- Role of Directors
- Role of Board
- The Agency Problem
- Dependent vs Independent Boards
- Risk Management
- Executive Reward
- Control
- Monitoring the management of the company and
ensuring accountability. - Strategy
- Approving and monitoring the strategic direction
of the company. - Counsel
- Providing advice and counsel to the company
executives on critical matters. - Institutional
- Building institutional relationships with
investors, stakeholders and the - community
- Sources (Carter Lorsch (200467) Zahra
Pearce (1989) Johnson et al (1996)
Daily et al (2003).
5The Two Primary Functions of the Board
6Levels of Governance (Dawson 2004)
- Business Ethics/Principles
- Procedures/Processes
- Practices/Behaviour
7Board Structure and Performance
Source Determinants of Board Performance Source
Epstein Roy 2004, p. 4
8Framework for Analyzing Board Activities
Providing Accountability
Strategy Formulation
Monitoring and Supervising
Policy Making
Source F. Hilmer and R. I. Tricker, 1991.
9Managed vs the Governed Corporation
The Managed Corporation The Governed Corporation
The boards role is to hire, monitor and when necessary, replace management The boards role is to foster effective decisions and reverse failed policies
Board Characteristics Board Characteristics
Power sufficient to control the CEO and the evaluation process Independence to ensure that the CEO is honestly evaluated and that directors are not compromised by conflicts or co-opted by management Board procedures that allow outside directors to evaluate managers dispassionately and effectively Separate the CEO and chair (or lead outside director) Board meetings without the CEO present Committee of independent directors to evaluate the CEO Independent financial and legal advisers to outside directors Explicit yardsticks for judging the CEOs performance Expertise sufficient to allow the board to add value to the decision-making process Incentives to ensure that the board is committed to creating corporate value Procedures that foster open debate and keep board members informed and attuned to shareholders concerns Required areas of expertise that must be represented on the board, such as core industry and finance Minimum time commitment of twenty-five days per year Large options package for directors Designated critic to question new policy proposals Regular meetings with large shareholders Board members free to request information from any employee
10Average Size and Composition of UK Boards
Source Higgs, D. (2003). Review of the Role and
Effectiveness of Non-Executive Directors.
London Department of Trade and Industry
11DIRECTORS DUTIESThe UK Company Law Reform Bill
- Act within the powers conferred
- Promote the success of the company for the
benefit of its members. Directors must have
regard to the long term and wider factors such as
relationships with employees, suppliers,
customers and the impact of the companys
operations on the community and environment - Exercise independent judgment
- Exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Not to accept benefits from third parties
- Declare an interest in a proposed transaction
with the company.
12Board Judgement
- The one element that is absolutely essential in
the armoury of directors and boards is judgement - Legally, the board is the highest authority in
the company, the fountain of power, yet top
management naturally tends to exercise that
power - Board members are expected to provide critical
judgement on management performance - which requires an in-depth knowledge of, and
intimacy with the affairs of the corporation - and at the same time to assure that this
judgement is independent which requires
detachment and distance
13Business Judgement Rule
- In recognition of the complexity of business
decision making, and in order to allow the
essential element of risk-taking in business
activity, case law in the United States and in
many other jurisdictions recognises the business
judgement rule that provides directors broad
discretion to make decisions in good faith. - As long as there is not evidence of fraud, gross
negligence or other misconduct directors will not
be held responsible for a business judgement if
it proves to be mistaken. - Unless there is evidence of fraud or negligence a
court will not second-guess directors by holding
them liable for any action attributable to a
rational business purpose.
Corporate Governance (2004)
- Reviewing and guiding corporate strategy, major
plans of action, risk policy, annual budgets and
business plans setting performance objectives,
monitoring and implementation and corporate
performance and overseeing major capital
expenditure, acquisitions and other divestitures. - Monitoring the effectiveness of the companys
governance practices and making changes as
needed. - Selecting, compensating, monitoring and, when
necessary, replacing key executives and
overseeing succession planning. - Aligning key executives and board remuneration
with the longer term interests of the company and
its shareholders.
Corporate Governance (2004)
- Ensuring a formal and transparent board
nomination and election process. - Monitoring and managing potential conflicts of
interest of management, board members and
shareholders, including misuse of corporate
assets and abuse of related party transactions. - Ensuring the integrity of the corporations
accounting and financial reporting systems,
including the independent audit and appropriate
systems of control are in place, in particular
systems for risk management, financial and
operational control, and compliance with the law
and relevant standards. - Overseeing the process of disclosure and
communications (200424-5).
16Active Boards
- Active Boards
- The ideal portrayal of the board is as an active,
deliberative and decisive forum for the business
Boards of directors collectively determine,
through the decisions they make, the fate of the
corporationThe principal work of a board of
directors is to make decisions. Leblance
Gillies (2005). - However boards are inevitably part-time, (due
firstly to the necessary extensive external
other commitments of directors that enhance the
potential contribution they may make to the
company and to the fact that boards that begin
to become nearly full-time inevitably stray into
operational management, often losing their sense
of objectivity and detachment in the process).
17Passive Boards
- There is much evidence that in the past boards of
directors enjoyed a fairly passive existence,
carrying out their duties, if at all, in a
largely nominal way - Mace (1971) Lorsch MacIver (1989).
- I served for one fateful year on the board of
Penn Central. The education was fast, brutal and
highly practical. At each Penn Central directors
meeting, which only lasted one and a half hours,
we were presented with long lists of relatively
small capital expenditures to approve, we were
shown sketchy financial reports which were rarely
discussed in any detail. The reports were not
designed to be revealing, and we were asked not
to take them away from the meeting. We always had
an oral report by the Chief - (Louis Cabot, Harvard Professor)
18The Enron Legacy
19Enron Asleep at The Wheel
- Fiduciary failure
- High risk accounting
- Inappropriate conflicts of interest
- Extensive undisclosed off the books activities
- Excessive compensation
- Lack of independence
20Enrons Rise and Fall
21Red Flags Known to Enrons Board
- Audit committee told Enron accounting practices
push limits - Board Approves Fastows Code of waiver for LJM1
- Whitewing moved off-balance sheet with 1.5
billion - Board approves second Fastow waiver for LJM2
- LJM2 update Q41999 8 days/ 6 deals/ 125
million - Executive committee approves third Raptor II
- Project Summer to sell 6 billion in assets
fails - Board approves Raptor III/ IV
- Board approves third Fastow waiver for LJM3
- Board told 27 billion in assets
off-balance sheet - Board told total revenues jump from 40 billion
in 1999 to - 100 billion in 2000 Audit and finance
Committees review - LJM procedures and for Y2000
- Fortune article questions Enrons earnings and
accounting - Board told 64 of asset portfolio Troubled or
Not - performing 45 million Enron shares at risk in
Raptors - Whitewing
- Board told of 2.3 billion deficit in market
value of Enrons - international assets
- Fastow sells interest in LJM to Kopper
- Skilling resigns Finance Committee told of 6.6
billion in - prepays and FAS 125 transactions
- Lay defends use of SPEs in online session with
employees - Finance Committee told of 800 million earnings
write-down - from Raptors Audit Committee told of
closed - investigation into the Watkins letter.
22WorldComs Rise and Fall
23WorldComs Board Didnt Prevent the Tragedy
- As the report prepared for the District Court of
New York stated - WorldComs board didnt do many things that
might have prevented or limited the tragedy. - On average the board met quarterly, and the
meetings were largely filled with formal
presentations to the directors and other routine
exercises, including CEO Ebbers opening prayer. - The Audit Committee most vividly exemplified the
boards inadequate time commitmentThe Audit
Committee spent as little as six hours per year
in overseeing the activities of a company with
more than 30 billion in revenue, while the
WorldCom Compensation Committee met as often as
17 times per year. - going through the motions rather than
developing a thorough understanding of the
accounting policies, internal controls and audit
programs in use by the Company
24WorldComs Board Lack of Independent Members
- Despite having a separate Chairman of the Board
and independent members, the board did not act
like it was in control of the Companys overall
direction. - Rather than making clear that Ebbers served at
the pleasure of the Board, and establishing
reasonable standards of oversight and
accountability, the board deferred at every turn
to Ebbers. - Ebbers controlled the boards agenda, the timing
and scope of board review of transactions, awards
of compensation, and the structure of management.
He ran the Company with an iron control, and the
board did not establish itself as an independent
force within the Company.
25WorldComs Board Didnt have Control of the Agenda
- The Chairman of the Board did not have a defined
role of substance, did not have control of the
boards agenda, did not run the meetings and did
not act as a meaningful restraint on Ebbers - WorldCom met the formal standards, and yet the
board did not take action to limit Ebbers power.
- Formalities were usually observed, and yet no
director said no when the Ebers loans of 408
million came before the Board, no director said
no to grants of massive volumes of stock
options, and - No director appears to have questioned Ebbers
competence and fitness to serve as CEO until the
disaster was unavoidable (Breeden 200333-5).
26 27Specialized Board Committees Adoption
Country Audit (1995) Audit (1998) Remuneration (1985) Remuneration (1998) Nomination (1985) Nomination (1998)
France CAC 40 0 90 0 70 0 43
France- Privatized firms - 100 _ 75 _ 66
Germany Dax 30 0 7 0 3 0 7
Japan Top 1,300 0 0 0 0 0 0
UK FTSE 350 21 100 23 100 7 73
USA SP 500 34 100 30 97 5 87
Source Goyer (2001). Corporate governance and
the Innovation System in France 1985-2000
Industry and Innovation, 8(2) 135-158
28The Transformation from Management Control to
Independent Boards
29The Transformation from Management Control to
Independent Boards
The Board Controlling the Levers of Power
30Comparative Analysis of Board Structure in 2003
(Selected Countries)
USA (1) SP 500 USA (2) Biotech USA (3) Silicon Valley CAN (4) UK (5) NL (6) ITALY (7) SPAIN (8) SOUTH AFRICA (9)
Average board size 11 8 7 12.3 10.8 5.1 14 12.6 12
Average annual board meetings 7.8 6.6 7.4 9.4 gt8 6.8 (11) 12 9.4 4
Outside directors () 80 78 75 77 52.1 91 (12) 57 (13) 36 (16) 34
Separation CEO Chairman () 23 28 - 77 83.3 98 Low 68 88
Average outside directors age 60 60.7 56 - 58 60.7 57.9 56 54.1
Have three key committees () (10) 80 100 77 92 91.3 89 Low (15) 85
Directors retirement age 70/72 - 69 70 - - 80 70 69.7
Fully independent audit committee () 98 100 96 91 - 94 100 100 50
Fully independent compensation committee () 96 100 94 81 86.7 73 (14) 16.7 67 33
Fully independent nominating committee () 91 100 88 83 - Low Low 67 28
Average annual directors pay (cash retainer) 43,667 19,630 24,972 Can 40.000 GBP 35K E32K E41.4K E45.5K R62K
Lead/Senior Director 36 - 12 - 83 - 0 - -
Formal annual board evaluation 87 - - 86 43 - - - 42
- Sources Data for these Spencer Stuart Board
Indexes are taken from the most recent company
proxy filings. www.spencerstuart.com
31Corporate Governance Quotient Global Rating
32ISS Corporate Governance Quotient I
- Audit
- Audit Committee
- Audit Fees
- Auditor Ratification
- Financial Expert
- Charter/Bylaws
- Poison Pill Adoption
- Poison Pill - Shareholder Approval
- Poison Pill - TIDE Provision
- Poison Pill - Sunset Provision
- Poison Pill - Qualified Offer Clause
- Poison Pill - Trigger
- Vote Requirements - Charter/Bylaw Amendments
- Vote Requirements - Mergers Business
Combinations - Written Consent
- Special Meetings
- Board Amendments
- Capital Structure Dual class
- Board
- Board Composition
- Nominating Committee
- Compensation Committee
- Governance Committee
- Board Structure
- Board Size
- Changes in Board Size
- Cumulative Voting
- Boards Served On CEO
- Boards Served On Other than CEO
- Former CEOs
- Chairman/CEO Separation
- Governance Guidelines
- Response to Shareholder Proposals
- Board Attendance
- Board Vacancies
- Related Party Transactions - CEO
- Related Party Transactions - Other than CEO
33ISS Corporate Governance Quotient II
- State of Incorporation
- State Anti-takeover Provisions
- Control Share Acquisition Provision
- Control Share Cash-out Provision
- Freeze-out Provision
- Fair Price Provision
- Stakeholder Law
- Poison Pill Endorsement Â
- Executive and Director Compensation
- Cost of Option Plans
- Option Repricing
- Shareholder Approval of Option Plans
- Compensation Committee Interlocks
- Director Compensation
- Option Burn Rate
- Performance-Based Compensation
- Option Expensing Â
- Board Performance Reviews
- Individual Director Performance Reviews
- Meetings of Outside Directors
- CEO Succession Plan
- Outside Advisors Available to Board Â
- Director Ownership
- Executive Stock Ownership Guidelines
- Director Stock Ownership Guidelines
- Officer Director Stock Ownership
- Mandatory Holding Period for Options
- Mandatory Holding Periods for Restricted Stock Â
- Director Education
- Director Education
34The Learning Board Model
Source Garratt (2003)
35Key Risks Areas
Business risk Legislative risk People risk Disaster risk
Asset management resource planning. Business interruption. Change organisational/ technical/ political. Construction activity. Feasibility studies. Foreign exchange operations. Information systems/ computer networks investments. Operations maintenance systems . Transport (air, sea, road, rail). Project Management Purchasing contract mgmt Treasury and finance Design product liability Directors officers Liability. Employment procedures, training, discrimination Harassment. Environmental issues. Fraud prevention/ detection/ management. Legislative requirements Occupational Health Safety Public risk general liability Ethics probity Issues. Human, animal plant health. Professional Advice. Reputation image Issues. Security Contingency, disaster emergency planning Fire detection/ fire prevention
36Strategic Role of the Board
Equity Public and/ or private
Vertical integration
Internal Organic growth
U- form
M- form Geography, Product.
Debt- Bank, public
Horizontal integration
Mergers and Acquisitions, Spin-off
and divestitures
Single plant, Single product
Diversification Related or unrelated
Retained earnings
H- form
Inter-organizational e.g. joint
ventures, Franchising, Alliances.
Diversification geographic
Trade credit and networks
37Typology of Directors
38Studies on Strategic Involvement of the Board
Strength of Involvement Description Studies
Passive Statutory boards Pro-forma (Pahl Winkler 1974) Minimalist (Pettigrew McNulty 1995) Statutory (Aram Cowan 1986) Managerial control (Molz 1985) Ratifying (Wood 1983) Legalistic (Zahra Pearce 1989) First-level Board (Ferlie et al 1994)
Passive Review boards Review and approve (Molz 1985) Review and analysis (Zahra 1990) Second stage board (Ferlie et al 1994) Third party (Herman 1981)
Active Partnership Collegial (Vance 1983) Shared leadership (Herman 1981) Participative (Wood 1983) Normative/strategic (Molz 1985) Maximalist (Pettigrew McNulty 1995) Partnership (Zahra 1990)
Source Stiles Taylor (2002)
39Red Flags for Investors
40Board Defences
41The Incident of Board Entrenchment and Related
Provisions in US Corporations ()
42Composition of Median CEO Pay in the US
Source Data up to 2001, compiled from Hall B.
(2003). Six Challenges in Designing Equity-Based
Pay. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,
15(3) 21-23. From 2002, compiled from Salmans, C
(2007). Mercer Issues Annual Study of CEO
Compensation at Large US Firms. Mercer LLC 2009
Towers Perrin 2009 Proxy Statements Highlight
the New Realities in Executive Compensation
Institute for Policy Studies Executive Excess
Report 2008 and 2007.
43Executive Pay as a multiple of Worker Pay US
Source United for a Fair Economy CEO Pay
Institute for Policy Studies Executive Excess
Report 2008.
44Comparison of CEO and Worker pay in the
US1990-2005 ( in 2005 USD)
Average CEO pay
SP 500 Index
Corporate Profits
Average worker pay
Minimum wage
Source Institute For a Fair Economy (2006)
Executive Excess, Washington D.C. Institute For
Policy Studies.
- The analysis of the political mechanisms of
boards and directors reveals a great divide
between the legal duties and functions of the
board, and the actual performance of those duties
and functions. -
- Passive boards were prevalent in the past, and
the more recent failures at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco
and other major corporations, indicate boards
completing the formalities rather than the
substance of their office. - Whether boards can be effectively reformed
remains an open question greater effort is now
being made to achieve board independence and best
practices but fundamental tensions still exist. - Can boards adequately fulfill both the monitoring
role and the strategic leadership role that is
expected of them?
- To whom is the board ultimately responsible
simply shareholders or a wider constituency of
stakeholders? - How can boards offer support for CEOs at the same
time as ensuring they do not run out of control? - In the Anglo-American world boards have patently
failed to restrain the inflation in executive
remuneration which poses a serious question
regarding the authority and integrity of boards. -
- Perhaps though, the era of the all-powerful CEO
was a temporary phase born out of the longest
bull market in history. - The institutions are now playing a more pivotal
role in corporate governance, and the
implications for corporate governance of this new
development are presently playing out.