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Splash Screen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANSWERS 1. The previous president may have died or resigned. 2. Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Splash Screen

Splash Screen
Chapter Menu
Essential Question Section 1 President and Vice
President Section 2 Electing the
President Section 3 The Cabinet Section 4 The
Executive Office Chapter Summary
Essential Question
What are the prime duties of the presidency, the
single most powerful office in the nation, and
how is the president selected?
Chapter Preview-End
Section 1-Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
  • compensation
  • presidential succession

Section 1-Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
  • assist
  • fund
  • recover

Section 1-Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
As you read, use a chart like the one below to
list the constitutional requirements for
president and vice president.
Section 1-Polling Question
Do you think the broadening powers of the vice
president in modern times is a positive change to
the executive branch?
A. yes B. no
  1. A
  2. B

Section 1
Duties of the President
  • The constitution grants the president
  • power as commander in chief of the armed forces,
  • the authority to appointwith Senates
    consentheads of executive departments, federal
    court judges, and other top officials,
  • the duty to ensure that all the laws of the
    United States are faithfully executed, and
  • lawmaking power.

Section 1 DQ1
Which of these is a power granted the president
by the Constitution?
A. ensures that laws are faithfully
executed B. appoints heads of legislative
committees C. the power to declare laws
unconstitutional D. the power to declare war
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 1
The Presidents Term and Salary
  • Originally the Constitution did not specify how
    many four-year terms a president could serve.
  • The Twenty-second Amendment, passed in 1951,
    limited the president to two terms.
  • The Constitutional convention determined that
    presidents should receive compensation but left
    it up to Congress to decide the amount of
    compensationor salary.
  • Money is not the reason that people seek the

Section 1 DQ2
What limits the president to two, four-year terms?
A. the Bill of Rights B. the First
Amendment C. the Nineteenth Amendment D. the
Twenty-second Amendment
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 1
Presidential Qualifications
  • Article II, Section 1 defines the formal
    requirements for the presidency
  • a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • at least 35 years old
  • a resident of the United States for at least 14
  • The same requirements apply to the vice president.

Section 1
Presidential Qualifications (cont.)
  • Experience in government is an unwritten but
    important qualification.
  • Running for the presidency demands large amounts
    of moneyfrom supporters and from ones own
  • The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
    attempted to reform campaign fundraising by
    limiting the amount of money candidates can
    receive from individual donors.

Section 1
Presidential Qualifications (cont.)
  • Extremely liberal or conservative candidates have
    little chance of being elected.
  • Major parties usually choose candidates who are

Section 1 DQ3
Formal requirements to be president include
A. must be 25 years old B. must have lived in the
U.S. for entire life C. must be a natural-born
citizen of the U.S. D. must have lived in the
U.S. for at least 5 years
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 1
Presidential Succession
  • After John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963,
    the nation realized that the Constitutions rules
    for presidential succession were inadequate.
  • In 1967, the Twenty-fifth Amendment was ratified
    to clarify success to the presidency and vice

Line of Presidential Succession
Section 1
Presidential Succession (cont.)
  • Section 1 says that in the case of the removal of
    the president from office or of his death or
    resignation, the vice president shall become
  • Section 2 says that whenever there is a vacancy
    in the office of the vice president, the
    president shall nominate a vice president who
    shall take office upon confirmation by a
    majority vote of both houses of Congress.

Line of Presidential Succession
Section 1
Presidential Succession (cont.)
  • The next in line to the presidency after the vice
    president is the Speaker of the House.
  • The Twenty-fifth Amendment says that when a
    president is disabled, the vice president becomes

Line of Presidential Succession
Section 1 DQ4
The vice presidents power to help determine
whether the president is disabled is supplied by
A. Article 2 of the Constitution. B. the
president. C. the Twenty-fifth Amendment. D. Congr
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 1
The Vice Presidents Role
  • The Constitution gives the vice president two
  • The vice president presides over the Senate and
    votes in that body in case of a tie.
  • Under the Twenty-fifth Amendment, the vice
    president helps decide whether the president is
    disabled and acts as president should that happen.

Section 1
The Vice Presidents Role (cont.)
  • Before the Eisenhower administration, the vice
    presidency was almost a purely ceremonial office.
  • Vice presidents today now often participate in
    policy meetings, undertake special assignments,
    and are members of the National Security Council.

Section 1 DQ5
The vice president presides over
A. the Library of Congress. B. the Senate. C. the
House of Representatives. D. the presidents
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 1-End
Section 2-Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
  • elector
  • electoral vote

Section 2-Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
  • majority
  • margin
  • alternative

Section 2-Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
Complete a graphic organizer similar to the one
below to list the weaknesses of the Electoral
College system.
Section 2-Polling Question
Is the electoral college system a fair and
efficient process for selecting the president?
A. Yes B. No
  1. A
  2. B

Section 2
The Original System
  • Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution
    establishes the Electoral college.
  • Each state legislature would set up a method for
    choosing people who would be the electors.
  • The electors would meet in their state at
    election time to cast their electoral vote for
    the president.

Section 2
The Original System (cont.)
  • In the original system, electoral votes from all
    the states would be counted in a joint session of
  • The candidate receiving a majority would become
    president and the candidate with the
    second-highest numberalso a majoritywould
    become vice president.

Section 2 DQ1
Electors of the Electoral College are chosen by
A. party leaders. B. the president. C. state
legislature. D. citizens.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 2
The Impact of Political Parties
  • The Twelfth Amendment requires that the electors
    cast separate ballots for president and vice
  • It also provides that if no candidate receives a
    majority of the electoral votes, the House
    chooses from the three candidates with the
    largest number of elector votes.
  • In the 1820s states began to place presidential
    candidates on the ballot as the Electoral College
    system adapted to the growth of democracy.

Section 2 DQ2
Which amendment requires that the electors cast
separate ballots for president and vice president?
A. the Twelfth Amendment B. the Thirteenth
Amendment C. the Second Amendment D. the Sixth
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 2
The Electoral College System Today
  • Today parties choose their nominees for president
    in conventions held in late summer.
  • Voters cast their ballots for president every
    four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday
    in November.
  • Voters are not voting directly for president or
    vice president but instead voting for all of
    their partys electorsthe slate of electorsin
    their state.

The Electoral College System
Section 2 DQ3
The president is the candidate that
A. receives the largest popular vote. B. receives
the most electoral votes. C. wins the most states.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Section 2
Electoral College Issues
  • In all but two states, Maine and Nebraska, if a
    candidate wins the largest number of popular
    votes, that person receives all the states
    electoral votes.
  • The winner-take-all system makes it possible for
    a candidate who loses the overall popular vote to
    win the electoral vote.

Popular and Electoral Votes in Select Elections
Section 2
Electoral College Issues (cont.)
  • When a third-party candidate is a strong
    presidential contender, that candidate could win
    enough electoral votes to prevent either
    major-party candidate from receiving a majority
    of votes.
  • When the House of Representatives must decide a
    presidential election, each state casts one vote
    and the candidate who receives 26 or more of the
    votes is elected.

Popular and Electoral Votes in Select Elections
Section 2
Electoral College Issues (cont.)
  • People usually criticize the Electoral College
    system when problems arise. Many changes to the
    system have been proposed.

Popular and Electoral Votes in Select Elections
Section 2 DQ4
The winner-take-all system makes it possible
for a candidate who loses the popular vote to
A. become president without the electoral
vote. B. win the electoral vote. C. be
disqualified from the election.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Section 2
The Inauguration
  • Until the inauguration in late January, the new
    president is referred to as the president-elect.
  • The new president takes office at noon on January
    20 in the year following the presidential

Section 2 DQ5
Until the inauguration in late January, the new
president is referred to as
A. Mr. President. B. the president-in-waiting. C.
the vice president. D. the president-elect.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 2-End
Section 3-Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
  • cabinet
  • leak

Section 3-Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
  • gender
  • media
  • relevant

Section 3-Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
Create a graphic organizer like the one below to
list the major factors that a president must
address when appointing cabinet members.
Section 3-Polling Question
Which member of the inner cabinet do you think is
most influential in modern government?
A. secretary of state B. secretary of
defense C. secretary of treasury D. attorney
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 3
Selection of the Cabinet
  • The president appoints the secretaries that head
    the 15 major executive departments.
  • The 15 secretaries, the vice president, and
    several other top officials make up the cabinet.
  • Cabinet secretaries advise the president, but
    they also serve as the administrators of large

Section 3
Selection of the Cabinet (cont.)
  • It is important that a cabinet appointee
  • have a background that is compatible with the
    department he or she will head,
  • satisfy powerful interest groups that have a
    stake in the departments policies, and
  • have high-level administrative skills and

Selection of the Cabinet (cont.)
  • Before making final cabinet decisions, members of
    the president-elects team may leak, or
    deliberately disclose, some candidates names to
    the news media to test the reaction of Congress,
    interest groups, and the public.

Section 3 DQ1
Deliberate disclosure of cabinet candidates to
the news media is called
A. a press release. B. an unofficial
announcement. C. a leak. D. a veto.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 3
The Role of the Cabinet
  • Each cabinet member is responsible for the
    executive department that he or she heads.
  • As a group, the cabinet is intended to serve as
    an advisory body to the president.
  • Throughout history, the cabinets role in
    decision making depended on the presidents

Historical and Political Reasons for Cabinet
Section 3
The Role of the Cabinet (cont.)
  • Though several recent presidents have attempted
    to increase the cabinets role, most have ended
    up going elsewhere for advice.

Historical and Political Reasons for Cabinet
Section 3
The Role of the Cabinet (cont.)
  • Some cabinet membersknown as the inner
    cabinethave greater influence because their
    departments are concerned with the most sensitive
    national issues. They include
  • secretary of state,
  • secretary of defense,
  • secretary of treasury, and
  • the attorney general.

Historical and Political Reasons for Cabinet
Section 3 DQ2
The department of the cabinet that deals with
terrorist attacks is called the
A. Department of Homeland Security. B. Department
of Defense. C. Department of the
State. D. Department of the Interior.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 3
Factors Limiting the Cabinets Role
  • There are several factors that limit the
    presidents use of the cabinet for key decisions,
  • conflicting loyalties no president commands the
    complete loyalty of cabinet members, and
  • the difficulty of maintaining secrecy when 15
    cabinet secretaries are involved in discussion of
    sensitive topics.

Section 3 DQ3
What factors limit the presidents use of the
A. inexperience of cabinet members B. unavailabili
ty of cabinet members C. difficulty of
maintaining secrecy on sensitive topics
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Section 3-End
Section 4-Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
  • central clearance
  • National Security Advisor
  • press secretary

Section 4-Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
  • accessible
  • professional
  • conclude

Section 4-Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
Create a time line like the one below to organize
the important events in the history of the
Executive Office.
Section 4-Polling Question
Who has the most influential role in the current
political climate?
A. the Department of Homeland Security B. the
Council of Economic Advisors
  1. A
  2. B

Section 4
Executive Office Agencies
  • The Executive Office of the President (EOP) was
    created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and
    Congress in 1939 to serve the needs of each
  • Today the EOP staffs include attorneys,
    scientists, social scientists, and other highly
    technical or professional personnel.

Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present
Section 4
Executive Office Agencies (cont.)
  • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    prepares the national budget for the president,
    who then presents it to Congress.
  • The OMB also reviews all legislative proposals
    that executive agencies prepare. This review is
    called central clearance.

Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present
Section 4
Executive Office Agencies (cont.)
  • Congress created the National Security Council
    (NSC) to advise the president and to coordinate
    U.S. military and foreign policy.
  • A special assistant, the National Security
    Advisor, directs the NSC staff.

Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present
Section 4
Executive Office Agencies (cont.)
  • President George W. Bush created the Office of
    Homeland Security within the EOP to coordinate
    the activities of a majority of the federal
    agencies that were working to fight terrorism.

Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present
Section 4
Executive Office Agencies (cont.)
  • The Council of Economic Advisers was created to
    assess the nations economic health, predict
    future economic conditions, and support other
    executive agencies that are involved in economic

Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present
Section 4 DQ1
Which president created the Executive Office of
the President?
A. George Washington B. Franklin D.
Roosevelt C. Jimmy Carter D. George W. Bush
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 4
The White House Office
  • The White House staff is chosen by the president
    without Senate confirmation.
  • White House aides perform whatever duties the
    president assigns them.
  • The press secretary heads a staff that handles
    relations with the press corps, sets up press
    conferences, and issues public statements.
  • Recent presidents have given top White House
    staff more authority over policymaking.

Section 4 DQ2
The primary job of the presidents press
secretary is to handle relations with
A. lobbyists. B. members of executive
agencies. C. the press corps. D. foreign
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Section 4-End
Chapter Summary start
Chapter Summary end of
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
MIR Trans
DFS Trans 1
DFS Trans 2
DFS Trans 3
DFS Trans 4
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