the hydrostatic pressure between the capillaries
    and the lumen of the Bowman capsule 55-15 40
  • the colloid osmotic pressure of the blood 30
    mmHg effective filtration pressure 40-30 10
    mmHg ?
  • the permeability of the filter fenestrated
    capillaries, basal membrane (collagen negative
    glycoproteins), podocytes (filtration slits
    between pedicels) ?
  • voluminous blood supply due to the relatively low
    resistance afferent arteriole is thick and
    short high pressure in the glomerulus
  • regulation of the blood flow basal miogenic
    tone, paracrine effect of juxtaglomerular
    apparatus, sympathetic effect (afferent
    arteriole, glomerulus, podocyte) ?

  • clearance of a substance is the volume of plasma
    that is completely cleaned from the given
    substance in the kidney in every minute
  • VU CP VU that is C ------
  • C - clearance, P concentration in plasma, V
    volume of urine in 1 minute, U concentration
    in urine
  • clearance of a substance that is neither
    reabsorbed nor secreted (e.g. inulin) equals the
    glomerulus filtration rate GFR
  • clearance of a substance that is not only
    filtrated, but completely secreted as well (e.g.
    PAH) equals the renal plasma flow RPF
  • knowing the hematocrit, renal blood flow (RBF)
    can be calculated

Tubular reabsorption I.
  • 180 l primary filtrate is produced every day, but
    only 1 l is excreted, of 1800 g filtrated NaCl
    only 10 g remains in the urine
  • the process of reabsorption has been successfully
    examined since the 1920s using the method of
  • role played by the subsequent sections of the
  • proximal tubule
  • 70 of Na is reabsorbed by active transport, Cl-
    and water follow passively, obligate reabsorption
  • filtrate is isosmotic, but concentration of
    substances that are not reabsorbed increases
  • on the apical membrane of epithelial cells
  • virtually all filtrated glucose and amino acids
    are reabsorbed using Na dependent symporter
  • tubular maximum for glucose below 1.8 mg/ml
    complete reabsorption (normal value 1.0 mg/ml),
    above 3.0 mg/ml linear increase sugar in urine
    in diabetes
  • Ca, phosphate and other electrolytes are
    reabsorbed as needed see later

Tubular reabsorption II.
  • descending part of Henles loop
  • no microvilli, few mitochondria no active
  • low permeability for NaCl and urea, high for
  • thin ascending part of Henles loop
  • no microvilli, few mitochondria no active
  • low permeability for water, high for NaCl
  • thick ascending part of Henles loop
  • active reabsorption of Na
  • low water permeability
  • distal tubule
  • active reabsorption of Na, and passive
    reabsorption of water
  • K, H and NH3 transport as needed see later
    (pH regulation)
  • transport is regulated by hormones facultative
  • collecting duct
  • active reabsorption of Na at the cortical part,
    high urea permeability in the internal medullary
  • regulated water permeability (ADH) ?

Tubular secretion
  • several substances are secreted from the plasma
    to the tubule in the nephron best examined
    different electrolytes (K, H, NH3) organic
    acids and bases
  • active transport recognizes substances
    conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver
  • K is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule and
    Henles loop (Na/2Cl/K transporter)
  • if K concentration is too high, secretion in the
    distal tubule depending on aldosterone and
    coupled to Na reabsorption - K acts directly on
    aldosterone, Na through renin-angiotensin ?
  • conflicting demands insulin secretion is induced
    by high K - excess K is taken up by adipose
  • secretion of H and NH3 serves pH regulation

pH regulation I.
  • normal pH 7.4 7.35 acidosis, 7.45 alkalosis
  • normal functioning is possible between 7.0-7.8
  • regulation buffer systems, respiration, kidney
  • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
    A- pH pK log ------ HA
  • for CO2 two equations following rearrangement
  • HCO3- pH pK log ------
  • ? - solubility of CO2
  • pK 6.08, i.e. not good buffer at normal pH
    as CO2 and HCO3- can be easily modified
    (respiration, kidney)
  • plasma proteins (14-15 Hgb, 6-8 other) pK is
    same as blood pH good buffers
  • phosphate concentration low, negligible effect

pH regulation II.
  • respiratory alkalosis and acidosis caused by
    hyper-, or hypoventilation
  • metabolic alkalosis e.g. Cl- loss because of
  • metabolic acidosis anaerobic energy production,
    ketosis in diabetes mellitus
  • in the first case kidney compensates, in the
    second breathing (short-term) and the kidney
  • proximal tubule, Henles loop Na/H exchanger,
    distal tubule, collecting duct HCO3- uptake
    through A-cells
  • in distal tubule and collecting duct HCO3-
    secretion through B-cells ?
  • in acidosis HCO3- level is low in the filtrate
    NH3 secretion binds to H, NH4 cannot go back,
    H secretion increases ?

Hyperosmotic urine
  • birds and mammals can produce hyperosmotic urine
    - water reabsorption in the collecting duct due
    to osmotic pressure differences
  • common characteristic Henles loop, the longer
    the loop, the more concentrated the urine very
    long in kangaroo rat
  • pressure difference is achieved through the
    counter-current principle ?
  • Na transport in the ascending part of the
    Henles loop do not enter the descending part,
    but attracts water leading to the same result
  • in addition, urea present in high concentration
    because of the reabsorption of water, can only
    leave the tubule in the internal medulla ?
  • osmotic pressure increases from the cortex to the
    medulla ?
  • blood supply to the tubules (vasa recta) is
    running in parallel to the Henles loop , does
    not decrease the osmotic gradient

Regulation of the kidney
  • granular cells in the juxtaglomerular apparatus
    produce renin in response to a decrease in blood
    pressure or NaCl delivery to the distal tubule
  • renin cuts off angiotensin I (10 amino acids)
    from angiotensinogen (glycoprotein)
  • converting enzyme (mostly in the lung) cuts off 2
    amino acids from angiotensin I angiotensin II
  • angiotensin II enhances aldosterone secretion in
    the adrenal gland, increases blood pressure
    through vasoconstriction and increases ADH
    production ?
  • aldosterone increase Na reabsorption through 3
    different ways facilitation of the pump, ATP
    production, increased apical Na permeability ?
  • ADH producing cells detect blood pressure and
    osmolality and are sensitive to alcohol ?
  • atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) released in
    the atria when venous pressure increases -
    inhibits renin, aldosterone, ADH production

Nitrogen removal
  • part of the digested amino acids are reused,
    amino groups from the others have to be removed
    as NH3 and NH4 are poisonous
  • three forms ammonia, urea, uric acid ?
  • ammonia
  • poisonous huge volume is needed to provide low
    concentration in the cell and high outward
  • 0.5 l water/1 g nitrogen
  • fish, aquatic invertebrates, mammals in low
  • transport in the form of glutamine from the liver
    to the kidney
  • urea
  • less poisonous, 0.05 l water/1 g nitrogen
  • synthesis requires ATP
  • vertebrates, except fish, synthesize urea in the
    ornithine-urea cycle, fish and invertebrates from
    uric acid
  • hominoids cannot metabolize uric acid (from
    nucleic acids) can accumulate and lead to gout
  • uric acid
  • low solubility 0.001 l water/1 g nitrogen
  • white precipitate - guano in birds (uric acid,
  • fish, reptiles, terrestrial arthropods

Extracellular ion concentrations
Osmoregulation in animals
Structure of mammalian kidney
Structure of a nephron
Glomerular filtration
Podocytes of the capsule
Podocytes of the capsule - EM
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Na reabsorption
Processes of reabsorption
Mechanism of K secretion
pH regulation
Release of ammonia
Counter-current principle
Mechanism of urine concentration
Osmotic pressure in the kidney
Renin-angiotensin system
Actions of aldosterone
Regulation of ADH secretion
Methods of nitrogen release
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