Chapter 22 - Pathogens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 22 - Pathogens


Chapter 22 - Pathogens Objectives Be able to describe the difference between a frank and opportunistic pathogen Be able to list the five modes of transmission of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 22 - Pathogens

Chapter 22 - Pathogens
  • Objectives
  • Be able to describe the difference between a
    frank and opportunistic pathogen
  • Be able to list the five modes of transmission of
  • For each of the major groups of pathogens (virus,
    bacteria, protozoa) be able to discuss relative
    minimum infective dose, survival in the
    environment, and sensitivity to disinfection
  • Be able to discuss an example of each of the
    major groups of pathogens from the perspective of
    why it has been an important pathogen, what its
    mode of transmission is, what its lifestyle is
  • Be able to give an example of an emerging

Pathogens in the Environment
  • Outbreaks of water-, air-, or foodborne disease
    have engendered study of pathogens and ways to
    protect ourselves from them
  • filtration/chlorination of drinking water sources
  • treatment/disposal of wastewater
  • food processing/preparation
  • air handling, esp. hospitals/buildings

  • Terminology
  • Infection is the invasion and growth of an
    organism within a host organism
  • Pathogens are infectious organisms that harm
    their host
  • - Frank pathogens can cause disease in
    otherwise healthy
  • individuals
  • - Opportunistic pathogens can only cause
    disease in compromised
  • individuals (burn victims, AIDS
    patients, the young or
  • elderly, pregnant women, transplant
  • - Human pathogens include bacteria, viruses,
    and protozoa (amoebas,
  • flagellates, and apicomplexans)
  • Virulence is the degree of pathogenicity of a
    parasite determined in part by
  • minimal infective dose, the number of
    organisms needed to cause an
  • infection bacteria gt viruses gt parasites

Five Modes of Transmission
  • Waterborne transmission
  • - drinking water or swimming (usually via
  • - fecal-oral route
  • - fecal contamination of drinking water from
    municipal wastewater sources or
  • animal feedlots
  • Foodborne transmission
  • ingestion of infectious agents in food
  • poor sanitation, hygiene (fecal-oral route)
  • insufficiently cooked fish and shellfish
  • in US there are 76 million cases/yr with 325,000
    hospitalizations and 5000 deaths
  • Person to person transmission
  • requires direct physical contact between hosts
  • sexually-transmitted diseases
  • respiratory infections (coughing, sneezing)

Modes of Transmission (cont.)
  • Airborne Transmission
  • inhalation of pathogens in aerosols
  • aerosols created at wastewater treatment plants,
    land application of sludge, showers
  • legionellosis, fungal infections
  • Vector-borne transmission
  • transmission by the bite of an animal host
  • malaria, sleeping sickness, yellow fever

  • High minimal infective dose
  • 104-109
  • Bacterial pathogens do not remain infectious in
    the environment very long
  • typical half-life less than 24 hours
  • Outbreaks can be prevented with proper sanitation
    and chlorination of drinking water, proper food
    handling and preparation

  • Inhabit intestines of animals
  • Gram rods, facultative, aerobes
  • non-sporulating
  • nonmotile, or motile with peritrichous flagella
  • mixed-acid fermentation
  • ferment sugars to acetic, lactic, and succinic

Enteric bacteria -- Salmonella
  • Found in particularly high numbers in the
    intestines of birds and reptiles
  • Over 2000 serotypes can cause disease in humans
  • serotypes differentiated by O-antigen, a cell
    wall antigen
  • Serotypes Typhimurium, Enteriditis, Typhi, and
    Paratyphi cause human disease
  • Genome 50 homologous with E. coli
  • Salmonellosis
  • caused primarily by serotypes Typhimurium and
  • fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea (sometimes
    bloody), 5-7 days
  • disease due to cell lysis in stomach and release
    of endotoxin (LPS)
  • may lead to septicemia or Reiters syndrome
    (e.g., chronic arthritis)
  • minimal infective dose 104 107
  • 40,000 confirmed and 1.4 million estimated cases
    in US/yr, 500 fatalities
  • 2 develop chronic arthritis
  • Usually a foodborne disease (food poisoning), but
    may also be waterborne

  • Typhoid fever
  • infection of intestines and blood caused by
    serotype Typhi
  • fever, headache, constipation, malaise, chills,
    myalgia for 3-4 weeks
  • Rare in industrialized nations (400 cases per
    year in the U.S. most from international travel).
    16 million cases and 600,000 deaths occur
    worldwide each year
  • In 5 of cases, victims become carriers, and shed
    S. typhi for at least a year in feces
  • Paratyphoid fever
  • Caused by serotype Paratyphimurium
  • Similar to typhoid fever, but milder

Enteric bacteria - Escherichia coli
  • Commensal enteric bacterium, but some strains are
  • enteropathogenic E. coli
  • watery diarrhea with mucus, fever, dehydration
  • common in infants in less developed countries
    (50 mortality rate)
  • high minimal infective dose 106-109
  • enterotoxigenic E. coli
  • cramping, vomiting, profuse diarrhea, dehydration
  • disease caused by the production of two toxins
  • common in travellers (travellers diarrhea) and
    children in less developed countries
  • enteroinvasive E. coli
  • severe cramping, watery diarrhea, fever
  • disease caused by invasion of epithelium of
    intestine by the bacterium, much like Shigella
  • common in less developed countries

  • enterohemorrhagic E. coli (e.g. O157H7)
  • severe cramping and very, very bloody diarrhea,
    5-10 days
  • very young and elderly can develop hemolytic
    anemia and acute renal failure (HUS, 2-7
  • disease due to the production of two
    prophage-encoded toxins shared with Shigella
  • occurs in North and South America, Europe
  • 73,000 cases of infection and 61 deaths each year
    in the U.S.
  • There have been multiple outbreaks of E. coli
    0157H7 since 2003 affecting from 3 to 24 people
  • waterborne outbreaks occur, but usually due to
    contaminated meat (especially hamburger), milk,
    fruit juice, leafy veggies

Enteric bacteria - Shigella
  • Four species cause shigellosis S. sonnei, S.
    flexneri, S. boydii, S. dysenteriae
  • Most severe symptoms due to S. dysenteriae.
  • S. sonnei most common in U.S.
  • Shigellosis watery or bloody diarrhea, cramps,
    fever, malaise
  • due to invasion and destruction of intestinal
  • can cause Reiters syndrome, hemolytic-uremic
    syndrome (HUS), convulsions in children
  • Estimated 440,000 cases per year in U.S.
  • Epidemics in Africa and Central America have
    5-15 fatality rate
  • Second most common source of waterborne disease
    outbreaks in U.S. from 1972-1985 (also foodborne)
  • Infective dose 10-200 organisms !
  • On August 20, 1995, 82 cases of shigellosis
    occurred at resort in Island Park, Idaho due to
    high water tables and leaky sewage lines

Enteric bacteria - Vibrio cholerae
  • Gram (-) oxidase () fermentative facultative
  • first waterborne disease whose epidemiology was
    determined (John Snow, 1854)
  • native marine microbe
  • infection is usually asymptomatic or mild. One in
    20 develop cholera Cholera profuse watery
    diarrhea (and rapid dehydration), vomiting, leg
    cramps, shock
  • 20-50 fatality rate within a couple of hours if
    untreated (with antibiotics) due to dehydration
  • disease due to production of enterotoxin
  • only 5 cases per year in U.S., but pandemic in
    India, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America

1991 A cholera epidemic began in Peru, spread
to Central and South America affecting 1,041,400
people with 9640 deaths.
Waterborne Viral Pathogens
  • Viruses are the leading cause of gastroenteritis
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the
    intestine, usually accompanied by cramps and
    diarrhea (and dehydration)
  • Half of all waterborne gastroenteritis outbreaks
    have no known etiology (cause). It is thought
    that viruses are the responsible agents
  • Viruses last longer in the environment and have a
    lower minimal infective dose than bacteria
  • Although many of these viruses infect animals,
    infection is usually species-specific (only human
    viruses infect humans)

Viruses That Cause Gastroenteritis
  • Astrovirus first described in 1975 by EM
    following a diarrhea outbreak in a Scottish
    hospital maternity ward
  • 28 nm diameter
  • ssRNA genome
  • mild GE in 1-3 year old children. Seroprevalence
    studies show that more than 80 of children
    between 5 and 10 years old have antibodies to
  • rare in infants, young adults, adults, elderly

most common cause of GE in the immuno-compromised
  • Rotavirus
  • 70 nm diameter
  • segmented dsRNA genome (11 segs.)
  • 2-layered protein capsid
  • vomiting, watery diarrhea, mild fever for 4-8
  • usually spread person-to-person, but can also be
  • Rotavirus A is endemic worldwide, and is the
    leading cause of infantile GE and diarrhea.
    Adults can be infected, but disease is usually
  • Rotavirus B can cause severe disease in adults
    and has caused epidemics in China involving
    millions of victims
  • 2.7 million cases per year in U.S., including gt
    49,000 hospitalizations and 150 deaths

Almost 1 million infants die worldwide from
rotavirus (mainly by dehydration from diarrhea)
  • Norwalk virus
  • 26-35 nm diameter
  • ssRNA genome
  • unable to be propagated in cell culture, so not
    much is known about it
  • identifiable with EM of stool samples

most common cause of waterborne viral
  • Adenovirus
  • 70 nm diameter
  • dsDNA genome
  • 49 serotypes cause human disease
  • - primarily cause respiratory disease
  • - also cause waterborne GE and conjunctivitis
  • Resistant to drying, inactivation in tap water
    and seawater, heat, and UV
  • dsDNA genome uses host cell DNA repair
    mechanisms to repair itself
  • - serotypes 40 and 41 (enteric adenovirus)
    are second most common
  • causes of GE in children
  • - serotypes 3 and 4 cause most outbreaks of
    waterborne viral conjunctivitis

  • 27-32 nm diameter
  • ssRNA genome
  • includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses,
    echoviruses, and enteroviruses
  • May be waterborne or spread person-to-person
    (airborne) Some groups cause gastroenteritis, but
    mainly responsible for causing meningitis,
    paralysis, conjunctivitis, and respiratory
  • Waterborne oubreaks difficult to establish, since
    infection is usually subclinical (no symptoms)

Aggressive vaccination worldwide has nearly
eliminated paralytic polio
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
  • Closely related to Enteroviruses (and
    morphologically identical)
  • Most common viral waterborne disease from
  • In the late 1990s, hepatitis A vaccine was more
    widely used and the number of cases reached
    historic lows.
  • 10-50 day incubation period, during which viruses
    are shed in feces
  • fever, malaise, nausea, anorexia (loss of
    appetite) abdominal discomfort, followed by
  • Almost asymptomatic in children, with symptoms
    increasing in severity with age
  • Epidemics occur both nationally and within
  • One-third of Americans have evidence of past
    infection (immunity).
  • Not a chronic disease, like Hepatitis B
  • in fact, HAV and HBV are not related
  • Very stable in environment, heat stable, and
    resistant to chlorine disinfection

Waterborne Protozoan Parasites
Giardia lamblia (G. intestinalis, G. duodenalis)
  • Phylum Zoomastigina, Order Diplomonadida, Family
  • i.e. a flagellate
  • Trophozoites (active, feeding stage)
  • 14 ?m long
  • teardrop shaped
  • 4 pairs of flagella
  • ventral sucking disk
  • two nuclei
  • Very primitive
  • no mitochondria, nucleoli, peroxisomes
  • anaerobic!
  • rRNA more like prokaryotes in size
  • replicates by binary fission
  • Giardia has 5 chromosomes, with 4-10 copies of
    each in each nucleus

  • Giardiasis, Beaver Fever
  • Attaches to the epithelium of the duodenum (where
    its anaerobic) with sucker disk
  • absorbs bile and other intestinal goodies
  • Exudes enzymes and other substances that damage
    Na and K pumps in the epithelium, allowing
    salt, and then water to leak into the lumen,
    causing diarrhea, 1-4 weeks
  • Infection can be asymptomatic, particularly in
    previously infected hosts but hosts still shed
  • Most common agent of waterborne disease outbreaks
  • Endemic worldwide
  • CO, OR -- incidence is high as 13
  • Infects many other warm-blooded animals
  • Animals may infect humans, but this isnt proven
  • Repeat infections are possible, but some immunity
    is acquired

  • Cysts
  • victims suffering from diarrhea pass trophozoites
    in feces, which quickly die in environment
  • when stools are more well-formed, trophozoites
    encyst when they reach the lower intestine
  • The signal to encyst is cholesterol starvation
  • cysts are 12-15?m, oval shaped, containing 4
  • last over a month in the environment, esp. in
    cold watersheds
  • resistant to chlorine disinfection, but easily
    removed by settling and filtration
  • when swallowed, cysts excyst in the duodenum,
    releasing 2 trophozoites
  • Readily detectable in stool and environmental
    samples with fluorescent monoclonal antibody
  • minimal infective dose only 10 cysts!

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Cryptosporidium parvum
  • Phylum Apicomplexa, Class Sporozoea, Order
    Eucocciida, Suborder Eimeriina, Family
  • i.e. apicomplexan, or coccidian
  • Several life stages including oocyst/sporozoites/m

Oocyst is the most hardy, resistant life stage
  • oocysts are 3 to 6 um in diameter
  • survive for weeks in surface waters
  • resistant to chlorine disinfection
  • oocyst contains 4 naked sporozoites which are
    released upon excystation
  • 20 of oocysts are thin-walled and excyst within
    original host
  • oocysts pass from host in feces

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  • Cryptosporidiosis/Coccidiosis
  • 3-10 day incubation period
  • 10-14 days profuse watery diarrhea, stomach
    cramps, slight fever
  • after symptoms cease, may pass cysts in feces up
    to 2 months
  • autoinfective (thin-walled cysts can excyst
    within and reinfect original host)
  • immunocompromised may not be able to clear
    infection mortality rate is 10-15 in AIDS
  • Infects all mammals, especially cattle
  • Oocysts persist 6-12 months in the environment!
  • Highly resistant to chlorination
  • minimal infective dose 15-100 oocysts

Outbreak in Milwaukee, 1993 affected 400,000
Emerging Waterborne Pathogens
  • Pathogens that we are only now becoming aware of
    and linking to disease
  • Many emerging pathogens were discovered due to
    the AIDS epidemic

Helicobacter pylori
  • Binds to epithelium in stomach and duodenum
  • produces urease that locally lowers pH,
    disrupting mucous layer and causing peptic and
    gastric ulcers
  • 90 of duodenal and 80 of gastric ulcers caused
    by H. pylori infection, not spicy food, acid, or
  • 2/3 of the worlds population is infected
  • Most likely a waterborne disease
  • In 1996, the FDA approved the use of antibiotics
    to treat (and cure!) peptic ulcers

  • Phylum Microspora
  • Enterocytozoan bieneusi, E. hellem, E. cunniculi,
    E. intestinalis, Pleistophora spp., and Nosema
    corneum cause disease in humans

no mitochondria! may be closer to fungi than
  • Spores are only 1.5 ?m in diameter!
  • Contain coiled polar filament
  • under certain conditions, filament explodes from
    cyst and pierces host cell
  • sporoplast (contents of cyst) are injected into
    host cell cytoplasm
  • reproduces asexually (merogony), but not sexually

  • E. bieneusi causes diarrhea, and is a very common
    infection of AIDS patients
  • E. intestinalis can infect macrophage and can
    disseminate through body. Cysts shed in feces
    and urine
  • E. cunniculi causes hepatitis, and is shed in the
  • E. hellem causes conjunctivitis, uretitis, and
    pneumonia, and is shed in the urine
  • If cysts are shed in the feces and urine, then
    waterborne transmission is likely. . .

The Microsporidia are all obligate intracellular
parasites and spores appear to be nearly
ubiquitous.  There are currently approximately
150 described genera of Microsporidia.
 Microsporidia parasitize animals from virtually
all groups, however, the vast majority of
Microsporidia attack insects and other
arthropods.  One microsporidian, Nosema
locustae, is even commercially marketed (as NoLo
Bait) for biological control of grasshoppers,
locusts and crickets.  However, a related
species, Nosema apis, is a serious problem for
bee keepers.  
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