Eden project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eden project


Title: Eden project Author: hans k Last modified by: hans k Created Date: 11/27/2004 3:23:30 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Eden project

Eden project
  • Creativiteit in ondernemerschap

(No Transcript)
  • Kreeg idee bij oude tuin in Cornwal
  • vond verlaten kleiafgraving
  • ecologisch verantwoord
  • www.edenproject.com

Ten years ago, Tim Smit was unknown. He had a
degree in archaeology and anthropology from
Durham he had been a lousy busker a goodish
music producer and rock 'n' roller and he was
restoring Heligan, an old garden in Cornwall. A
good guy but hardly one of Europe's leading
thinkers, entrepreneurs, businessmen or creative
artists ? and certainly not someone to whom
ministers and foreign governments made beelines
for tips about social innovation.
2004 Day of Inspiration
  • jaarlijkse prijs innovatief ondernemerschap
  • CBE Royal Soc. of Arts' Albert Medal
  • innovatie - verandering
  • potentieel mensen aanspreken

Smit will be at the Albert Hall in London in
2004, lecturing 3,000 people at a Day of
Inspiration on how to change the world and
realise people's potential. He has achieved
minor celebrity status and has been showered with
awards and Honours, including a CBE and the
Royal Society of Arts' Albert Medal, which is
awarded to only one person in the world each
year previous recipients include Louis Pasteur,
Marie Curie and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
  • Somehow Smit has invented himself as Britain's
    motivator, a radical thinker who has proved that
    it is possible to make social and environmental
    change happen in the most unlikely ways.
  • In five years he and his team have turned what
    most people believed was a worthless, polluted
    site into Britain's fifth-largest tourist
    attraction. It has drawn in 2 million people a
    year, raised 215m and is thought to have pumped
    890m into the local economy. Now employing 500
    people in a job-starved area, Eden has, almost
    without wishing to, become one of Britain's most
    successful regeneration projects. Which is not
    bad for a man who once produced the Nolan Sisters
    and Barry Manilow.

in 5 jaar tijd
  • eerst vervuilde afgraving
  • Nu 5e toeristische attractie
  • 2 m. bezoekers /jaar
  • 215m opgebracht
  • 890m locale economie
  • 500 mensen werk

organisatie achter droom
  • verschillende mensen disciplines SAMEN BRENGEN
  • kunstenaars
  • zakenmensen
  • architecten
  • wetenschappers
  • constructeurs
  • onderwijskundigen
  • botanici
  • ecologen

organisatie van verandering
  • But Eden is more interesting than its statistics,
    or even the hundreds of thousands of plants
    growing under its emblematic domes. It is, say
    people who know it, becoming a great experiment,
    a test bed for ideas about how you can make
    change happen and unlock individual or national
  • Smit's secret, if there is one, seems to be that
    he can bring people of very different disciplines
    and skills together, get them to brainstorm and
    collaborate, and come up with the extraordinary.
    The Eden Project, he says, has attracted locals
    by the score, but also high-flying artists,
    businessmen, architects, scientists, engineers,
    educationalists, horticulturalists and ecologists
    from all over Britain.

organisatie van verandering
  • brainstorm
  • samenwerken
  • implementeren
  • ..wat niet mogelijk leek!
  • "It feels like a renaissance organisation," says
    one woman who left a senior management job to
    work there as a director and has been amazed both
    at what gets done and the way it works. "It's
    attracted a critical mass of people, and there's
    this passionate belief, right through the
    project, that it belongs to everyone who works
    there, that it's a team thing. I guess it
    demonstrates that you can have an organisation
    that is highly effective financially,
    environmentally and socially. It's a kind of
    experiment to show that you can work in different

  • But his underlying point is always that change
    comes when people think differently and take
    risks. He says "We challenged a lot of people to
    say 'no', to say that Eden could not be done. But
    hundreds of people said 'yes'. I think the fear
    of losing paralyses people. The key to making
    Eden work was daring to lose, and the realisation
    that millions of people feel inside themselves
    that there is more in life than what they have
    done. There is a massive hunger in our
    generation, a feeling that people are not putting
    their talents to best use."

  • 22L/sec (20000 x badinhoud
  • opgevangen wordt gebruikt voor irrigatie
  • 85000 ton aarde recycled afval
  • 2000 ankers 11 m lang

  • 5000 'gewone' planten
  • gt 250 000 plantsoorten!
  • ca. 6 voedsel
  • graan
  • maïs
  • rijst
  • Aardappelen
  • bananen
  • peulvruchten

  • Smit says he has been greatly influenced by
    people such as Ricardo Semler, the maverick
    Brazilian socialist who runs a large
    manufacturing business and lets his employees set
    their own hours and wages ? but gets long-term
    loyalty and phenomenal growth.
  • "He read about the kid who hacked into a defence
    system, and offered him a job," Smit says. "He
    told him just to walk around till he saw
    something that interested him, and then ended up
    with a free computer system. He realised that the
    establishment is miles off the pace of what's
    really going on. Eden is a bit similar. People
    make it their own. It's what they want it to be."

(No Transcript)
Eden is just a start, a platform for wider social
and environmental change, says Smit. He wants
to address local problems such as housing, much
of which is priced beyond the means of locals.
"We have to be radical," he says. "For too long,
we have associated affordable housing with cheap
building. But analysis shows that building on
the cheap is ridiculously expensive in terms of
energy consumption and maintenance in the long
term. We must produce attractive, sustainable,
affordable housing that people will be proud to
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